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Realistic or Modern Deception and Perception

"I think you look superb in it, in fact you look great in everything." Hunter was trying to avoid contact with what she was holding. "Do you think it's the one sweetheart?".
"Sure thing sweetheart, ill be out here." Hunter leaned back on the wall adjacent, waiting for Natalie to come out in another beautiful dress.
Quickly getting changed, she pulled on the other dress, this one, however, did not have a zip.

"Okay, you can come in." Unlocking the door, she pushed it open.

Hunter approached the door and immediately lit up, "That one is gorgeous on you. But this isn't my choice, so which one do you like best?". Hunter then realized with the disguises out of the way soon, they would have to go to Virgil's. He knew this would be Natalie's true test, if she could still betray her acquaintances or if she would turn on the only man who has accepted her. Joel better be alive Virgil. Hunter quickly feigned a smile and waited for her answer.
Would get up hearing Joel start to wake up and clanking could be heard as he was rummaging through a rusted locker in there. "No actually I just wanted to make a new friend." He'd say before grabbing a thick leather bag, gloves, and a battery walking back towards Joel placing the items down behind him while being face down. He looked to the exposed feet and reached for an extremely sharp skinning knife. "So tell me batman do you come here often?" He said in a bland tone obviously mocking Joel's facade before sitting on Joel's calf putting pressure on his knee and placed a heavy foot on his toes as he started to feel over Joel's ankles. He'd wait for a response before continuing.
"Hmmm...Fine, I'll just wear the other one," She shooed him out, "Quick, I'll get changed, do you wanna ask if I can wear it out?" Looking at him, she tilted her head slightly.
Hunter took his cue and left for her to change, walking towards the counter. He payed for the dress, and went back to his bench, loathing the next hour to come. Virgil would have Joel tied up, with all kinds of cuts and wounds on him, just for Natalie to see. And knowing Virgil he will want to use Natalie to get information out of Joel too. Hunter covered his face and layed down, What have you got yourself into?.
Quickly getting changed into the other dress, Natalie hurried out, putting the other dress back. "Alright, all read-..Hey," Natalie bent down slightly, "You okay?"
"Natalie everything is so complicated, and I am just afraid that taking you to Joel will complicate it more." Hunter looked her, trying to remember all her features before she left him. Trying to imagine every happy scenario with her, before they turned into regrets.
"It's always going to be complicated." She sat down beside him, "I'm not a little girl, I can handle this. And after all, I knew what I was getting into." Looking down, she rubbed her arms, "I'm not afraid of The Zeppelin, and I'm especially not afraid of the Syndicate. This...is going to be tough, and if I have to, I'll leave. But not now, and not yet, so let's get this over with, hm?" Taking his hand, she looked at him and smiled sadly.
Hunter rubbed her hand softly, trying to comfort her, "Better now, then later.". Hunter got up, taking her within hand to the door. "I hope it doesn't come to you leaving, I'm already getting used to having you around.". He then took out his phone and sent a text to Virgil, 'We are on our way, make sure the hostage is presentable, don't give my girl nightmares.'. Hunter then looked onto Natalie, wishing that whatever happened she would still be there. He then began walking to the garage, pulling her closer with each step he took.
Staying close to him, she swallowed hard. If any of the other members in The Syndicate found that she was associating herself with The Zeppelin, she ran the risk of them telling the higher members, eventually getting herself killed. Natalie was already hanging on a very thin thread with The Syndicate, what with her rebellious attitude and all. "Just..I'll do what I think is right, okay? You do the same, and.. we should be okay."
Joel let out a small huff of amusement "No I don't, was just passing through but then it seems I bumped into you..." a slight smile curling at the sides of his mouth, letting out a sigh with the knowledge that it was starting again soon "Though, about the batman bit... I'm more like the joker now." his smile would widen as far as it could into a grin but keeping it from hurting too much with the straining of the wound. He didn't bother trying to struggle but the fact that he couldn't see what was going on playing deep within human instinct - a fear of the unknown which put Joel on edge a little already knowing what this guy can do.
"It all works out somehow, right?" They came upon the garage Virgil was staging his interrogation in. Course the neither of the doors were open so Hunter hit the back door a couple times. "Hopefully Virgil doesn't have him too bad in there, wouldn't want you to get too scared." He gave her a smug look and waited.
"Pfft, scared? Me? Right." She looked at the door, but the truth was, she was scared. She was about to walk into a situation that could have her killed, or her teammate killed, she didn't want to be responsible for someone else's death. Natalie sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, she needed a drink and was tempted to grab her flask from her jacket pocket.
