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Condemned: Age of Brutality

Rebekah takes the picture and sighs in relief. "Thank you Astran.." She placed the sketch back inside of her book carefully. " Really.... Thank you." She felt her lips curve into a small smile. It surprised her. Rebekah's smile faded as she became flustered about her emotions. " sorry... I'm just going to keep myself busy..." She put her head down towards her book. She was nervous! " how could I be nervous! What is this!" Rebekash thought. Her hands shook slightly as she opened her book to a withered flower. She weaved a little of her own life force into her book where a dried flower was. She had been working on making and perfecting life transference magic. The small flower changed from a dark dry blue to a bright life filled flower. She had to hold the magic within it or it would wither again. She weaved the magic a little more making the flower grow and start to root into the book. She felt a small spark before the magic faded and the flower withered. Rebekah cursed under her breath and took note of the spark before starting again.

She loved magic, and she knew it came with a price. She could feel her wounds throbbing. She would have to change the bandages soon, using her life to weave magic made her even more weak than she was. She needed to perfect this, to save lives.
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Rebekah took the picture and carefully bound it back into her book. "Thank you, Astran," she said. Was that a smile forming on her lips? Surely she was just- no, that was actually a smile. "Really, thank you," she repeated. Rebekah buried her face into the book, adding, "Sorry, I'm just going to keep myself busy." She proceeded to distract herself with a little magic. It looked like she was developing a crush, but everyone knew that the Demon Queen never had crushes on men.

Astran stifled a chuckle.

"My pleasure."

They arrived at Loganbar by evening. The sun had just dipped into the horizon, shooting pink and orange rays through the clouds and blanketing the earth in a layer of golden sunlight. Unfortunately, the sunset was mostly blocked by an ugly array of defensive wooden pike-walls. Most of the noise in town came from raucous drinking and dancing in the town square. The merchants in the caravan that arrived earlier were steering clear.

As Astran and Rebekah dismounted, a woman robed in a gray cloak and hood approached them. The moment her eyes met Astran's, the two ran up to each other and embraced. "Gwen! How have you been?"

"I've been better. It's a long story. Who's this- oh. Your Majesty." The woman called 'Gwen' bowed to Rebekah on one knee.

"Valentine at your service."
Rebekah  watched them embrace and smile together, she was almost envious. The young women spoke and introduced herself and bowed.

" You don't need to bow... Out here I'm just a traveller. " Rebekah watched Gwen and Astran closely. Her mind wandered, " Good friends, even lovers perhaps... I'm glad he has someone." She thought. She felt a small pang in her chest, it hurt for only a second. She pushed it past her thinking it was only pain from her wounds. "You may call me Bekah, there is no need for titles here." Rebekah examined the surroundings, the barricade, the people, and the town. " What is going on? It seems your town is preparing for a battle with these baricades."  She was concerned about the town, how did she not know about this earlier? She keeps tabs on every village, town, and city under her protection why didnt she notice?
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"You don't need to bow. Out here, I'm just a traveller," Rebekah said. "You may call me Bekah. There is no need for titles here." She studied the town, taking note of the barricades and high-spirited atmosphere. At length, she asked, "What is going on? It seems your town is preparing for a battle with these barricades."

Gwen took Astran's arm and pulled herself up. "It's complicated. I erected the barricade myself a moment ago in lieu of an attack that I know is coming in a few minutes. Astran, can I count on your help?"

Astran bowed his head. "Absolutely. What do you need?"

Gwen turned and readied her staff. "For now, keep her out of trouble while I make sure someone walks away from this debacle alive. Go!" With that, she took off at a sprint back toward the town and disappeared into the shadows.

