• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Closed code machine go 𝙗𝙧𝙧𝙧𝙧 (by uxie)

48. mondrian

  • mondrian


    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    loosely inspired by this psd template
    a simple addition to the fancy placeholder club! hopefully easy to use and looks pretty on mobile too. haha imo ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

    this one was made a while ago, but i didn't bother to post it even though neatening up placeholders are,, so easy because of how short the codes are. but it's here now (o˘◡˘o)
    as always, all fonts, images and colours are customisable via variables! not many comments needed, just follow the * * * and little instructions to know where to put your content in. yay!

    hope you like! (´• ω •`) ♡

    – uxie

    clio acidalia

    # cassiopeia

    # park sora

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    49. an almanac

  • an almanac



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with s o u r s o u r !
    please click the below to see their design!

    the final request of this shop, at least for a while! (*^.^*)
    this is mobile-friendly but it looks a little stupid on mobile, unfortunately 人(_ _*) at least all the content is legible! otherwise, this is a nice little book-based interest check. while the background is swappable, i'd advise again doing so simply because the content has been tailored to match the image used. if you want to make changes to it, save the image and edit it, then upload that one instead.

    please keep your eye out for something new coming along in due time ( ̄ω ̄)/
    hope you like! (*^^*)♡

    – uxie

    • filler. ignore!

      Minulle & Sons

      Purveyors of the Finest Books:

      a fantastical
      book-hopping adventure

      filler. ignore!


      The World







      Lauri Minulle.

    ♡design by s o u r, coded by uxie♡
    50. finsta

  • finsta



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with dreamglow dreamglow !
    please click the below to see their design!

    dragged myself from the grave to post this but here. a matching ic for all for the gram, very closely inspired by the layout of an unnamed app, you would not be able to tell which one but it rhymes with finstagram! ( ˙▿˙ )

    switch to the main contents of the post by clicking (more comments) and the little icons on the second tab toggle between the character details! it should be mobile-friendly for most devices, but feel free to let me know if you run into any issues! (´・ᴗ・ ` ) there's also a teeny little surprise feature that you can use, so if you end up using this code check it out (✯◡✯)

    goodnight. hope you like! ♡(。- ω -)

    – uxie


    • Uxiegram


      (cont. in comments) the resolve to forget you wavers from one wind, as if the promise to erase you was a lie as well.

      View all 69 comments




      is my contact name still "from school" on your phone

    ♡requested by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
    51. divine arcana

  • divine arcana


    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with TerrorKitty TerrorKitty !
    please click the below to see their design!

    it should be mobile-friendly, albeit a little ugly! but there's a massive hidden scroll on the entire code, as well as on all textboxes. i've tried to indicate these as best as i could! ( ˙▿˙ ) the images used are of viviz, with the transparent edits made by orangx on deviantart

    as usual, all colours & fonts can be changed through variables at the top.
    thank you for requesting! (*^^*)♡

    – uxie


    Gotta Go












    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus porta lorem nec ligula varius vulputate. Cras mattis mauris id odio congue, sit amet faucibus purus congue. Ut justo felis, dignissim eu fermentum vestibulum, fringilla a mi. Proin vestibulum dignissim suscipit. Vivamus et vehicula orci. Sed nec velit a ipsum hendrerit bibendum. Proin blandit volutpat eros non convallis. Sed mauris purus, pulvinar sed dui euismod, tempus varius risus.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque convallis sagittis justo, at sagittis urna egestas ac. Sed fermentum fringilla lacinia. Maecenas euismod non ipsum ut feugiat. Quisque fermentum sem sem, ac lacinia justo varius quis. Aliquam auctor interdum ante, eget vestibulum tellus pharetra quis. Integer efficitur ultrices vulputate. Duis sed tortor augue. Vivamus id ultricies tellus. Nulla rhoncus hendrerit neque, quis scelerisque justo viverra sit amet. Nam dolor libero, egestas consectetur auctor a, placerat quis sem. Phasellus vel mi sit amet odio efficitur tincidunt ac vitae tellus.











