Other Controversial Topics

Tbh, the thing that this thread has taught me is that a lot of people don't know the difference between sexual orientation (which is who your attracted to sexually) and gender identity (which is what gender you identify as). Which honestly explains a lot.
•Abortion: 100% pro choice. i can't get pregnant, and therefore i have no right to tell someone who can what they can or cannot do with their body. besides, the entire pregnancy thing sounds excessively painful and nasty, and no one should be forced to suffer like that for a mistake, or even worse, a trauma.

•The Death Penalty: if it can be given to everyone who's ever hurt a cat, then yes. fantasies aside however, i think it's too risky, and i just don't see death as much of a punishment... the threat of a life in prison sounds so much worse.

•Animal Testing: disgusting. medical is bad enough, but cosmetic animal testing is pure evil. i've had pet rodents, and they absolutely have personalities and are just as capable of feeling pain as you and i. if it absolutely must be done (aka, not for makeup), preventing cruelty should be the number one priority.

•Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth? i honestly can't say for sure. there may be other aspects, or there may not. i can say that i'm pretty sure i was born asexual, as such things have never held any curiosity or appeal to me, and i was the kid that almost puked in a popcorn bucket during a sex scene in a movie. whether this experience is universal or not, i can't say.

•Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? as a hardcore agnostic atheist, i don't know enough to really judge, but i'll say yes, as i know a lot of people need them and benefit from their services.

•Gun Control: absolutely. while it may make it harder for me to achieve a quick and relatively painless exit, it would be beyond worth it for all the innocent lives saved. while better gun control won't eliminate murders and such, it will make them a lot more difficult.

•Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?): same, i guess. i don't drink now, and i won't when i'm legal so i don't really care all that much. i can tell you that it does nothing to stop teenagers, though.

•Euthanasia: if someone wants to die with dignity, that's their right. i'm honestly not sure why this is controversial, when we've been doing it to animals for decades and they can't even consent like a human.

•Medical Marijuana: should be legal. it benefits a lot of people, from those with mental to physical ailments without the side effects of some major drugs.

•Prostitution: no comment.

•Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace: WHY is this a problem again? seriously, if the guy with a neck tattoo and ten face piercings is a better worker than mr. suit-and-tie professional, give him the job. work is work, and i'm tired of being picked over because i have snakebites, unnatural hair and an alternative style.

•Standardised Tests: are generally unfair and do little to actually prove learning abilities or intelligence. it's all memory work and spitting back the answer you know they want to hear.

•Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?): i'm an agnostic atheist. when it comes to an afterlife or what have you, i'm agnostic. i had a very odd near-death experience a year or two back, and it did open my eyes a bit. however, i'm completely atheist when it comes to there being a higher power or 'god'. i'm sorry, but i don't believe in some old man sitting on a cloud and damning me to hell because i tricked a vending machine with a hairpin once.
hmmm.... to post a about a controversial topic or not ...... Depends how deep someone wants to go down the path that's less traveled or not.
  • Abortion - I think it should be legal and allowed, and it is the woman's decision (but yea talk to your man too aight)
  • The Death Penalty - nope.
  • Animal Testing - this one is a nope too.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth? - no, it isn't.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? - I don't have an opinion on this one.
  • Gun Control - I live in Finland so yea no opinion here too, you need a license here.
  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?) - I think for cider and beer ( mild drinks ), could be 16 or 17. Drinking in Finland is allowed at 18.
  • Euthanasia - should be legal. Damn yes.
  • Medical Marijuana - blaze it, I think it should be legalized anyway.
  • Prostitution - as long as it happens between adults, and both of them are totally fine with it, it's alright.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace - I think should be allowed, it's 2017, not 1980. Body modifications are getting more popular and let's be real, it's just plain stupid not to allow it. Yeah, I understand hygienic reasons and that's fine.
  • Standardised Tests - nah
  • Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?) - I've been an atheist for 5 years now. I thought I believed in god since my mom did believe in *something, not god but a higher power*, and I thought it was the only right choice but nope.
  • Abortion - Should definitely be legal but up to a certain period
  • The Death Penalty - Yes, but only if we are 150% positive they did it and are not being falsely incarcerated.
  • Animal Testing - NOPE
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth? - I don't think so. To assume an infant or toddler has ANY sexual orientation or thoughts etc. is ridiculous. Be concerned with the education they're getting and your quality of parenting. If they get to that age and decide they need to talk to you about their sexual orientation, then fantastic.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? - Ehhhhhh...I don't know enough to really have a strongly backed opinion.
  • Gun Control - I don't think guns should be taken away necessarily, but I think there definitely should be more of a background check to get one. Maybe make it so you can't buy them at Walmart? Good lord just do something to keep them out of the hands of the crazies...
  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?) - I think it should be 18 for wine, beer, etc. 21 for hard liquor.
  • Euthanasia -Yes, but not sure I know enough to argue this one don't hold me to this.
  • Medical Marijuana - Anyone who talks shit about marijuana and how it can be addictive, etc. needs to watch someone with a caffeine addiction go a day without coffee. Should be legal in all ways and taxed.
  • Prostitution - Between consenting adults is chill.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace - As long as they're not offensive (any curse words, slurs, inappropriate pics etc.) it should be fine. Definitely up to the company though.
  • Standardised Tests - Someone save the US education system.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?) - I refuse to support something that causes deaths and hatred in this world. I do believe there is *something* but maybe that's because it can be sometimes comforting to think there is a higher being.
Prostitution is something that most likely won't ever go away. I'm not entirely sure why it's illegal, though I can see how it could be considered morally wrong. I feel like if you're legally an adult, you have the mindset to consent, and also you know exactly what you're getting yourself into, you should be allowed to do whatever you want with your body. Being paid for sex just doesn't seem like a serious issue to me, in all honesty.
These aren't controversial topics, they're just topics. If you want a controversial topic, then discuss the fact that it is illegal in several countries of Europe to investigate the holocaust. That's a controversial topic.
  • Abortion: A tough topic for me, I'm pro-life in most cases though sometimes it is neccesary.
  • The Death Penalty: Sure, though the way we're doing it is way too expensive.
  • Animal Testing:Not if it hurts them
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?: Sexual orientation as in sexuality? I dont know. Gender? Yes.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? Yes
  • Gun Control: Backgground checks and stuff like that are neccesary, but I think that doesnt work all the time and sometimes it's neccesary.
  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?)
  • Euthanasia: In some cases, if the person and family consents to it, I have no qualms with it happening. I certainly wouldnt want it to happen to me, though.
  • Medical Marijuana: I'm down with recreational legalization
  • Prostitution: If they're clean, and that's your thing, sure.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace: I dont plan on getting any of that stuff but if it's your thing, ok, and unless it's detrimental to your job I dont see why your employers should care.
  • Standardised Tests Fuck em.
  • Abortion - Only before the third Trimester. At that point you have has all the time in the world to abort it. At the third trimester it really is debatable if it is sentient, Alive, or feeling.
  • The Death Penalty - Hang em if they kill someone. Just kill em, they won't deserve to waste taxpayer dollars taking care of them before they are killed anyways.
  • Animal Testing - As long as it is not usually cruel or unusual.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth? - yea. There's scientific proof for both sides but the determined at birth makes more since than 'choice'. Because many gay people just don't decide their gay, they learn it over time.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? - No. It is on land and uses public services. And profits from Government services such as firemen.
  • Gun Control - Doesn't work in general. So no, it's a stupid idea.
Britian "Gun deaths are down 80%. Stabbings are up 300% and bomb deaths are up 80%"
But yeah, I can make a gun out of pipes and a nail.
