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Realistic or Modern College for DUMMIES


Keith Sellers

Keith put on a Stussy shirt and Nike cargo shorts and a pair of Columbia 4 Jordans. He sat on Skai's bed, going through his Instagram and Snapchat. "Hold up, lemme put on one my songs." he muttered under his breath. He stood up and plugged his phone into the speaker and put Doe Boy's "Mama Neva Understand"



Skai Parker



Skai sat on her bed strapping on her sandals then walks over to the counter placing the food in the fridge looking in the mirror once more. Sitting back on the bed recording Keith and herself on Snapchat mouthing the words to the song.. it was at least seven snaps but she didn't care, this was one of the ways they bonded. Through music. Skai looked at the time

"Come onnn babe or we're going to be late and I don't wanna have to fight you if we're late." Skai said grabbing her bag standing in front of Keith.



Raelynn Antoinette Desmond


  As she watched the Cafe fill with other students, and her food already consumed  in its entirety, Raelynn figured the inspiration would be scarce in this room.  Picking up her trash, she stood up, brushing what little crumbs found their way to her blouse.  She wore  an off-shoulder black and white striped top with a pair of  slightly ripped black ankle length jeans and white tennis shoes. ( see spoiler)


       With her hair pulled to one side for the time being she exited in search of answers. Mostly to her question of where to find, or how to find her dorm and if she had a room mate.  Of course she wouldn't mind her own dorm, but she figured with a campus this size, a single room would be entirely impossible, so she kept her hopes up for a good room-mate.

 The halls of the school were enormous. It wasn't a castle, but still. They were just as grand. Maybe if she wandered enough she would be able to find the dorms on her own. " why nor" She spoke to herself softly as she turned the corner.  Time  passed and every corner looked the same. Identical Halls, Identical doors, the only thing that changed were the numbers on the doors.

Soon, she heard the stroking of piano keys. This was a very familiar sound to her as she had played piano for a good portion of her life. One turn of a corner after another and the sound was getting louder which could only mean one thing. Raelynn was getting closer to the source of the angelic notes. Finally she found the room and opened the door just enough that a sliver of the inside room was visible. She only saw one person in there so by process of elimination she was the one composing the music. Rae opened the door just enough that the creak was audible to let the person inside know of her presence


 Interaction with:  



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Heidi Trueman

Hearing an audible creak, Heidi abruptly turned towards the sound, spying someone at the door.

"O-oh, I'm sorry, did you book this room for a private lesson?" She gathered herself, snatching up her music notes and making a garb for her bag straps. All the while not breaking eye contact with the stranger.

"Out of curiosity, how much of that did you hear?" She asked, waving her hand towards the piano. She had just been getting the hang of her new melody too, damnit. Oh well, she have time later to perfect it.

Trying to recover from the surprise she finally got a good look at the girl. 

Interacting with: @Slaughterized

Raelynn Antoinette Desmond


Rae took a small step inside the room. She hadn't meant to startle the girl, but at the same time she felt it was wrong to sort of...  stand there without letting the girl know that she was standing there, almost looking over her shoulder. " Not long, i swear. I-I was just wandering the halls and i heard the music.." She trailed off a bit, clutching her sketch book closer to her chest like it was only her friend.   Taking another step into the room, she  shut the door behind her, like it was before she had intruded. She started to speak more, but to make sense she needed to stop stuttering, It wasn't her fault. She was just nervous.  " I-I-It was R-Really Pretty.. I Didn't want to Startle you...  I heard it and,, i had just gotten here a couple hours ago... i mean.. not standing here for a couple hours. i mean i got to the school a couple... I'll stop now.." She was able to stop herself from ramblig on and tapped her fingernails on her sketch book. The music really was pretty.



Mallory Kim


Mallory walked into the cafeteria and stood in line as she waited for someone to take her order. Feeling her phone buzz in her pocket she wondered if it was Skai texting her about their recent interaction, but realized she never gave her her number. Pulling out her phone she looked down at the message and smiled. Unlocking her phone she began to type. "No no bother. Happy to hear from you. Though if it's about the spirit wear I can't really meet you right now. I got a class in forty. Text me any time though!" She sent it before walking up to the register and giver her order before stepping over to the side.


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Skai Parker



Skai and Keith left the room to head for class. On the way to class they passed the cafeteria and she noticed Mallory waiting for her food. Skai told Keith to wait for her outside their class that was just down the hall. Skai approached Mallory giving her a nervous smile.

