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Fandom [CS]Dragon Age: Tale of the Champion


The Sop


"Where are we going? How should I know? Do I look like the leader of this merry band of misfits?"
(If you intend to join this RP, please PM me directly, don't post on one of the thread for question)

  • Full Name:
    Sexual orientation:
    Appearance: (A picture to describe your character should be needed)
    - Height and weight:
    - Hair:
    - Eyes:
    - Other Description(Optional):
    Motto/Favorite Quote:

Before you intend to fill things in and get thing started, a few words...
- Before of the fact that some of the original companion characters have major roles in the story therefore when you decide to fill their spot with your own character, I will have to require your character to follow a few things just to maintain their similarities for plot reason. I'm not telling you to impersonate the original character, but there are a few likeness your character should have so that the plot would work the same way.

Varric's role is important to the story not just because he's Hawke' friend but also the one who helps Hawke a lots in Act 1. With his connections in Kirkwall he has always helps Hawke finding jobs to fund the expedition, most important maybe is to help Hawke with Bartrand. Here is what I require from a character to fill his slot, not much but they're important:

- Class: Rogue
- Street smart, practical, cunning, sarcastic.
- Have connections in Kirkwall city.
- Have connection with Bartrand (don't have to be his brother).
- Kirkwaller (born in Kirkwall).
- Part-time writer.

Ander's character is no doubt play a key role in this game not just because of he is a Grey Warden but his burning passion to free the mage.

- Former Circle Mage, current Apostate.
- Former Grey Warden.
- Have strong opinion about free mage from templar control.
- Strongly again tranquility.
- (Optional) Share body with Vengeance/different spirit.

Free Dalish elf slot

Isabella's character hold a key role in Act 2 of the story therefore there is a few thing you need to have:

- Mercenary/Pirate captain/Smuggler.
- Rogue.
- Not from Kirkwall (Rivain, Antiva are recommended)
- Hold the Tome of Koslun.

Free non-human slot

Free Human Warrior Slot.

- Respect the law.
- Guardsman/Later Guards Captain

Free Human slot

Free Human Warrior/Rogue slot

- Hawke's younger brother

Free Human Mage slot

- Hawke's younger sister

(Those Free "something" slots are characters that you can freely make with little requirement.)

I know by far I've set a lots of limit in character creativity but these are just a few thing that would help make our group balance, unique, communicative and a guide for you guys to make your character. So beside the similarities I ask for a few character slot, there are also a few thing that I'm trying to avoid:
- A team outnumbered with a specified race/gender/class/occupation: In short, we shouldn't looking for a group with more than one dalish elf or grey warden or Legionnaire or templar,...
- Underage character: Youngest characters will be Hawke's sibling (20 years old) and we shouldn't have anyone younger than that.

(And finally, to help you with creating character, I've been able to collect a collection of pictures that you can use as faceclaim for your character (It's from one of my favorite artist Merwild who has drawn a lots of dragon age arts). This is optional, you can use this or find your own face claim, I just want to help. I hope this will help you find inspiration for your character)
(Code for the Character Sheet Below)

[B]Full Name:[/B]
[B]Sexual orientation:[/B] 
- Height and weight: 
- Hair: 
- Eyes: 
- Other Description(Optional):
[B]Motto/Favorite Quote:[/B]
[B]Origin:[/B] (Please inform both your background and how you meet Hawke since we shouldnโ€™t go through many character introduction quest)
[B] Weapon:[/B]

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  • Full Name:Teressa Corino
    Race: Surface Dwarf
    Alias(Optional): Tessa, Tess
    Age: 32
    Gender: Female
    Sexual orientation:Bisexual
    Occupation: Former Carta, Part owner of blooming rose and owner of other brothels, writer and spymaster
    Class: Rogue
    Personality: At first sights she might seem more at home with nobility than in the seedy underground. She has an elegant refined manner, seemingly always calm and cheerful letting little bother her if anything at all. She can be humorous with an acerbic and sarcastic sense of humour, and flirty with members of both genders. She is generous and protective of those she cares about and though she doesn't look it can be ruthless and unafraid to fight dirty if something threatens her or her friends, with a quick tongue and cleverness.


    - Height and weight: 4'9" 50kg
    - Hair: dark brown
    - Eyes: brown
    - Other Description(Optional):
    Motto/Favorite Quote: "My girls and boys are more dangerous on their backs than any armed thug"

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  • Full Name: Amelie Hawke

    Race: Human

    Alias(Optional): Hawke

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

    Occupation: Former Mercenary for Captain Meeran of the Red Irons, Free Mage

    Class: Mage

    With a penchant for wit, and a tongue as sharp as silverite, Amelie was always burdened with responsibility as the eldest of her two siblings, younger beyond her years, she often expressed trouble dealing with the respected, well-behaved mannerisms her mother tried to instill upon her. Instead, she enjoyed tormenting her brother and sister with childish pranks and playing in the mud with wooden sticks more than representing the family as the esteemed eldest daughter, she desired to be allowed her childhood, like her siblings. Her status as a mage led to more being expected of her, which--combined with the constant Templar threat--only worsened Amelie's joyous spirit.