Astran looked at Rebekah and drew his sword. "Your call, m'lady. I recommend we take her suggestion and sit this one out."
Rebekah removed the scythe from her back, the blade making a high ringing noise. " Its my duty to protect thoughs who cannot protect themselves... Its my duty as queen." Her eyes had been warmer during her other conversations but now they had become as cold as the steel blade on her weapon. Her emotions tucked away, hidden from others once more. " If you wish to leave you may." Rebekah looked at Astran as she rested the bladed end of her scythe on the ground and leaned on the handle lightly. She was tired, and in much pain but too stubborn to go hide away. " They will arrive soon." After a few minutes she raised back up and held her scythe to her side once more. She whispered, " Let them come...."
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Just as the sun dipped below the horizon, the yonder hillside swarmed with soldiers. As they drew closer, their insignias and standards became more visible. Their shields bore the markings of the neighboring town, and their armor was far from uniform, customized with trophies from their enemies. They charged down the hill with their spears and axes brandished. Astran slapped a gemstone into the hilt of his sword and took position beside Rebekah.
Rebekahs scythe rang as she moved forward meeting the men with her curved blade. She swung twisting her blade and removing the heads of 3 men. Astran fought beside her.  She blocked a few of the attacks before she was hit in the chest with one of their shields making her cough and leaving her slightly breathless. She pushed back  at the man pushing him into 2 of the fellow men taking them down and 3 more step up swinging. She was late to notice that she missed one of the men to her side. As she turned to greet him She felt one of their shields hit her hard in her gut. Rebekah's eyes widened as she doubled over holding her sides. The air had been knocked out of her and she couldnt stand.The men ran past her and into the town. She looked at her hand and saw some blood, her wounds had reopened. She whimpered as she stood back up. She felt sick and her breath was shallow." Astran.... They are headed into the town, go ahead."  She stumbled into a walk dragging her scythe behind, one hand on her side.
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The world ground to a halt.

In that brief, precious moment of clarity, Astran realized that this was a mistake. And as he raced to keep up with her, everything started to add up in his mind. Rebekah's prior wounds, Gwen's anxiety, and the town square mob were all pointing to a delicate and explosive situation. But there was no turning back now. Whatever was going to happen would go down in bloodshed.

Rebekah snapped her scythe and three young heads rolled to the dirt. One brave man attacked her from behind, and Rebekah locked him down blow for blow. A moment's hesitation brought a shield to her face. She coughed and staggered back. Astran swatted off a pair of opportunistic attackers in time for her to recover. She then retaliated and shoved her opponent into two of his comrades.

By now, the enemy had entirely turned their focus upon Rebekah and Astran. The two fought back to back, fighting off the enemy with every ounce of strength they could muster. Their weapons flashed together in the dim light of dusk against the horde. A moment's respite allowed Astran studied his enemies; they were young, experienced, and courageous. There was a fire in their eyes he hadn't seen in years. A slight smirk twisted up his cheek - they were a welcome challenge. He and they locked blades. Steel ground against steel. Dry earth crumbled beneath their boots. When their blades released, the very air shivered at their might. A brief and brutal clash followed in its wake. When the dust cleared, two of them bit the dust. Astran could hear Rebekah grunting behind him, struggling to maintain her balance.

Suddenly, Rebekah collapsed on him and they both fell into the ground. Astran rolled to his feet, but by then, the attackers lost interest in them and continued their assault on the town. Astran knelt down to help Rebekah to her feet, but she tried to brush him off. "Astran..." she mumbled, "they are headed into the town. Go on ahead."

She was wounded. There was no way he would leave her behind. He sheathed his sword and walked back with her, steeling himself for whatever awaited them when they returned.
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 Rebekah watched Astran, she was confused as to why he didn't leave her side. " You don't have to watch over me...I'm no child." She sighed deeply. "But thank you, for staying ." she winced  and continued to walk. She saw the men up a head, it looked like only 5 men were still left she assumed 4 of the 9 men had been killed by some of the other villagers she looked around for arrows, when she spotted a quiver that lay next to a house. " 5 left... Soon to be 4." Rebekah unraveled a thick bow string from around her scythes handle and attached the string to the curved blade and the end of her scythe and tightened. Rebekah notched the first arrow and pulled back aiming for one of the stronger men. She released and pirced one of the men through the back of his neck leaving him to choke on his blood. She watched Astran head up to the fight to help. He used great skill for a soldier she thought. She watched one of the men get behind Astran. "Shit...." Rebekah readied her bow and shot the man in the back of the knee leaving Astran to kill the man as she killed the man to his left and crippled the one to Astran right using the draining magic. Healing her enough to keep her awake a little longer before she would pass out.