"Hi. You have a minute to talk?" Skai started rubbing the back of her neck "We haven't seen each other or really spent  time together in a while and it was an in the moment thing and I wanna apologize..." Skai chucked nervously. @Aio @Darth Gangsta

interacting with: @Aio

jack smiled led at the text and started typing back to her. "Oh no it isn't about the spirit wear. I was just looking to talk to some one and you gave me your number so you know." He sent the message as he got up from his spot in the park and started to explore the campus more seeing as how his classes aren't till later

Mallory Kim


Mallory looked up as she saw Skai walking in. She told herself not to make eye contact but it was hard when the girl was looking right at her. Grabbing her drink from the counter she took a sip before she found Skai right in front of her. She thought of what she should say as she listened to Skai apologize but she honestly didn't know where she stood on the matter. That's when she realized Skai was probably more concerned with her gossiping that the actual event so she thought to put that thought to rest. "If you think I'm going to out you I'm not. I have to much at stake to be doing things like that. You and him obviously have a...ah... very healthy relationship." She didn't wish to make anymore comment on the matter. Honestly wanting to get over it before it even started. She was going to have to spend the rest of her year with this girl, might as well start on the right foot than regret it later. "I'll knock next time." She joked before looking down at her phone. Oh well okay. Well if you need anything just let me know. Mallory sent the text before looking back up at Skai. "Hey I have class in thirty, and I probably be in there for more than two hours. Go crazy." She gave Skai a smiled before walking around her and going out the door to her next class. Looking at Keith out of the corner of her eye before looking ahead.



Ryan chuckled as the swarm of girls surrounded the band. They weren't bad he though. Ryan noticed the girl disappear into the crowd only to reappear in a matter of seconds. He saw her walk away and wanted to go talk to her but he noticed the singer start to walk towards her. "Damn, I guess there are plenty of other girls here." Ryan waited around until everyone left. he then hopped on the drum set and began just playing around throwing beats left and right.
Location: Hallway

Interaction: @Daniel reaving 

Mentioned: None


As Isabelle walked down the hallway she looked down at her phone to see if it really wasn't scratched and when she was examining it, she saw no scratches. Isabelle knew it was a bad idea to have pulled out her phone when there's a big group around. Sooner then later after leaving the doorway for like a second, she heard footsteps behind her and when she turned around she saw that it was the band leader. Isabelle was going to say that he was good but it was like cat got her tongue since she hardly socializes with people at times because she keeps herself busy. Isabelle listened to what he has to say with a smile and she thought it was extremely sweet that he came all the way out to ask if she was alright as well as her phone. "Uh yeah, I'm fine. There were no scratches so I think I'll rest easily tonight," she tells him as she lifts up her phone in the air a bit to show him. "Oh, I was going to compliment you and your band on the song but the girls in there beat me to it." Isabelle said as she let out a slight chuckle.
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[SIZE= 36px]Skai Parker [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 36px]------------------[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Skai made her way back to Keith grabbing his hand. "I guess everything is good." Skai watched as she walked away shrugging. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]"So when are we throwing this party?" Skai asked Keith as they walked towards class. She was happy they had a couple of classes together. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]As as they entered the class the found seats in the middle of the room and sat next to each other planning out the party for this weekend. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]"Oohh maybe we should make it like a password party. We give a couple people the password to get in and they gotta give it to people and so on and only the people with the people with the password could get in. Everyone will be scrambling to get the password." Skai smiled at her idea hoping Keith liked it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]@Darth Gangsta[/SIZE]



Keith Sellers

Keith thought for a moment, "You sure she's not just saying that?" Keith shook his head, he didn't want to talk about that, "I guess we'll have it at my dorm. I'll invite some of the people on my football team and some friends. You can invite some of your friends. Maybe your roommate, just to make it up to her, I guess." (everyone is welcome, just fyi). "Yeah, I think a 'password' would work. What should it be, though?"

