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Fantasy Darkness Falls (OOC)

It would be going a little  better if I didn't procrastinate so much, otherwise.. it's pretty good. *Chuckles.* 
Yes I've been playing for honor which inspired my character, but I wanted to make my guy a wildman who is just surrounded by rumors going back to his origin, who represents this primitive urge to survive, which is needed in the current setting. In Nordic culture I see that represented handily, it takes willpower to live in Scandinavia in the dark and middle ages, so I wanted him to draw from vikings. Because civilization is so limited and mortals need all the help they can get, outcasts and rebels kind of have to be accepted, civilization can't afford to fight amongst itself with wraiths right outside. That was the idea anyway
It isn't the possessed suit of armor that strikes me as Dark Souls-sequel, it was the being undead and "respawning" at sanctuaries that you had going originally.  As well as your picture being dark souls fan art.  
I.. want to join into the roleplay but.. I'm afraid I don't know how to.. start. I'm terrible at creating starters, frankly. It's my Achilles heel. 
I.. want to join into the roleplay but.. I'm afraid I don't know how to.. start. I'm terrible at creating starters, frankly. It's my Achilles heel. 

I don't see your character in the character page.... your character  need to be approved to post. You have plenty of time before that.
Ok, time to see what's been going on in h- ooooh my. Alright, so I know it's a bit late to say this now, but @JPawesome and @Roleplay Skittle, you 2 need to caaaaaaalm dooooooown. Woo sah and all that. I know it's not exactly against the rules to have an argument around here, me being a stickler for freedom of speech, but it's not the kind of thing I want to see whenever I get a notification and if it gets annoying enough, I might just whip out the ban hammer. Y'all wanna duke it out, take it outside or at least get it over and done with quickly. I don't want the house burning down from any potential flame wars. Just to throw in my own two cents on the matter, I don't care how original anyone's characters are as long as they are good. Your character could be the most cliche and overdone type of character in existence, I would not give one jot so long as it was done well and @Proletariat's character is indeed well done. I'm just not sure whether a character like him would fit within the setting of the rp. Any other rp where there would be nordic/celtic type whatevers, he'd be approved instantly, guaranteed, but for this one, I'm still a bit eh. Hence the vote, which is so far 2 for and 3 against, unless I counted wrong. Is anyone else going to vote or will we be rejecting Detmar Blood-Axe after all?

In other news @SirDerpingtonIV, your character Sir Davis Eizen is now appr- waaaait a second, didn't I approve him already? Maybe I forgot... Well anyways, feel free to post at anytime.

@guul66 Your character Edwyn Rosenborough II has been restored to your control. Feel free to yadda yadda.

@Evans welcome to the rp and thanks for your kind words in that message you sent. As @Osthavula said, you'll need to create a character and wait for my approval before you can join. The place to do it is over here:

If you'd like any help, just say the word. I'd be more than happy to lend whatever assistance I can.

@augmentedspartan get Wick's shiny metal plated ass over to the inn already. Daskanya's too busy polishing her stuff and doodads to talk, and Liffis got nothing to do except go in for a drink. There is literally nothing for me to write about from his perspective, help a brother out here.

@ThisUsernameIsALie awesome. Details incoming in... whenever. I still gotta figure em out.

@Zoltan Your character Dietrich von Ewiger has been... DENIIIIIIIIIIIIED! I don't like him. That's literally the only reason why I won't be accepting him, sorry.

And now I sleep. Good day to you all, I say GOOD DAY!
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get Wick's shiny metal plated ass over to the inn already. Daskanya's too busy polishing her stuff and doodads to talk, and Liffis got nothing to do except go in for a drink. There is literally nothing for me to write about from his perspective, help a brother out here.

Will do. Was actuallly waiting for you to update your post so that we don't have to go back and forth with the editing, but I'll just assume he's already inside getting productively drunk.
@Enkerzed hahaha sorry Dad!!! xD I was perfectly calm, just sometimes JP's attitude rubs me wrong. I was holding my tongue on the whole DS thing, but then Derp said something and I was like, back a bro up! lol I'll just go back to holding my tongue, don't want to annoy you and I was afraid of doing that. lol

P.S. Ya'll should get to voting on Detmar, I'd hate to see him denied because people didn't vote on it. :P
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Is it just me or does anyone else feel like they got clocked in the head from behind and had things done to them whilst unconscious?
*edges in through a crack in the wall.*

Is this splendid catastrophe still accepting new members?

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