• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Closed code machine go 𝙗𝙧𝙧𝙧𝙧 (by uxie)

welcome ♡
  • Uxie

    ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭* ੈ‧₊❀˖°


    code machine go brrrrr

    current status:

    you may ask for a code Respectfully.

    i'm currently working w/ @/user

    sorry! the machine is not operating rn

    uxie ®

    • welcome!

      my name is uxie, and this is my half-hearted attempt at a request shop! please enjoy your stay ♡
      also btw all codes are free to use! (o˘◡˘o)

      if i react to your request, it means it's accepted!

      if you're interested in seeing more of my (own) codes, please check out my freebies shop: have a nice day. thank you for liking my codes! (´꒳`)♡

      but what's this!

      it's a code machine and it goes brrrrr!!!!

      updated 08.05.2022
      i opened this for the first time in october 2 years ago, and its been closed since 2021. just finished my first yr of uni n was a little bored so... heheh

      the gist of it is: give me a design, and i'll head-empty make it into a functional code for you!

      whether you have a design but lack the technical skills to bring it to life, or you're still in the midst of learning and would like to see how to accomplish something specific-- i am here for u.! we will be a powerful duo! and both of us will be credited in the final code, for ur brains and my hands. how exciting

      please head to the next tab to see what requirements i'll need from you during our time working together. plz plz plz read through it thoroughly before making a request thank u!

      sum rules

      u can request as much as u like, but plz try not to overload me ♡ if you see like 3 other people having already requested that i'm not done with.... hold on a lil yknow? (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡

      i still reserve the right to reject any request; plz be kind and courteous when making your request, and remember no coder owes anything 2 u! ♡
      ** just a heads-up that i might be a little more selective with the designs i choose to do this time around. two reasons: it seems like there r a few new faces who would like a turn, so i might give priority to those who did not (often) request previously, n i wld rly like to code designs i personally like this time around (ノ_<。) so sorry in advance if i end up rejecting yours.!

      all codes created through this shop will be free-for-use for all, but do not remove either of the credits (〃>_<;〃) they take time! they take brainpower! please respect both myself and the other creators!

      after the code has been made, there'll be a grace period for us to adjust anything that you may not like post-collaboration, but once the code has been confirmed and posted, i will no longer entertain requests for parts of it to be changed. the codes should already be easily customisable palette-wise thanks to variables, so this applies exclusively to layout/functionality changes! sry,am busy!!! !

      on: icons

      i'm a dummy and made some of the tags too small, so i've decided to use little icons to represent certain features! as of now, here are all the icons in use and what they mean:
      — this code is pc-friendly only.
      — this code is mobile-friendly and pc-friendly. (psa to all iphone 5/se and galaxy fold users... im sry but this might not apply to u. why are ur phones so skinny????????)
      — this code features a music player.
      — this code features hidden scrolls.

    Last edited:
    1. sunny days

  • sunny days

    ic code

    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    edit (11.03): it's now mobile-friendly and hosted on a diff site!
    this code was made in collaboration with neon reverie neon reverie !
    please click the below to see their design!
    like all others, this code is free to use (´ω`*)

    thank you anni, my 1 true fan, for beta-testing the code machine!!! ! i apologise if the code seems messy bc i am simply not as good as steph when it comes to labelling everything prettily! i hope it's legible though LOL i tried my best..,., ;w; hope u like!

    – uxie

    scroll me!

    some details !

    some details !

    kang mi-rae

    rae of sunshine

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi iaculis, mauris eu posuere tincidunt, risus nisi dictum nibh, ornare consectetur justo nisl et sem. Etiam sem nibh, eleifend et diam non, mattis tristique enim. Pellentesque mollis nisi libero, vel venenatis lacus imperdiet non. Etiam non metus at ante maximus lacinia nec ac ex. Duis non sagittis velit. Duis ullamcorper lobortis odio, vel efficitur lacus blandit at. Curabitur ac dui eu tellus aliquam mollis sed et nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce vel magna hendrerit, euismod felis tristique, feugiat lectus. Aenean tristique nisl in rutrum consequat. Nam ultrices, orci eget feugiat porttitor, erat risus cursus justo, quis eleifend nisi risus vel dolor. In fermentum risus at nisl ultrices malesuada. In vel pretium est. Proin ornare diam eu magna hendrerit, a euismod ligula gravida.

    Praesent elementum, erat sit amet tempor sollicitudin, quam velit sollicitudin sem, non pretium sem tellus porttitor velit. Vestibulum non nisl sed ligula rhoncus feugiat. In gravida, dui eu iaculis eleifend, justo nibh luctus neque, non dignissim enim lacus ut leo. Proin eget magna non mauris ullamcorper placerat. Donec ac sem tristique, gravida neque et, elementum ipsum. Curabitur fringilla tellus sed diam euismod, ut mattis nisl sollicitudin. Duis egestas sapien id libero laoreet vehicula. Phasellus ultrices mi eros, id aliquet leo vehicula non.

