Other Controversial Topics

Really quick survey:

Abortion: Yo, I'm personally pro-choice. Hell yeah I'd abort my kid if I couldn't take care of them. Even if I didn't want my kid, I'd abort it. I'm not even gonna sugarcoat it.

The Death Penalty: An eye for an eye. I honestly don't just want the death penalty, we need to bring back fucking torture for some of the shit that people put other people through.

Animal Testing: I'm personally against it, but I understand why there is a need for it, to be honest. I think it's sad, but it's understandable at the very least.

Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?: No, because you don't even develop sexual attractions until around age 5-8. If I'm wrong, correct me with facts.

Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? I'm pretty neutral on this. But... I would just say no.

Gun Control: I don't think that guns should be banned. Just a lot more heavily moderated at the least.

Drinking Age: Uh, I actually don't really care about this one. I'd say keep it the same just to be neutral.

Euthanasia: Again, it's understandable. it may be sad, but understandable. So, yes.

Medical Marijuana: I mean, why not for medical purposes?

Prostitution: I actually don't care about this one. Do what you want.

Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace: This is for the company/business to decide. You as the employee don't get to make up the rules. Your boss does. And that's just how it is.

Standardized Tests: I'd say I don't like standardized testing.
The Death Penalty: An eye for an eye. I honestly don't just want the death penalty, we need to bring back fucking torture for some of the shit that people put other people through.
For instance, if an accomplice for a terrorist attack that killed thousands was found and was undeniably guilty?
Or a cartel leader was captured?
Is that what you're talking about?
For instance, if an accomplice for a terrorist attack that killed thousands was found and was undeniably guilty?
Or a cartel leader was captured?
Is that what you're talking about?

I forgot the exact story, but in just a town over from mine, Antioch, Tennessee, some girl was captured at age 11, kept in a basement, used as a sex slave by some guy and his wife (I think it was his wife, not entirely sure actually). She gave birth at age 14 and then had another daughter later. Both were his children. She had to raise her two girls in a basement and in a secluded backyard. I think she was finally found and released at 28.
You think this fucker that did this to her should just get a quick, easy death? Cuz I'd disagree.

I forgot the exact story, but in just a town over from mine, Antioch, Tennessee, some girl was captured at age 11, kept in a basement, used as a sex slave by some guy and his wife (I think it was his wife, not entirely sure actually). She gave birth at age 14 and then had another daughter later. Both were his children. She had to raise her two girls in a basement and in a secluded backyard. I think she was finally found and released at 28.
You think this fucker that did this to her should just get a quick, easy death? Cuz I'd disagree.
Nah that's another example I suppose.
  • Abortion- Yes. Making it illegal isn't going to stop it and it needs to stay legal for a number of reasons. Personally for me, I don't want any kids ever, and as a nonbinary trans person pregnancy would cause me an INSANE amount of dysphoria and would be far too difficult for me to cope with.
  • The Death Penalty- Maybe? On one hand, I feel like it's too easy a punishment for some crimes. Like life in prison would be worse. But I'm also very here for killing rapists and nazis and such so????
  • Animal Testing- NO. We have plenty of ways to test the effects of things that don't involve animals. I'm very sensitive to this since rats are commonly used test subjects and I own two of them.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?- Yes, or at least early on. I have yet to figure out how to stop being a massive queer. Also some people seem to be answering gender identity under here too so I guess I'll do that. That's determined at birth. Even if your gender is fluid and you don't figure it out until way later. I didn't figure my gender out until I was like 15 or so because I kept wanting to be these super high femme guys and I just kind of went "well I'm already a girl so I can do that already." I didn't figure out thst wishing I was those people so badly was a type of dysphoria until waaaay later.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? Nope.
  • Gun Control- I just feel like it should be harder to get a gun. It's easier for someone to buy a gun then it is for me to get top surgery. If I need proof from a therapist that I'm a 100% real trans to do what I want with my own body, I feel like it should at least require a mental health check or something to get a gun. I really don't like guns either.
  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?)- Lower it to 18. If I can go to war I should be able to take a shot.
  • Euthanasia- For the terminally ill and people who can consent to it while in the proper state of mind, yes.
  • Medical Marijuana- TBH I'm here for all marijuana. I don't smoke, but I have a friend who does because it brings down her mania (bipolar) and allows her to focus. I personally can't smoke it because I'm already super depressed and it makes me more depressed.
  • Prostitution- Legalize it. Sex work is work too.
  • Tattoos and Piercings- Fine. They don't affect my ability to do my job. Unless it's offensive, then you should probably cover it but otherwise who cares?
  • Standardised Tests- They're stupid. And I don't know about y'all but I usually burnt out toward the end of the first one, so if we took two in a day I didn't do well on the second. I just kinda stopped caring.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?)- I'm an agnostic atheist. I don't see any evidence for a god but I'm open to the idea. I'm not religious at all but my closest mother figure is highly spiritual. As long as you aren't hurting anyone, if it brings you comfort, believe what you want. I do find religion fascinating to read about though.
The Death Penalty- Maybe? On one hand, I feel like it's too easy a punishment for some crimes. Like life in prison would be worse. But I'm also very here for killing rapists and nazis and such so????
Not to cause huge debate or anything. But executing people for their political belief is a disgusting proposition regardless of how horrible that person's politicial belief is. Unless they act on it and kill or harm others or damage property then they should not be killed for it. Rapists are fine by my book since they've acted on it but simply holding an opinion should not warrant death in a civilized country.
Not to cause huge debate or anything. But executing people for their political belief is a disgusting proposition regardless of how horrible that person's political belief is. Unless they act on it and kill or harm others or damage property then they should not be punished for it. Rapists are fine by my book since they've acted on it but simply holding an opinion should not warrant death in a civilized country.
In any other regard I would agree with you. But when talking about nazism? Uh, no.

