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Fantasy Darkness rising Lore


Retro Dreamer

Junior Member
Some Information you might/will need. If I missed something or you have any questions or suggestions please post them in the OOC.

Shaman -Those are older members of a city with great power earned and honed over years and years or training. Those individuals can break spirit contracts, remove marks made by spirits by way of gaining the ability to possess the marked individual, empower objects so they can defeat spirits (but they still need to be wielded by people with one foot in the spirit world like charmers, chanters, spirit warriors etc…) and most of all they use rituals to turn certain eras into protected grounds where spirits can't enter.

-Those characters will most likely be NPCs because of their level of power unless someone really wants to have a shaman and is wiling to make the character less powerful-

Charm users -those individuals use written charms and charmed objects infused with their own power to fight and defeat spirits of any kind. There are also rare individuals that can use certain chants to empower objects with the ability to fight spirits but they are nowhere near the level of a Shaman.

Chanters – those individuals use powerful chants, sutras and prayers to defeat spirits and demonic spirits. This is the least likely way to backfire on someone that fights spirits but it is also dangerous since it takes a few moments for the chant to take effect and in the meantime, the chanter has to defend him/her self from the spirits they are trying to banish or kill.

Spirit warriors -each of those warriors have a spirit that is bound to them and lends the fighter their power by way of temporary possession. Its rare that those spirits turn evil but there is a small chance for that to happen, in case of a bound spirit turning evil the bond has to be severed by a Shaman or the warrior might lose his body to the spirit (it starts with the warrior ‘losing time’ forgetting what he/she had been doing a certain time of day etc...). If the warrior becomes weak-willed or loses him/her self the possibility of the bound spirit taking over increases by half (in that case the spirit wouldn’t necessarily turn evil).

Gate Keeper – a rather rare gifted type of individual with the power to open a portal to the spirit world and send an evil spirit through it. But as much as they are powerful there is a big downside as each time they use their powers there is a chance of them (or someone else too close to the portal) being pulled into the spirit world where their powers wouldn’t work anymore, making them stuck in the spirit world (unless someone happened to save them which would be hard but not impossible to accomplish)

Blood Dancer – also rather rare, their power is literally in their blood. Those individuals can hurt and kill ghosts using their blood by for example putting a few drops on a normal weapon or even just their fist. The name blood dancer came from the fact that in the past there were rituals where those individuals tended to dance for the gods as a way of thanking them for having blessed blood.

Demonic spirits aka Demons or spirits:
They are beings that either used to be human and then died, becoming spirits but there is also another type. The type that comes from the spirit realm and has a corporeal form. Normal humans can't harm them or even touch them but spirits can indeed harm others, the power of a spirit depends on how old they are or where exactly they are from since the spirit realm has many types of spirits coming from one of the four regions. The regions aren’t all that important except for two main ones. Gehenna (where demons or as they are mostly known: demonic spirits are from) and The Dark Zone (which is where most of the evil spirits come from), those two are places the Gate Keepers need to know about in order to send the spirits back where they belong.

Spirits from the spirit world are so desperate for the experiences of the human world they try everything to stay there and can mark a human which starts the process of possession. There are three stages before someone is possessed the first is a mark that makes the spirit able to track its target, the second means the demonic spirit can influence the human during sleep and dreaming and the third stage is possession. If the mark isn’t removed or the spirit defeated in time before the third stage the spirit takes over the body and the human's soul dies.
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