    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus porta lorem nec ligula varius vulputate. Cras mattis mauris id odio congue, sit amet faucibus purus congue. Ut justo felis, dignissim eu fermentum vestibulum, fringilla a mi. Proin vestibulum dignissim suscipit. Vivamus et vehicula orci. Sed nec velit a ipsum hendrerit bibendum. Proin blandit volutpat eros non convallis. Sed mauris purus, pulvinar sed dui euismod, tempus varius risus.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque convallis sagittis justo, at sagittis urna egestas ac. Sed fermentum fringilla lacinia. Maecenas euismod non ipsum ut feugiat. Quisque fermentum sem sem, ac lacinia justo varius quis. Aliquam auctor interdum ante, eget vestibulum tellus pharetra quis. Integer efficitur ultrices vulputate. Duis sed tortor augue. Vivamus id ultricies tellus. Nulla rhoncus hendrerit neque, quis scelerisque justo viverra sit amet. Nam dolor libero, egestas consectetur auctor a, placerat quis sem. Phasellus vel mi sit amet odio efficitur tincidunt ac vitae tellus.











    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus porta lorem nec ligula varius vulputate. Cras mattis mauris id odio congue, sit amet faucibus purus congue. Ut justo felis, dignissim eu fermentum vestibulum, fringilla a mi. Proin vestibulum dignissim suscipit. Vivamus et vehicula orci. Sed nec velit a ipsum hendrerit bibendum. Proin blandit volutpat eros non convallis. Sed mauris purus, pulvinar sed dui euismod, tempus varius risus.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque convallis sagittis justo, at sagittis urna egestas ac. Sed fermentum fringilla lacinia. Maecenas euismod non ipsum ut feugiat. Quisque fermentum sem sem, ac lacinia justo varius quis. Aliquam auctor interdum ante, eget vestibulum tellus pharetra quis. Integer efficitur ultrices vulputate. Duis sed tortor augue. Vivamus id ultricies tellus. Nulla rhoncus hendrerit neque, quis scelerisque justo viverra sit amet. Nam dolor libero, egestas consectetur auctor a, placerat quis sem. Phasellus vel mi sit amet odio efficitur tincidunt ac vitae tellus.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus porta lorem nec ligula varius vulputate. Cras mattis mauris id odio congue, sit amet faucibus purus congue. Ut justo felis, dignissim eu fermentum vestibulum, fringilla a mi. Proin vestibulum dignissim suscipit. Vivamus et vehicula orci. Sed nec velit a ipsum hendrerit bibendum. Proin blandit volutpat eros non convallis. Sed mauris purus, pulvinar sed dui euismod, tempus varius risus.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus porta lorem nec ligula varius vulputate. Cras mattis mauris id odio congue, sit amet faucibus purus congue. Ut justo felis, dignissim eu fermentum vestibulum, fringilla a mi. Proin vestibulum dignissim suscipit. Vivamus et vehicula orci. Sed nec velit a ipsum hendrerit bibendum. Proin blandit volutpat eros non convallis. Sed mauris purus, pulvinar sed dui euismod, tempus varius risus.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus porta lorem nec ligula varius vulputate. Cras mattis mauris id odio congue, sit amet faucibus purus congue. Ut justo felis, dignissim eu fermentum vestibulum, fringilla a mi. Proin vestibulum dignissim suscipit. Vivamus et vehicula orci. Sed nec velit a ipsum hendrerit bibendum. Proin blandit volutpat eros non convallis. Sed mauris purus, pulvinar sed dui euismod, tempus varius risus.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus porta lorem nec ligula varius vulputate. Cras mattis mauris id odio congue, sit amet faucibus purus congue. Ut justo felis, dignissim eu fermentum vestibulum, fringilla a mi. Proin vestibulum dignissim suscipit. Vivamus et vehicula orci. Sed nec velit a ipsum hendrerit bibendum. Proin blandit volutpat eros non convallis. Sed mauris purus, pulvinar sed dui euismod, tempus varius risus.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus porta lorem nec ligula varius vulputate. Cras mattis mauris id odio congue, sit amet faucibus purus congue. Ut justo felis, dignissim eu fermentum vestibulum, fringilla a mi. Proin vestibulum dignissim suscipit. Vivamus et vehicula orci. Sed nec velit a ipsum hendrerit bibendum. Proin blandit volutpat eros non convallis. Sed mauris purus, pulvinar sed dui euismod, tempus varius risus.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus porta lorem nec ligula varius vulputate. Cras mattis mauris id odio congue, sit amet faucibus purus congue. Ut justo felis, dignissim eu fermentum vestibulum, fringilla a mi. Proin vestibulum dignissim suscipit. Vivamus et vehicula orci. Sed nec velit a ipsum hendrerit bibendum. Proin blandit volutpat eros non convallis. Sed mauris purus, pulvinar sed dui euismod, tempus varius risus.