    Pellentesque eget lorem vitae purus dapibus efficitur. Cras ante urna, pulvinar vel sem ac, lobortis gravida est. Ut id vulputate neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam id dapibus massa. Donec rhoncus mi vel tellus viverra, posuere rutrum urna eleifend. Vestibulum rhoncus nibh non eros porttitor sagittis. Aenean fringilla mollis neque, eget laoreet justo placerat nec.

    ♡design by neon reverie, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    2. lilac clouds

  • lilac clouds


    ic code

    hidden scroll

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with neon reverie neon reverie !
    please click the below to see their design!
    like all others, this code is free to use (´ω`*)

    the details (mood/outfit/tags) can be found by clicking on the words :")

    and that should be the last of the anni's beta-testing codes finished! i decided i'd try my best to make this one mobile-friendly too just as a Challonge and i have lost Several braincells but it's worth it. it's iphone-friendly to be specific, here's to hoping it's good on other phones too haha ;w;

    – uxie






    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis bibendum, nisl pellentesque cursus ullamcorper, turpis velit commodo turpis, eu feugiat leo diam nec odio. Aliquam varius felis purus, non molestie mi ultrices quis. Nunc aliquet neque eros, id venenatis augue sagittis non. Etiam consectetur vulputate ultricies. Nunc blandit congue pretium. Fusce sit amet tempus mi. In molestie velit ac tellus mattis sollicitudin. Sed luctus imperdiet massa eu gravida.

    Nam feugiat mattis euismod. Phasellus sed massa at arcu egestas viverra eget sit amet risus. Quisque et dolor odio. Etiam placerat erat eget velit luctus vehicula. Suspendisse laoreet euismod varius. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris non libero lectus. Nunc sed fermentum nunc, at egestas lorem. Maecenas mattis ac lectus at imperdiet. Cras massa turpis, gravida hendrerit varius sed, finibus at metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent ultrices ipsum at luctus molestie. Duis facilisis imperdiet nulla eget euismod. In et fermentum nisl.

    Quisque rhoncus nisi urna, vel ultricies leo rhoncus vel. Praesent sem eros, tempus non erat eu, semper iaculis diam. Vestibulum et commodo lorem. Praesent lacinia felis a lacinia malesuada. Sed non fermentum ex, in tincidunt turpis. Aenean efficitur sodales ultrices. Fusce dignissim dictum eros vitae pulvinar.

    ♡design by neon reverie, coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    3. gardenia

  • gardenia

    ic code


    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with neon reverie neon reverie !
    please click the below to see their design!

    i love anni her mind is full of good ideas so very big thank you to her for entertaining my desperation to head empty code with her pretty designs (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) this code is unfortunately not mobile-friendly as i simply could not muster the willpower to figure out a way to make tabs like these dynamic across devices! but hopefully it's easy to use and you find it nice too!!

    plz submit a design plz plzplzpl

    – uxie

    name goes here


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent mattis lorem nec orci cursus, eget maximus mauris iaculis. Proin ullamcorper aliquet justo vitae scelerisque. Aenean eu ullamcorper nunc, eget tristique tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus quis accumsan diam, quis varius neque. Proin eleifend et libero quis ultrices. Suspendisse non eleifend felis, eget rutrum ex. Phasellus quis ex vehicula, dictum lectus tristique, tincidunt risus. Nulla vulputate nulla non scelerisque porttitor. Proin aliquam lorem eu fringilla feugiat. Vestibulum nisl mi, bibendum a mi eu, viverra posuere ipsum. Etiam laoreet sapien eu molestie tincidunt. Aliquam et nisi augue.

    Ut vel accumsan lacus, a consequat augue. Nunc lacus risus, convallis at lobortis eu, tincidunt ac diam. Aenean vitae ornare metus. Maecenas aliquam lorem dui, sodales auctor sem vehicula vitae. Duis quis ornare mi. Curabitur at risus ac libero interdum sodales ac eu nisl. Integer quis nibh at augue pharetra pharetra vitae sit amet ex. Praesent non nulla sit amet nunc facilisis tincidunt ac vel risus.

    Suspendisse aliquam semper gravida. Morbi tempus ex sit amet maximus rhoncus. Nam maximus nibh a turpis facilisis dignissim. Vestibulum eleifend arcu ac elementum congue. Curabitur auctor vehicula nulla, a tristique nibh aliquam eu. Duis eu velit sit amet metus dictum blandit. Aliquam id dictum nunc. Suspendisse luctus risus id metus malesuada, sed gravida tortor rutrum. Sed viverra, mi ac dictum iaculis, est neque consequat leo, eu posuere nisl nulla vitae orci. Sed in congue lorem. Vestibulum vel ante vel dui tempus iaculis.

    filler text so none of your text is covered by the flower.

