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Realistic or Modern College for DUMMIES


Ska giggled at Keith holding him by the waist still seeing Deshawn approach her smile widens. "Hey stranger! How are you?!" Skai hadn't seen Deshawn in a while but like always she'd showed him love.  "I didn't see you. Almost thought you wasn't coming."

@Darth Gangsta @Daniel reaving

deshawn immediately lit up when skai seemed excited to see him. She was always so kind to him and it made him happy. Giving her a quick gently friendly hug which was what he normally did to people he was saying hi to he spoke happily. "I'm doing good! I'm happy Keith is throwing another pool party. It's always so fun swimming and meeting new people." He said clearly excited about the party. It was like he was a small child that's how excited he was, but then again that's how he always was, a child in the body of a giant. "Hey is there any food yet? I'm starving and I didn't get lunch today." He said to her immediately cutting to the chase of his hunger and hopping she said yes. That was normally one of his first scentences to people at party's if he didn't already have food with him

@Darth Gangsta


Skai hugged him back "Yeah of course babes, there's plenty of food on thr right side of the speaker next to the liquor.  Help yourself." Skai said grinning at him. Deshawn was one of her closest friends and she loved him like a big brother. Skai turned towards Keith. "Lets get you some water" she laughed at him playfully. 

@Daniel reaving @Darth Gangsta


Keith Sellers

Keith's head was starting to clear up, he had a massive headache. Then, he saw Deshawn coming towards, Fuck, I must have drunk waaaay too much. There's no way Deshawn and I go to same college . . . he thought to himself. Skai greeted Deshawn, then he knew that he wasn't seeing things, "Oh shit! Wassup, big man?!" he said as he dapped him.


"really?!? Are there cheetos?" He asked her quickly. The man has always loved cheetos ever since he could eat them. Deshawn's attention was pulled to keith though when he spoke to him making Deshawn smile brightly as he immediately hugged keith easily lifting the guy off the ground in a bear hug and smiling brightly. "Hi Keith!" He said like a child as he set him down. "I missed you!" He said excitedly

@Darth Gangsta



 Raelynn Antoinette Desmond


" I would hope a hangover would be an  eye-opener for some people. Alcohol is really a nasty business." She scrunched her nose while she talked, following her new friend over to the dry poolside.  She  walked off a bit to the side, more so behind Heidi and kicked off her sandals, Every where else was unfortunately wet and  she didn't want the water to de-form her sandals. Rae  lowered herself onto the slab of concrete next to Heidi and dipped her feet into the cool water.  Luckily it wasn't too hot outside so the pitch black shirt didn't attract much heat. 

Chuckling at Ryan's statement, she put her hand in the water in a cupped form and threw water at him, Didn't make much different, he was already wet.  " Come on.. just because it's a pool party.. doesn't mean.. we need to get in the p-pool."  It sounded alot better in her head, at least she thought. 


Heidi Trueman

Laughing along with the other two, she stretched her arms over her head. 

"Maybe I will jump in, hold on" swivelling her feet out of the water, she jumped up. Quickly shimmying out of her shorts and taking off her loose hirt and hat, she dumped them just behind where she was sitting- next to where Rae had placed her sandals. 

Shoes off, she glanced towards Rae.

"You don't have to join us if you don't want to." And with that, she smoothly dived into the water. Swimming to the surface, she automatically gasped for air, flicking her hair out of her face. 

"It's freezing!" She exclaimed, hugging her sides as she stayed afloat. Teeth slightly chattering she went under again, trying to get used to the water temperature. 

Communicating with: @AbadedBigfoot @Slaughterized
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Ryan just gave Rae a look. "Why throw water on me? it has no effect but this does." And with that he splashed some water on Rae. Seeing Heidi get into her bathing suit made Ryan smile. "It"s about time someone is getting in the water with me. I'd give that dive about a 3. There was no splashing involved so its a jump wasted." Ryan burst into laughter when she came up complaining about the water temperature. "I guess i enjoy the cold things haha." Without much thought, Ryan grabbed Rae's hand and pulled her into the water. He didn't let go of her hand because he didn't know if she could swim.

@MissJackson @Slaughterized


Raelynn Antoinette Desmond


"Rya...." Before she could finish screaming his name her head fell below water as he pulled her in. Pushing herself to the surface, she pushed water towards him.  " What the Hell?!?" She wiped the water from her eyes, Luckily her eyeliner was water-proof. Her black T-shirt had risen up from the water and was now hovering on the surface.  She might as well take it off, no use in having it on now.

Her suit


 Raelynn threw the shirt onto pool-side and couldn't help but smile and laugh as she let go of his hand.



All Ryan could do was laugh. "You should have seen the look on your face. By the way, nice bathing suit. I like it. You stand out with everyone in their bikini suits. Are you guys getting bored at this party? Nothing exciting is happening. You guys wanna leave?

@MissJackson @Slaughterized

soon justin arrived at the pool party smiling happily as he took his helmet off and put it on his handle bars before he made his way into the party smiling as he looked around for anyone to talk to. But sadly he didn't see anyone he knew. His band didn't like these parties so they never came, other than that he only saw some faces he remembered from earlier this day. Sighing a little as he looked around some more before finding a seat near a table by the pool he diecided to relax a little before anyone he knew showed up. Soon though checking his phone to see if Isabell had texted which she hadn't so he sent a quick message. "Hey you almost here?" Then set his phone on the table and went back to relaxing and people watching 

Ryan looked around. No one moved a muscle. The water itself didn't move. Everything around him froze. He got out of the pool and walked around. Nothing was moving. Panicking, he touched someone. "Oh so cold." he muttered. He took off running around seeing everyone frozen in place. "What the hell happened here!" he shouted. @anyone Please someone respond lmao xD

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