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Dean's Accident

Dean fusses, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He doesn't like being moved around so much, and the casts were hurting him.
"I'm sorry, baby. Daddy's almost done," Sam cooed, running a hand through Dean's hair, as he finished snapping up his brother's onesie.
Dean gurgled and held onto Sam, gripping the back of his shirt tightly, letting go whenever Sam took him over to the rocking chair.
Titling his head a bit, Sam let Dean play with his hair. He was just a baby, after all. They were curious and thought everything was a toy.
Loving hearing his brother so happy, Sam laughed softly as he let Dean play with his hair. It was pretty long, after all.
Sam rolled his eyes playfully at Dean's squirming, and tickled the older's tummy. "Giggle monster," he teased.
"Alright, I guess I'll pick you up," Sam said playfully as he picked up his brother and felt Dean's limbs wrap around him the best they could.
Dean cooed softly and held onto Sam, afraid that he would drop him or something. His tummy started to growl. He was hungry.
"I'm not gonna drop you, buddy," Sam reassured as he carried Dean over to the kitchen and sat him in the highchair they bought. It was big enough to fit Dean's height and size, which was perfect. Tying a bib around the older's neck, Sam kissed Dean's cheek before starting to feed him.
Wiping the mess from Dean's face, Sam cooed lovingly, "Good boy, ate it all."

Castiel came into the kitchen and smiled at the pair, they were so sweet together.
Blowing a raspberry on Dean's cheek, Sam picked his brother up and carried him over to the living room, Cas following.
Sam and Castiel smiled at Dean's curious expression, and the tallest of the trio laughed softly before standing in front of Dean. "Watch me, baby," Sam instructed before bouncing on the front of his feet.

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