    • mood

      your mood here




    ♡design by neon reverie, coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    4. cool vibes

  • cool vibes

    ic code

    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with yourlocal-eboyy yourlocal-eboyy !
    please click the below to see their design!

    my first request from someone who isn't anni ♡_♡
    it was such fun working on this request and i got to learn from it too!!!! so now ig i have more skills to head empty

    this code is a basic ic code that combines a cool aesthetic with poggers mobile-friendly functionality! it should be pretty clear cut to use, and i've left a number of comments to help you on your way. thank you and plz request more i love coding 4 others !!!!

    – uxie

    name here

    interactions here
    mentions here
    tags here

    mood here
    location here
    outfit here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ac dapibus nunc. Vivamus faucibus metus id vehicula rutrum. Vestibulum tincidunt, erat quis gravida rhoncus, turpis massa aliquam tortor, eu pharetra nisi ligula et lorem. Donec et dignissim mauris, quis tincidunt erat. Quisque bibendum tristique quam, eu euismod lorem tempus nec. Ut molestie pharetra nunc. Suspendisse vitae ante ut lacus suscipit efficitur. Aliquam eu vulputate risus, consectetur vulputate tellus.

    Quisque sit amet ornare diam, sed tincidunt ipsum. Vivamus mollis, massa a rutrum blandit, felis risus tincidunt diam, a iaculis dolor nisi commodo neque. Cras metus ligula, aliquet sed est vel, placerat tincidunt leo. Curabitur dignissim orci interdum rutrum rutrum. Maecenas nec nibh a augue ultricies convallis. Donec tempor lectus a mattis facilisis. Sed et fermentum diam.

    Duis enim nisi, semper et risus rhoncus, rhoncus mattis nibh. Integer ac tempor risus. Sed nulla diam, venenatis eget sapien mattis, laoreet luctus magna. Sed a interdum nulla. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper, lacus sed condimentum suscipit, nisi felis condimentum mi, in congue arcu odio vel ligula. Phasellus ut neque metus. Sed bibendum leo at dolor mollis, id laoreet est sagittis. Vivamus blandit in tellus vel egestas. Praesent a enim vitae lacus tempor elementum.

    quote here

    ♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    5. pretty psycho

  • pretty psycho

    ic code

    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy !
    please click the below to see their design!

    code machine goes brrrr at hyper speed!!! thank you to mel for this kind request and giving me the honour of making an ic sheet for queen hye-bin herself
    this code is mobile-friendly, but unfortunately, the customisations colour-wise are limited due to the blobs! if you delete the entirety of "blob zone" as labelled in the comments, the other colours are all easily customisable!!!!
    there are hidden scrolls on all of the details + the content of the main post itself!
    plz submit more requests im thriving ┬┴┬┴┤・ω・)

    – uxie

    Jang Hye-bin

    The Broken Legacy


    mood here this scrolls!


    location here this scrolls!



    tags here this scrolls!

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent feugiat enim a pellentesque placerat. Suspendisse nec massa pharetra, maximus est a, congue justo. Sed dapibus finibus libero eget tincidunt. Nulla dapibus et dui et vestibulum. Phasellus placerat, nisl at lacinia lacinia, turpis dolor feugiat erat, eu convallis tellus risus ut orci. Donec quis nulla arcu. Aliquam eget mi in orci mattis ullamcorper. Donec sed ligula nec leo ultricies ultricies eget et elit. Mauris vitae velit ac leo consequat ullamcorper a et odio.

    Mauris sit amet rutrum enim. Fusce porta elit ipsum, pretium efficitur magna consequat a. Suspendisse accumsan luctus dui nec iaculis. Cras varius pulvinar ultricies. Maecenas nibh magna, vestibulum sed sapien id, tristique laoreet lorem. Sed facilisis imperdiet dapibus. Donec fermentum massa non felis volutpat, quis tincidunt libero accumsan. Quisque facilisis nulla quis vestibulum vestibulum. Proin feugiat leo et est consectetur porta sed sit amet risus. Ut molestie erat at mauris faucibus sagittis. Sed porta magna rutrum libero sagittis, non ullamcorper nibh malesuada. Sed a lobortis quam. Phasellus sed ullamcorper ante. Quisque bibendum tincidunt leo, et tempor magna gravida ac. Sed consequat sapien nisi, vitae semper mauris tristique sit amet. Suspendisse at finibus libero.

    Pellentesque accumsan, orci pharetra auctor semper, enim diam sagittis tortor, consequat dictum metus leo nec lorem. Praesent ullamcorper ex quis auctor efficitur. Proin in quam leo. Phasellus sit amet semper ligula. In et ornare augue. Nunc ut leo vel sapien mattis iaculis. Fusce vel imperdiet tortor. Suspendisse semper erat nec quam iaculis, sit amet convallis augue placerat. Quisque tincidunt arcu vitae volutpat dignissim. Integer aliquet urna sit amet feugiat elementum. Aliquam diam nibh, lacinia nec molestie id, ullamcorper luctus libero. Curabitur ut consectetur enim, nec consectetur ipsum.