She took her scythe and walked towards the pile of dead men as she unhooked the bow string and wrapped it around the handle once more when she heard a loud female scream and curses from a group of women that walked out to see the dead men. " You bitch! "

"You killed my husband! " the women were less than happy. Rebekah was slightly shocked by their reaction when it clicked what had happened and why the men attacked in the first place. She stood over the dead bodies and examined them and then the women before rubbing her temples.

" Same tribe, these women were stolen along with the children..." Rebekah heard a few of the angry women walking towards her before she saw them. She couldn't react, she couldn't think. Her sides and chest hurt, her head hurt. She dropped her scythe, it took much of her left over strength to keep her standing. She knew more pain was only a few feet away from striking and the only thing she could do was wait for the strike.
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The formerly captive women gathered around Rebekah. Angry glares and gobs of spit shot at her. Torches burned with orange flame against the blackness of the night.





"Can you bring him back?"

"You'd make a great dad!"

"Taxes weren't enough for you?"

The women hurled foul words in course tongues at her, screaming with fury and biting sarcasm. Then they started touching her. Some grabbed at her hair. Others pulled at her clothes. Several pulled at her limbs. They wanted to tear her apart. Astran found himself getting pushed away out of the crowd. "Rebekah! Get out of there!" he cried out.
Rebekah heard Astran yelling. It took her a second before she grabbed one of the women by the neck and drained her. The women were terrified as they watched one of their own become limp and die by her touch. Rebekah released the women's dead body letting it crumble in front of them making them stop moving all together. Rebekah reached down and picked up her scythe, most of her wounds had healed at this point. She felt one of them grab her arm tightly.

"You bitch! Where are you going!"

Rebekah grabbed the women's hand and snapped each of her fingers, broke the currently screaming women's wrist and was making her way up the womans arm breaking every bone she could break while the woman flailed screaming in pain. Rebekah looked at the other women. " Get out of my damned way." She growled. A small opening was made allowing her to run through. She ran out of the crowd and bumped into Astran, she did not look at him, she just kept her head down." Can we go....." Her voice  waivered. She wanted to cry, she didn't want to hurt them. She felt their hands still on her she felt disgusting, and tired. " please, Astran.."
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"Can we go?"

"Please Astran..."

She didn't have to ask him twice. Astran nodded and motioned for her to run. But the mob was persistent. Now madder than ever at the Demon/Witch (they had several names for her), the women surrounded the two of them and started tearing away at them both. Astran whipped out his sword and waved it about, granting the couple a brief reprieve. When he stopped moving it, one of the women looked as if she would lunge at him. He pointed his sword at her. She didn't stop moving.

The woman impaled herself on his sword. Ignoring the pain, she pulled herself closer to Astran and snarled. A moment later, her face paled when she realized her mistake: Astran didn't care.

He shoved her off his sword.

Another woman tried to pick up the wounded one.

He cleaved her skull in half.

The women's jeers turned to shrieks when he turned and swung his blade with full military might. Two women dropped to the ground in pieces before the others got the idea that he planned on killing every one them.

Silence fell over the crowd. Everyone backed off and stared at Astran with a mixture of horror and disgust. Satisfied that they would not continue their assault, he sheathed his sword and turned his back on them. They didn't dare approach him.

Astran began marching down the road toward the next town.

Watching everything unfold from her perch on a nearby rooftop, Gwen shook her head and set about cleaning up the bodies.

"What have you done, Rebekah?" she murmured to herself. Unbeknownst to the Queen, that night's decision wrecked every strategy implemented by the three most powerful assets employed by her kingdom. And in only a few days time, they would all pay dearly for it.
Rebekah followed Astran silently. Images of a women impaling herself  and memories of the fight stayed close and haunted. She didn't know what to do or what to say to Astran, he helped her, he risked his life again for her. If this had happened to any other ruler... The soldiers would have turned back, leaving the king or queen to die. So.. Why does he stay? She cant pay him anything because she doesn't have much gold, so why?  She was terribly confused as to what his motive was or if he even had a motive.

