Darkening Skies - OOC

Lenore's battle planning is epic and badass and if this was a book I would start reading about twice as fast here because I know there's fun to come. X3
Lenore knows how to kill, maim, destroy, and otherwise crush the opposition as thoroughly as possible. Fuck all else, but hey, whatevs.
As it happens, Heresh already has the schematics for a system to absorb and redirect lightning sent against armour. She'll need to tinker with it a bit to adjust it to Urral's plate, but it can be done. 

Shame Heresh can't micronize Mechan's Stormcannon into a halberd-mounted version...

Captain Hesperus
Sorry for the radio silence friends. It's been a tough few weeks. Family illness followed by Christmas and New Years then by a grievance, then an illness of my own. Back on track now I hope.
Last I checked, Lenore had given everyone tasks. Go forth and prod the world, and I'll make it prod back.

Because if I have to make it prod now it'd mess up the pacing of this story arc. I have some old faces from Llorn's past I want to insert themselves into this mess...
Last I checked, Lenore had given everyone tasks. Go forth and prod the world, and I'll make it prod back.

Because if I have to make it prod now it'd mess up the pacing of this story arc. I have some old faces from Llorn's past I want to insert themselves into this mess...

Captain Hesperus
Bold move to post singing! You never see that in stuff anymore, gave me flashbacks.

Truth and Pride sometimes don't mesh so well.
Balls. I can fix everything, or I could if I had permission. The site's permissions n' stuff are understandibly still a bit of a horrucks.
Fuck's sake, did sheets get ruined by code or are they just missing again?

I won't get permissions back until the game has been live 30 days and they transfer it to the new system.
I'll dig around, see if I can find them, then PM them to folks.

The thirty days thing kinda busts my whole continue with my quests thing. They're locked until I gt permissions again...

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