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Fantasy Dark Forest Academy - Always Open

Launet Serfa
When he said something about pretty she blushed, but then he went on about the school she could have smacked herself. Why would he call her pretty anyways they had only just met. She groaned inwardly, also he probably had some chick somewhere else. She shook her head, where was her mind going?!?! Her face turned red as she felt a bit of jealousy, what on earth is wrong with me...she thought to herself. She then heard him say something about getting lost and gave a small laugh. "You have no idea... My first year here I got so lost it wasn't funny. I didn't have anyone to rely on as a guide so I pretty much made a bad impression on the teachers." She shrugged, "It'll take bit of time but im sure you'll get it down. Then again I had a lot of free time and was always alone so I learned it all rather quickly." She felt like she kept dragging along how she was always alone, she wasn't meaning to though. She was only being honest, she bit her lip slightly, " It's probably getting old though.." She whispered under her breath. Alias Alias

Rila Fathford
She moved slightly in front of Variella, "Boy I suggest you stop looking at us like food and move along..." She groaned inwardly, day one of school and she was going to get into a fight already? She wasn't sure why she felt the urge to step in front of Variella, maybe it was because she reminded her of her best friends younger sister. Her staff glowed a brighter blue and her eyes went blue as she prepared to fight.

Lukas Ivory
Lukas watched the pink haired girl take lead, "Well aren't you the feisty little one..." His grinned widened, "As much fun as it would be to crush you my dear I doubt starting a fight on the very first day is acceptable." He tapped a finger to his chin and teleported next to Variella, leaning close to her ear, "I'll come back to play later though..." he whispered. He quickly teleported out of the way of a bright blue beam that flew at his face, it left a small cut and blood trickled down his face. "Temper, temper. Maybe I'll start with you instead." His eyes glowed a darker red as they landed on Rila, wiping his cheek he licked the blood from his thumb. A blood dagger formed in his hand and he threw it at Rila, it flew passed her face leaving a small cut just as she had done to him. "Until we meet again ladies." BoilingWriter BoilingWriter
Variella was surprised at Rila's courage, but she let the girl do it. If things went downhill, though, she wouldn't hesitate when trying to protect her. She flinched when the man teleported next to her, staying still at first, but whirling to hit him as he teleported away. She snarled as he went out of her reach. How could she fight him if he could just will himself out of the way?
Variella saw the dagger coming towards Rila and moved to pull her out of the way, but she was too slow, and only resulted in pulling Rila away after she'd already been hit. "Are you alright?" She asked, shifting her attention from the creepy man to Rila.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Rila Fathford
Rila's eyes went back to normal, "Um...yeah..." She glanced over at Zetra who also had a line of blood trickling down his face. "Oh Zetra im so sorry..." She hadn't realized how much of their mind meld she has been using. He shook his head, "It's fine..." He thought to her his eyes following the vampire as he walked away. He wanted to shred the man for even hurting Rila. Rila turned and the staff floated in the air before shrinking down to the size of a wand. She held it over the cut on her cheek and it healed. Zetra's cut had already healed half way before hers. She glanced up at Variella, "Are you okay and also thank you for trying to move me out of the way...he's quick..." BoilingWriter BoilingWriter

Lukas Ivory
He hummed as he walked towards the castle school, "Already two very interesting people. I can't wait to see who else here is fun to mess with or will be good at fighting!!!" He said with a grin. (Open))​

Yvette patted Zain's shoulder. "I'm sure he'll be fine. It's the girls I'm worried about." She walked up to Fae and tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me miss, I believe I owe you a great apology. I was ignorant and loud after my discovery, and it was only to help you. If you would accept, I would still like to help you." She bowed, and then grasped for Zain's hand, lacing her fingers in his. She stood by him and whispered; "You didn't grab it, so I did.."
HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons Cosmos Cosmos

  • Overprotective Twin The Great Witch squeezed her sister's hand in a comforting way, her eyes gazing over at the flower boy, sizing the ball of nerves up while he stumbled about getting her sister water. Well she definitely didn't have any qualms with it. It kept the male out from under her feet.. Though she wouldn't be uncivil towards the poor thing. He was to the father of her twin's child.. But she still didn't have to like the fact that he had tempted her sister in the first place! Though... It was romantic.. She didn't think her twin was ready for something like that and those stupid flowers put them in this situation! But she kept all of this to herself as they walked. Until she saw Yvette walk up and touch her sister.

    Feyra almost pulled her sister out of the other's grip, her eyes wide. She didn't like when other's touched Fae when she was going through an episode. It was almost like an overload for her sister, and she was very, very protective during these scenes... But she kept her cool, holding Fae's hand a little tighter as she waited for her twin to respond to the elf.

