Danganronpa: The Tragedy

...Blegh. I can't stay.

This RP is rapidly devolving into something that's anything but DR-ish. I think I'll just leave, instead. I'll just delete the posts and you guys can pretend they never existed. Erryone alright with that?
Miika said:
it makes more sense in my head now. thanks guys :3
Aaah, I'm still kinda loss. Y'see, Dangan Ronpa here [assuming we're at least vaguely following the whole structure of it], they weren't really captives. More like actual students who communicated and were super chill with each other, and then "o noooo great tragedy" and everyone pretty much keeps themselves in the school willingfully.

I'm not saying what you did is a bad idea! It's just a little off character, especially with our goofy awakenings with everyones location (gang turf in gym, harem in a classroom, fake psychologist therapist alcoholist ideal in infirmary), and it's kinda straying from the whole confusion - oh we're all going to murder each other theme if she's immediately suffering you know!!

There is an empty classroom as the GM says
Ammokkx said:
...Blegh. I can't stay.
This RP is rapidly devolving into something that's anything but DR-ish. I think I'll just leave, instead. I'll just delete the posts and you guys can pretend they never existed. Erryone alright with that?
Aah, I see what you're talking about. If that's the case, then I guess I can't stop you. It was nice having you!
Kiseichu said:
I feel like part of it is my fault while at the same time not my fault. This is a fandom for a reason.
Oh, no, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here. I just feel that it's straying too far from the source material.

's getting a little too dark and gory compared to the usual goofiness with sinister implications of the main games.

Worst we got in those was like... Komaeda's death? Anyone care to correct me on that?

Anyway, that makes me assume you're fine with me leaving?
Ammokkx said:
Oh, no, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here. I just feel that it's straying too far from the source material.
's getting a little too dark and gory compared to the usual goofiness with sinister implications of the main games.

Worst we got in those was like... Komaeda's death? Anyone care to correct me on that?

Anyway, that makes me assume you're fine with me leaving?
No, I'm just angry at myself for making stupid decisions that make you want to leave
Quit beating yourself up. If it were only your fault, I'd call you out on it. I'm not a nice enough person to hide that.
Ammokkx said:
Oh, no, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here. I just feel that it's straying too far from the source material.
's getting a little too dark and gory compared to the usual goofiness with sinister implications of the main games.

Worst we got in those was like... Komaeda's death? Anyone care to correct me on that?

Anyway, that makes me assume you're fine with me leaving?
Haha, while it was pretty unique and unexpected in the trial, I do see what you're pointing out here.

I am concerned with the fact that the number of students is high. Not like more roleplayers are bad, but it will get difficult to kind of arrange scenes and really connect with everyone if every character can only communicate with a specific clique.

Kiseichu said:
I'm trying to satisfy everyone but obviously I can't.
And don't blame yourself! No roleplay can be absolutely perfect, there definitely will be flaws, especially in a fandom roleplay where there a certain rules you have to abide to in order for it to be based in a specific universe. It's not easy! And Ammokkx polite leaving will simply tell you that there's stuff that we could always add to the roleplay that could make it better.

Miika said:
cause thats what i was kinda going twords
Isn't the time period of Dangan Ronpa 3's Anime a little too off course for the time period in Dangan Ronpa 1? While it's the same universe and similar circumstance, the situations are completely different. Unless the Despair episode came out and I didn't watch it ;^;
Entarriance said:
And Ammokkx polite leaving will simply tell you that there's stuff that we could always add to the roleplay that could make it better.
To be honest with you, I'm having second thoughts about it now that I see how bad that made the GM feel. I don't want to leave if it upsets someone, which is why I asked if it was okay in the first place.
I added the group murder rule so we could kill more people faster. I am sorry if the gore is a bit too much but that's just my dark view of the world kicking in. If I need to make any changes to the RP then please PM me.
Kiseichu said:
I added the group murder rule so we could kill more people faster. I am sorry if the gore is a bit too much but that's just my dark view of the world kicking in. If I need to make any changes to the RP then please PM me.
Okay, listen. It's not the rule changes I'm really concerned about, nor the student limit. Those make sense within the universe.

It's more along the lines of the way the principal was executed and @Miika 's character introduction. Those seemed really out of place. When a person dies in front of a crowd, it's handled more like Mukuro's death as Junko (which wasn't all that bad, just a few spikes tearing through her) or Yuto exploding (we just see water splash up and rain on Fukawa and Komaru).

And again, I'm going to stay if you don't want me to leave. I'm here as much as anyone else to make sure everyone's having fun. If that means changing my standards around a little, well... So be it, I guess.
Ammokkx said:
Okay, listen. It's not the rule changes I'm really concerned about, nor the student limit. Those make sense within the universe.
It's more along the lines of the way the principal was executed and @Miika 's character introduction. Those seemed really out of place. When a person dies in front of a crowd, it's handled more like Mukuro's death as Junko (which wasn't all that bad, just a few spikes tearing through her) or Yuto exploding (we just see water splash up and rain on Fukawa and Komaru).