    ♡design by stardust galaxy, coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    6. idilliaco

  • idilliaco

    cs code


    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with erosful erosful !
    please click the below to see their design!
    edit (02.11): made some of the tags a little more friendly towards longer text!

    this design was inspired by this tumblr theme!

    presenting the first cs code of this request shop!!!! thank you to erosful for submitting such a gorgeous design and allowing me to chance to really stretch out my fingers and go crazy go stupid!!!

    this code isn't mobile-friendly in the least, but all the tabs, music players and scrolls should work across all pc screen sizes. hopefully! there are 4 tabs on the side to access the different sections of the cs and a tiny button at the top right to return to the first page; there are hidden scrolls on the first 3 tabs and the misc page is the wildest, with a hidden scroll on the pictures on the instagram page, a toggle-able follow button (just for fun) and a music player!

    it's a very very long code which can get confusing, but hopefully i've left enough comments to define each area clearly enough for customisation! you can also feel free to edit the colours as you wish -- colour-4 is the one you'd mess around with to get accent colours (*¯︶¯*)


    – uxie


    currently logged in as

    first name

    jump back in!

    your opened apps





    recent posts :

    character name



    short short post
    short post




    character name



    long post
    long long post
    post so long



    • new message!

      contact name

      short text message

    ♡design by erosful, coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    7. fortune's fool

  • fortune's fool



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with reveriee reveriee !
    please click the below to see their design!

    presenting the first character list/interest check(could be ig????) code!!!i'm starting to think i simply just have too much spare time on my hands!!!!! plz click the title text to access the rest of the code!!!
    either ways, this is also a very long code, but i've hopefully left enough comments on this one to make it easily customisable too! do note the title you're seeing in the preview is in fact an image, though i have added an option there that you can actually change yourself with google fonts ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ

    thank you to reveriee for letting me bring such a gorgeous design to life. hope you enjoy! (◕‿◕)♡

    – uxie

    • a story on gods, fate, and love long lost

      oh, i am

      fortune's fool

      by reveriee x neon reverie

    ♡design by reveriee, coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    8. lemon chiffon

  • lemon chiffon

    hidden scrolls



    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with yourlocal-eboyy yourlocal-eboyy !
    please click the below to see their design!

    to start off, it's a VERY janky and VERY long design. it nearly killed me but im still standing... here.. . . .
    it was so tough doing tabs like this mobile friendly!!! and i guess it kind of worked but the buttons are also not really aligned on phone but its okay!! its okay.... (。T ω T。)
    the code is very long, and a large part of it i've put at the front is for aesthetics rather than functionality! i've labelled all of these as (ignore!), and the stuff you kind of have to care about starts from "actual content" onwards!
    unfortunately the hexagon doesn't quite work on mobile, but i've made a sort of substitute. so hopefully that works instead. LOL (。T ω T。) haha....

    the little buttons beneath the pictures are tabs that switch you between the post and the character details, and there are hidden scrolls on all the boxes. yay!
    hope u enjoy!!! thank you to yourlocal-eboyy for submitting their second request!!!!

    edit: this code has now been adjusted for light/dark mode. sorry about that!

    – uxie

    name here


    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam scelerisque leo et nisi tristique, non euismod sapien ultricies. Fusce interdum magna sit amet ornare sagittis. Pellentesque mi dolor, aliquam non elementum sodales, maximus consequat nunc. Quisque ut euismod massa, ut finibus turpis. Integer eget congue purus, at suscipit ex. Duis luctus suscipit lacus. Morbi aliquam ante non convallis malesuada.

      Pellentesque euismod leo ut arcu ultricies laoreet. Aliquam sit amet nisl ut purus euismod lobortis vitae sed neque. In blandit ac turpis vulputate dictum. Phasellus a pulvinar neque, sed sodales mi. Suspendisse sit amet sapien eu est finibus sagittis a ut diam. Vestibulum tempor consequat purus. Praesent faucibus ligula mi, non commodo orci lacinia id. Morbi rutrum justo felis, a mollis turpis pulvinar et.

      Fusce et scelerisque nunc. Suspendisse tristique nisi eget eros lacinia tincidunt sit amet id sapien. Praesent gravida eget dui sit amet pellentesque. Vestibulum molestie velit ac arcu egestas faucibus. Donec ac dictum sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tempor et nulla vitae sodales. Phasellus efficitur turpis id arcu congue dapibus. Phasellus bibendum justo eget orci iaculis elementum. Morbi cursus nec tellus sed lobortis. Suspendisse efficitur varius facilisis. Sed volutpat lacus a elit maximus eleifend. Nulla luctus egestas lorem, in ullamcorper dolor faucibus quis. Aliquam blandit velit vel dapibus aliquet.

    content filler area (ignore!)

    ♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    9. stargazing

  • stargazing


    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    hey xokenziee. xokenziee. , this one is for you!
    i wasn't going to accept it initially but randomly had an idea for it, so here you are! since this felt more like a rapid-fire request rather than a collaboration, the credit for this code will lie solely with myself
    (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)

    haha just went on a whim x so this is 100% an anomaly i do NOT have the braincells for this
    (눈_눈) so a gentle reminder that other requests of this nature are likely not to be accepted!! if you're looking for someone to also come up with a design for you, i'd recommend deer's shop or hannah's code workshop (a lil birdie told me she might be doing requests soon)

    either way, this is a mobile-friendly ic code that features several hidden scrolls, with one on the main body content and on each of the individual details! you'll have to scroll them one by one but hey! at least you can put more things in there
    it's a relatively simple one, but i think it looks kind of pretty. enjoy! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡

    – uxie

    name here

    role here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed neque elementum leo pharetra auctor. Vivamus id faucibus tellus. Nunc quis sapien sit amet tellus ultrices feugiat eget gravida ex. Nulla pharetra risus id leo porta, quis aliquet ante egestas. Quisque in condimentum leo. Nulla facilisi. Fusce imperdiet faucibus efficitur. Aenean mattis dui ornare, congue magna a, consequat dui. Vestibulum porttitor dolor eget lacus posuere rhoncus at eu quam. Donec sollicitudin feugiat ante quis dictum. Etiam porta, risus ut aliquet pretium, magna quam commodo nisl, sed tempor lectus libero eget nisl.

    Quisque sed enim velit. Phasellus eget semper tortor. Pellentesque lobortis neque non nisl egestas lobortis. Suspendisse mi erat, tincidunt eget tortor eget, vestibulum cursus orci. Duis blandit enim sagittis congue ornare. Quisque at tellus fermentum, pulvinar nisi non, dictum diam. Duis id mi et ligula suscipit dictum at sed lectus. Vivamus vel sapien leo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent eu auctor erat, eu mattis erat. Nulla vel finibus mi. Donec at tristique nisl, vel fringilla elit. Pellentesque eu sollicitudin orci. Nullam id ex tortor.

    Sed ullamcorper metus vitae mauris ornare eleifend. Nulla non tempor mauris, vitae posuere ex. Vivamus mauris neque, venenatis quis elit in, malesuada iaculis ipsum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur condimentum justo eu porttitor tincidunt. Pellentesque eu porta tellus. Nullam elementum diam id massa hendrerit congue. Morbi sed rutrum eros. Phasellus felis est, lobortis in porttitor non, tempus ut ligula.


    tag tag tag


    tag tag tag


    tag tag tag


    tag tag tag

    ♡coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    10. chanel

  • chanel

    hidden scrolls


    cs/interest check

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    edit (24.11): fixed for safari compatibility. mac users rejoice! added on edit because i am a DUMBASS when you see this. recopy the code thank u.

    this code was made in collaboration with low fidelity low fidelity !
    please click the below to see their design!
    this design was inspired by this tumblr theme pack

    a cs code that can double as an interest check! thank you to low fidelity for submitting a cool design :")
    click on the main title to see the rest of the code, which features 4 tabs and hidden scrolls on all of the text boxes + lots of fun images for you to use! as always, i've left hopefully enough comments to get you through customisation fairly easily. hopefully!!!!

    hope you enjoy o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o

    – uxie

    • this is where you'll put your

      main title!

      and this is the second, smaller subtitle. little bit.

    ♡design by low fidelity, coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    11. kiss me thru the phone

  • kiss me thru the phone


    hidden scrolls


    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    edit (24.11): fixed for safari compatibility. mac users rejoice!

    this code was made in collaboration with dreamglow dreamglow !
    please click the below to see their design!

    broke naming convention just because she gave such a cool name ugh queen of names queen of designs
    this can double as a character sheet or interest check code, depending on how you choose to use it!
    click the big name on the first page to enter the rest of the code, and then the circles on the right are tabs too! though the alignment for them is kinda.. not right but it can't be helped. i am simply not elite enough to do that.

    thank u haley for submitting a design hehe!!! enjoy (´,,•ω•,,)♡

    – uxie

    • name here

      quote quote quote
      you can have this go a few lines

    ♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    12. purple prose

  • purple prose



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with natasha. natasha. !
    please click the below to see their design!

    this code was so fun to do and incredibly satisfying to finish!!! it's another LOOONG boy which is why it was luxurious to finish honestly ( ̄▽ ̄)
    i think it's really cool that nat's style is still so evident in her design too and i love this design to pieces, so i hope you enjoy it too!

