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Fantasy Crystal Cove (open)

girl-with-pink-hair-desenhos-fanart-digital-drawing-rhpinterestcom-black-Hair.jpgLocation: Shoreside Reeds
Interaction: @Tetro (Elijah) Thrushwing Thrushwing (Adrielle)
Mentioned: N/A
"A ride? Where?" After having put in her two cents, Eleni had focused back on her work. She already hated the fact that these poachers we're here, but if she said anymore, Elijah may figure out somethings up. Adrielle's performance hadn't helped, the girl couldn't make it more obvious unless she decided to turn right in front of him and shout she was a fish. "I guess I don't mind, but I don't speak for both of us." Eleni picked up a stack of books, five or so from the one's she just removed from the shelf, she began to put them back. Adrielle should disagree, come up with a reason not to come with them, he was obviously suspicious. Eleni's parent's made sure she had plenty of experience with humans, and could bluff her way around superstitious ones and give good reasons if she looked a little weird after changing. Three more books were back on the shelf, none that really interested her, she glanced up towards the back of the store. Eleni may not have been with these guys for too long, 5 years compared to an entire life, she still didn't want any of them in a dangerous situation. Or any of them exposed, because one of them exposed meant all of them exposed.
Chase waved at Elaine as she left, humming as he tucked the small sample of the dye away into his shirt pocket.

“Hmm... you planning on going fishing or something?” He asked when Adrielle brought up a boat. He grinned to show that he was -mostly- joking.

“Anyways, lemme pay you for that order I put in a while back,” he said to Elijah, pulling out his wallet. “And you girls just be careful if you’re headed out onto the open ocean. Got the feeling a storm might be coming within the week or so. Just a feeling, though.”

Whether it was a physical storm or a metaphorical one was hard to say.

( Thrushwing Thrushwing Lilliana2 Lilliana2 FireMaiden FireMaiden )

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