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Fandom DC Titans OOC Chat


Professional Klutz
This is for members of the DCU roleplay, Titans to chat about characters, plot development or just hang out. New members can ask questions about applying if they happen to stumble in but otherwise its a neat place to chill outside of the plot.

Dont spam images
Dont spam messages
Dont antagonize bully or start problems
Use common sense
Keep topics SFW/Pg-13
And most importantly

Have fun.
You've got to show me some of the comics you read. I sort of fell off on my comic book reading, hope to jump back in.
You've got to show me some of the comics you read. I sort of fell off on my comic book reading, hope to jump back in.
Haha. Ive just literally jumped into it. After becoming intrigued in the Flash, then watching JL, JLU YJ, I decided why not comics. And basically I read stuff from the site I showed ya. Cuz boi i aint spendin lotsa money for a single comic ill finish in 2 minutes. Also, I should dig through my old comics a teach from school gave me one time. I have a few that are interestin. Anyway I read things centering around heroes I find intriguing. Spidey, Flash, Titans. I just recently found out why comics are awesome.
Haha. Ive just literally jumped into it. After becoming intrigued in the Flash, then watching JL, JLU YJ, I decided why not comics. And basically I read stuff from the site I showed ya. Cuz boi i aint spendin lotsa money for a single comic ill finish in 2 minutes. Also, I should dig through my old comics a teach from school gave me one time. I have a few that are interestin. Anyway I read things centering around heroes I find intriguing. Spidey, Flash, Titans. I just recently found out why comics are awesome.

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