[SIZE= 16px]@OmgItsShay[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 36px]Skai Parker [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 36px]------------------[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Skai rolled her eyes "Its good babe, she's cool trust me.." Skai thought about with Keith said. "What was that stuupiid nickname you gave me in like seventh grade. That you ended up having everyone call me" She said looking at Keith in annoyance thinking back to middle school. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]"Whatever it was that should be the password. It's something that can't be easily guessed" Skai took out her laptop. Powering it on as she watched the professor walk in.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]@Darth Gangsta[/SIZE]


Keith Sellers

[SIZE= 16px]"Okay, then." he trusted Skai, if she said that her roommate was cool with it, he believed her. Keith couldn't help but laugh, "I said I was sorry, like a million times!" still laughing at the hilarious memory. "It was like 'fuzzy' or something like that." he knew it wasn't quite right, but it was close enough. "Let me know who you're inviting to the party, when you're sure." Keith took out his old Chromebook, waiting for the class to start[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px].[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@OmgItsShay[/SIZE]

After a half hour of playing, he looked down at his watch. "Shit, I lost tract of time!" He quickly stood up and ran back towards his dorm. He unlocked his door and walked in. He resprayed some cologne and put on some deodorant. He did start sweating after playing the drums. He grabbed his acoustic guitar and took off down to the music room (Piano room time for some interaction) "Time for some early conditioning for football later," he thought while throwing his guitar over his back. 

@Slaughterized  @MissJackson (if you guys don't mind)


interacting with: @sprouhtt

justin smiled at her words chuckling softly and replaying. "That's good I'm glad to hear you are alright." He said before hearing her words about the band. "Thanks. Yeah I'm sorry they pushed you like that. Most act like that which kinda sucks." He said to her as he gave her another small smile. "So may I know a name for a pretty face?" He asked him romantic and flirty side kicking in as he waited for an answer from this beautiful woman
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Heidi Trueman

"Ah, okay then." She sat back down, hunched over and running her fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry to freak out on you, you just startled me" she flashed a smile towards the girl. She could tell the girl was nervous, the amount of stuttering was clear, so Heidi decided to try and get her to relax. 

"You sketch?" She asked, gesturing towards the sketchbook in the female's arms. 

Fanning her cheeks from embarrassment of being startled, she sat up straight, in a more open and happy manner. 

Interacting with: @Slaughterized

Mentions: @AbadedBigfoot (I don't mind :))

Mallory Kim


Mallory walked her class finishing her drink before tossing it into the trash can as she entered the building. Using her student ID to get into her class. It was a Lab so she was not surprised to see a hundred or so Freshmen scrambling for chairs, chatting and so on. She decided to sit at one of the lab tables near the front, felling as though with this many people she would have a hard time seeing he board. Taking out her note book she opened it up and started taking notes off of the board. 

interacting with: @Aio

jack soon got got lost on his way to science and looked around worriedly before texting her again. "Do you know where the science building is?" He sent the text to her then continued to look around lost beyond compare

Mallory Kim


Mallory looked down at her phone and sighed as she shut her notebook. Picking up the phone she checked the message and chuckled before replying. "It's almost right beside the cafe." She texted back as she turned to look at the door. By now most of the seats were filled up, tapping her pencil on the counter she got to thinking which never turned out well for her. The whole dorm situation was getting to her and it killed her that her best friend Marcus wasn't here for her to spill but sadly she had to keep it to herself till the next time they talked.



"The cafe we met at?" He texted back to her skin after getting her reply as he started for the cafe again at least knowing where that was at before he soon pulled his phone out again. "I'm not bothering you am I?" He texted her wanting to make sure he wasn't interrupting anything important


Raelynn Antoinette Desmond

" Oh... Yes.." Raelynn began speaking, taking a few more steps closer to the girl seeing as she was a friendly. She took a seat on the edge of the piano bench, carefull to leave enough space for the girl if she wanted to continue to play. He sketchbook lay peacefully on her  lap as she looked over to the girl. " I have been my  whole life... just about. Minus my infant stages"  She chuckled softly, her attempt at cracking a joke.  Her chuckle faded when she cleared her throat to get rid of the awkward silence she assumed her joke would bring.

 Luckily this girl was friendly, at least friendlier that she had expected. 

@AbadedBigfoot Feel free to post with us!!

Ryan began to slow down as the music room became closer. Looking up he saw the number that matched his paper. Without much thought he just opened the door and walked it. Totally oblivious to the two girls sitting there he walked over to and empty chair and began to pull out his guitar. He started to look around. "Huh, i must be ea..." he met eyes with the two girls sitting there. "Wow I didn't even notice you two were in here. Do you guys have music class too?" 

@MissJackson @Slaughterized

Mallory Kim


Mallory clicked her pen as she looked around the room. Coming from a small town where everyone knew everyone it was overwhelming that there would be so many people in her class. She looked down at her phone and smiled slightly before responding. "Yeah. I'm already there so I'll just walk out to the front so you can find me." Sending the text she hopped up from her seat and made her way outside. Sanding just outside the door as she looked for Jack.



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