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Nation Building Cradle of Life


World Builder, World Destroyer, Cheese Grater.

Our world is at the dawn of civilisation. The four races are beginning to form larger societies spanning larger areas. As time progresses these civilisations will grow, some will rise and some will fall. Some will forge Empires, others will topple these conquerors. The four races may even mix one day as equals. The dawn of civilisation has come.




Details will be revealed through exploration.

Each primal (starting) civilisation will be given a water supply (eg clear river, rainfall), a way to feed their population (eg farmland, forest, fishing waters and at least 2 other resources (eg wood, animals, mining areas)


Rather generic, exactly as you expected. Good at technology and good craftsman. decent all around, able to thrive anywhere

Not as strong as the other races but excell at magic, thrive in places of nature

Strongest of the races, not good at magic but extremely good craftsmen. thrive in structured communities and tamed areas

A more primal people, strong and fast and largely informal with social structure. Thrive anywhere they can survive, good magic users but inferior to the Alves, not very good craftsmen but slightly stronger than humans..

Magic: Magic is currently primeval and the races are just starting to learn it, currently it is far tamed. Most civilisations revere it as divine.

I won't define an exact magic system, I don't believe that's necessary for this. Magical knowledge will be discovered over time and when it is discovered all benefits/detriments and costs of that part of magic will be given. All magic will have a cost, no exceptions

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