"Your not very good at lying, you know that." Hunter squeezed her hand, "Just got to see what Virgil wants, then its fancy dinner and maybe grabbing a drink.". Hunter was trying to be calm, trying to make himself believe that keeping her was smart. He was convincing himself this wouldn't blow up in his face, that this would go smoothly. He tried so hard to change his mind, but he knew what was bound to happen, Syndicate and Zeppelin were enemies for life. If he didn't have to fight Natalie then her own company might get her anyway, both of them were pushing the line. With each second they spent together they were getting closer to betrayal to the companies, but if they went the other way they lose each other. Hunter sighed and leaned against the wall, hoping that there was a happy ending somewhere in those slim odds.
When Sylvia got the message she grew with anger. "What?" She said through gritted teeth and thought to herself Great now I can't get backup AND someone else is hurting him. But who I wonder I'm a tad curious myself. She texted Natalie back with it reading, "Where are you going to meet up with these people? Maybe your the one who needs backup I could meet you there." Sylvia put the phone away with her eyebrows furrowed. Whoever is hurting Joel is gonna pay. I'm the only one who should decide his fate with all the sh** that he's put me through.
Virgil grinned to himself hearing the mans words not much thinking of them. He was speaking to Joel more as a doctor or a dentist would speak to a kid so they wouldn't be so scared. Until the child felt the pain in the end, as they always did. He'd start humming a toon making two incisions on either side of the mans foot below the bones of his ankle. He'd then grab a sharper knife to slowy cut away around his ankle to make a circle all the way around, the knife got caught on some muscle a few times then a nerve. Oops. Virgil would grin pulling the knife away a ringing was heard on the ground lightly. Just then Virgil heard the banging and reached forward grabbing the mans gun and placing the knives a good distance from the crippled man. He examined his foot for a moment seeing how the bullet went clean through. 'Another time' Virgil thought to himself as he went to unlock the door standing behind it quietly. Whoever the first would be to walk in would be met with a hard foot the back of their knee along with the sub-machine gun's cold exterior on the back of their head. (If Hunter) "Oh it's just you." He'd then remove his foot relieving the pressure lowering the gun slowly looking towards Joel waiting for Natalie to enter before closing and locking the door making his way back over to Joel standing out of view yawning. (If Natalie) Silence was all that could be heard almost as if Virgil was dead his breathing was so controlled and quiet. He'd go to grab her hair and pull back until he saw Hunter only staring for a moment still in his position. "Looks like this one can be trusted..." Virgil was lying he was still iffy about her. He'd get bored moving the gun and his foot stepping over to Joel yawning lightly.
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"Jesus Christ!" She grit her teeth, rubbing the back of her head, as well as feeling her knee get weak. She already knew she hated this guy, her knee was killing her, a dull throbbing pulsating through it. "Warm welcome, huh?" Looking over she noticed Joel and her heart dropped, this was all her fault. He looked terrible, wounds covering him.
Joel whined a bit before gritting his teeth, growling furiously as he attempted to numb at least a bit of the pain by converting it into anger, his hands balling into fists. Upon Virgil stopping he began to pant heavily, shivering as if he was naked in a fridge. After a few moments he heard voices and shook himself out of it, he wasn't going to look defeated - staring intensely at the floor as if he were having some sort of showdown with it.
Chase ordered some vodka at the bar, loud enough to make sure his voice, sounding just like Sylvia practically, was heard. He didn't want to go up to a shady character thinking they were part of the Syndicate and them not. 'If only this could be easy,' he thought annoyed.
"Virgil be a little more gentle, I happen to like this one." He rounded Virgil and went to the front of the hostage. It was gruesome and he knew this would fluster anyone who wasn't used to it. "Ah I know him, he's the one who thought it would be cute to bargain with me. Tsk Tsk, if only you were just a little more careful.". He looked upon Natalie who wasn't to happy with the introductions, he walked over and whispered to her "If you need to leave tell me, run out of here and Virgil will get you before I can help it." His voice softened, "Just remember you left their side because you were tired of how they treated you, guilt shouldn't be your reason to return.". With this he walked to the nearest wall, leaning on it, awaiting Virgil's orders or praise for getting the girl.
Natalie didn't want to blow it and when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, she jumped. She assumed it was another text from Sylvia, but it was too late to check her phone and that would make her look suspicious. Glaring at Virgil, she kept her eyes on him, feeling on edge. Nat sighed and looked back at Joel, of course, she had seen worse, but when it came to her own, she felt worse.

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