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Fantasy Crossing the line 1x1 with Hazbin_Transformers

Kain gently moved her off his lap, standing before holding his hand out. "Sounds like a perfect plan. We can go for a short run if you're still tired" He said, looking at her with a smile.
Kain smiled at her, watching as she uncurled herself from his lap. He slowly stood up and stretched, hand out for her to take. “That sounds perfect to me.” He said gently. He’d take any time he could with her as their bond starts to get better.
She took his hand walking out of his office and out to the start of the trail head before finally letting go. She shifted with a playful growl as she bounded into the treeline
Kain followed her from his office, heading out of the castle and coming to the start of the trail head. He watched as she shifted and he heard the playful growl. He ran down the trail with a laugh, feeling like things were finally getting back to normal as he moved, watching the tree line for any sign of her.
Astrid playfully tackled him from the treeline before bolting off again, there was a little more aggression then necessary in the pounce but it was still playful as she ran through the trees
Kain wasn't expecting the tackle, and especially didn't expect the little bit of aggression to it, and he got to his feet as she bolted back into the trees. Kain looked around. He started running down the trail again, watching for her again.
( Hey sorry I've been so off and on just lost an excitement some of the rp's I've been really excited about my partners ghosted me on and that was just a big disappointment to be on here)

Astrid stalked him through the tree line before pouncing on him in excitement and tackled him, sending them both rolling before she pinned him down.
( It's okay, I completely understand. I've had that happen a few time lately myself )

Kain didn't realize she was stalking him until she pounced, sending them rolling. He registered what was happening when he looked up at her, pinning him down. "Well. I wasn't expecting this" He said with a laugh.
Astrid purred her tail wagging, thankfully a clear sign she was in a playful mood and not nearly as aggressive as she was a bit ago. Seeming excited she’d managed to sneak up on him but finally stepped back so he could sit up
Kain rumbled in response to her purr, instinctively. He was happy to see the wagging tail. She was in a playful mood and he was happy to see that. He smiled at her before she stepped back. Kain sat up with a laugh. He was thankful that her wolf wasn’t as angry with him as she was back at the cabin.

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