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Realistic or Modern Crocodile Ferry

Parrot Parfait

A dude eclectus parrot
Roleplay Type(s)
I am a cat. Not too large, not too small, neither bright nor dark. In all regards, I look like your average, normal housecat, save for one thing: I run a crocodile ferry service for other cats. When I say crocodile, I don't mean one of those cheesy inflatable toys. Oh no, no. I ride a real, live crocodile. It's a long story, but the end of it is that every night, I ferry cats up, down, and across the Nile river, taking a fee of food and other sorts of trinkets as a service fee. Do I like my job? Oh yes I do, and that is for one reason: the random things cats say. Though tonight, I won't be running the service. One of my juniors will be running the service. Business calls, I must now go.

I was entrusted the ferry service for today. After strapping the small collections basket onto Ammon, I position myself forward and tell Ammon, "Ready." Without a word, Ammon pushes off from the bank and begins to head towards one of the docking locations. When we arrive, there's only one cat at the docking. Eventually, we reach the landing, allowing the cat to hop onto Ammon.
Pie, an orange and white cat, is patiently waiting at the docks for a journey she has thought about taking for years but only recently has developed the courage to try. Pie awkwardly looks at the alligator before jumping on. "Phew. I was worried I might not make it, the alligator's back is not very wide. My name's Pie, what's yours?" Pie moves a paw, revealing a dead mouse. "This is all I have to pay with, I hope this is enough."
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"Eh, I think that should be enough," I say unconfidently, "Is that fine with you Ammon?" There's no response from Ammon except for his cold, silent stare towards the river. I turn towards the other cat. "I think that should be enough. Just place it in the basket."
Pie was nervous, "what would happen if that wasn't enough? Would you kick me off the crocodile?" She cautiously put the mouse in the basket. "What do cats normally pay for the trip?"
"I dunno. I'm working as a temp for the Master, so I'm not entirely sure. Though, from what I can guess, I think that should be enough, given that Ammon here didn't bat an eye either way. Hop on."
"Dunno. He's actually not quite my master per say, people around here just call him that. Anyways, he said he had to tend to some business tonight, so he asked me to fill in for the night." I wait for a moment before asking, "So... are you going to get on or not?"
Pie nods her head, "of course I'm ready. I didn't give you a mouse to just stand on an crocodile. Have you been doing this long?"
I didn't realize she was already on the crocodile 😅
"My apologies. Ammon?" Without a word, Ammon pushed off from the shore and merged into the river. "So, where you heading?" I ask.
When she says downstream, Ammon swerves to match the current of the river as we pass by lights of the city.

"An adventurer, I see? At the end of the Nile is the ocean. I've seen the ocean before. A vast, endless expanse of water as far as the eye can see. I believe there's a port town near the mouth of the river. You can probably start there, maybe find a ship to hop onto," I ramble. I pause for a moment, "Just wondering, why you're so interested in the end of the Nile?"
(what gender is your cat?)

Pie's eyes grow wide. "That would be amazing to see, and a little scary. Going in an ocean, surrounded by only water. I'd be afraid of falling because you couldn't swim to shore like you can here." She looks around, then back at the cat. "I want to get away to someplace where people won't recognize me. Being famous can have downsides."
My cat is male.
"Famous?" I ask, tilting my head a little, "I'm a bit new to the area. Could you fill me in on who you are, and maybe why you're running?"
She lies down in a sphinx position. "Don't you recognize me? I'm the cat model that sculptures used to create the sphinx after. I'm a sphinx model."
"Oh, interesting," I say as I tilt my head. I pause for a moment as if I was trying to recall something. "Ah," I exclaim, "what's the date today? I completely lost track of the days."
"The date?" I say and think for a moment. "May the 21st, or so. I also have trouble keeping track." I pause. "Why you want to know? Do you have something special planned soon?"
"Hmm, I kinda do," I mention, "I'm only supposed to stay in town for a set number of days before leaving. It's hard keeping the time when you're busy! Though, now that you mention it, I probably have to leave tonight if I want to get to my next destination on time." I scratch the back of my ear with my hind leg before resuming. "Of course, I'll be heading back with Ammon before I head out. Wouldn't want the Master to get on my tail or anything."
"Where are you headed to? What could be more excited than this." I laugh at his joke about his tail. "So Ammon, what do you do with your spare time when not acting as a taxi?"
"I'm not really supposed to say," I answer awkwardly. "I could lose my job or something if I divulge anymore than I should." When Pie asked Ammon a question, I stay silent to hear his response. Though, he seemed to remain silent, completely focused on getting to the end of the river before anything else. Taking the opportunity, I answer for him, "I heard from the Master that he usually lazes around in the river and sometimes groups up with other crocodiles to herd and catch fish. Though, when he hasn't gotten anything to eat, he usually splits up some of the food earned from the Master's earnings. Surprisingly, the Master says he doesn't eat much despite his large size."
"That must be quite a secret. The secrecy makes me want to know it even more." I lean in towards him and whisper, "does Ammon know how to talk? He hasn't said anything since I've been on." I look around at the coast, just some sand and some trees. "The view is great. Don't you think."
"The Master says he doesn't talk while swimming," I whisper back, "I think it's because talking while swimming is kinda inconvenient. Though, even then, Ammon still doesn't talk much." I kinda give a shrug. "When she mentions the view, I take a look around and notice my surroundings as well. It's rather beautiful, actually. The crescent moon reflecting onto the water, giving the sand a blueish hue. All around us, you could hear the songs of crickets and other insects. "It is quite beautiful indeed." I stay silent for a moment before asking, "So... I'm interested about you being a model for the sphinx, could you tell me more about that and how you got there?"
I laugh. "I don't talk much when I swim either. I don't like being in the water and I'm frantically trying to get out." I get into a sphinx pose. "As a sphinx model, I get into a sphinx pose and the workers carve the sphinx to have my face and figure. As for how I got the job, I went on a beauty competition show and wowed everyone in the audience, including some in the sphinx building industry." I sit up.
I nod in correspondence when she mentions that she doesn't really like water. Bathing or showers, yes. Swimming? Not so much. Would hate to get stranded in the middle of the ocean... My ears perk up when she mentions her notoriety, "Wow, that's pretty cool!" Though, moments later, I tilt my head in slight confusion. Something doesn't quite add up... So as not to offend the passenger, I try my best to put the question lightly, "If you're open to sensitive questions, why are you leaving for the end of the Nile if you're so popular?"
"Oh, I see..." I say, a little bit regretful that I've asked. I become a bit flustered as I've never dealt with anyone who had to cope with those kinds of things. It takes me a little bit of time to find some words before I answer, "well... there are other things in life besides being popular. While I can never be in your own shoes, I think you still got a good life ahead of you, and if things don't turn out well, you could always return to your owner."

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