  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?) - how about we make it 16. And teach kids about alcohol instead if making it taboo. Teens are more likely to do something if it's taboo.
  • Euthanasia - yes, if it's assisted, and signed off by a trusted human.
  • Medical Marijuana - just give a test out, and tax it like alcohol. Hell make it recreational.
  • Prostitution - Oldest job, only illegal because right wingers trying to inject morals into everyone's personal space.... In the land of the free
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace - up to employer
  • Standardised Tests - Look at US test scores. Now look at North European scores. Make your guess.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?) - Spiritual Athiest (I believe in riencarnation and karma)
  • Abortion
  • While other people may deny the fetus as being human, since i believe it is, that makes the killing of the unborn the equivalent of murder.
  • The Death Penalty
  • Not only is it legal, it works. If burglary was punishable by death, how many people would commit burglary? Not many.
  • Animal Testing
  • I dunno what is meant by this. Can we perform tests on animals, um, ye. Why can't we?
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?
  • Ye.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?
  • Ye, because first of all most churches don't have much to give, and second of all it's the equivalent of taxing a charity. It gets its money most often from people who give money to it, i.e. like a charity. Might as well tax homeless shelters too.
  • Gun Control
  • Contrary to many opinions, I think we're actually pretty solid where we're at for the most part. We have background checks that prevent the insane or criminals from getting firearms in the U.S. Anything more violates our rights, anything less is violating common sense.
  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?)
  • Remain the same. A; the cost of changing it is pretty big. B; the drinking age is what's been found to be the best by years and years of research and experience. 18 year old Americans can't handle alcohol as well as 18 year old Australians (but we can handle guns :coolshades:), so we need it at 21.
  • Euthanasia
  • This is the... removal of reproductive parts for males and females, right? That's what I'll respond to. I think that if the individual wants to do it, I don't see a problem with it, though they must remember how painful it will be. But it must be up to the individual.
  • Medical Marijuana
  • I see pros, I see cons, and I think they balance out to the point that I just don't care. I lean negative though, since it's usually a first step towards recreational use, which I oppose.
  • Prostitution
  • Should stay illegal. I don't see a moral positive to it, just negatives.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace
  • Case by case. If the manual says don't get a piercing and you do, you should get fired. If it doesn't, then I don't care.
  • Standardised Tests
  • Should be a lower percentage of grade/part of the college application process. Yes, convenience, but these are people's futures. If they had a bad day, they can't get into college, even if they had a fantastic grade before the final. Should be more by merit.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?)
  • Christian, since I've seen more evidence for God than against Him. Even if I didn't, most of my views would line up with the Bible anyways.
  • Abortion
  • While other people may deny the fetus as being human, since i believe it is, that makes the killing of the unborn the equivalent of murder.
  • The Death Penalty
  • Not only is it legal, it works. If burglary was punishable by death, how many people would commit burglary? Not many.
  • Animal Testing
  • I dunno what is meant by this. Can we perform tests on animals, um, ye. Why can't we?
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?
  • Ye.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?
  • Ye, because first of all most churches don't have much to give, and second of all it's the equivalent of taxing a charity. It gets its money most often from people who give money to it, i.e. like a charity. Might as well tax homeless shelters too.
  • Gun Control
  • Contrary to many opinions, I think we're actually pretty solid where we're at for the most part. We have background checks that prevent the insane or criminals from getting firearms in the U.S. Anything more violates our rights, anything less is violating common sense.
  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?)
  • Remain the same. A; the cost of changing it is pretty big. B; the drinking age is what's been found to be the best by years and years of research and experience. 18 year old Americans can't handle alcohol as well as 18 year old Australians (but we can handle guns :coolshades:), so we need it at 21.
  • Euthanasia
  • This is the... removal of reproductive parts for males and females, right? That's what I'll respond to. I think that if the individual wants to do it, I don't see a problem with it, though they must remember how painful it will be. But it must be up to the individual.
  • Medical Marijuana
  • I see pros, I see cons, and I think they balance out to the point that I just don't care. I lean negative though, since it's usually a first step towards recreational use, which I oppose.
  • Prostitution
  • Should stay illegal. I don't see a moral positive to it, just negatives.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace
  • Case by case. If the manual says don't get a piercing and you do, you should get fired. If it doesn't, then I don't care.
  • Standardised Tests
  • Should be a lower percentage of grade/part of the college application process. Yes, convenience, but these are people's futures. If they had a bad day, they can't get into college, even if they had a fantastic grade before the final. Should be more by merit.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?)
  • Christian, since I've seen more evidence for God than against Him. Even if I didn't, most of my views would line up with the Bible anyways.
Euthanasia is putting humans down, lethal injection, assisted suicide, the like.
What's deemed as ethical can be subjective to a person. And just how would a person know truly whether an animal is going through psychological harm as compared to physical which is most likely more obvious? Also, how would someone decide whether someone deserves to be tested on, even though some people do unspeakable things, it would be against human rights to treat them that way. So, isn't that reducing others to their level and breaking the very laws we live by and enforce? There is a very interesting article explaining why testing on prisoners would be a bad idea, here.

