• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Darkness Rising CS


Retro Dreamer

Junior Member
Well here is the CS template for this RP. As for rules, well if you don't overpower your character, you follow RPN rules and make a character that isn't too Mary sue... it should be okay. Also try not to make all females as this does tend to happen sometimes (:

Nickname: (optional)
Sexual/romantic orientation: (optional)
Classification: (charm user, chanter etc… for more information check out the Lore thread) if the classification isn't too specific about a character's ability please add more details about their ability or style (for spirit warriors that would include needed info about their bound spirit, for chanters it would mean what type they use and for charm users it would mean if they use written charms or charmed objects etc...)


Personality: (can be traits, paragraphs etc… as long as it provides enough information it can be written in any shape or form)

Biography: (here I would like at least a well sized paragraph that tells me what your characters life was like so far)

Appearance: (I would prefer anime, illustrated, art, etc... face claims for this RP, you can also add a description of what isn’t visible in the picture if you wish)
Relationships: (will be planned out once the spots are filled)

OPTIONAL- you don't have to fill this part out.

Theme song:
Voice claim:


Accepted Characters:

Will be added once I start the selection process. You guys can still post characters until then.​
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Name: Soji Yoshida (first name, last name)
Nickname: So
Age: 19
Sexual/romantic orientation: Bisexual

Classification: Blood Dancer

Strengths: Quick thinking, calm under pressure, good reflexes.
Weaknesses: Stubborn, holds grudges, reckless.

Stubborn -Soji’s strongest trait is his stubbornness, once he has his mind made up there is no changing it, it would basically take a miracle for him to change his opinion of someone once it's made up (well that or an insanely long time of the person proving they changed).

Calm under pressure -Soji tends to turn into a calm, observant quick thinker whenever he is under pressure, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t make mistakes or overlooks a detail or two, it just means he has a better focus when under pressure or in stressful situations than under normal circumstances. (But when friends are in danger he can also be reckless and impulsive)

Loyal -Soji has a certain level of loyalty towards close ones and tends to be protective whenever there is even a sign of danger towards them.

Other -Soji can appear distant, a bit sarcastic and serious at first but close ones get to see his ‘softer’ side where he looks out for others and their well being, he loves cooking for his friends and secretly loves when he gets compliments for his cooking.

Soji’s life was pretty normal. He was raised by a middle-class couple living in a relatively small town. His parents were hard working so while they loved Soji there were days where he only got to see them for a short time.

Once his sister was born things changed a little as his mother decided to stay at home and take care of the children while their father worked. Soji often helped his mother by playing with his sister, cooking for her and taking care of her when his mother needed some time for herself.

Soji did well in school despite helping out at home and even proved himself to be quite good at Kendo and especially skilled with a sword. His achievements at school were good enough to get him a scholarship at a good college in the big city where his life changed forever once he turned up in another world without a possible way back.


Relationships: TBA

Likes: Cooking, Kendo, music, taking long walks to clear his head, writing in his journal,...
Dislikes: Disloyal people, very judgemental people, hot drinks, the sound of people chewing too loudly,...
Fears: Losing loved ones, ending up alone, getting trapped in the spirit world (later once he finds out that that is an option).
Dreams: Being able to protect those he cares about. Someday seeing his sister again.
Quirks: When he is deep in thought he tends to pace, when really angry his eyebrow twitches.

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Name: Seiji Homura (First, Last)
Nickname: None
Age: 19
Sexual/romantic orientation: Straight
Classification: Spirit Warrior

Strengths: Athletic, Above average strength and reflexes, Smart
Weaknesses: Has an intense fear of dogs and any canine relative, Easily irritated, Selfish

Seiji mostly does what's beneficial for him. He thinks of himself before anyone else and will often let others suffer if it doesn't effect him. He doesn't do this on purpose or maliciously, he just never really learned empathy. In this aspect, he is almost like a child.

Don't let that description fool you though, he is very mature and is wholly capable of thinking for himself. He is very intelligent, having received top marks in his school. He is a very deep thinker, often considering his actions before moving. Though he can just as easily react instantaneously if the need should arise.

Oddly enough, Seiji does have a sense of humor. Unfortunately he is very cynical and has a negative view of the world and his humor reflects such.

He is inwardly curious about other people, having never had friends in his past. He watches and observes the interactions of others.