The ideology in and of itself dehumanizes jewish people, and generally thinks that the "Aryan race" was much better than all the others. They literally classified every other race as subhuman. In a civilized country that type of ideology wouldn't be allowed, and for good reason. It's one of the reasons that Germany (and many other European countries) has made denying the holocaust a crime, a look at the history of the country would tell you why they did so.

Nazism isn't just another opinion like "Oh I prefer pineapples on my pizza." It's a harmful ideology that has no place in a civilized world, and to even raise the idea that it's fine as long as they don't act on is absurd. Because then people with that ideology start to feel safe about voicing their opinions, and that leads to a resurgence of these political groups, which is what we're already seeing, especially in Europe.

Tbh I don't feel any remorse for someone who thinks genocide is totally okay, so giving them the death penalty doesn't bother me.
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In any other regard I would agree with you. But when talking about nazism? Uh, no.

The ideology in and of itself dehumanizes jewish people, and generally thinks that the "Aryan race" was much better than all the others. They literally classified every other race as subhuman. In a civilized country that type of ideology wouldn't be allowed, and for good reason. It's one of the reasons that Germany (and many other European countries) has made denying the holocaust a crime, a look at the history of the country would tell you why they did so.

Nazism isn't just another opinion like "Oh I prefer pineapples on my pizza." It's a harmful ideology that has no place in a civilized world, and to even raise the idea that it's fine as long as they don't act on is absurd.
The moment you openly admit that you want to kill people who have a vastly different and albeit awful ideology to you, that's the moment you become just as bad as they are in some regards. You have just told everyone that you want a number of people to be executed by the state for thinking a different way to you, it does not matter how disgusting an ideology is. As long as it does not pose a threat to anyone else, and as long as they are just words and no action or no threat of action, then they should not be killed.

"Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature and views political violence, war, and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation." - Wikipedia

"It's a harmful ideology that has no place in a civilized world" - You

You believe that political violence is justified because they are harmful to the "civilized world" which includes the nation you live in presumably, so you believe that political violence and executions against these neo-nazis is not automatically negative in nature as it will improve the civilized world, IE national rejuvenation in some sense. What you have said could possibly be argued as a fascist statement.

I am not calling you a fascist of course since you clearly are very against the idea but that particular statement could be seen as fascist without much problem.
The moment you openly admit that you want to kill people who have a vastly different and albeit awful ideology to you, that's the moment you become just as bad as they are in some regards. You have just told everyone that you want a number of people to be executed by the state for thinking a different way to you, it does not matter how disgusting an ideology is. As long as it does not pose a threat to anyone else, and as long as they are just words and no action or no threat of action, then they should not be killed.

"Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature and views political violence, war, and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation." - Wikipedia

"It's a harmful ideology that has no place in a civilized world" - You

You believe that political violence is justified because they are harmful to the "civilized world" which includes the nation you live in presumably, so you believe that political violence and executions against these neo-nazis is not automatically negative in nature as it will improve the civilized world, IE national rejuvenation in some sense. What you have said could possibly be argued as a fascist statement.

I am not calling you a fascist of course since you clearly are very against the idea but that particular statement could be seen as fascist without much problem.
What I'm having trouble understanding is why are you arguing as if Nazism is an ideology worth preserving.

I'm not saying they should be put to death simply because they have a different way a thinking, but that they way that they think is dangerous. You can not argue otherwise when Nazism resulted in 6,000,000–11,000,000 deaths (there's such a wide range because documentation was not truly kept of the people they sent to death) during the Holocaust. That is indisputable truth. It's dangerous to everyone, not just those in civilized countries.

You keep saying it's fine as long as there's no action, but words can carry just as much power. It normalizes an ideology that dehumanizes multiple people. Logically speaking, why would you want people to be safe with this ideology? What is the point in doing that when it very likely could just lead to another holocaust like situation?

Personally, I'm not even saying with should kill them. At the very least, a person with such ideologies should not be among society, as we've already witnessed what happened when they were.
What I'm having trouble understanding is why are you arguing as if Nazism is an ideology worth preserving.

I'm not saying they should be put to death simply because they have a different way a thinking, but that they way that they think is dangerous. You can not argue otherwise when Nazism resulted in 6,000,000–11,000,000 deaths (there's such a wide range because documentation was not truly kept of the people they sent to death) during the Holocaust. That is indisputable truth. It's dangerous to everyone, not just those in civilized countries.

You keep saying it's fine as long as there's no action, but words can carry just as much power. It normalizes an ideology that dehumanizes multiple people. Logically speaking, why would you want people to be safe with this ideology? What is the point in doing that when it very likely could just lead to another holocaust like situation?

I'm not, Nazism will die out on its own eventually as civilization continues to progress. 70 years ago it was widely accepted not just in Germany but around the world, now its barely anywhere. It will die out on its own sooner or later, so far since WW2 it hasn't caused any real problems for the world. Executing hundreds of people for their political belief is a huge problem, it goes against everything we stand for in the West. Regardless of how horrible it is.

Also if you're arguing that for Nazism, then the same should stand 100 times more for Communism. Nazism has killed 6-11 million deaths? As Communism would reply: That's cute, Communism has killed 94 million people in a single century, so if you're arguing that Nazis should be put to death because their ideology is dangerous then I suppose there should be mass rounding ups and firing squads in every far left college and university campus in North America and Europe? Because that's the facts, Communism is far, far worse than Nazism in terms of human destruction yet somehow its perfectly reasonable to be a Communist. And that's not even to imply that Nazism isn't an absolutely despicible ideology. I hope you won't have double standards on that since that would just be stupid.