Kaazoth started looking around the school on her own, grabbing the map from her backpack she looked at it trying to find a place that looked like fun. Seeing the astronomy observatory she smiled and ran off to it. ",I wonder what kind of fun can be had there" she said.
Joanne chuckled a little as Cael locked his arm with hers and she did the same. "I guess chivalry isn't dead, Prince Charming." She teased a little, but it wasn't mean-spirited teasing, it was friendly and cheerful teasing that Joanne reserved for only those she considered "friend material". Walking alongside Cael, Joanne gleefully moved through the gate as it swung open for them. After all she'd seen, things like this still made her feel like she was somewhere she didn't belong, and even if she actually didn't belong she would enjoy it as long as she could. When the gate locked itself and Cael opened it with "Milky Way", Joanne's lips curled into a full-tooth grin. "That password fits you well Starboy."

Kyni suddenly darted off and ran through the hallway, which Joanne hadn't noticed while talking to Cael. When she finally did notice the hallway, Joanne was left almost speechless. The crystals arranged throughout made her feel like she was a child again, looking at her favorite new toy in the shop. "Hey hold on a little!" She finally regained her bearings enough to call out to Kyni, who had run away through the hallway. "Cael said that if you don't know where you're going the magic will lead you somewhere else!" Sighing a little Joanne turned to Cael. "How much magic is in this place to keep the charms up?"

Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Uerendi followed after Kyni at a more sedate pace and talked to Joanne with an easy smile on his face. As they stepped into the hallway, the gate shut behind them and disappeared in a shimmer leaving only more hallway stretching out behind them. "Actually it's not that much magic. Even with minds used to casting magic, it's pretty easy to just make you look ever so slightly to the left or right of something, and take it out of focus. The protection charms are more of 'nothing to see here', 'this is boring', or 'look around, not at me' kind of charms instead of just basic 'look away'. Makes them much easier to maintain. All that aside, this secret, aptly named Crystal Chassis, is only... active when there's magic to draw on, which is why you two cannot use it. It is currently running off of my magic, and I simply have a lot of magic. Even of some of the most powerful students here could hold this secret up for about 5 minutes before they dropped like flies. Not saying I'm better than them, because I'm not. I'm just a giant battery of magical, nuclear, and kinetic energy. My control is severely lacking though, and I'd burn up this body if I tried to use it all."

"Oh, and don't worry abut Kyni. She can't get too far. The Crystal Chassis connects places and reduces distances and time consumption, but you still need the proper passwords to leave it, and to enter all of the secrets it connects directly to." It was obvious that Uerendi had put a great deal of thought into the possibility of hosting tours through school hidey-holes.

RoninN7 RoninN7 Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Kyni marvelled at the hall, quickly running back and forth between exploring and being next to the pair. She didn't say much except for a little squeal of delight for a moment before running back to touch the walls. It was amazing! "Woah... I don't think anyone knows about these..." She mumbled as she came up besides Cael again. Joanne wasn't as trusted by her yet, but at least they hadn't tried to throw her in a dungeon! That was better than nothing.

"Do you come here a lot? A-And does it do anything special? Like make rabbits that you can play with and not eat even if someone told you that was all you got for the week? Not that that ever happened, just a question." She confirmed with a nervous nod.
RoninN7 RoninN7 Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly
"That's a good-looking dog," Bethany said to the boy. "Bit intimidating, though. What's his name?" She stopped for a second. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Bethany, first-year dark witch. And you are?"

Nestaila Nestaila
"Thanks,"He scratches behind Maylee's ear, having given up on the grass stains." Her name is Maylee. She's a hellhound, so all things considered she's a big softy really." Maylee leans into the scratch, her eyes closing a little. "I'm Malvagio, feel free to shorten it how you like . I do go by Malvi a lot though." He pauses for a second trying to decide how much he wanted to say before coming to the conclusion of just being honest. "I'm in my first year as well. I'm a half demon." He offers his hand." It's nice to meet you Bethany."

Shagranoz Shagranoz
Kaazoth slowly and quietly walked into the astronomy tower and started looking at all the instruments and tools that were scattered across the room ",this is a really cool place. I don't think anyone will mind me being here and messing with the instruments" she said with a grin.
Launet Serfa
When he said something about pretty she blushed, but then he went on about the school she could have smacked herself. Why would he call her pretty anyways they had only just met. She groaned inwardly, also he probably had some chick somewhere else. She shook her head, where was her mind going?!?! Her face turned red as she felt a bit of jealousy, what on earth is wrong with me...she thought to herself. She then heard him say something about getting lost and gave a small laugh. "You have no idea... My first year here I got so lost it wasn't funny. I didn't have anyone to rely on as a guide so I pretty much made a bad impression on the teachers." She shrugged, "It'll take bit of time but im sure you'll get it down. Then again I had a lot of free time and was always alone so I learned it all rather quickly." She felt like she kept dragging along how she was always alone, she wasn't meaning to though. She was only being honest, she bit her lip slightly, " It's probably getting old though.." She whispered under her breath. Alias Alias

Rila Fathford
She moved slightly in front of Variella, "Boy I suggest you stop looking at us like food and move along..." She groaned inwardly, day one of school and she was going to get into a fight already? She wasn't sure why she felt the urge to step in front of Variella, maybe it was because she reminded her of her best friends younger sister. Her staff glowed a brighter blue and her eyes went blue as she prepared to fight.