She was stressed about this whole ordeal. Not even 24 hours have past and again she needed saving, again she was useless, helpless. Her expression was soft and mellow as a storm brewed inside. She rubbed the top of her hand making it red.  The silence between them bothered her but she was afraid of him. He was scowling and seemed to be aggravated. She kept her distance from him but kept an eye on him while they walked. She didn't know where they were headed but she secretly hoped the next town was a bit more safe than the last.
Astran glanced back at the young Queen. She was rubbing her hand raw. He instinctively reached back to pull the offending hand away, but stopped himself when he remembered that she didn't like being touched. So he transitioned it to scratch his head, as if he meant to do that all along.

"Why are you doing that to yourself?" he wondered.

It took him a moment to realize he'd spoken aloud. Oops.

What happened back there? She just took up her weapon and went at it without giving it another thought. Didn't she know that Gwen would have had everything under control? Heck, she all but said as much. It's like she wanted to kill- no, that's not right. There's evidence to believe she doesn't actually like killing. Something isn't adding up.

He glanced back again. Her expression was somber, and her face downcast. Perhaps she felt guilty about the past events. She should be. Perhaps we both should be. But I'm not. What's strange is that I normally would be. Is she?

He opened his mouth.

"There's a castle along the way belonging to a local nobleman. We should stop there for the night."

Once again, I fail to speak my mind...
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Astran spoke "Why are you doing that to yourself?" She looked at her hands and she stopped walking. " they turned into that man...."  She spoke outloud. Tears rolled down her face and dropped onto her hands. It surprised her. She cried and made little to no sound. It had been years since she last cried, her chest hurt from the built up pain she had kept bottled up. She heard Astran say something but she didnt didn't know how to respond. She started walking again, slowly rubbing her face trying to stop her crying. She didn't know what to do, she continued to follow Astran quietly.

After a while she saw the castle that Astran had talked about. She wanted to sleep. Her chest still hurt even though she stopped crying. She felt like crying still but knew she shouldn't put that bother on Astran. She had not even thanked him for helping her... Rebekah sighed and followed Astran to the castle walls.
They turned into that man.

Her words haunted him, more than her outburst unsettled him. And her crying did unsettle him - this was yet another, less pleasant side of the Queen he'd never seen. But the way she spoke of "that man" sent shivers down his spine. Whoever he was, he had done something truly awful. Astran clenched his fist - such a man would have to step over his dead body to get to the Queen again. Such thoughts had to be put aside when they reached the castle.

Before they set foot on the premises, they passed six men disguised in patterned gray cloaks. Astran nodded at them, and they dispersed.

He pulled open one of the vast birch doors on the inner sanctum and stepped inside. Astran scrubbed his boots on the doormat before going all the way in - he didn't want to dirty the marble floors. With Rebekah in tow, he crossed lobby to speak with the butler next to the door on the other end.

"I and the Queen are on the run and are in need of aid. Please tell the master of this house."

The butler bowed. "As you wish, sir. Please, take a seat over there, and the master will be with you shortly."

The butler disappeared behind the door. It's been a while. I wonder if he even still remembers me, Astran mused.

Then he realized Rebekah might know who he is. Asking her seemed like a fool's errand for some reason, though. Maybe it was her eyes. Either way, he didn't have a death wish and had no plans to give her any info that might change it.

So instead, Astran withdrew a book off the shelf and handed it to Rebekah. It was titled, "Mages and their Pets," allegedly documenting the queer magecraft obsession with non-human souls. He'd read it, and he thought it was a load of Moocau dung, but perhaps one more well-versed in this sort of magic would have a different opinion. The offer for her to read the book was more to ease her worries than anything else.
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She looked at the book in her hand and looked back to see Astran walking away. She didn't think she just reached out. She grabbed a hold of Astran sleeve and tugged a little. Her expression softened and she gave a small sad smile, " Thank you...." She released his sleeve and watched him walk away. 

She looked down at the book and read a little become smelling as familiar scent... She didn't remember where she had smelled it before. She had never been in this building before maybe.. Something from her past?