    five tabs in total, you can access them at the top! there are hidden scrolls on all of the text boxes, and i've given you Choice with the music player to choose between soundcloud and google drive (*¯︶¯*) just for fun
    please keep submitting requests i love coding for yall thank u!!!
    hope u enjoy ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

    p.s. i put in a pretty song in the music player u should listen (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

    – uxie





    • lux.

      nasty quote!
      you can write a lil quote here
      4 lines max!

      song name

      artist name

      character name

      character name here. this whole bit will scroll when you add more content!


      character nicknames here


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin rutrum interdum velit a consequat. Sed posuere nisl dolor. Nullam ullamcorper mollis luctus. Mauris id mattis dui, eu eleifend augue. Donec consequat, mi in dignissim bibendum, urna est aliquam nisi, ac ultrices nisi ex vitae risus. Donec congue vel nisl eget vestibulum. Sed a feugiat nulla, vitae posuere enim. Quisque blandit neque leo, vel gravida lectus facilisis ut. Nullam pharetra sem ex, non ullamcorper nunc posuere quis. Vestibulum tellus eros, aliquam at tempor sit amet, blandit ut dolor.


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin rutrum interdum velit a consequat. Sed posuere nisl dolor. Nullam ullamcorper mollis luctus. Mauris id mattis dui, eu eleifend augue. Donec consequat, mi in dignissim bibendum, urna est aliquam nisi, ac ultrices nisi ex vitae risus. Donec congue vel nisl eget vestibulum. Sed a feugiat nulla, vitae posuere enim. Quisque blandit neque leo, vel gravida lectus facilisis ut. Nullam pharetra sem ex, non ullamcorper nunc posuere quis. Vestibulum tellus eros, aliquam at tempor sit amet, blandit ut dolor.

    ♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    13. love whisper

  • love whisper



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    edit (12.01): im a dumbass and made a typo: minor edit to allow separated words for roles to stay on the same line!

    this code was made in collaboration with neon reverie neon reverie !
    please click the below to see their design!

    tired brrrrrr noises!!!!!
    thank you to anni for submitting such a pretty request for her fourth request in this thread! it's okay keep em coming queen this is a niche crowd and you are leading the charge (っ˘ω˘ς )

    this is a character sheet code that features tabs and hidden scrolls! the tabs are obviously labelled on the left, and there are hidden scrolls on every single tab! yay!!! it wasn't too difficult to code but i think it turned out really pretty, as anni's designs always do haha

    hope you enjoy! (*¯ ³¯*)♡

    – uxie






    • 여신


    ♡design by neon reverie, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    14. common tongue

  • common tongue

    interest check

    hidden scrolls


    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with low fidelity low fidelity !
    please click the below to see their design!

    low fidelity's second request!!!! i'm glad my work is good enough to have people coming back for more ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
    this is an interest check code that can be done into a character sheet if you really wanted it to! featuring tabs (changed using the icons at the top) and hidden scrolls on all tabs! this includes tab 3 for lore and more, where you'll find the text accompanying each image scrolls as well!!!

    thank you to low fidelity for submitting another request! it's always a pleasure working with them.
    hope you enjoy ♡( ◡‿◡ )

    – uxie

    • moment's silence

      "since it all begun to its reckoning, there the reason comes on the common tongue of you loving me."

    ♡design by low fidelity, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    15. cherry blossom

  • cherry blossom



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    edit (02.01): tab titles now look nicer when they exceed one line. cool!

    this code was made in collaboration with xokenziee. xokenziee. !
    please click the below to see their design!

    not uxie coming again with the one-day delivery!!!!
    thank you to sugardust for submitting a pretty design! the first mobile-friendly code in a while, again checked only on my single iphone so i pray it works on others too (╥ω╥)
    this is an interest check code featuring 4 basic content tabs as well as a cover tab! there are hidden scrolls on all of the content tabs except for the "links" page, as requested!!
    i've left comments along the way to help in your customisation, but it's otherwise a pretty basic code! it could double up as a pictureless cs if you really wanted, but i think some of my other friends offer options with pictures (psst, hannah) (*/ω\)

    anyways, thank you once again to sugardust. for submitting a pretty design! hope you enjoy! (´,,•ω•,,)♡

    – uxie

    • "short quote here!"