    However, prideful and confident, she still retained her carefree ways despite her mother. Yet the pressure of expectation caused Amelie to lean entirely on her wit, being overly clever or sarcastic. It wasn't until the Fifth Blight broke out she was forced--very prematurely--to grow up. Thrust into leadership, Amelie took charge and put her natural inclinations aside in-favor of a more forced pragmatic approach. Though she was always a kind and generous girl who strived to be good and true, the circumstances of the Blight hollowed her character into something more ruthless. Yet Amelie couldn't see the change in herself, and now retains the self-belief that she is always doing what's right, leading to a moral-superiority complex.

    - Height and weight: 5'7 124lbs
    - Hair: Dark brown/Black dye
    - Eyes: Blue

    Motto/Favorite Quote: "Can I just go one day without someone trying to swing their sword at me?"

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  • Full Name: Nello Hawke
    Race: Human
    Alias(Optional): Nelly (Childhood nickname) Nell
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
    Occupation: Formerly of the Red Iron mercenary company, Free Mage
    Class: Mage
    Personality: Rather free spirited as long as Templars aren't around, A optimist with a Superstitious side effect. (Often believes everything good or bad happens in atleast three, it's a dominoes falling theory he always had) he tries desperately to avoid becoming uptight and ruled by fear of Templars, thus he aims for loose and cool but controlled in his everyday life while wanting things to just go right for a change. Despite his mind often telling him to keep a eye out for that other boot to drop and keep a look over his shoulder. A caring young man however, likes to have fun and keep his family from trouble on his behalf or at all really. He never asked for his gift but he surely would never trade it for anything. Though he wouldn't want his family in harms or troubles way either. Nello does everything he can to not be a burden on his family, even spins a number of cover stories in his head and uses them when he's needed, has one for almost every possible situation... almost. He just wants a good life for him and his loved ones and doesn't wish his gift to cost them dearly for some mistake or unfortunate occurrence to catch up with him and bite him.

    Some could say he's a young, innocent man with a loving nature. He's likes his fun but cares too much to let it control him, he also has moments of true obliviousness to some hints and to what some things are or really mean. Leading to some learning moments in certain situations.

    - Height and weight: 5'11, 180 lbs
    - Hair: Dark Brown, almost black
    - Eyes: Crystal Blue
    - Other Description(Optional): A groomed short yet full beard. Often keeps his hair a styled mess with a bun and tail kind of fashion to it.

    Motto/Favorite Quote: "Sometimes I wonder if Templars ever get tired of wearing all that armor... Or if they are allowed to personalize the uniform? Wouldn't they get mixed up and have moments putting on another mans sweat and wearing it about proudly? It's not always cold you know."
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  • Full Name: Gwyndolyn Hawke
    Race: Human
    Alias(Optional): Gwyn
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Sexual orientation: Homosexual
    Occupation: Mercenary, Templar
    Class: Warrior
    Personality: Of the three siblings, Gwyndolyn is the unassuming one. She lacks the magical talent residing in the veins of her siblings, and she often felt left out when they would be training in their craft. Her path in life has been constantly in question, lacking direction since she fears that she isn't quite capable enough to manage it on her own. To cover up her insecurities, she puts on a playful front as if nothing in the world could trouble her. It was her own fault, after all, that she wasn't good enough, smart enough, or strong enough to emerge as someone other than 'Nello and Amelie's sister'. There was no sense in bringing anyone else down with her.

    In Lothering, Sister Leliana had told her that her hands were better suited for the harp than for the sword. While it was true that Gwyn was a talented musician, this being where she truly vented her brewing emotions, she felt that it was not enough. So she picked up the sword and shield, just in case she could save her siblings one day. Maybe if she did, she hoped that she would feel less like an outsider in her own family. And maybe she could actually capture a girl's attention for more than just information regarding Nello.
    - Height and weight: 5'8, 120
    - Hair: Black
    - Eyes: hazel
    - Other Description(Optional):
    Motto/Favorite Quote:Life is a song. It is unfortunate that we don't learn how to play it until is almost over.