Lukas Ivory
Lukas watched the pink haired girl take lead, "Well aren't you the feisty little one..." His grinned widened, "As much fun as it would be to crush you my dear I doubt starting a fight on the very first day is acceptable." He tapped a finger to his chin and teleported next to Variella, leaning close to her ear, "I'll come back to play later though..." he whispered. He quickly teleported out of the way of a bright blue beam that flew at his face, it left a small cut and blood trickled down his face. "Temper, temper. Maybe I'll start with you instead." His eyes glowed a darker red as they landed on Rila, wiping his cheek he licked the blood from his thumb. A blood dagger formed in his hand and he threw it at Rila, it flew passed her face leaving a small cut just as she had done to him. "Until we meet again ladies." BoilingWriter BoilingWriter

"Seriously? Thats terrible!", Timothy said. "Are the teachers here that strict?". He turned to her and noticed she's a little red. "Hey, you ok? You look a little red", he said as he tried to place his hand on her forehead to check her temperature. His hand accidentally touched her horn. He instantly felt dizzy, leaning on the marble walls to maintain his balance. "Right", he managed to chuckle while trying not to barf. "Don't touch the horn. I forgot... hehe, whoops"

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Kaazoth started putting all the instruments and charts in the wrong places and cabinets with a evil grin on her face, enjoying the prank she was pulling off without even having to worry about being caught.
"A hellhound? That's cool. Will admit to being more of a cat person, myself, though." Bethany rubbed a spare strand of hair out of her eyes. "What classes do you have? Maybe we have some together."

Amaria Marie Rose
20 // female // bisexual // kelpie/unicorn hybrid
scroll down

Amaria hummed happily to herself as she sauntered through the familiar beaten trail. The forest was brimming this afternoon with all kinds of flora and fauna. Her golden eyes twinkled with an unspoken happiness as she saw the Academy up ahead. Her human legs were a bit tired from the walk she had taken from her father's quiet cottage, but she managed to make it here. She was more than excited to meet new strangers and old friends, including her dear Hippocampus, Lavinia. Making her way to the doors, the green-haired beauty paused enjoying the sunshine of the day.
Launet Serfa
She tried backing up a bit been he went to reach for her forehead. "I'm..." His hand hit her horn and she panicked. "Timothy!!!" She instantly grabbed him to help steady him. The cool tingle shoot from her hands to him. "Are you okay? Does it hurt? Do you still feel sick?" Tears started to come to her eyes it was happening again!!! She was going to be the reason why someone died. She started to shake, her hands falling from him as she backed away from him. "It's...i...this is a bad idea..." She said pulling her arms around herself as tears slid down her face. Alias Alias
"I am biased because of Maylee, but I don't mind cats." Malvi dug in his bag and pulled out his sketch book. It was well used, and had a ton of loose papers sticking out of it. He pulled out the parchment with his class list. "I don't know if I am in much that would be useful for a dark witch at all. I tried to stay away from anything too outside my comfort zone. Well aside from what my dad made me take."

Shagranoz Shagranoz
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Launet Serfa
She tried backing up a bit been he went to reach for her forehead. "I'm..." His hand hit her horn and she panicked. "Timothy!!!" She instantly grabbed him to help steady him. The cool tingle shoot from her hands to him. "Are you okay? Does it hurt? Do you still feel sick?" Tears started to come to her eyes it was happening again!!! She was going to be the reason why someone died. She started to shake, her hands falling from him as she backed away from him. "It's...i...this is a bad idea..." She said pulling her arms around herself as tears slid down her face. Alias Alias

"Just a little dizzy... I'm gonna puke", Timothy said. The sick feeling he had disappeared when he felt the familiar cold tingle. Then, Launet mentioned something about this being a bad idea. "Yeah, touching your horn really is a bad idea. Hehe, I'm going to be more careful next time. Can't have you wasting healing magic on me, after all", he said lightheartedly. "But I swear you were a little red a while ago. Were you feeling sick?". He looked at her and realized she's crying. "Oh no! Why are you-I'm sorry!", he said, quite unsure why she's crying. He then reached to try wipe her tears.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Launet Serfa
She jerked slightly when he reach over wiping at her tears. "M-maybe it's b-better...if I stay f-friendless..." She stumbled over the words. He was lucky that touching her horn had only made him feel sick, unlike Sasil. It hurt saying those words because she was so tired of being scared and alone... "I'm...sorry..." Alias Alias