      Main Title

    ♡design by sugardust., coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    16. bunny knowledge

  • bunny knowledge


    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with RabbitsWarren RabbitsWarren !
    please click the below to see their design!

    thank you to rabbitswarren for the lovely request!
    the art is so pretty and the colours are (´,,•ω•,,)♡

    it's a relatively simple code, and it seems like it could be used for a general character navigation sheet for any of y'all who play around with only a few muses! perhaps. no clue!
    as always, i hope i've left enough comments to make it easy to use!

    enjoy (¯▿¯)

    – uxie

    art by

    Warren Burns


    "a lil something something"

    Why do all the monsters come out at night?

    song name

    artist name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vulputate convallis arcu sit amet molestie. Praesent non eleifend risus. Integer eleifend rhoncus pulvinar. Donec pharetra dui eros, quis fringilla metus maximus id. Phasellus congue porta sapien, id dignissim ante hendrerit ut. Maecenas ante nulla, hendrerit at dignissim eget, commodo et lacus. Cras ut eleifend dui. Sed non lectus leo. Morbi vehicula turpis sem, vel efficitur quam egestas a. Morbi magna leo, dapibus a placerat eu, ultrices vel enim. In sed nunc auctor, viverra lectus eu, tempus nunc. Maecenas vulputate ligula vel mi maximus bibendum eu ultrices turpis. Praesent iaculis, lorem facilisis dictum tempus, augue urna rutrum nunc, vel efficitur ex odio id dolor. Vestibulum vehicula nisi erat, vel mollis enim volutpat at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam porta risus ac efficitur egestas.

    Donec varius mi at lacus gravida cursus. Curabitur eu mattis sapien, vitae condimentum velit. Nulla quis lacus et lectus vestibulum sodales eu a dui. In fringilla porta risus, eget lacinia purus vehicula tristique. Pellentesque elementum quam vitae nisl varius, luctus vulputate justo sagittis. Aenean non nisi pretium, tincidunt nunc nec, aliquam felis. Maecenas diam nulla, dapibus non pharetra ac, tincidunt at turpis. Phasellus imperdiet mi vel neque hendrerit consequat. Mauris justo nibh, gravida eu turpis nec, commodo tincidunt urna. In laoreet mi sit amet vehicula porta.

    Morbi ornare vitae justo id viverra. Fusce ultricies nisl non enim interdum, vel malesuada urna rhoncus. Aliquam sed neque lectus. Quisque et sodales urna. Donec egestas nibh ac quam suscipit, sit amet placerat nunc ullamcorper. Mauris ac consectetur sapien, id fermentum est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin facilisis lorem et finibus volutpat. Suspendisse id urna eu mi auctor porttitor. Proin gravida tristique eros rutrum placerat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur sollicitudin libero dolor, non consequat est convallis vel. Maecenas et sollicitudin urna. In tincidunt molestie odio a porta. Vestibulum gravida leo quis condimentum blandit. Integer a purus et dui varius ullamcorper id vel lectus.

    ♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    17. hourglass

  • hourglass



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with triples triples !
    please click the below to see their design!
    edit (16.11): i'm a dumb dumb! the info tags have been edited to have Proper Spacing

    this was a private request but i wanted to post it bc triples kinda popped off with the design ngl (´ ε ` )♡
    this was made for a mini-group we're working on, and i thought i'd post it anyways since it's so lovely! the code is somewhat (?) complicated, and a little less customisable in terms of fonts since i only just decided to post it!!

    the tabs are the numbers on the left, and there are hidden scrolls on almost all of the text. if you see it, you can probably scroll it! the gallery pictures is a horizontal scroll, so go ahead and use your arrow keys for that one o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o i've hopefully left enough comments for use too, but maybe try not to edit things too much? the only thing i'd point out is the chinese name on the left! i've left some comment regarding how to change/hide it to suit your needs. all colours can be adjusted with the variables too!

    hope you enjoy (*^^*)♡

    – uxie






    • Name Name

      role role
















      lorem ipsumm


      lorem ipsumm


    ♡design by triples, coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    18. timekeeper

  • timekeeper



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    slow down uxie! you're moving too fast!!! (; ̄Д ̄)
    i was hit by inspiration, so i made an accompanying ic code to triples' hourglass, even though it's probably gonna be a while before we start up the rp ( `ε´ )
    a lot of my inspiration came from the way some coders on iwaku made use of tooltips, though since we're still mourning the loss of hovers, i had to make do!

    the tabs on the left will pop up a little speech bubble, and the home button will hide the speech bubbles so you can read the text! the name scrolls too to show interactions & mentions. pretty cool ( ◡‿◡ *)

    this code is kind of mobile friendly, but the layout has been massively ruined even though all of the text is readable ( ╥ω╥ ) i wouldn't recommend using it on mobile, but hey, at least you don't need to put an extra spoiler LOL
    it's also a little less customisable like its accompanying cs code, but i'm sure you don't need to change anything other than the variables. haha!

    hope you like it!! (♡°▽°♡)