    ♡design by terrorkitty, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    52. midas

  • midas


    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with SirNateUnknown SirNateUnknown !
    please click the below to see their design!

    a simple in-character code, which features a music player and a hidden scroll on the textbox! sirnateunknown kindly adjusted their design from the original to make it feasible within my capabilities, so thank you (* ^ ω ^) it should be mobile-friendly, and fairly easy to customise -- only two colours!

    as usual, all colours & fonts can be changed through variables at the top.
    thank you for requesting! (⌒▽⌒)♡

    – uxie

    the hunter

    Adam Jensen





    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lobortis nisl quis ex consequat efficitur. Integer tempor vel magna ut ullamcorper. Curabitur rutrum pharetra nunc eu venenatis. Vestibulum a scelerisque odio, ut sollicitudin enim. Vestibulum augue elit, tempus ac pretium eu, ultrices et nisl. Cras id arcu a nunc aliquam commodo vel eget sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis eu malesuada nisi, at venenatis erat. Proin et metus ex. Nam sapien metus, iaculis at purus nec, ullamcorper posuere nisi.

    Curabitur non lorem augue. Nunc convallis sollicitudin purus eu imperdiet. Proin ac rutrum diam, nec molestie nisi. Nullam in ipsum aliquet, viverra augue et, egestas nisi. Aliquam cursus mi dui, pretium molestie nisi elementum sed. Nullam convallis lacinia nunc, vitae facilisis purus semper pharetra. In consequat tincidunt molestie. Sed diam velit, sagittis non sapien id, scelerisque euismod nibh. Cras condimentum dolor a nunc eleifend fringilla. Etiam facilisis ligula massa, et dictum dui euismod nec.


    ♡design by sirnateunknown, coded by uxie♡
    53. ever faithful

  • ever faithful



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with HowlingWoods HowlingWoods !
    please click the below to see their design!

    an envelope accordion ic post that is more than a little janky but seems to work fine on mobile for the most part— some inevitable misalignments, but i hate accordions too much to attempt fixing it further ( ´ ω ` ) so sorry! if you happen to get any huge issue with it, please let me know though!

    otherwise a simple code; the wax seal isn't customisable, but the symbol on the wax seal is customisable, and i've left some indicators on where to adjust the size of the letter's text if you happen to want to change it. a word of cautioo that i have based the sizing of the code to match the image i was given for the stationery-- the aspect ratio is approximately 1.30:1, so you can crop your image to that if you'd like! ( ˙▿˙ ) i.... would not recommend changing the letter images at all.

    howlingwoods has requested a version that has a wider width of textbook for ease of customisation, so for those who would like that instead should you want to change the stationery, here it is: \(≧▽≦)/

    thank you for requesting! (*¯︶¯*)

    – uxie

    ♡design by howlingwoods, coded by uxie♡
    54. dead island

  • dead island


    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with IceCave IceCave !
    please click the below to see their design!

    quickly done, since this was a relatively simple request! an in-character code relatively simple to customise-- only two colours! one in red, and one in black. („• ᴗ •„) there are hidden scrolls on the main textbox as well as on the details/footer, and i've also added instructions should you want to add a background colour (but remember to add a text colour, too!) as well as removing the blood splatter. the font used in the code is a little funky in that it's a little smaller than most other fonts, but i've added in a place for you to edit the font size as necessary as well~

    thank you for requesting! ( ´ ▽ ` )

    – uxie




    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec commodo bibendum tincidunt. Vivamus ex sapien, condimentum eget sollicitudin vitae, vehicula ut orci. Pellentesque sit amet lacus eu libero ultrices sagittis. Nam quis ultrices justo. Cras sed auctor tortor. Donec in sodales ante. Donec sit amet sapien id lacus lacinia sollicitudin eget bibendum quam. Vivamus lectus urna, consequat et orci vitae, iaculis dapibus lectus.