Rebekah shrugged off the familiar smell and her anxieties and continued to read the book Astran had handed her. She was ingulfed in the books details and she  was slightly intrigued by the idea of bonding an animals soul to your own, they used the term Familiar quite as bit as well. She found it amusing.
The door opened.

"This way please," said the butler. Astran felt his heart skip a beat. He paced back to Rebekah (who was only a couple steps away) and extended his hand out of habit to help her up, only to once again recall that she probably wouldn't appreciate that. So he quickly removed his hand and coughed.

"It's time, then. Follow m-"

She's the Queen. She follows nobody.

"-uh, lead the w-"

You brought her here. Take responsibility.

"-the rear."


Astran bowed to her for some reason and followed the butler out. Idiot, idiot, idiot. He hardly noticed the elegant tapestries lining the halls as he passed them, nor could he appreciate the deep crimson carpet during his self-punishing murmurs. What he did notice was the armored statues - namely whether or not they were occupied, and which ones held decent weapons with which to stab anything that was occupied. Thankfully, the butler came to a halt and put a stop to such plans.

"His Lordship is in there." He gestured to the master's room and bowed. Astran bowed back, stepped inside, and held the door open for Rebekah.

There was a rustling behind the ivory desk as a tall and devilishly handsome individual rose to his feet. His mouth formed a little O when he saw who his visitors were.

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She listened to Astrans rambling. She found him cute when he was flustered. " I would have taken your hand if you had left it open to me." She teased him is make her smile a little as they followed the butler. When they reached the room her smile vanished. She examined the man as he spoke "Rebekah?". She didn't recognize him... But she didn't want to be in the room with him, he felt wrong he sent chills down her spine when he spoke her name. She kept her distance " Do you know me?" The scent she had smelled earlier was stronger. She felt smothered by the man standing in front of her. Rebekah stepped back away from him and hid a little behind Astran. The entire room felt wrong. 

"Im scared......." She thought

Her heart quickened

" This isn't right. He's familiar.."
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The man walked up to them from behind the desk. He looked Rebekah over, drinking her in, lingering on every curve in her body. One corner of his mouth pulled back into a grin, displaying a small patch of white. "You are as beautiful as the day you left me. Don't you remember who I am? Your stepbrother, Culo Rovhatt? Surely you haven't forgotten me."
Rebekah's skin began to pale, becoming cold and white like fresh snow. She was no longer scared.... She was terrified! She moved behind Astran hiding from the looks her brother gave her.  Culo casually walked around Astran and embraced her. She felt his hand move towards the lower part of her back and tug her close. She didn't touch him she stood unmoving and unsure. " H..hey Culo...." She whispered.  Culo stepped back and held her arms tightly. " It has been a while my dear sister." He looked over her once more before dropping his hands. She took another small step behind Astran trying to keep a distance between her and Culo. She didn't want to be in the room with Culo. He tormented her as a child... He trapped her. She was trapped at this moment. 
The Queen's face paled at the sight of Culo. She maneuvered behind Astran, who was too confused to prevent Culo from simply moving around him to collect her. She stood limp and awkward as he took her in his arms and embraced her. Astran couldn't help visibly cringing when his hands drifted a little too far down. That's a little forward, especially toward the Queen. I'd say they know each other, but she doesn't seem comfortable with the situation. Does she have a beef against him, perhaps? I'll have to look into that. Just keep him away from her for now.

Astran coughed and took Culo by the shoulder. "How are operations coming along? I haven't had a chance to do any inspections lately. Guard duty tied me up."

Culo followed suit and put his hand on Astran's shoulder, crossing their arms. "Splendidly, thank you for asking. I'll have you know we still provide only the latest in Legendary Weaponry. Our latest model, the Light-Up Action! Master Sword, is wildly popular with young wannabe Heroes worldwide, and our Glow-In-The-Dark Excaliburs are selling like hotcakes."

Astran deadpanned. "Hilarious. What's really going on?"

"Aw, you're no fun. Working with secret agents has been a pain in the you-know-what, I can tell you, but I've at least managed to win over the Horus Clan. Had to grease a few palms to get there though."

