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Fandom Dark Arts Defense Corps: DADC

Weird I didn't get notified for this. Anyways sorry for being offline for nearly 2 days. Life stuff.

Anyways Before I make my first post I would really appreciate someone helping me out a little by providing a little summary of what happened in the 18 pages. Thank you.

I will be back from my test in about 12 h or so.
Lets see. The gang defeated their first villian at the apartment. Geppetto went to the hospital for injuries, and Evan found a vampire child whom has formed an attatchment to him. After the mission the gang aquired a carosal attracting the attention of an unknown villain. In attempt to retrive the carosal, this unknown person kidnapped Mary holding her hostage. In the end, Geppetto and Evan managed to get the location of Mary and still keep the carosal. Mary was injured and the henchmen were killed. A month time skip occured. The vampire child has stuck around, Geppetto is healed and Mary is mostly recovered. Though the mystery villian remains alarge and a new figure the Tinman is lurking. I think that is everything...
Well it isn't snowing or particularly cold, so for DC that narrows it down between April and September.

Night everyone. Can't stay up any longer. But loving this rp.
Listen, after the Heinrich thing, I think I'm gonna leave unfortunately. I got college stuffs on the horizon and that'll eat up all my spare time while you guys wait on me to respond. :/

Do after it is finished, imma toss out my characters for whoever wants em and let you guys decide what to do. But i really wanna do the Heinrich story because i am super into his ideas and stuffs, so im gonna finish his out first before checking out. Sorry in advance. :///
Hey guys,

So I’m only able to be active some days and not others, and in an RP, where jumping in in the middle of a case is probably not the best idea, a sporadic RP schedule is probably not going to work. You guys are so awesomely active that if I miss a day, I fall way behind. So as not to constantly be throwing Eva in when I can come online, I think I am going to have to drop this one, or I could defer to the next case. If I do just sit this case out, would one of you mind PMing me when the next case starts? If I’m active on the day that it does, I’ll jump back in. If not, then I’ll bow out. Would this work for you all?
So i did some reading. Love ur chara @Wakka59.

xD Best part is when harri and gep fight.... poor felix.

So You guys have a case in Germany. I think 2 you are staying back.

<-< so should I make a post. If so should it be related to my own merry business or could I make a post planning something against DAD
"There is nothing on this Earth I would not do just to see him again. To see his smile. To know he's alright..." @TheFallenwhisper

Side Bar: Ok, after much deliberation, seeing you guys's support and schedule fixing, I'm going to see if I can keep RPing in my schedule. It might not be as active as I am now, so I might disappear for a couple days, but I'll still be here. ;) Sorry about the misinfo.

Quick question @Kylesar1 , does Geppetto need to show up for this meeting with the big heads or should he not because technically he's not on this case.

It's fine. This is just question time right now. If there are no questions, we'll end up skipping to probably the airport
Kylesar1 said:
It's fine. This is just question time right now. If there are no questions, we'll end up skipping to probably the airport
So are all of us going? Or did you want some of us to stay behind. Also are you going to need Skip to help with time travel? I know that murders are taking place back in time, so is he going to be needed to help travel back in time to chase the bad guy? Also are you going to have specific tasks for us, or like the first mission we just kind do what we want and go with the flow? I know it is a lot of question, I just want to know how to handle the next part.
It's open for anyone to go......... or stay

Skip will conduct the travel back in time. He's free to come along and help if you want, his main purpose is served after that

Our movements will be a whole lot more specific, since we're travelling back in time
Kylesar1 said:
It's open for anyone to go......... or stay
Skip will conduct the travel back in time. He's free to come along and help if you want, his main purpose is served after that

Our movements will be a whole lot more specific, since we're travelling back in time
Okay that is awesome. I guess Gwyn will go just because she could see her brother. Skip only needs to be around when he is useful. I am not always the greatest at controlling two characters at once. I just cannot get into their complete mindset. So I prefer one at a time.
was going to respond in IC Rping but do the big heads know of the theft of the scythe in our custody and if they don't would my character bring it up or do we want to keep it hushed for now?

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