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Fantasy † Compromise Brings Delusion † OOC Page

I have a lot of characters I want to bring in for the fire nation, but I wonder what minor characters I should do for the other nations.
Lucky thing. Also if I see any jokes about Tea I will scream. I'm in another group chat on here and telling them British was the worst idea ever.
The Industrial empire might have that, but I'm not thinking anyone else would. And nah no jokes from me, I've already had a cup of tea today myself. I'm v/Irish. Grandparents from Ireland and all that.
I mean I normally like to do it so that they meet before the wedding. It gives time to build up the character development. Where they meet can sometimes depend on the players. Like do we all want to meet at Homeland, or meet at the one of the kingdoms, or just have the pairs meet. Who knows, that's the fun. Ultimately, yes meet once. Then people usually decide "oh I love them" or a very interesting twist I've yet to see of "oh I love their best friend" or "oh I'm going to end this war another way." Most groups I haven't gotten very far with. I have high hopes for this.
Can you guys help me decide on which picture I should use. I kind off really wish to use picture number one, but I'm not sure if it fits

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