"I don't want to know. Can we trust them?"

"...well, kinda..."

"I'll pay them a visit. I know Iris. She may have some unresolved concerns."

The two men conversed like that for the better part of an hour, leaving the Queen (delightfully?) alone and away from Culo's advances.
Rebekah listened to them converse between each other. She guessed that they were good friends. She turned away so she could yawn She was tired. The last time she slept was a few days ago, she needed it. While Astran and Culo talked Rebekah found her way out of thw room sneakily and to an empty room. She didnt bother asking if anyone was staying in the room, she just wanted sleep. Astran hadn't notice her leaving them office that him and Culo were talking in, she thought for a moment to tell him that she was finding a room but sleep kept her moving towards a bed. Rebekah removed her shoes and tucked her scythe under the bed before crawling ontop of the blanketa of the bed and curling up and falling asleep. She left the room's door cracked. She didn't care at this moment. Sleep was the only thing that mattered to her at this point. 

(Time jump?)

Rebekah was woken up by pressure to her arms and legs. She felt heat on her neck. "What...." When her eyes had adjusted to the dark room she could see Culo on her. He placed his hand on her mouth. His voice was low and stirn." If you move or make a sound I swear I will make you hurt worse than you left me feeling when you left." Tears ran down her face.  She moved her arms trying to wiggle free as Culo placed a red hickey on her neck and continued down her collar bone. When he noticed her moving He pressed down on her and pinned her even more. He grabbed her legs and dragged her towards the edge of the bed hard. " Astran....!" She yelped.  She didn't know where he was when she needed him! Culo grinned and pulled her up by her arm. " What was that my dear sister..?"

"I dont want to be here!!" She thought.Rebekahs vision turned black. Her hand burned from what she could only assume to be a hard slap once she heard her step brother groan in pain and anger. She felt her feet hit the ground and her scythe return to her hand before she ran. Her sight returned as she ran out of the building leaving her shoes, cloak, and book behind. She wanted to run. Hide. Disappear. Disappear from the town, the country. She was scared. She had run for quite a while, unsure as to where she was going. It seemed that she had slept for quite a while before she was awakened by her step brothers assault on her, the evening had floated by leaving the world dark and cold. " Where is Astran..? " had she really become dependent on a soldier that no longer had to follow her anymore..? Rebekah rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed, disappointed in herself. Her hand shook from where she had hit her brother, a small amount of blood was smeared on her hand. She laughed to herself " I cut that self-centered bastard, he deserves much more.. But for now that will suffice." She could practically see Culos cut lip and bruised mouth now. She continued walking on no real path, she just wanted to get away. She wanted to know where Astran was. Rebekah felt for her book... " Damn it all..." At least Astran would find it. Maybe he would put the pieces together. Her arms and legs where Culo had grabbed her had red blue marks in the shape of hands and fingers.The kiss marks on her were sore... She felt used. Rebekah continued through the large field trying to blend in with the workers as she weaved through the fields of crop. She wasn't sure if Culo would send people out after her so she would have to avoid the eyes of the men in the watch towers that were in the area. The last thing she wanted was to be caught.
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Rebekah's day was about to get worse. As she peaked a hill overlooking a wide valley, she could see an army stretching all the way from the sea to the base of the hill. The banners weren't Imperial, but the armor suits were. These were rebel forces, comfirmed by the burning pile of Imperial regalia. The slaves were likely Imperial soldiers (not that slavery was uncommon, but it was frowned upon to enslave government personnel). The numerous scouts made crossing this territory treacherous.

Just then, one of the soldiers spotted her. His face looked vaguely familiar...
Rebekah  couldn't put a name to the face she saw as the army moved. She put her hand to her head and she sighed deeply in defeat " I'm done...." She muttered. She was tired yet again and just wanted to hide away forever. She could only wait and pray they wouldn't kill her. " Where is Astran..."

She watched the soldiers march closer when she recognized the man that was looking at her. " France?? What is he doing here...?" She knew France had seen her so she figured she would wait for him.
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