Words can carry much power to a suseptible population, but the amount of liberals and far left ideologues in the civilized world is a great deal higher than it was when Nazism first started to rise. Especially in Germany. People are not stupid anymore, people back in the 30s were naive compared to the modern world, they didn't believe that sort of thing would happen. Most of Germany didn't even know the truth of the concentration camps.

Also to even suggest that a Nazi-led holocaust against minorities or Jews would happen in the 1st world in the modern era is just idiotic. It just wouldn't happen, not ever. This sort of violence does still happen in places like Africa and the Middle East, but its not Nazi related in the slightest and it would certainly never happen in the Western world. It's not about people being safe with an ideology, its about protecting the rights that make America and to the exact same extent the entire Western world such a successful and free place compared to mostly everywhere else.
Words can carry much power to a suseptible population, but the amount of liberals and far left ideologues in the civilized world is a great deal higher than it was when Nazism first started to rise. Especially in Germany. People are not stupid anymore, people back in the 30s were naive compared to the modern world, they didn't believe that sort of thing would happen. Most of Germany didn't even know the truth of the concentration camps.

Also to even suggest that a Nazi-led holocaust against minorities or Jews would happen in the 1st world in the modern era is just idiotic. It just wouldn't happen, not ever. This sort of violence does still happen in places like Africa and the Middle East, but its not Nazi related in the slightest and it would certainly never happen in the Western world. It's not about people being safe with an ideology, its about protecting the rights that make America and to the exact same extent the entire Western world such a successful and free place compared to mostly everywhere else.
But this is where my point lies. We like to think that we're better than the humans of the past, that we wouldn't be fooled into believing such a genocide would happen. But that's exactly how the history repeats itself. If we aren't constantly watching ourselves, the same situations will rise up again and again and again.

And suddenly it happens and we're like "Oh no this is such a horrible event. How could this happen?" and then we say "We'll never let it happen it again." only to let it happen yet again. We see this school shootings and bombings and everything else. School shootings still happen regularly in america, we just stopped reporting about it because it's "normal" now. And it's because we see an event happen, freak out, and then go about our daily lives like it never was a thing.

Not to mention that just because a "holocaust" like situation isn't Nazi-led, doesn't mean that it's impossible. The Rwandan Genocide is a much more recent example. It went basically unreported, and I guarantee that if you went up to multiple strangers on the street they'd have no idea on what it is.

You're highly mistaken to say that our population isn't highly susceptible to ideals similar to Nazism. People are more scared than they have been in a very long time, especially western countries (which, lets be honest, are the countries we're referring to whenever we say "civilized world", even though that's far from the truth.) Are you saying that it'd be impossible to convince the population that it'd be for the best to wipe out all Muslims? So that no one else would have to die in terrorist attacks? People are highly persuaded by fear, and I'd bet money that it's a very possible situation. Not to mention what's happening in Chechyan Russia, where LGBT men are literally being rounded up and sent to concentration camps and some have even been killed.

This doesn't at all relate directly to Nazism, Jewish people and the Holocaust specifically, but hopefully you can see where it ties in. The same running idea that one population of people is better than another, that some minorities are sub-human, it runs through all of the examples I've shown you, despite the fact that it's not as overt. That's why I argue that Nazism and ideologies like it should be stomped out.

Assuming that it would die out with the advancement of time is a huge assumption to be making. We thought that with sexism and still we have woman today being sold into childhood marriage and being stoned to death. We thought that with racism and still there are a lot of systems in place that make it hard for minorities to go anywhere in life. Change doesn't happen by itself, it requires action. The only thing passivity does is let people continue on with their lives, ignoring their problems saying that "They'll be fixed/disappear eventually."
thoughtless thoughtless
You haven't addressed my point on you having at least one fascist belief yourself. That an ideology that is harmful in your eyes to the nation should be wiped out via forceful and lethal means, that political violence in this case is justified for the purposes of "national rejuvenation" in some sense. Also we are for the most part, I'm specifically talking about the West since Nazism has typically been an ideology that has only gained ground really in the West, things like the Rwandan Genocide do not happen in the West, the persecution of the LGBT population in Chechnya cannot be compared to the Holocaust or the Rwandan Genocide, not even in terms of treatment on a person by person basis.

You would be somewhat correct, except that wasn't my point. My point was specifically about Nazism, not ideals similar to Nazism and I believe you're intentionally trying to make it out as if that was my point solely to give yourself a boost in this debate. The West is the most civilized part of this world, so by a comparable definition, the West is the civilized world because there is not a more civilized part of this world to compare it to. And your point on wiping out all Muslims? It depends on the population, the people of Poland or the Czech Republic would be more open to the idea than the people of Germany or Canada for example, the West while similar in overall ideals is very different when it comes to opinions of certain matters as it is a collection of very different cultures which happen to share similar values due to centuries old Christian influence. But even then I'd say it would be near impossible to do so, the consensus appears to be even on the far leaning Right is not to exterminate muslims but to deport them from western nations.

I see what you mean, but that was not my point at all or the point of this discussion. You somewhat derailed it to give yourself more to talk about no offense. My point was that Nazism could not rise to power again, not that an ideal similar to Nazism could not rise to power. Nazism is no longer a threat, regardless of what Neo-Nazis act like or think of it, it is not a real threat and so the idea that we should round these people up and systematically exterminate them because "I don't like their ideology." is just a disgusting one that goes against all of our values, so many troops have died to protect everyone's right to express their beliefs no matter how horrid or controversial, and although there's no doubt in my mind that the men of these armies would despise the ideas of Nazism, they would take solace in knowing that no one apart from the Nazis themselves take them seriously. It's a dying cause, however the more attention we give it the more the probability of it ever actually becoming a threat grows.

