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Fantasy Crossing the line 1x1 with Hazbin_Transformers

Astrid smiled softly as she made herself a plate "its been a rough few months but happy to be back... Things are on the mend finally.." She looked at Kain feeling terrible he wasnt there for his sister being sick or to see her grow which made Julianne miss the meetings.
Kain looked over at Astrid, a smile on his face. He would have to find his sister later and talk to her. “I’m glad to hear it, and I’m glad to have you two back.” Julianne said with a smile. Kain nodded. He was going to make sure she made it to the next meeting though.
Julianne smiled as she heard that. “I’m glad, I missed cooking for you two.” Clearly she still cooked but she did enjoy cooking for her king and queen. She excused herself as Kain started trying some of everything he’d put on his plate.
Astrid watched her leave before digging in and trying bites of everything before finally sitting back a while later full and content. She sighed softly looking up at Kain “what are we doing today?”
Kain had finished everything he'd put on his plate and drank his stein dry. He looked over to her with a smile. "Well, I do have paperwork I need to do, I can't leave it all on Eric anymore. You can join me there if you'd like or you can get some more rest. I know you were still tired earlier" He told her.
She looked up at him “I’d like to join at least for a bit..” she stood once he was done and took his hand as they headed up to his office. She hadn’t been there before and looked around as they entered with a soft hum “I’m guessing Wric’s been organizing for you?”
Kain had taken her hand happily and headed up to his office with her. He made his way over to his desk, beginning with the paperwork that Eric had told him was daily stuff. "He has, I've got a desk being made for him from our woodshop so he'll have his own" Kain said, looking between Astrid and the paperwork in front of him.
Kain sighed softly as she sat in his lap. “Apparently he’s been doing ninety percent of it since we were younger. I never realized it.” He said softly, signing different things or writing changes to others.
Kain shook his head. “I don’t know. I guess that was pretty much he did. I was never told. But I’m helping him now.” Kain said. He felt bad that Eric had been doing all this work and Kain had been doing nothing.
She frowned “well at least you can help him now..” she just settled in his lap “anything I can do to help?” It was clear though it wouldn’t be long before she began to doze off though
He looked at her and nodded. “Exactly”. He said with a smile. He picked at the documents before sighing. “No unfortunately there isn’t.” He said with a smile.
She nodded softly “okay…if so let me know…” she mumbled starting to half doze off in his lap as he worked. A few hours had passed and she had fallen into a deep sleep, tucked into his chest
Kain made sure not to move much as Astrid curled into his lap. “I will” He said softly. He kept going on the daily paperwork, finally reaching an end and starting there too. There are sometimes from here..
Astrid just dozed in his lap snuggling up as she slept finally beginning to wake up a few hours later with a small groan. She shifted blinking "making a dent..?"
Kain had just finished the first weekly stack when he felt Astrid shift in his lap. He looked down at her with a smile. "Starting too, but it'll pile up again in a day or so" He said.
Kain shook his head slightly. "I've got it, I'm almost finished with the weekly stuff. The rest of it is more just look over things. Nothing major" He told her. "Just relax, and when I'm done we can do whatever you want" He added.
Astrid nodded softly with a smile not even remotely arguing just snuggling back into his chest surrounded by his scent. She hummed in thought thought on what she wanted to do when he finished
Kain looked at her as she snuggled into his chest. He turned his focus on the second pile of paperwork for the weekly stuff. He signed a few more things in, initialed others and set those finished ones to the side. Kain grabbed one pile of the monthly paperwork and worked through the pile. About thirty minutes later he was done for the day. “I’m done love. Did you think of what you’d like to do?” He asked her.
Astrid had half dozed off again at some point but blinked her eyes back open "not really...Just with you is my requirement... maybe we could go for a run later?"
Kain nodded with a smile. "Well, we can go for the run now if you'd like?" He asked, looking at her gently. He was curious as to how the run would go.

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