First of all I write off anything that is posted on the Huffington Post of all places. Sources from a left-wing hate site isn't really a source. Second of all in this day and age ethics are quite twisted so I don't see the issue here. Like you said it is subjective from person to person although it shouldn't be. I'm just saying it's a good way to thin out the prison population of hardened criminals by having them test subjects in the name of medical science. I am not joking.

How do you think building a wall would effect America's relations with other countries and how would it be decided who goes in and out?

Not my problem, besides countries need to respect my country's borders and sovereignty. For people who really want to come in here they should pledge loyalty to the country and be productive in society by going through a legal process and learn to speak English. That would be fine. But! If they are coming here illegally by disrespecting my country's border, leech off the welfare system and be used as a voting block to push a far-left counter culture agenda do not belong here. If things are so damn bad in their home country maybe they should fix it instead of bumming off my country's treasury.
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Abortion: I'm mainly pro-choice when it comes to this topic (although, I'm not one for late-term abortions unless its absolutely needed for health reasons)).Their body, not mine. Not to mention there are many justifiable reasons women come to this very difficult decision.

If you want to prevent teen pregnancies, why not better our sex education? Not to mention defunding Planned Parenthood doesn't contribute at all to this situation. Its not just "the place where legal abortions occur" (in fact, abortions make up around 3% of their services), they provide reproductive health care. This can go as far to birth control, STD testing, and other pregnancy services.

All I got to say is, don't disrespect these women. Don't march up to these places and scream and spit at people entering. Don't judge them unless you will personally promise that mother that you will raise their child right and with love.

Its very very difficult for a person to go with that decision, but sometimes it's a must.. Remember that there's many unwanted and miserable children sitting around orphanages..


Would anyone like to discuss 13 Reasons Why? That show has become quite controversial too.
Immigration: Well, here's some lyrics from a band I admire, The White Stripes: "Well, Americans
What, nothin' better to do?
Why don't you kick yourself out?
You're an immigrant too"
  • Abortion - Stop this. Life is life, no? Well, unless the child is less than 3 months.
  • The Death Penalty - Go for it. People who take other life...
  • Animal Testing - Undecided.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth? Nope. Everyone can change.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? Yes.
  • Gun Control - Should be harder to get. I don't see any reason to own gun.
  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?) Lower. Everyone is free to get kidney problem.
  • Euthanasia - No idea what this is.
  • Medical Marijuana - No idea how it count as medical.
  • Prostitution - Put tax on it.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace - Eh, as long as it's not visible.
  • Standardised Tests - Eh, either they have to make the perfect test or erase it.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?) - Muslim. Still can't found anything else I trust better.
Let me give you some reasons for guns
1. Fun
2. Self defense
3. Mechanical engineering practice
4. Because some places prefer to be free and have the choice
5. Defence against a tyrannical government

But you know, police don't need guns either. Since no one has a reason to have a gun
  • Abortion - Stop this. Life is life, no? Well, unless the child is less than 3 months.
  • The Death Penalty - Go for it. People who take other life...
  • Animal Testing - Undecided.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth? Nope. Everyone can change.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? Yes.
  • Gun Control - Should be harder to get. I don't see any reason to own gun.
  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?) Lower. Everyone is free to get kidney problem.
  • Euthanasia - No idea what this is.
  • Medical Marijuana - No idea how it count as medical.
  • Prostitution - Put tax on it.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace - Eh, as long as it's not visible.
  • Standardised Tests - Eh, either they have to make the perfect test or erase it.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?) - Muslim. Still can't found anything else I trust better.
Everyone can change. Exept for people who deserve the death penalty. They should just be killed.
Let me give you some reasons for guns
1. Fun
2. Self defense
3. Mechanical engineering practice
4. Because some places prefer to be free and have the choice
5. Defence against a tyrannical government

But you know, police don't need guns either. Since no one has a reason to have a gun

I agree with both of your points to an extent. I shoot guns for fun, because ya know, self defense and the zombie apocalypse.

But, I feel like there should be some sort of background check in place. History of assault, violence, etc? Maybe you shouldn't hand over a gun to a person that might shoot up a school.
I agree with both of your points to an extent. I shoot guns for fun, because ya know, self defense and the zombie apocalypse.

But, I feel like there should be some sort of background check in place. History of assault, violence, etc? Maybe you shouldn't hand over a gun to a person that might shoot up a school.
Oh yea I get that... But then again if more than one person in the school had a gun.(resource officer) then maybe the kids life's aren't in the hands of police response time.
Background checks are good, but they won't stop much. I could make my own gun or get one illegally, while it may take a few hours longer. I could do it.
Oh yea I get that... But then again if more than one person in the school had a gun.(resource officer) then maybe the kids life's aren't in the hands of police response time.
Background checks are good, but they won't stop much. I could make my own gun or get one illegally, while it may take a few hours longer. I could do it.

Good point. Better than having no background checks, eh?

What do you feel about the legal selling of guns to those who have mental illnesses?
Good point. Better than having no background checks, eh?

What do you feel about the legal selling of guns to those who have mental illnesses?
Depends how severif they have hallucinations and are incapable of functioning in society that's one thing. If they have ADHD then that's another thing. I think it would make sense for their doctors to give the go-ahead in that case

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