Seiji was born as an only child of very busy parents. Both his mom and dad were dismayed at his arrival but decided to keep him since they were expected to have kids anyway. As a baby he was often left crying because neither had the time for him nor the patience. As he grew up, he learned quickly to become self sufficient because there was never dinner at the table nor clothes washed for him. If he began to act up or become unhappy with his life, his parents would just buy him a gift or send him somewhere fun with a guardian. This stopped after he ran away from his guardian on one particular outing. He wound up getting himself chased by a pack of strays and was hospitalized after being bitten in several places and having his calf torn.
Eventually, in order to keep him occupied and out of their way, they enrolled him in a dojo at the age of 8. He's trained in martial arts since then.
His parents paid strict attention to his grades though, often warning him that the only way to succeed in life is through extraordinary achievements.
If he received any special reward, honor or praise from an important source, his parents would actually praise him. So he became an over achiever in all things, becoming the best student at his dojo and his school.

Appearance: kurose_riku_by_misskurtz-das6hqm.png
Relationships: (will be planned out once the spots are filled)

OPTIONAL- you don't have to fill this part out.

Likes: Seafood, Reading, Walks
Dislikes: Dogs
Fears: Dogs and Canines
Dreams/hopes: Be the best (he doesn't realize but he wants his parents' approval)
Quirks: When he's irritated he starts to rub his left earlobe
Theme song:
Voice claim:

Spirit type: Nekomata
Name of Spirit: Mina
True form:
Human Form:
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Name: Nesta Willow
Nickname: Nessy
Sexual/romantic orientation: Straight
Classification: Gatekeeper

Strengths: Determined, creative, planner
Weaknesses: weak due to ailment, naive at times

Personality: Nesta has the amazing ability of being able to find the good in whoever speaks to her. At times, it can get dangerous considering she tries to trust everyone who she believes to be good, which results in her seeming like a pushover and naive.
However, this does not mean she will let everyone walk all over her. If someone is hurting those she calls friends, she will try her hardest to protect them and fight whoever wishes them harm.
Though she was never much a student, she spent her time studying things that interested her like puzzles and mysteries. She's able to look at areas and try to deduce the best course of action that would bring the best chances of survival.
She was never one to ever get the chance to be a normal girl, and often feels self-conscious of the fact. At times, she finds herself staring at things she feels she could never pull off like makeup and dresses.
Biography: Nesta was born into an unforgiving life full of pain and regret. Her two parents were drinkers and only paid attention to Nesta when they needed to relieve their anger. In the end, she survived and was put into foster care until the age she was able to leave. She has jumped from couch to couch unable to find secure footing for a life she's always wanted. Though her life was and still hard, she manages to smile everyday and hide the pain behind a veil of kindness and trust. She doesn't have much friends since she has the luck of always being around those who use her and wish her harm and has resorted to putting her time in books.

Relationships: (will be planned out once the spots are filled)

OPTIONAL- you don't have to fill this part out.

Likes: books and puzzles, animals, intense love for food
Dislikes: darkness, yelling
Fears: Her past, darkness
Dreams/hopes: She hopes to finally find purpose in her life and have a family that's she has always wanted.
Quirks: She gets flustered when nervous and ends up turning a deep shade of red and stuttering beyond belief.
Theme song:
Voice claim:
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[class=container] min-width:250px; max-width:800px; height:auto; margin:auto;center; display:flex; justify-content:space-evenly; align-items:center; flex-wrap:wrap; overflow:hidden; background:snow; box-shadow:2px 2px 1px #eee; [/class] [class=leftpicture] min-width:250px; max-width:400px; height:68vh; display:inline-block; pointer-events:none; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class=textwrap] min-width:200px; max-width:350px; height:300px; display:inline-block; background:#fff; box-shadow:2px 2px 1px #eee; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class=tabbar] width:auto; height:auto; padding:0.5em; display:flex; justify-content:space-evenly; [/class] [class=tabs] width:20px; height:20px; padding-bottom:0.2em; box-shadow:2px 2px 0px #ffd8ef; background:#fff; font-family:Nanum Pen Script; font-size:1.5em; color:#d88ab9; text-align:center; cursor:pointer; [/class] [class=scrollbox] width:105%; height:270px; overflow-y:scroll; [/class] [class=textbox] width:90%; padding:0.5em; text-align:justify; font-family:Nanum Pen Script; font-size:1.2em; color:#222; [/class] [class=title] display:inline-block; color:#aaa; [/class] [script class=none] hide warrior hide two hide three [/script] [script class=tabone on=click] fadeIn 1200 normal show one hide warrior hide two hide three [/script] [script class=tabtwo on=click] show two hide one hide three [/script] [script class=tabthree on=click] fadeIn 1200 warrior show three hide normal hide two hide one [/script] [div class=container][div class="leftpicture normal"]
[/div][div class="leftpicture warrior"]
[/div][div class=textwrap][div class=tabbar][div class="tabs tabone"]1[/div][div class="tabs tabtwo"]2[/div][div class="tabs tabthree"]3[/div][/div][div class=scrollbox][div class="textbox one"][div class=title]Name:[/div] chiyuri ishida. (first, last)
[div class=title]Age:[/div] nineteen.
[div class=title]Sexual orientation:[/div] pansexual.
[div class=title]Classification:[/div] spirit warrior.

