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Dice Curse of the Sunstone: A 5e Adventure. OOC and Sheet placement.

Whatever your background give you
So we don’t get any more based on role?

Ex. Ranger = 4d4*10gp with a ‘outlander’ back ground (meaning outlander gear plus 10gp)

Edit: nvm. Just realized that’s optional and you don’t get starting gear for the class if you choose the dice roll for money.
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Okay I think that’s it. Not sure how to add the image tbh but it’s saved separately.

Prospero Prospero please let me know if anything is wrong and I’ll correct it. Wasn’t completely sure about the skill modifiers tbh so if I made an error there let me know, thanks.
I mean IC. Are we an existing band of adventurers, or are we going to be meeting up in the story?
I figure that my hob-goblin would keep to the outskirts of High hopes colony. Only entering after his supplies were running low. Tensions were high and he was was having trouble getting stock from the locals that didn’t seem to want to sell to a hob. So he’d end up going into the the adventurer-hub/area/guild building despite his misgivings. Not a party member established but as a ranger a possible guide. His motivation for doing this could be to establish a better rapport with the colony. Part loneliness and part practicality.
I'm cool with either way. I kept Korvol Dutaine's (my character) backstory pretty basic so he could go either way. He's an Outlander, so that background would fit well in a wilderness setting.
We have a solid bunch of outlanders then so it’d make sense to party up to make up our numbers for a common goal that we know we can’t handle alone, aye?

Are we a party of dejected goth loners and society rejects that hang out only because we dislike eachother less than everything else? :-P
I had thoughts on making my guy like an escaped slave or something similar and is now just hiding out in High Hope.
Well, my wood elf has led a very sheltered life, and is out and about in the world because of having religious visions to do so, bringing the word of Corellon to the various elves around the place.
Hey, just letting you guys know that I have not abandoned you, but I am currently travelling home from Finland and my last two days have been full of planes, buses, cars and delays.
Everything should work fine once I am home with my computer.
And yes, my character will definitely be a dejected goth loner as well.
From a species that frowns on emotions on the whole.
God this makes me think of the movie Predators x’D This is all just one giant fantasy hunting reserve and we’re the game
Might just keep doing small stuff like this till we start. If it begins to feel spammy please let me know
(Just edited some online images)


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