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Fandom Crisis of Convergence[OOC]

👀 as for controlling the others..i dunno, might be alot xd

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 if you wanna!

Also, i don't have any other character T.T i prob outta make more tho, although i shouldn't lol
Well I’m down for adding Big Mom asks her and Kaido holy crap. XD no one is ready.. imagine Black Beard it will be hell
Hello hello!

Gonna work on my posts and hopefully have them up sometime this morning! I suppose I’ll figure out where to throw Minato once I get to his post lol
I decided to put a little note in the history section of Lyn's CS, just to clarify her marital status as well as why Lyn only has the Mani Katti as her weapon and not the Sol Katti. I chose to take Lyn after her crusade for Caelin and before she aided Eliwood and Hector, so yeah-
I’ll probably start working on Roland’s next post in a bit soon enough
I have Minato open. He's just kinda chilling by himself
Hmm, I could throw Roland into an interaction now, but not really sure who.

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