    Vivamus eget feugiat tortor. Mauris faucibus cursus massa, vel sollicitudin leo ullamcorper luctus. Etiam vitae malesuada nisl. Mauris non luctus nibh, sed tristique eros. Praesent pellentesque lorem et odio porttitor condimentum. Vivamus pellentesque velit vitae luctus scelerisque. Vivamus porttitor blandit sapien ac tempus. Proin bibendum tortor vel ligula eleifend, sed pharetra justo consectetur. Curabitur accumsan erat vitae ipsum volutpat gravida et sodales dui. Morbi laoreet tellus sit amet urna mattis, at tincidunt tellus gravida. Pellentesque purus orci, porta vitae varius egestas, condimentum vel erat. Duis quis tincidunt ante. Aliquam nec varius nisi.

    Donec sagittis feugiat pellentesque. Morbi a justo ac metus eleifend imperdiet sed sed nisi. Maecenas tincidunt molestie tellus, a interdum nisi laoreet id. Nulla ullamcorper risus vel ullamcorper maximus. Integer molestie vel ipsum at lacinia. Vestibulum mollis vitae quam non mattis. In pulvinar, tortor vel accumsan scelerisque, augue nisi sagittis arcu, sed rhoncus nisi neque non ligula. Curabitur vitae egestas lorem.

    location | mood | interactions

    ♡design by riptide, coded by uxie♡
    55. id card

  • id card



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with MisoraUni MisoraUni !
    please click the below to see their design!

    a moderately simple cs code, but was slightly annoying to code because of janky bbcode. the diamonds are the tab buttons, and there are a lot of hidden scrolls-- just know it'll scroll on every tab for mobile, but i've otherwise tried to do it as per the layout!

    thank you for requesting ♡

    – uxie

    • filler tab, ignore!














    Text here


    Text here


    Text here


    Text here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tincidunt vehicula pellentesque. Nam dui quam, congue et nulla eu, porttitor pretium mi.

    Country of Origin:
    Lorem ipsum. This whole section will scroll!

    ♡design by misorauni, coded by uxie♡
    56. every second

  • every second



    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with minajesty minajesty !
    please click the below to see their design!

    a code for mina, so i've named it after mina okabe's every second __φ(..) i think this could be used as a placeholder too!
    note the hidden scrolls on the big image on the right. i've added a small text shadow (it's invisible on dark mode,,) just so there's a bit of dimension on light mode (sue me!) as requested, the background is transparent, but you can add in a colour if you wish! the variables are all there for you to customise and all.

    images are credited to tamimoon and nekokawaii1012.

    thank you again for requesting! i said 2 slots before, but since this one was finished fast, i might take in more depending on how soon they're sent in |ʘ‿ʘ)╯

    – uxie

    name here


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ex nisi, accumsan in sodales ac, tincidunt vel sapien. In non nisl at lectus lobortis placerat. Aenean pellentesque commodo mauris, id pellentesque erat blandit non. Duis quis elit felis. Donec bibendum luctus commodo. Aliquam ut vehicula turpis, vitae cursus eros. Donec nibh eros, semper vitae pellentesque et, elementum ut quam. Vivamus non feugiat tortor, vel hendrerit mauris. Donec molestie ultrices auctor. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat.

    click for more

    ♡design by minajesty, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    57. die 4 you

  • DIE 4 YOU



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with miyabi miyabi !
    please click the below to see their design!

    * this design was loosely inspired by this template.
    delivery! this is a relatively simple ic code that can be used as a general scroll. click the button on the top left to access the bulk of the content! as usual, i've labelled all variables -- just take note that the music waveform should change to a different colour if you choose a dark enough image background, but i've added a little instruction for those who want to use lighter backgrounds or want to keep it white ┐('~`; )┌

    it's a little bit skinny on mobile, but nothing too bad! the design is lovely, and it was a nice opportunity to get the hang of tabs again after many months of not working with them much at all (>ᴗ•) thank you sm for requesting! ( ´ ω ` )ノ゙

    – uxie

    • click here

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas posuere faucibus. Aliquam et sapien dictum.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas posuere faucibus. Aliquam et sapien dictum.

      die 4 you


      name here

    ♡design by miyabi, coded by uxie♡