And not really, other ideals have suffered similar fates to varying degrees. Monarchism for example, there are very, very few nations left in the world with an absolute monarchy compared to back in the day. Many of the nations that once had proud absolute monarchies like Britain and Japan are now content with constitutional monarchies where their Monarchs are simply ceremonial. Even Communism, though whilst still being praised by small groups of spoiled western youth as some sort of godly economic system is on life support, the only large nation which claims to be communist anymore is China, and even then they literally have billionaires in their nation which have made their money via owning corporations.

Ideologies do die, they are not invisible. When I mean die, I don't mean literally every single person who believes in it is dead, like you would propose for ideologies you don't like. I mean that they have no influence in the world anymore, Nazism could be considered dead right now, or at the very least on its death bed, it holds no influence anymore minus the odd local news report about a controversial Nazi protest, apart from that literally no one cares. Also in the West with those extreme examples of sexism you provided? No, not in the West, in Islamic countries maybe and on the black market globally then yes, but very few women go through that and it is illegal in nearly every part of the world to the most severe extent.

I'm not disagreeing with you when you say that change requires action, but killing people you disagree with is a utterly disgusting and fascist way of running a nation and I would never accept that kind of change.

First they came for the Neo-Nazis, then they came for the Far-Righters, then they came for the Conservatives, then they came for the Centrists, then they came for the moderate liberals.

What I meant by that is that doing that sort of thing is a very, and I mean a VERY slipperly slope. Because once you start justifying the systematic and government issued extermination of a certain political group because of (insert reason) then it just starts snowballing. Then suddenly the ordinary Republicans are 'just as bad' as the Neo-Nazis you just wiped out so you wipe them out. Your kind of thinking is a dangerous kind of thinking, but I would never even suggest that you should be detained and hung or shot or electrocuted for your belief that the same should be done to others. Again, it doesn't matter how dispicible their beliefs are, as long as they do not cause harm to anyone or anything because of it.
thoughtless thoughtless
You haven't addressed my point on you having at least one fascist belief yourself.
I've ignored it because nothing in my argument insinuated that much.

"Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature and views political violence, war, and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation."

The only part of that sentence that you gave as a definition of Fascism that I even remotely agree with is the fact that it rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature. Because well, acts of violence aren't always negative, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a positive things either. Violence isn't black and white, such as in acts of self defense. The rest of that sentence however is what I entirely disagree with, as I'm against imperialism, war and political violence.

You're whole argument is based on a misconception of my beliefs, so let me clear it up.

First off, my specific statements where you seem to be getting the idea that I'm all for killing people to protect the nation and the "civilized world" were not a direct statement of my beliefs. These two comments;
"In a civilized country that type of ideology wouldn't be allowed, and for good reason."
"It's a harmful ideology that has no place in a civilized world, and to even raise the idea that it's fine as long as they don't act on is absurd."
Where supposed to be taken as a direct contrast to this one you said;
"Rapists are fine by my book since they've acted on it but simply holding an opinion should not warrant death in a civilized country."

They were not to say "Hey let's kill nazi's to protect the western countries." but more to say "Yeah, what you said is true, but a civilized country also wouldn't do *blah blah argument here blah blah blah*". So really I was saying that in a rather sarcastic tone. I admit that my intentions were not clear from the start and I apologize for that, but now it's cleared up.

And now to say this, I am not entirely against the idea of killing Nazis. Generally speaking it's a disgusting ideology that has caused a lot of wrong in the world. But you're making the assumption that I think that "Killing all Nazis and Neo-Nazis" is a viable option and is one that the western civilization should utilize. If you read my very first post, whenever I discussed the death penalty in this topic you'd see that I said;
"On one hand I can see why people would want it but on the other hand I don't like the idea that it could be abused in the future."

Of course I don't expect you to have done that (since this isn't a true debate and you're not held to any expectations of preparation beforehand), but the reasons I said that for the exact ones you stated at the end of your post. It is indeed a slippery slope, and while I wouldn't be bothered by all Nazis dying, I can admit that it would lead to a whole other slew of problems that we'd have to deal with.

I'm pretty much presented all my feelings on the topic, so I won't be replying to this specific argument anymore. But I do commend you for actually pointing out the flaws (and admittedly there were a lot) in my argument rather than sealioning.
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You're whole argument is based on a misconception of my beliefs, so let me clear it up.
If this was the case then it isn't a fault on either my or your behalf since your argument didn't previously clear up any of the apparent misconceptions though not to your fault. I genuinely appreciate you making your points clearer however rather than just going on a rant about what I was saying like someone else might have.

Nazism is a political viewpoint, so executing Nazis based on their belief in Nazism is political violence, so if you were in any scenario for the killing of Nazis because they were Nazis then you would be in favor of political violence. You've cleared up that you aren't entirely for or against the idea so obviously this scenario does not apply IRL but in a hypothetical scenario for a point of reference that you were for it then you would have one fascist belief, which doesn't automatically make you the next Hitler, many, many nations even in the West behave in fascist ways from time to time so it doesn't immediately equate to holocaust, I wasn't calling you evil when I said that.

I think that's really all I have to say in political response to your last reply. So with that out of the way I commend you as well for engaging in a more or less civil discussion, not to sound cocky but I suppose we succeeded where many others fail when it comes to engaging with others who share different beliefs on certain things. Glad to have been able to do a little thinking with you, its healthy for the brain. Wish more people were like this when it comes to politics.
Could you imagine how paranoid society would be? It could end up in a way like Hitler's Germany in the end, who was in favour of political violence as you could tell.
Abortion: I'm for it depending on the development stage of the fetus. The brain's what makes us important to me, moreso than the DNA. I do get the whole 'it'll eventually be a human,' but that also has the interpretation of 'it isn't a human right now.'