[div class=title]Biography: [/div]
Chiyuri is the second daughter of the Ishida household. Her parents are both successful lawyers and her elder sister strives to be exactly like them. The peer pressure Chiyuri faced since young was overwhelming, she couldn't reach the high standards her family set and she didn't want to be looked at as a failure. She eventually found where her talents lied-- fashion. She started modelling her own pieces in high school. At first, her parents disapproved, telling her that pursuing a career as an artist was futile, that she'd never make it far in life. She didn't listen, she finally found a passion for herself and she's not going to give it up so easily. Her sister seemed happy that Chiyuri wasn't aiming to be a lawyer or an academic. She may not admit it, but she was relieved. She wanted the spotlight on her-- well the first-born can have it.

It wasn't till when she was 18 that a famous clothing brand asked to collaborate with her. The project made her name well known in the fashion world. Finally, she wasn't in the shadows of her family anymore. She's found her place where she could find success. Chiyuri even managed to get an art scholarship in college. Just a week before students could move into their dormitories, the freshman was busy packing. Only getting out of the house to grab a snack from the convenience store. As she went through the sliding glass doors, the world around her literally changed. No more was that familiar quiet neighbourhood, the melodic ding of the 7 eleven store instead sounded like loud gongs that rang for miles. The street was narrow and was crammed with edo-Tokyo buildings, her only reminder of where she came from were the clothes she had on and the caramel pudding in the plastic carrier.
[/div] [div class="textbox two"][div class=title]Personality:[/div] Chiyuri is a natural socialite. Her parents network events has shaped her to be confident young woman. Having lawyers as parents and always in contact with politicians and CEOs, she has learnt to be careful with her words and behaviour. Her relationship with her sister has always been rather competitive. With only a 3 year gap between them, her parents consistently compares their children with grades. As chiyuri always fell short academically, she faced pressure from her parents and teachers. Luckily, she didn't spiral into a negative mindset of never being good enough thanks to an art teacher in elementary school. She embraced her creative talents early and she wasn't ashamed of it. Instead, putting in hard work in her passions and interests and wanting to prove that she was an equal to everyone else (especially her sister).

Being used to facing the world on her own, chiyuri isn't very good at working with others. She's well capable of making and keeping friends, but her competitive spirit puts others off from developing a deeper relationship with her. Due to the lack of such close relationships, she's never felt betrayed or angered by her friends as she finds those matters petty. Her strong emotions only derived from her family, which boils down to jealousy.

[div class=title]Strengths:[/div] independent, hardworking, socialising, creative
[div class=title]Weaknesses:[/div] team work, competitive, stubborn
[div class=title]Likes:[/div] fashion, art, cute animals, pudding
[div class=title]Dislikes:[/div] academics, politics, coffee
[div class=title]Fears:[/div] lightning. she was home alone during the worst lightning storms, her family was out elsewhere and couldn't return due to the storm.
[div class=title]Dreams/hopes:[/div] her family to be proud of her, to be a successful fashion artist [/div] [div class="textbox three"]
[div class=title]Bound Spirit:[/div] gyokuto (rabbit yokai)
[div class=title]Spirit Name:[/div] bokuto
[div class=title]Spirit Form:[/div]
[div class=title]Human Form:[/div]

[div class=title]Skills (learnt in rp):[/div] martial arts, swordsmanship

[div class=title]Abilities:[/div]
01 Enhanced Leap: user can jump/leap further than the average human; they are able to easily jump over fences, large holes, building to building.