McCartney Scarsworth


Be cautious, do not let your guard down, McCartney reminded herself as she sprinted through the forest. Her dark fur glinted in the light, the red playing off the black in an interesting pattern. Every once in a while, her red fur would catch the light and glimmer in a way similar to a fire, a homage to her biological father's roots in the depths of Hell. She was slipped among the shadows of the forest, the darkness comforting her as she ran back towards her place of sanctuary for the past three years. The Dark Forest Academy had so many magical creatures and beings that their auras hid her own from the wolves that were searching for her. It was the only place she was able to stay for a while without them finding or catching up to her.

Mac slowed her pace as she neared campus, pausing on the edge of the large clearing to shake out her fur and assess the group. Some of them she recognized, and others she had never seen or smelled before. However, none of them seemed threatening, and so the black and red hellhound walked towards the front doors of the academy. She paused outside and took in the scenery, admiring the architecture of the castle-like academy. Mac easily shifted back into her human form, a girl with fiery red hair in a hooded dark cloak standing where the hellhound had been previously. She sat her backpack on the ground and leaned against a nearby tree, pulling a cigarette from her pocket and lighting it. Taking a long drag, the mixed breed savored the burnt yet calming taste as she people-watched.

Interactions: Open

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
Launet Serfa
She jerked slightly when he reach over wiping at her tears. "M-maybe it's b-better...if I stay f-friendless..." She stumbled over the words. He was lucky that touching her horn had only made him feel sick, unlike Sasil. It hurt saying those words because she was so tired of being scared and alone... "I'm...sorry..." Alias Alias

"Geez, at least get mad at me or something", Timothy chuckled patted her head. "It was pretty much my fault I nearly died again since I recklessly touched something magical. And besides, I'm not gonna stop being your friend over something that's technically my fault". He then looked around and realized that the corridors diverge into 3 paths, all looking the same.

"Man, they really should put signs around here", he said

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Secret Daughter
"Do you think you could help me....talk to him later?" Cthylla asked, still looking at Klaus. She wasn't sure why she wanted to talk with him, still trying to get a good grip on her feelings here. She just knew that she did want to talk with him. She could pick up some of Seri's thoughts, but couldn't exactly make them out. It seemed to her like she wanted to put Klaus in a confined space of some kind with someone else, but she couldn't tell who that someone else was. Heck, all she could see was Klaus's face in some kind of square room.
Seri giggled again this time more intensely, causing her to cover her mouth with her hand in order to stifle them. It always helped when at least one part of the couple was interested. It made it a lot easier to play Cupid. "Of course! Of course!" The siren agreed, despite not knowing Klaus very well. She had only seen him passing a couple of times and even had forgotten his name over summer vacation. She only remembered because of some miracle.
Launet Serfa
She looked up at him, he was being so nice and nonchalant about what had just happened. "A-are you sure??" She asked him wiping at one last tear. How was he so easily able to joke about it. She turned to the three paths, and began walking down one towards the library. Was he really okay, he didn't mind. Alias Alias

Lukas Ivory
His eyes traveled amongst the different students, pausing as he found beautiful woman. His eyes landed on a woman just at the gates, her fire red hair stood out against her cloak and she was smoking. He walked over towards her, "Mind sharing???" He asked with a grin. His arms crossed over his chest as he looked her over, her blood sang to him more intense than what it had for the shifter and tamer. "Man...you smell intoxicating..." MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Launet Serfa
She looked up at him, he was being so nice and nonchalant about what had just happened. "A-are you sure??" She asked him wiping at one last tear. How was he so easily able to joke about it. She turned to the three paths, and began walking down one towards the library. Was he really okay, he didn't mind. Alias Alias

Lukas Ivory
His eyes traveled amongst the different students, pausing as he found beautiful woman. His eyes landed on a woman just at the gates, her fire red hair stood out against her cloak and she was smoking. He walked over towards her, "Mind sharing???" He asked with a grin. His arms crossed over his chest as he looked her over, her blood sang to him more intense than what it had for the shifter and tamer. "Man...you smell intoxicating..." MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

"Yea, I'm pretty sure", Timothy said. "And besides, I'm technically considered as dead by the US government. And dead men can't die twice so...". He was about to enter the path in front of him when he realized that Launet was going to the other way. "Hey, wait up", he said as he caught up.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

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