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  • Full Name: Diego
    Race: Human
    Alias(Optional): Vincente De Bartarina
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
    Occupation: Mercenary Captain
    Class: Rogue
    Personality: Vincente is a very cheerful man, in spite of his life experiences and his job, although the cheer often does not migrate to his face, leaving him happy inside yet glowering outside. Many take this cheer and his constant joke-cracking as meaning he is a mere clown, but this is not true. Vincente is deadly serious when it comes to what he is owed, be it payment, favours, or anything else. This goes the other way, too, and he can be relied upon to pay back any aid in kind, as well as any harm. Vincente is possessed of a great and speedy wit, along with a savage cunning, excellent at pulling all kinds of vicious tricks and ruses on his foes, and slightly less vicious tricks on his friends. He fights not just with cunning and wit, but with a cold, calculating viciousness that can unnerve some people, especially contrasted to his chipper, wise-cracking attitude.

    Vincente's a man of incredible daring, brave almost beyond reason. He is frequently trying out a varying range of gambits, with similarly varying success, though his natural cunning and wit certainly helps. To those he calls his friends, he is unfailingly loyal, even if he doesn't realise or admit it, and has a bad habit of getting too attached to people for his own good. He is also quite charismatic, and an inspiring leader, which has served him well as the leader of the Silver Sons, his motley band of elite mercenaries. Also useful in his role as the company commander is his natural talent for and quick learning of tactical ability, ably leading anything from small units to all three hundred of the Silver Sons. Vincente is a man of pride; he knows what his capabilities are, sees no point in pretending to be modest about it, and he has no problem with putting on a show to make the point to anyone nearby. He rarely backs down, and never out of fear, only out of pragmatism. Fortunately, this is not pride taken too far, and Vincente's assessment of his abilities is by-and-large accurate.

    There are, of course, darker sides to Vincente. His wit is frequently employed as a cover for and response to his deep insecurities and to the tragedies he experiences, believing that he can laugh it off and pretend to be okay in lieu of actually dealing with it. Unfortunately, this doesn't work. Vincente, while somewhat more scrupulous and kind-hearted than the average mercenary, shows an unashamed amoral streak. He also possesses quite a violent temper, though it is, mercifully, somewhat slow-burning. Vincente is surprisingly cynical for how upbeat he is, with many of his jokes prodding at and pointing out the worst. He has a distinct tendency to act rashly, relying less on planning and more on making it up as he goes and gambling with risky maneuvers that have a tendency to be utterly unpredictable, though on a command level this tendency is thankfully dulled. Vincente is protective of and tight-lipped about his background, even more so the further back you go. He is a little insecure about not even knowing his true parent's names, what they look like, or his family name, only that his name was Diego. He hasn't even uttered the name Diego in reference to himself for years, and hasn't gone by it for about a decade and a half; using it is nigh-guaranteed to make him vulnerable.

    - Height and weight: 6'2 and 181 lbs
    - Hair: Naturally a very dark brown, but dyed and parted to have the left half silver and the other half gold
    - Eyes: Grey
    - Other Description(Optional): A somewhat tan-skinned man of obviously foreign heritage to many Fereldans and Kirkwallers, Vincente is a very handsome man, though he does not put it to too much use in terms of getting laid and sleeping around, or otherwise seducing people. Not his thing. What is his thing is enjoying people reacting to it.
    Motto/Favorite Quote: "I'm getting awfully tired of being threatened. Could we move this along a little?"

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  • 1EiyvAP.jpg
    Full Name: Icarus Avilius
    Race: Human
    Alias(Optional): Icarus, Garrus
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Sexual orientation: Bisexual
    Occupation: Apostate/Grey Warden
    Class: Mage
    As a person, he always considers himself to be a Grey Warden than a mage, who knows his cause is to protect Thedas from the threat of Darkspawn.
    Despite being a mage, he shows his dislike toward spirit and demon. Having history with them in the past and the incident with Justice has truly haunt him about these citizen of the Fade.
    Many years in the Grey Warden have made Icarus a man who's serious in his duty. He cares about his role and duty in life more than any other idea to change the world. He is practical character who would always choose the option that solve the problem for good, despite the cause. Because of this, he despite those who are too idealistic to see the better good.
    To his friend, he can be very loyal and sacrifice much to them as this has been proved when he wanted to drive Justice off his friend Kristoff's body. When it come to harming his friends and people around him, Icarus easily lost his thoughts and made bad decision.
    Considered by some of his former companions, he can be a hot-head, he wouldn't be afraid to raise his voice or even his fist immediately when it comes to problem that could bother him.
    - Height and weight: 6ft 0 and 164lbs, average build
    - Hair: Black, short undercut
    - Eyes: Grey
    - Other Description(Optional): Scars on his left eye, cheek, lip and many other places on his face.
    Motto/Favorite Quote: "You're born with this shit, you are what you are"

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  • G3mAWLt.jpg
    Full Name: Moire of Clan Sabrae
    Race: Dalish Elf
    Alias: Moira (because you Shemlen have trouble with pronunciation, bless you). Kitty is also acceptable (and delightful!).
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Sexual orientation: Eh whatever
    Occupation: Lion! No? Fine, Dalish Keeper...in training...badly. No? Fenedhis lasa, I'm a Dalish hunter and wanderer, are you happy now?
    Class: Mage
    Personality: In a word, whimsical. Moire is possessed of an endlessly sunny disposition and equally endless laughter. Life is grand and Kirkwall is a new forest for her to explore...and hunt.

