Darkening Skies - OOC

I wonder if L'amnia knows that while she is playing the game of kings, Urral is restraining a murderous Holy Purging of the Spire and Llorn is thousands of miles away in a seedy bar :P
Well, if I'm honest, Llorn is hardcore bricking it right now. The promise of cheap booze, crap smokes and a loaded hand of cards in a high stakes game are the only things stopping him from blink-running his ass out the door.

Captain Hesperus
She knows that Urral is having, shall we say, issues and she is going to apologize for that. Then she's going to stoke Urral's pride by telling her how Proud she is of her for not killing everything in sight. She is, if necessary, going to explain why the infernal hasn't given a more formal bow.

She would also be aware that Llorn isn't exactly filling the role of gentleman and she is going to be a bit disappointed. He might have to remind her that he's not a gentleman.
Urral will have to borrow gems to procure copies of all the Lezek primers. THEN she will begin to understand. I do feel so bad for Llorn, hopefully we will get to some more swashbuckling for him to be comfortable.

Don't fuck with the Ember Rose. We gots Infernals, we gots magi, and our first mate is this stone cold professional right here.
It occurred to me that like most people, their RP character has small aspects of themselves wriggled in. Same with Ich. Turns out his has my same sentiment on guns. That they are well engineered machines and perfectly made and produced for their purpose. And their purpose is violently murdering and maiming things.
I need to think best on how to respond... talk about lack of respect. It's probably a good thing Urral can't understand what's being said.
Never mind my last post, I forgot that everyone's speaking Skytongue.

Captain Hesperus
Anomaly said:
He can always pick up tone, rather than actual words.
Yeah, but not the intent. His response was based on the runt's actual words, which he can't understand.

Captain Hesperus
I kinda wish that Urral & Llorn could understand what's being said but maybe it's for the best. :) I don't think Urral would take too kindly to the words the princeling used. But I do think she'd approve of L'ámnia's response.

Oh, she'd hug l'amnia for that snappy response. A well thought out verbal retort. But what Urral would be really confused by would be the initial 'hostility' presented by the Ratkin, she'd have to pry.
I think Urral would appreciate that though this isn't her type of battlefield, it is a battlefield and I am sure that if she's paying attention, she would recognize the scene as 'opening maneuvers'. But she will make sure the other two know that this princeling is skirting the line between being welcoming and insulting her and he's not doing a very good job at hiding his dislike. Not that she is going to care. If there's going to be a problem then she'll take it up with the sister, not the second born. :)
She used to see this all the time but never really participated in the verbal sparring between House embers, her involvement reliant mostly upon killing political opponents in duels for other people who couldn't maneuver them politically quick enough.
Not too much I can add as what is happening is outside of Urrals vocabulary. So far she's just standing silent and observing

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