02 Enhanced Agility: user can go from one motion to another effortlessly, do back-flips and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial skills. (works with hypermotility)

03 Hypermotility: user has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing them to dodge arrows, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to. [/div] [/div][/div] [/div]
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  • Name: Ren Minemizu

    Nickname: Ri-Ri

    Age: 19

    Sexual/romantic orientation: Bisexual

    Classification: Gatekeeper
Name: Sienna Maple
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Orientation: Bisexual
Classification: Chanter

Strengths: Comically quick at sketching almost anything accurately; Able to pickpocket very stealthily; Fast, flexible and agile; Good actor/liar

Weaknesses: All but utterly useless in hand to hand combat due to both lack of skill and strength; Unsympathetic and uncaring; Quick to judge, hard to change her mind; Unloyal, swayed by money

Personality: Sienna is arrogant, selfish, outspoken and impulsive. She is flippant, coming across as sarcastic and careless by her demeanour, actions and dialect. She has grown an ego due to her talents in Thievery, sketching and selling leading to a wealthy life, creating an obsession with status. Any quantifiable way that she can prove to anyone she is above them will be something she desires. Self-important, greedy and condescending are all traits stemming from her ego. Sienna is distrustful towards most other people and, though she often hides it, she is a very envious person as well as very judgemental. She is rather unstable, unable to deal with extreme emotions and prefers to keep relationships with anyone distant. As a result, in more serious times she tends to shut herself off and prefers to be alone when upset. Despite all the negative things about her Sienna is usually enthusiastic and talkative, a smile or a smirk is often on her face. She loves to be social and tries to spend as much of her time awake as possible having fun, having a silly streak when she does so. She'd much rather prefer to be friends with loads of people who don't really know her well than have a close relationship with only a few.

Ultimately the best way to describe her would be an happy-go-lucky arrogant jerkass who could spin a web of lies and you'd never even doubt her.


A love child of a young couple who hadn’t had intentions of having a child at that point in their lives. The couple had been together since early highschool years, and here they were almost a decade later with a child. Sienna was immediately burdened onto her mother, with her father nowhere to be seen. Her mother was heartbroken, she was madly in love with Sienna’s father and felt it was her duty to raise Sienna as best she could. She spent time with Sienna. Lots of time. Her mother was dedicated to making Sienna happy, they played games together, she wowed Sienna with slight of hand tricks before teaching her how to do them, she spent time taking Sienna to beautiful green hills, far away from the city they lived in. They’d draw together, both the landscape as well as any animals they’d see there. Sienna’s mother did nothing but shower the girl with praise, and Sienna did nothing but try to make her mother happy and proud. They loved each other, that much was clear. For over a decade, the two of them couldn’t think of anyone else, they were each other’s worlds.

15 years old. Her father came back. Out of the blue, asking for forgiveness. Sienna’s mother was overjoyed, she’d never stopped loving him, she had always hoped he’d come back. Both Sienna and her mother were happy.

16 years old. Sienna notices a drop in her mother’s attentiveness to her. She spends much more time with her dad now but that’s okay. Her dad doesn’t spend much time with her either, he never actually really did. Sienna still kept up practicing her drawing and schoolwork to cheer her mother up when she looked kind of down. It was weird, she’d never really seen her mother sad before.

17 years old. Sienna heard fighting downstairs from her room, shouting and screaming. Breaking of what she can only imagine are plates and glassware, but no matter what happens the night before, the next day everyone seemed alright. Until the next night that was. But everything was still fine right? It seemed fine, the problems seemed to disappear, maybe hiding them was the best way to get rid of them. It seemed to be working at least.

18. Sienna dropped out of college after working so hard last year to get in, the stress was too much. Whether it was from home or from school though, she couldn’t tell. Sienna was scared to tell her mother at first but it seemed as if she didn’t really mind when she was told. Did she really even care? It’s not like they’d spent any time together recently anyway, they didn’t even really talk any more.

19. Alcohol had become a problem. Sienna’s mother seemed to do nothing but drown her sorrows in it. Sienna’s father off with another girl again? Alcohol. Another fight between the two? Alcohol. Sacked from her job? Alcohol. Income had dropped, Sienna had to start stealing from shops and pickpocketing, on top of working a job to keep the family afloat. ‘Family’.

