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Realistic or Modern College for DUMMIES

Soon jack got to the cafe immediately seeing her and smiling happily. "Hey. I thought you had class." He said to her a little confused as he walked up to her smiling as he rubbed the back of his neck a little. "So how are you?" He asked her just to try and make conversation


Heidi Trueman

Relaxing as the girl sat next to her, Heidi turned her head towards her.

"I totally get what you mean about the whole life thing," She shared a small laugh with the female.

"Been playing the piano before I could talk." She titled her head towards the piano.

Hearing the door creak open, she glanced towards the door, wondering who could be opening it now. 'Crap, hope they didn't hear my music too.' She thought, her nerves quickening. Seeing a male walk in, completely oblivious to her and the girl, she raised an eyebrow hearing him mutter. 

"I have music class, just not in this room.." She finally said.

Communicating with: @Slaughterized @AbadedBigfoot
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Location: Hallway

Interaction: @Daniel reaving 

Mentioned: None


Isabelle let out a slight smile as he had complimented her but she tried to remain as cool and collected as she could. "My name is Isabelle Santiago and I'm a transfer student." She said with a smile hoping that was informative enough. Isabelle felt her phone buzzing with a whole ton of messages from group chats and her over-protective mother who is constantly checking up on her. Isabelle slightly shook her head,"I'm sorry, what's your name?" She asked him.

 Raelynn Antoinette Desmond

 Raelynn was relived to see the girl laugh at her joke.  When she was abot to carry on the conversation, the boy with his instrument caught her gaze.  " I have't  really enrolled... i mean i have.. but i haven't signed up for classes.  I just got here and was just looking around when i found  her."  She nodded her head toward the female who has graciously allowed to share company with Raelynn. Enrolling in a music class wouldn't be a bad idea actually.  Lately, drawing and her other art has been her main focus and it would be a nice change to bring  music back into her daily life. Not listening, Playing. Just then she had an idea.  "  Maybe if there's room in one of your classes.. I could enroll in  it?" She figured it would be a long shot as she didn't even know their names yet. But what harm could it do? One class was better than being a moocher and eating the  cafeteria food and not making use of the education for offer.


Ryan pulled his guitar out and threw the strap over his shoulder. "Well, either I'm in the wrong class or I have the entire room to myself. So either way I'm sure you could sign up if you'd like. What can you do? Can you sing? I can play most songs on guitar so start singing and I'll happily follow along. I'll even sing with you if you'd like."

He then turned to the girl who looked like she was playing piano. "I want to hear you play. Don't be shy ill ply guitar if you play the piano."

@MissJackson @Slaughterized
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Heidi Trueman

"I'm in the mainstream music classes and I'm pretty sure they're still excepting late applications" she smiled at the girl, the rooms atmosphere was starting to feel happier already. 

Shrugging, she looked from the piano and back at the male with his guitar. "We improvising or is there a certain piece you'd like to play?" She only asked because her knowledge on music wasn't that wide of range. Sure, she could play Jazz, electro swing, and some Pop but that was about it. 

Spinning around on the seat so that she was facing the piano keys, she positioned herself and turned her head towards the others.

Communicating with: @Slaughterized @AbadedBigfoot


interatcing with: @sprouhtt

justin immediately smiles at her name. It was as he thought a beautiful name to fit a beautiful girl. Hearing her ask his name he smiled more. "My name is Justin arrow. And indeed I was right. Your name really is almost as pretty as you." He said not able to help flirting with this girl. It was a habit of his to flirt a lot, hell he even flirted with his childhood friends that were girls. Of course though most of the time it was either joking around or just the way he was but.... with this girl, he wanted to get to know her more that's for sure.


Raelynn Antoinette Desmond.

 A smile graced Rae's face when she heard that late enrollments should be accepted.  She stands from her spot next to the girl who has yet to be named and finds a spot in front off a few chairs that she suspects had students in them just a few classes earlier.  " Oh  I'm not sure if I mentioned already, but i'm Raelynn, or Rae i guess." She smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear before holding  out her hand for either of them to take.  If it was okay with them, while they played, she would like to stay, not really wanting to wander the halls again. She loved to wander and take adventures, but she was new here and that would most likely be frowned upon.   'I''ll wait untill i get more familiar' She thought

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Mallory Kim

Mallory looked up and smiled when she saw jack, shaking her head no at his question. " Class hasn't started yet so I came out." She chuckled a bit before opening the door, going halfway in , holding it open for him as she spoke. "I'm fine. So far none of my professors want to show up but that's whatever. How about you? How's college life treating you?" She asked as she put her student ID to the key card to open the last door.

@Daniel reaving

Ryan took the hand and shook it. "I'm Ryan." He looked at the other girl. "What ever you want to do, I'll just follow along. Afterwards if there is time. I'll show you what i know on piano if you don't mind."

Ryan was eager to show off in front of the girls. he always loved showing off.