The Death Penalty: Pro. There's practical times to use it, though I haven't heard many opposing arguments. I remember this being a topic to be debated in my old law class. After plowing through horrendous argument after horrendous argument of high-school teenagers that don't realize Saudi-Arabia and Canada aren't the same country, I talked to my teacher afterwards. He said I argued the practicality of it fine, but the topic was worded to specify 'justice,' and we had to apply its definition and philosophy appropriately. Sadly he didn't elaborate on why he thought the death penalty didn't fit, but there's something to dwell on.

Animal Testing: Ain't pretty. It's pretty messy actually, though animals have more rights in experimentation than they used to have... well, depending where you are. Sadly though, we do need working organic organs, brains, etc. to test our medicines and other treatments on. They've also been used to judge the safety of some of the foods we eat, like various GMOs. We need to test our shit on living things, sadly.

Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?: It's been a few years since I last looked up the research behind it, but I remember a theory on how males become gay (feminization in the womb from the mother,) and the differences in anatomy; brain size, something about the bones, etc. So at the moment I'd at least say it's possible, bordering on 'likely.'

Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?: It's not a business. People pay voluntarily, not out of obligation. It's taxing a charity. As the only justification I've heard for this has been 'they have a lot of money,' I don't think they should be taxed.

Gun Control: It depends on the person and gun. Weaponry should be restricted to some degree, yes - Dragons Breath rounds shouldn't be loaded in home defense weapons, and 5.56 AP shouldn't be used for hunting. However, I get someone wanting more than a handgun or shotgun for home defense, and a near arsenal just for general fun.
But they are dangerous weapons that make a person capable of easily killing multiple people. Basically I'm for it in a general sense, but the specifics would be hard to iron out and I don't know how to concisely give that out.

Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?): It should link up with the point that country's culture considers you an adult, at least for ordering and purchasing your own alcohol. I also think limited exposure to it should be allowed at younger ages to breed some apathy towards it, so they don't think their privileges have finally come in and they drink themselves stupid.

Euthanasia: For it. There are some pretty horrific situations people can find themselves in where they'll die anyway. Better that they go out peacefully, I say.

Medical Marijuana: While, contrary to popular belief, not harmless it isn't too bad as far as most drugs go. Additionally, it does work as a medicine. I'm for it.

Prostitution: For it. Most of the dangers associated with it are the cause of it being illegal, and the profession itself isn't harmful to people. I really don't see why it's illegal.

Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace: Hard one, since a workplace can lose business if they have a desk secretary with a cock tattooed to his forehead. Though at the same time a tattoo is something that requires some more invasive action than just changing a shirt, or removing piercings. I guess in the same way that an obese person isn't going to make it as a model, someone with tattoos won't make certain jobs. I'm for it.

Standardised Tests: No opinion.

Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?): I think agnostic atheist. I think agnosticism makes sense from a logical perspective, but I don't live by that or consider the possibility often.
I have been stalking this thread ever since it popped up and never felt once the need to share my opinions. Except now I do—kinda, not really. Why? Because I'm bored out of my little mind and reading the different faces of a topic as well as its opinions fascinates me. Now, lets stretch the old muscles in the fingers and do this.

— If it isn't my body, then why the hell is it my choice? That's like having someone pick your entire wardrobe (other than you mum, okay, but that's different) without your say or choice. The clothes don't go on them—they go on you. Same applies to abortion; choosing for a person is downright disrespectful.

Death Penalty
— The only comment that I will provide is that some crimes deserve it, others do not. And sometimes I want to see a person rot away in prison for a disgusting crime. My opinions are flighty on this subject.

Animal Testing
— Depends. I'm okay with it being utilized if its for cancer or medical purposes. If it is for something lesser of importance, like cosmetics, I'm going to most likely say no. Also, please involve ethics with your testing.

Sexual Attraction
— So you're telling me a baby is born knowing exactly who they want to do the willy nilly with and who they don't? I'm cackling. No, of course not. Sexual attraction is discovered when, y'know, they actually begin to feel sexually attracted to others. From there they can explore and figure it out themselves.

Church Taxes
— I am an atheist. I don't believe I have the right to comment on somehing that provides others with so much comfort, service, or whatever you'd like to call it.

Gun Control
— Necessary, but not to the extent where those with intentions for self defense have guns pried out of their bloody fingers. Do background checks. Give guns to those who can be trusted.

Drinking Age
— If you can go fight in the military and potentially shoot a person, you should be able to drink. (18).

— If the patient consents to it because of pain or suffering in their state, then yes. Ethics must be involved and the choice should be thought through.

Medical Marijuana
— Definitely should be allowed.

— This one is hard. If the environment is safe and the workers willing, then yes. If exposed to a dangerous environment (more often than not), absolutely not.

Ink and Piercings at Work
— Are we to assume they are at an average office setting? If so then...yes. Employees come to work because they are skilled, not because they look pretty or stick to a certain fashion (or not), dammit. This means, if Mr. Tattoo (or Piercing) has a better skill range and is more ethical or suited to the work than Mr. Plain Joe, take him. Vice versa as well.

Standardized Testing
— Because all us students are totally the same body and mind. We definitely need one test, one standardized test to encompass a shit load of learning and the unique-ness of each and every student. Assets and disadvantages should be ignored. Instead, we should throw students a frantic game of 'who can remember the most'. I think its a lovely idea. (I hope you detected my sarcasm. Standardized testing is a nono).