    On the positive side, Moire tends to be great company. She's easy to please, finds people interesting and is a surprisingly good listener. She has an amazing work ethic and a streak of determination that just won't quit no matter how bad things get. The Dalish woman also has a bit of a tendency for thoughts to get ahead of her words, leading to run-on sentences and occasionally awkward conversation as she is supremely talented at putting her foot in her mouth. Unlike the First of her Clan, Merrill, Moire's rarely embarrassed and finds such accidental digressions amusing.

    On the negative side, though, Moire is selective about what interests her and ignores and dismisses anything that doesn't. She's respectful of Dalish tradition but finds it dull, an attitude that can infuriate her kin. She has unfeigned pity for her city-bound brethren, something some might find insulting. Moire is also just a touch too willing to kill her problems for the average Shemlen's comfort.

    - Height and weight: 5'2", 115 lbs
    - Hair: A wavy auburn
    - Eyes: Golden, like a cat
    - Other Description(Optional): Her Vallaslin are the same auburn color as her hair, gently drawn in dedication to Mythal, the Protector and All-Mother.

    Motto/Favorite Quote: "Well, you do know what those who underestimate Lions always say, right? No? They scream 'Oh Maker, help me, I'm being mauled to death by a Lion'!"

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  • Full Name: Lacy McKay
    Race: Human
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Sexual orientation: Bisexual
    Occupation: Guard (Likely to become guard captain)
    Lacy is a good guy. She has an indomitable sense of justice, right and wrong that she will not be shaken from. She's no idealist though, she realizes the world is a huge mess and most of it is just genuinely evil. But she does believe that good exists and she strives every day to fight for it. Incredibly earnest and honest, she never comes off as fake or stuffy, she believes in things with all her heart. This thought process however, leads to a lot of black and white thinking. Lacy doesn't see grays. Something is right or wrong and nothing is in between. While she can turn a blind eye to bending some laws when its for the greater good, she will never completely break a rule once it is set. This indomitable paragon of law and right is an image she fully embraces, but it is not entirely built on the truth. Internally, Lacy is an anxious, stressed mess. Every life, every decision she ever makes weighs on her intensely and only her absolute determination to do the right thing keeps her from just hiding somewhere so she won't have to be on a pedestal anymore. While she is honest and forthright, she has trouble digesting and expressing more complex emotions and has trouble asking for any kind of help. Tends to fall in love really easily and act like a complete idiot when she does.

    - Height and weight: 6'0, 160lbs
    - Hair:Brown
    - Eyes:Hazel
    Motto/Favorite Quote: "I will stand against the tide for as long as I live, so others may stand behind me without fear."


  • Full Name: Selanna

    Race: Elven

    Alias(Optional): Valoris

    Age: Unknown, but in the young adult range

    Gender: Female

    Sexual orientation: Bisexuality

    Occupation: Escaped Slave

    Class: Warrior

    Personality: Having no memories past a certain point messes with a person, and it definitely made Valoris less than cheerful. Especially when what few memories present were of tremendous pain both physically and mentally. Having been a slave in the mage ruled land of the Tevinter Emperium, she has a deep mistrust of mages. She had seen the corruption that magic unchecked could bring, the glowing lyrium markings in her skin a constant reminder. Despite this misanthropic view of the world, Valoris was a stalwart friend once her trust could finally be gained. She had her own code of honor, protecting slaves, women, and children with no regard to what the law actually had to say about it. After all, the law had said Denerius had been well within his rights to torture her as he pleased since she was his property. She abided what her gut said was just rather than society, which sometimes made her seem more cold and villainous than she intended to be. Her goal in life was to see her master dead, knowing he would never stop chasing her until he breathed his last. This obsession consumed her to the point where it truly was the only thing she lived for. She had no idea how to live as a free woman, or even how to be something as simple as happy.


    - Height and weight: 6', 145 lbs

    - Hair: silvery white

    - Eyes: blue

    - Other Description(Optional): glowing blue lyrium tattoos

    Motto/Favorite Quote:

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