@MissJackson @Slaughterized

interacting with: @Aio

jack smiled and gave her a thanking nod "college is ok. It's boring so far but that's mostly because I don't get my schedule till tomorrow and most of my stuff is still being shipped here. But other than that I'm anxious for later." He said quickly grabbing the last door and holding it open for her.
Location: Hallway

Interaction: @Daniel reaving 

Mentioned: None


Isabelle thought that his named suited him as well,"It's nice to meet you Justin." She smiled and blushed as he flirted with her but she wasn't going to let that get over her head since she knows how college boys are. One moment they claim they love you and the next you find them cheating on you with who you thought was your friend. It wasn't Isabelle's fault, but she has been through many breakups before and they were so bad and intoxicating that it left her mentally unstable whenever someone tries to flirt with her. "That is very sweet of you to say Justin." She replied back to him. "Shouldn't you be getting back to your fans?" She chuckled as she saw most of the girls standing outside the door just watching as Isabelle and Justin talked.

Heidi Trueman

"It's lovely to meet you both, I'm Heidi." She said, smiling at both of them. Giving a small nod, she turned back around to the piano keys. Hovering her hands above them for a few seconds, she thought of something to play. Finally decided on 'Yellow' by Coldplay, she began. Closing her eyes, she let her fingers play whilst she listened. 

Communicating with: @AbadedBigfoot @Slaughterized

interacting with: @sprouhtt

Justin listened to her words glancing back at the crowd of girls and sighing. "Nah. Most of them only are here because they want to spend a night with me. I wish I could find a girl who wasn't just with me because I'm an up and coming star you know." He said as he looked to her wondering what she was thinking.

Recognizing the tune, he tunes his acoustic guitar and played along with here. "Ah, Yellow by Coldplay. Nice choice." Playing his guitar wasn't enough for him.  "Hey Rae, do you know the words? Sing along with me. Look at the stars, look how they shine for you and everything you do, yeah. They were all yellow."

@MissJackson @Slaughterized
Location: Hallway

Interaction: @Daniel reaving 

Mentioned: None



Isabelle shook her head at what he said about the girls because she knew it was true and plus it's hard to find someone who isn't using you for your money, body or whatever. "That is a shame," shes says as she looks at her phone to see what time it is just to make sure that she isn't running late. Isabelle took a deep breath and thought that this should be the moment when she makes a new friend,"Umm I don't normally do this but would you like to hang out sometime when you're not busy?" She asked him hesitantly before she bit her lower lip and thought about the question for a bit and she felt as if it sounded like she was asking him on a date. "I'm new here so it would be nice to have a friend who can hang out with." She said to him as she pushed her hair behind her hair since it was brushing up against her rosy cheek.

interacting with: @sprouhtt

justin immediately smiled and nodded to her. "Yeah that be great." He said happy she wanted to hang out more with him. Pulling out his phone he opened it and got it to were it showed his number then handed him her phone. "Here's my number for you. Just call me when you want to hang out, I'm free almost all the time." He said to her smiling at her more 


Keith Sellers

[SIZE= 16px]It was about 7:15 in the evening, and he had told all of his friends about the party at the pool. Hopefully, Skai told her friends her as well. Keith opened his phone and texted Skai,[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"You ready, babe?" he was a pair of Nike slippers and his swimming shorts.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@OmgItsShay[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE]

Location: Hallway

Interaction: @Daniel reaving 

Mentioned: None


Isabelle had exchanged numbers with Justin earlier today so she gave him her number and he did the same. Now Isabelle was getting for the pool party that was happening tonight, she was pretty excited since she's worked so hard for the body that she has now. Isabelle used to be a very chubby yet adorable little girl when she was little but she kept on getting bullied for the way she looked and that pressured her into changing the way her body looks. Which wasn't a bad thing in her case because she was much healthier then before but it also wasn't  a good thing because she let those bullies get to her. Isabelle was back at her dorm where she began to prepare her things for later. She unlocked her phone and began to text Justin,"Hi! Umm...it's Isabelle in case you were wondering. Are you going to the pool party later on?" She texted to him and set her phone down as she waited for a reply.

interacting with: @sprouhtt

agter they had exhanched numbers justin had gone back to practicing for a while before heading home. As he was getting ready for the party he heard his phone go off on his bed making him walk over to it from his closet and pick it up. Immedietly smiling at the text he got he replied. "Wouldn't miss it. "Are you going? I hope you are." Then he sent the text and turned on some

music on his stereo as he continued to pick out what shirt he wanted to wear
Skai texted Keith back 

"Hey baby, on my way!"

Skai practically invited everyone from her roomate to friends to strangers. She gave herself another look in the mirror taking a quick video for snapchat. A couple minutes later she headed down the hallway creeping to where the pool was she saw Keith setting up some snacks and she snuck up behind him jumping on his back kissing his cheek.  

"Damn good job in here baby..looking all good and stuff. How i look?"



Keith Sellers

Keith jumped up as he was startled when he felt something on his back, then calmed down as he felt Skai kissing him on the cheek, "You almost scared me, Skai." he let out a sigh. He stood up and looked at his girlfriend, "Damn . . ." He sat down in the temperate pool, pretty much everything was set up, the speakers, the drinks. "Let's have some by ourselves in the pool. We have some extra time."


Skai rolled her eyes as she got down. "Rightttt....almost" Skai giggled as she followed Keith into the water. Surprisingly it wasn't all that cold. She sat in his lap facing him grinning.  "Don't get shit started knowing we ain't gonna get to finish "

@Darth Gangsta


Keith Sellers

Keith sighed, "Nah, even if I wanted do, we couldn't, there wouldn't be enough time. Let's just chill right now." he suggested.  He sat in the gentle water, waiting for the party start, occasionally kissing his girlfriend on the cheek and lips.

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