Religious Standing
— I know nothing, only that I am an atheist. Type and proper terms have flown past my head simply because I am far too lazy to do proper research. I dont giving a flying pancake about religion.
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  • Abortion
I don't think there's a threshold of "personhood" - I think it's a gradual process. With every passing second, it becomes more and more human - but in early months, that level of humanity is still insignificant nonetheless. Furthermore, I'm a materialist - I don't see a soul being "anchored" to a body at the moment of conception. I think it's kinder to not bring a creature into the world than to bring it into the world unwanted. As far as I can see, early-term abortion isn't much different from a male masturbating or a female going through her period. It only starts getting fuzzy late-term. Pro-choice, I suppose. Even if my inner hipster is disappointed that I'm conforming "like, to society's standards, man".
  • The Death Penalty
Criminals should be regarded as we regard violent animals. When a dog knows only to bite and growl, it has to be put down. Not in anger, not to appease a victim's anger - simply to keep others safe. But if a criminal can be rehabilitated and bring benefit to society, then take that course of action.
  • Animal Testing
Go for it. We as a species have rarely given a genuine fuck about animals at large - only the ones we think are pretty or nice to look at like Tigers, Whales, colourful birds and puppies. I doubt that most of us care about animals for the sake of their own well-being, but only insofar as we don't like seeing them injured because it's unpleasant or aesthetically disgusting. I'd kick the shit out of someone who hurt my cat - yet at the same time, I know there are animals being injured all over the earth at all times, and that thought rarely gives me genuine grief. I'm not witness to it - that harm exists outside of my own little sphere of experience. I don't care about the Little Black Galapagos Snail's steady decline toward extinction, and I won't pretend to.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?
If there was only one lesson that I took away from my psych classes, that lesson would be that everything is partly nature and partly nurture. I think some people have disposition toward certain sexualities - and I think their culture can push or pull them from that point.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?
"Churches" is a broad label. We've got some Berkley-hunt here in NZ trying to build a supercomplex for all his followers, trying to claim it all as his little "church". Bullshit. Megachurches and complexes are entirely different from small-town local churches. If they do charity work - give them typical nonprofit charity status. If they're bringing in a profit - tax that shit up and down.
  • Gun Control
Firearms possession should be restricted. Looking around the world and to countries that have gun control ... well, you can't argue with results. Shit, I don't think I've ever seen a handgun IRL. Except ... it doesn't look like that will work in the U.S. because gun culture is already so ingrained. I don't know it trying to restrict it wouldn't achieve much.

  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?)
It's 18 over here, but my mates and I have been drinking since 16. Stop teaching kids that alcohol is scary and evil, and teach them to handle it responsibly. They're going to get their hands on it one day, and they're going to be making their own decisions one day - foster a sense of responsibility.
  • Euthanasia
For - provided the individual in question isn't suffering from some impairment that might cloud their judgement. Everyone should have the right - but every precaution should be taken to ensure the individual is making an informed and clear-headed choice.
  • Medical Marijuana
Go for it.
  • Prostitution
Partially legal here. Tax it, regulate it, introduce protections and turn it into a more positive work environment.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace
That's between you and your employer. If an employer feels that their employees shouldn't be displaying tattoos, then that's their prerogative. It's just an extension of uniform and dress code.
  • Standardised Tests
Don't know a thing about them.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing
Agnostic Atheist. Don't think there's a god. There might be? Probably not. But most abrahamic gods kinda seem like dickbags, so that would be kinda lame if they were right all along :l
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I'm absolutely amazed at the number of polite, well-reasoned comments. You guys absolutely rock. <3
So, I guess I'd better share a controversial opinion. Here goes:

Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace
I personally don't want to see your tramp stamp or your nose ring. This is kinda irrational, I know, but it makes me think you're unhygienic. I think the only workplace it's appropriate in is a tattoo parlor.​
  • Abortion
I don't think there's a threshold of "personhood" - I think it's a gradual process. With every passing second, it becomes more and more human - but in early months, that level of humanity is still insignificant nonetheless. Furthermore, I'm a materialist - I don't see a soul being "anchored" to a body at the moment of conception. I think it's kinder to not bring a creature into the world than to bring it into the world unwanted. As far as I can see, early-term abortion isn't much different from a male masturbating or a female going through her period. It only starts getting fuzzy late-term. Pro-choice, I suppose. Even if my inner hipster is disappointed that I'm conforming "like, to society's standards, man".
  • The Death Penalty
Criminals should be regarded as we regard violent animals. When a dog knows only to bite and growl, it has to be put down. Not in anger, not to appease a victim's anger - simply to keep others safe. But if a criminal can be rehabilitated and bring benefit to society, then take that course of action.
  • Animal Testing
Go for it. We as a species have rarely given a genuine fuck about animals at large - only the ones we think are pretty or nice to look at like Tigers, Whales, colourful birds and puppies. I doubt that most of us care about animals for the sake of their own well-being, but only insofar as we don't like seeing them injured because it's unpleasant or aesthetically disgusting. I'd kick the shit out of someone who hurt my cat - yet at the same time, I know there are animals being injured all over the earth at all times, and that thought rarely gives me genuine grief. I'm not witness to it - that harm exists outside of my own little sphere of experience. I don't care about the Little Black Galapagos Snail's steady decline toward extinction, and I won't pretend to.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?
If there was only one lesson that I took away from my psych classes, that lesson would be that everything is partly nature and partly nurture. I think some people have disposition toward certain sexualities - and I think their culture can push or pull them from that point.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?
"Churches" is a broad label. We've got some Berkley-hunt here in NZ trying to build a supercomplex for all his followers, trying to claim it all as his little "church". Bullshit. Megachurches and complexes are entirely different from small-town local churches. If they do charity work - give them typical nonprofit charity status. If they're bringing in a profit - tax that shit up and down.
  • Gun Control
Firearms possession should be restricted. Looking around the world and to countries that have gun control ... well, you can't argue with results. Shit, I don't think I've ever seen a handgun IRL. Except ... it doesn't look like that will work in the U.S. because gun culture is already so ingrained. I don't know it trying to restrict it wouldn't achieve much.