And again, I'm going to stay if you don't want me to leave. I'm here as much as anyone else to make sure everyone's having fun. If that means changing my standards around a little, well... So be it, I guess.
I want you to have fun as well, making someone stay here just for the happiness of others seems a bit like torture, so if you are staying then make sure to have some fun for yourself too.
Guess I'm staying, then.

Rushed something out there. Felt I kinda did nothing but waste time with that post, but eh. I'll think of a way to make both of 'em relevant tomorrow.
Miika said:
Edited my post for anyone who wants to find aiko.
Aah, not like you're bad or anything!! Though while this roleplay seems to stray on-and-off on the Dangan Ronpa path, I feel like your entrance is a little unfitting!! Mainly since it centers something specially around your character upon entry, while everyone else was kinda thrown into awkward goofy scenarios. While you may have joined a little later, I feel like awakening normally like in a classroom (or for awks wherever Chess is) , maybe for awks in the Sauna or something! I'm sorry if this is like insulting you in anyway, because I promise I don't mean harm by it, haha.
Kiseichu said:
No, I'm just angry at myself for making stupid decisions that make you want to leave
Kiseichu said:
I'm trying to satisfy everyone but obviously I can't.
Kiseichu said:
I added the group murder rule so we could kill more people faster. I am sorry if the gore is a bit too much but that's just my dark view of the world kicking in. If I need to make any changes to the RP then please PM me.
I'd would personally make separate, intertwining RPs (ie additional IC tabs) with additional sets of students (or just have new players take precedence to second and third characters) to enable more than 16 players to join in, but that's irrelevant now.

I'd like to suggest some ground rules:

1. Once the first death happens, no more applicants can be accepted.

It's kind of unfair for new characters to get shunted in towards the end of the game.

2. Add a new tab for school rules

DR school rules need to be clearly defined, especially if there are new ones, which you have every reason to make, even continuously.

3. Ditch the one week rule

Monokuma never directly kills students. He only convinces them to kill each other. If people aren't killing enough, do as Monokuma does and give them motives. The most he's done was force them into an area with no food to get them to kill each other or starve, but it was later revealed at the end of DR2 that even that wouldn't have directly killed them. (Rather, they would be convinced they starved and go brain-dead because of it, maybe)

Seriously this rule doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

4. Ditch the "team up with as many as you like" rule

This is blatantly unfair. If all but one student teams up to kill the remaining one student, everyone but that one student goes free. The reason danganronpa never has a situation like this is because the final showdown is always before it gets down to 3 students. (Because one person can kill up to two people)

5. Watch where you take Monokumada. He's not a student, so if he's somewhere outside of the immediate vicinity of a gatling gun, he's going to get killed, and even if there are others operating Pikakuma and Monokuma, they can't execute his killer since they didn't break the rules.

Rules are really important in DR. Monokuma obeys them for a reason, and going against them would be against the spirit of DR.
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Ryik said:
I would far prefer you be the first murderer/murder victim.
DR is a story of death, and it seems to me like an opportunity wasted.

Of course, you could always not quit. That's also a neat possibility.

I'd would personally make separate, intertwining RPs (ie additional IC tabs) with additional sets of students (or just have new players take precedence to second and third characters) to enable more than 16 players to join in, but that's irrelevant now.

I'd like to suggest some ground rules:

1. Once the first death happens, no more applicants can be accepted.

It's kind of unfair for new characters to get shunted in towards the end of the game.

2. Add a new tab for school rules

DR school rules need to be clearly defined, especially if there are new ones, which you have every reason to make, even continuously.

3. Ditch the one week rule

Monokuma never directly kills students. He only convinces them to kill each other. If people aren't killing enough, do as Monokuma does and give them motives. The most he's done was force them into an area with no food to get them to kill each other or starve, but it was later revealed at the end of DR2 that even that wouldn't have directly killed them. (Rather, they would be convinced they starved and go brain-dead because of it, maybe)

Seriously this rule doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

4. Ditch the "team up with as many as you like" rule

This is blatantly unfair. If all but one student teams up to kill the remaining one student, everyone but that one student goes free. The reason danganronpa never has a situation like this is because the final showdown is always before it gets down to 3 students. (Because one person can kill up to two people)

5. Watch where you take Monokumada. He's not a student, so if he's somewhere outside of the immediate vicinity of a gatling gun, he's going to get killed, and even if there are others operating Pikakuma and Monokuma, they can't execute his killer since they didn't break the rules.

Rules are really important in DR. Monokuma obeys them for a reason, and going against them would be against the spirit of DR.
Suggestions 1 and 4 are noted.

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