20. Now with her own apartment, and her own occupation as a relatively successful freelance artist, Sienna didn’t talk to her parents much at all. Every time she did it’d the same thing: telling her mother to leave her father. Every time, same response: She loved him and he loved her too, he just makes mistakes sometimes. Then they’d fight about it. Was this the result of love? Of deep connections? Did it always lead to this kind of pain? Because that’s what she felt, and that’s all she ever felt when she was with the person she was supposed to be closest to. The person she used to be closest to. Once upon a time she may have been able to tell her mother that she was more successful than she should’ve been because she was stealing rare and protected organisms with a group of crooks and selling exclusive drawings to shady people for high prices. Maybe back then her mother would’ve guided her to the light, but clearly that ship had sailed a long time ago.

21. Laugh it off. Smile it off. Walk it off. Don’t deal with your problems because you can’t fix them. Hide them away behind your smile, your jokes and your demeanour. Never think about them and have fun. Life is too short to worry, to spend on anyone else. Don’t tie yourself down anywhere or to anyone unless you want to be hurt. Because that’s all that could ever come of a relationship. Live for no one but yourself, do things for no one but yourself, think about no one but yourself, trust no one but yourself and be free. Don’t let anyone look down on you for anything, you’re the greatest of all time after all and you know it. Be who you want to be. Whether that person is less than ideal or not. So long as you’re happy.




Relationships: TBA

Likes: To have fun, Winning Money, Drawing, Studying anatomy/landscapes, Being the centre of attention, Rain (when drawing, she likes how it makes things look)

Dislikes: Getting ripped off, Losing, Being looked down on, Hard work with no pay off, Exposition, Rain (when caught in it unexpectedly), Uncomfortable shoes

Fears: Commitment

Hopes and Dreams: To get rich and ‘flex on’ as many people she can with her status, especially those with an ego themseleves.

Quirks: Hates wearing shoes in non-public houses, feels dirty if she's forced to walk around in them while inside.

Quotes: "Do you think this homeless guy would notice if I took some money from his bucket"- Sienna to herself before doing exactly that.

"Oh, Officer, no I didn't take any more from this man than he took from me yesterday. Don't fall for his whole blind and homeless shtick, one minute you're giving him some money and suddenly he's got a knife. Figures huh. He isn't even supposed to be here, legally I mean, that'd be loitering...okay, you're welcome officer, glad to help people like you create a safer world!...That worked? Shoot, alright then. Going home..."- Sienna convincing a police officer to take an innocent homeless man away and getting away with it.

Other: ^^ Yes, she actually did that for like £4, the homeless man was let off with only a warning thankfully.
Name: Kaede Yutani
Nickname: N/A
Age: 19
Sexual/romantic orientation: Bisexual
Classification: Charm user. She mostly uses paper as her medium but in case of emergency has a charmed dagger with her at all times.

Strengths: Nurturing, empathetic ,kind, good with people, calm under pressure
Weaknesses: Has a hard time hurting anything, nosy, doesn't function well alone.

Personality: Due to her rather large family and her place in it Kaede is naturally a surrogate big sister to almost everyone she meets. She has a tendency to try and take people under her wing, though sometimes her determination to help someone can come off as condescending. Having never been on her own since the moment she was born, Kaede doesn't do well when on her own and becomes much more tentative and skittish. Due to her big sister nature she tends to tease her friends, never in malice but her teasing does occasionally hit a nerve.

Biography: Kaede was born to loving parents in the countryside, when she was five her sister was born and after that her parents had children almost yearly until Kaede was the oldest of six. While her parents were very loving and kind, her father had to constantly commute for work and their mother was always either working on her paintings or tending to their modest garden. This meant Kaede stepped up to take care of her siblings, at first it was just tucking them in at night and reading them stories. Before anyone knew it she was cooking, cleaning, mending clothes, helping with homework and other activities usually not left to one of the children. However Kaede tried hard not to complain, though she did once snap at her parents, and she never once hit her siblings in discipline. Even after she turned 18 she stayed at home to continue helping out around the house.

Appearance: ref1.jpg
Relationships: (will be planned out once the spots are filled)

Likes: Cooking, sewing, reading, gossiping, tea, coffee
Dislikes: Unnecessary cruelness, uncalled for swearing
Fears: being alone, centipedes
Dreams/hopes: She wants her family and friends to be happy
Quirks: Her eyebrows have a mind of their own at times
Theme song:
Voice claim:
Name: Pippy Ingar
Nickname: Pip
Age: 20
Sexual/romantic orientation: Heterosexual
Classification: Charm User

Strengths: Logical, Quick, Kind, Thoughtful, Good Alone
Weaknesses: Quiet, Not great under pressure, Bad with teamwork

Personality: Pippy is the youngest of three, both his older siblings being special needs, he got the least attention of the three until they both left home leaving all the abuse to him which left him untrusting of people he does not know and fearful of betrayal. Pippy prefers to be alone with his thoughts because he knows that he is the only one he can 100% trust.