  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?)
It's 18 over here, but my mates and I have been drinking since 16. Stop teaching kids that alcohol is scary and evil, and teach them to handle it responsibly. They're going to get their hands on it one day, and they're going to be making their own decisions one day - foster a sense of responsibility.
  • Euthanasia
For - provided the individual in question isn't suffering from some impairment that might cloud their judgement. Everyone should have the right - but every precaution should be taken to ensure the individual is making an informed and clear-headed choice.
  • Medical Marijuana
Go for it.
  • Prostitution
Partially legal here. Tax it, regulate it, introduce protections and turn it into a more positive work environment.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace
That's between you and your employer. If an employer feels that their employees shouldn't be displaying tattoos, then that's their prerogative. It's just an extension of uniform and dress code.
  • Standardised Tests
Don't know a thing about them.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing
Agnostic Atheist. Don't think there's a god. There might be? Probably not. But most abrahamic gods kinda seem like dickbags, so that would be kinda lame if they were right all along :l
About gun control. Alot of the places you speak of have a small population and a small amount of guns as a result. There is a direct correlation with gun ownership and violent crime decrease. I'll edit the study in few minutes.
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My standing on things:
  • Abortion: Pro-Life. If you don't want the baby just leave it for a damn adoption, but for god's sake don't kill it.
  • The Death Penalty: I believe in the "Hammurabi's Code" or as people nowadays call it: "An eye for an eye" system. If a guy kills a guy, that guy should know how it feels to die. The only exception to the eye for an eye rule are rapists. You can't exactly rape a rapist since sex is what he wants in the first place, plus who would rape them? Death penalty for rapists, because rape is a special kind of evil in my eyes.
  • Animal Testing: Really, I don't get the butthurt people who cry at a single pig getting killed. That's nature. Animals kill animals. Animals kill plants. Otherwise, we can't have food and can't survive. If it furthers science or welfare, go for it.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?: Eeeh, I really don't care. Let people do what they want as long as it doesn't bother other people.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?: Churches should be treated as any other community/business/building, so no, they should not.
  • Gun Control: Restrict firearms. Individuals who wish to possess them should issue a good reason and pass tests to see if they can be trusted with a firearm and won't use it to go around shooting schools.
  • Drinking Age: I'd say it isn't a matter of age but of mind. A person will get their hands on alcohol sooner or later in their life. The key isn't making sure he's biologically ready but mentally ready. It doesn't matter if he drinks it. What matters is if he doesn't turn into a slobbering drunk maniac that goes to the bar every night. I believe that it should be illegal to buy, issue, and consume alcohol unless you're ready to face the potential consequences, and a separate type of document should be created that lets people purchase (and consume) alcohol, that is only issued to people who passed a psychological evaluation and are proven to be responsible individuals who think about their mistakes.
  • Euthanasia: By no means do I encourage anyone to kill themselves, but I believe if a person really wants to die and has good claims to support it, they should be allowed to die. A lot of things can cloud a person's judgment when choosing between the razor or the door out of the bathroom. I believe it should only be permitted to people with serious disabilities that make their lives completely insufferable.
  • Medical Marijuana: It's medical, in other words, purely for health benefits. If it stays that way, go for it.
  • Prostitution: Only if proper safety precautions are taken and if the "worker" is willing.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace: I don't care. Go for it.
  • Standardized Tests: Depends. I believe that people who have disabilities that lower their overall mental performance should be given "perks" such as more time during a test and perhaps more time to study. Depending on severity, they may also be given a slightly easier version of the test. But don't give them to people who are just stupid, like the girl on facebook that says the Statue of Liberty looks cool (under a picture of the Eiffel Tower.) Such idiots should be tested in the same way as normal people and cry when they are shown their terrible failure. Perhaps they'll move on and become intelligent, or maybe they'll stay stupid and prove themselves incapable members of society.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing: Agnostic-Atheist. I believe in logic and in what the observable universe presents to me. I am open to the idea of a "God" if someone can prove his/her/its existence to me.
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My standing on things:
  • Abortion: Pro-Life. If you don't want the baby just leave it for a damn abortion, but for god's sake don't kill it.
  • The Death Penalty: I believe in the "Hammurabi's Code" or as people nowadays call it: "An eye for an eye" system. If a guy kills a guy, that guy should know how it feels to die. The only exception to the eye for an eye rule are rapists. You can't exactly rape a rapist since sex is what he wants in the first place, plus who would rape them? Death penalty for rapists, because rape is a special kind of evil in my eyes.
  • Animal Testing: Really, I don't get the butthurt people who cry at a single pig getting killed. That's nature. Animals kill animals. Animals kill plants. Otherwise, we can't have food and can't survive. If it furthers science or welfare, go for it.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?: Eeeh, I really don't care. Let people do what they want as long as it doesn't bother other people.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?: Churches should be treated as any other community/business/building, so no, they should not.
  • Gun Control: Restrict firearms. Individuals who wish to possess them should issue a good reason and pass tests to see if they can be trusted with a firearm and won't use it to go around shooting schools.
  • Drinking Age: I'd say it isn't a matter of age but of mind. A person will get their hands on alcohol sooner or later in their life. The key isn't making sure he's biologically ready but mentally ready. It doesn't matter if he drinks it. What matters is if he doesn't turn into a slobbering drunk maniac that goes to the bar every night. I believe that it should be illegal to buy, issue, and consume alcohol unless you're ready to face the potential consequences, and a separate type of document should be created that lets people purchase (and consume) alcohol, that is only issued to people who passed a psychological evaluation and are proven to be responsible individuals who think about their mistakes.
  • Euthanasia: By no means do I encourage anyone to kill themselves, but I believe if a person really wants to die and has good claims to support it, they should be allowed to die. A lot of things can cloud a person's judgment when choosing between the razor or the door out of the bathroom. I believe it should only be permitted to people with serious disabilities that make their lives completely insufferable.
  • Medical Marijuana: It's medical, in other words, purely for health benefits. If it stays that way, go for it.
  • Prostitution: Only if proper safety precautions are taken and if the "worker" is willing.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace: I don't care. Go for it.
  • Standardized Tests: Depends. I believe that people who have disabilities that lower their overall mental performance should be given "perks" such as more time during a test and perhaps more time to study. Depending on severity, they may also be given a slightly easier version of the test. But don't give them to people who are just stupid, like the girl on facebook that says the Statue of Liberty looks cool (under a picture of the Eiffel Tower.) Such idiots should be tested in the same way as normal people and cry when they are shown their terrible failure. Perhaps they'll move on and become intelligent, or maybe they'll stay stupid and prove themselves incapable members of society.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing: Agnostic-Atheist. I believe in logic and in what the observable universe presents to me. I am open to the idea of a "God" if someone can prove his/her/its existence to me.
A very small amount of guns are used shootings.
Infact they reduce the amount of homicides. But seriously. Guns are already regulated in the US. My uncle who has one charge of assault can't get a gun.
Not to mention people can make their own and get them illegally. As what alot of people look over. The UK and Australia are islands. It's hard to snuggle across boats and planes, but the USA. It has land borders.
May be a news article. But if you are logical like you say. It will make since.
My standing on things:
  • Abortion: Pro-Life. If you don't want the baby just leave it for a damn abortion, but for god's sake don't kill it.
  • The Death Penalty: I believe in the "Hammurabi's Code" or as people nowadays call it: "An eye for an eye" system. If a guy kills a guy, that guy should know how it feels to die. The only exception to the eye for an eye rule are rapists. You can't exactly rape a rapist since sex is what he wants in the first place, plus who would rape them? Death penalty for rapists, because rape is a special kind of evil in my eyes.
  • Animal Testing: Really, I don't get the butthurt people who cry at a single pig getting killed. That's nature. Animals kill animals. Animals kill plants. Otherwise, we can't have food and can't survive. If it furthers science or welfare, go for it.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?: Eeeh, I really don't care. Let people do what they want as long as it doesn't bother other people.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?: Churches should be treated as any other community/business/building, so no, they should not.
  • Gun Control: Restrict firearms. Individuals who wish to possess them should issue a good reason and pass tests to see if they can be trusted with a firearm and won't use it to go around shooting schools.
  • Drinking Age: I'd say it isn't a matter of age but of mind. A person will get their hands on alcohol sooner or later in their life. The key isn't making sure he's biologically ready but mentally ready. It doesn't matter if he drinks it. What matters is if he doesn't turn into a slobbering drunk maniac that goes to the bar every night. I believe that it should be illegal to buy, issue, and consume alcohol unless you're ready to face the potential consequences, and a separate type of document should be created that lets people purchase (and consume) alcohol, that is only issued to people who passed a psychological evaluation and are proven to be responsible individuals who think about their mistakes.
  • Euthanasia: By no means do I encourage anyone to kill themselves, but I believe if a person really wants to die and has good claims to support it, they should be allowed to die. A lot of things can cloud a person's judgment when choosing between the razor or the door out of the bathroom. I believe it should only be permitted to people with serious disabilities that make their lives completely insufferable.
  • Medical Marijuana: It's medical, in other words, purely for health benefits. If it stays that way, go for it.
  • Prostitution: Only if proper safety precautions are taken and if the "worker" is willing.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace: I don't care. Go for it.
  • Standardized Tests: Depends. I believe that people who have disabilities that lower their overall mental performance should be given "perks" such as more time during a test and perhaps more time to study. Depending on severity, they may also be given a slightly easier version of the test. But don't give them to people who are just stupid, like the girl on facebook that says the Statue of Liberty looks cool (under a picture of the Eiffel Tower.) Such idiots should be tested in the same way as normal people and cry when they are shown their terrible failure. Perhaps they'll move on and become intelligent, or maybe they'll stay stupid and prove themselves incapable members of society.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing: Agnostic-Atheist. I believe in logic and in what the observable universe presents to me. I am open to the idea of a "God" if someone can prove his/her/its existence to me.
And remember. If it's a eye for a eye , everyone will be blind.
A very small amount of guns are used shootings.
Infact they reduce the amount of homicides. But seriously. Guns are already regulated in the US. My uncle who has one charge of assault can't get a gun.
Not to mention people can make their own and get them illegally. As what alot of people look over. The UK and Australia are islands. It's hard to snuggle across boats and planes, but the USA. It has land borders.
May be a news article. But if you are logical like you say. It will make since.
I don't live in the US, I live in Poland, and guns are frankly regulated well. I was speaking about places where they aren't, and the question wasn't "What would you do about gun-related crimes" but rather if I want to regulate firearms.
And remember. If it's a eye for a eye , everyone will be blind.
Don't get the joke.

Also, it's an eye for an eye.
I don't live in the US, I live in Poland, and guns are frankly regulated well. I was speaking about places where they aren't, and the question wasn't "What would you do about gun-related crimes" but rather if I want to regulate firearms.

Don't get the joke.

Also, it's an eye for an eye.
If everyone takes a eye for a eye everyone will be blind means. If everyone seeks vengence then no one will be alive to enjoy it. Also, dialect is different, where I grew up it's 'a'.
And neat, still gun control implies it would deal with gun related deaths but if we're being anal sure.
Also you don't have to underline it, I can fucking read. As I assume you can.
But you mentioned school shootings and the like. Which would make what I said in the area you were speaking, Homicides.
And if you couldn't tell. Before you go grammar Nazi, I'm using bad grammar to annoy the piss out of you.

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