Biography: Pippy grew up into a happy family that showed him love but when he hit 16 they began to break apart and his life became much harder, being ignored and abused, he eventually had enough and left the home at the age of 18. He spent the next two years living off the land, alone, he had no previous experience with such task so it didn't start well after only a short few weeks he was robbed and left wounded. This experience was a turning point for Pippy as it caused him to learn about his surroundings and how to survive alone.

Appearance: (Attached Files)

OPTIONAL- you don't have to fill this part out.

Likes: The rain, Puzzles, Being Alone
Dislikes: Being Bullied, Not being able to solve something
Fears: The unknown, Betrayal
Dreams/hopes: TDB
Quirks: Iris are different sizes (Small difference)


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nickname(s). etsu, suko
age. nineteen
gender. female
orientation. pansexual
classification. charmed object user
/coded by allure/
can't take my

woah‣ A P P E A R A N C E

woah‣ P E R S O N A L I T Y
overall. etsuko is naturally a very quiet person. no specific reason why, it's just she finds it easier to take things in when she's not running her mouth. because of her innately curious nature etsuko is always noticing things that most do not. beyond that etsuko would categorize herself as a bit snarky. she may not say much but her thoughts are always running wild. her eyes are sharp and critical so it's almost never a surprise how she feels about someone. despite this etsuko is a pretty friendly person. she is generally benevolent unless the situation calls for otherwise. she lives by the saying "do no harm but take no bull"; she's usually not one to be quick to anger but she just refuses to let someone disrespect her.
strengths. perceptive, light on her feet, creative
weaknesses. judgmental, stubborn, doesn't really work well with others
quirks. she runs her hands through her hair when she's irritated.

L I K E Swo&woD I S L I K E S
likes. etsuko is a big fan of daydreaming. she often finds reality boring so being able to escape into a world of her own creation is something she really enjoys. unlike most (rational) people etsuko finds insects fascinating. she's not afraid of picking the little critters up and letting them crawl on her hand. it started off as a thing she did in her youth but she just never grew out of it. etsuko loves to take long naps. she does it as a stress reliever most of the time. there are also times when she's bored and takes a nap just for the heck of it. when thunderstorms come rolling in etsuko absolutely loves them. she finds the crackling of the lighting above her head to be oddly calming.
dislikes. etsuko, unlike most people she knows, cannot stand the taste of most tea. she doesn't know why but it just taste like trash to her. she's not a fan of loud people or liars. honestly those are her least favorite type of people. liars can't be trusted, for obvious reasons, and loud people are just straight up annoying to her. etsuko very much prefers the warmer seasons to winter since she gets cold very easily winter is pretty much torture to her. she also really hates unwarranted physical contact. being touched without her permission really makes etsuko's skin practically crawl.

woah‣ B A C K S T O R Y
etsuko was brought into this world by a drunken mistake made by her parents. regardless of that she was still loved in the same way any mother should love their child. her father was never in the picture because he refused to be so it was left to her mother to raise the young her girl.

etsuko had a pretty normal childhood, the absence of her father doing little to nothing to effect her. it wasn't until her mother met her stepfather that things started to go downhill. etsuko and her stepfather from the very beginning never seemed to get along. she could see past what her mother couldn't. his fake smiles and superficial charm was as clear as sunny day to her, but because her mother was blinded by her infatuation with the man she never saw anything. when the two got married things only seemed to get worse for etsuko. her mother quickly became neglectful and dismissive of her. this caused arguments between the two and their relationship to quickly fall apart.

upon realizing that she couldn't take much more of it etsuko packed her things and moved in with her aunt. much to etsuko's dismay, it wasn't until weeks later that her mother realized that she was gone. etsuko lived all of her highschool career with her aunt, with little to no contact with her mother. although she has been happier she can't help but to feel bitter over things.
woah‣ M I S C E L L A N E O U S
relationships. tba
fears. she's petrified of water. nearly drowning when she was younger has stopped her from going near any large body of water. pools, the beach, waterparks. even taking baths for her can sometimes make her anxiety jump.
eyes off you...
A friendly reminder to please try and finish your CS this weekend (if anyone needs more time please let me know and you can get a slight deadline extension).

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