    – uxie

    • filler

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi volutpat est a lacinia mollis. Ut convallis augue id sem accumsan, malesuada auctor nisl eleifend. Integer feugiat orci mauris, vel varius risus ullamcorper quis. Sed lectus felis, pellentesque ac fringilla a, maximus eget sem. Nullam placerat, tellus quis convallis interdum, lacus leo commodo quam, a lobortis lectus magna id nunc. Suspendisse congue consectetur diam, in tincidunt lacus hendrerit at. Phasellus sit amet purus ante. Donec posuere ipsum sit amet malesuada consectetur. Pellentesque dapibus faucibus nibh, non malesuada tortor efficitur a. Curabitur eu massa sit amet arcu imperdiet interdum. Etiam mi tortor, sodales vitae euismod eu, dapibus quis nunc. Ut eleifend, ipsum id accumsan scelerisque, quam purus posuere eros, id rutrum sapien ligula non erat. Proin congue justo sit amet nunc aliquam, sit amet aliquam diam feugiat. Phasellus lacinia pellentesque nunc, a pellentesque urna placerat et.

    Morbi vulputate tincidunt leo eget blandit. Pellentesque leo ligula, tristique sit amet gravida quis, suscipit at nunc. Donec sit amet imperdiet nibh, at luctus dui. Curabitur et mi et justo lobortis egestas. Phasellus quis lorem scelerisque, volutpat orci sit amet, mollis sapien. Cras ac gravida lectus. Donec malesuada ac magna sit amet vestibulum. Sed ornare, lacus nec ultricies blandit, sapien nunc tincidunt ante, id euismod est metus non ex.

    xie keqing

    the raven

    yooo what up

    ♡coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    19. red wine

  • red wine



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with q r o w q r o w !
    please click the below to see their design!

    edit(08.11): i'm an idiot! i've made an edit to the code so that the name and title won't accidentally end up on the same row!

    another mobile-friendly code!!!! i think i'm really starting to get the hang of it (¯▿¯) of course it's a lot easier when the layout allows it, so please do not make me suffer for the most complicated of codes! it will pain me so...
    this code features tabs as well as hidden scrolls on every page! it's relatively simple, but simple is good, especially when it works across devices!
    very cool, uxie (´ ∀ ` *)
    as always, all colours can be edited with the power of ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* variables *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ how magical!

    thank you to latte for submitting such a pretty design and being an absolute dear to work with! they were so pleasant (o´▽`o)

    hope you enjoy! (´,,•ω•,,)♡

    – uxie

    Lady Ianthe

    lady of the lune

    • hellloooooo

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et posuere enim, sit amet pellentesque mauris. Sed pharetra tristique pretium. Sed ac tempor purus, quis accumsan velit. Pellentesque tristique, felis et accumsan facilisis, nisl enim finibus diam, at tempus eros quam ac nulla. Ut scelerisque consequat diam vel luctus. Fusce tincidunt purus sed massa consectetur vehicula. Suspendisse scelerisque facilisis sollicitudin. Quisque nec leo quis magna ullamcorper ullamcorper. Ut congue gravida consequat. Sed nec libero id leo porta vehicula. Donec mattis, ipsum at pretium euismod, neque felis facilisis ex, nec molestie augue ipsum id lorem. Curabitur suscipit nisi vel finibus imperdiet. Nam sollicitudin elit tortor, et condimentum mi volutpat nec. Aliquam lobortis dui quis elit vulputate, sed vulputate neque aliquet. Pellentesque at purus a tellus condimentum placerat.

      Etiam quis tristique urna. Nunc cursus sapien erat, et posuere tellus malesuada at. Donec vestibulum consectetur est, quis condimentum est vehicula sit amet. Ut ac tincidunt ante, et vestibulum libero. Donec hendrerit diam dictum, lobortis augue et, ullamcorper eros. Ut mi arcu, fringilla a ante ac, varius semper quam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et posuere enim, sit amet pellentesque mauris. Sed pharetra tristique pretium. Sed ac tempor purus, quis accumsan velit. Pellentesque tristique, felis et accumsan facilisis, nisl enim finibus diam, at tempus eros quam ac nulla. Ut scelerisque consequat diam vel luctus. Fusce tincidunt purus sed massa consectetur vehicula. Suspendisse scelerisque facilisis sollicitudin. Quisque nec leo quis magna ullamcorper ullamcorper. Ut congue gravida consequat. Sed nec libero id leo porta vehicula. Donec mattis, ipsum at pretium euismod, neque felis facilisis ex, nec molestie augue ipsum id lorem. Curabitur suscipit nisi vel finibus imperdiet. Nam sollicitudin elit tortor, et condimentum mi volutpat nec. Aliquam lobortis dui quis elit vulputate, sed vulputate neque aliquet. Pellentesque at purus a tellus condimentum placerat.

      Etiam quis tristique urna. Nunc cursus sapien erat, et posuere tellus malesuada at. Donec vestibulum consectetur est, quis condimentum est vehicula sit amet. Ut ac tincidunt ante, et vestibulum libero. Donec hendrerit diam dictum, lobortis augue et, ullamcorper eros. Ut mi arcu, fringilla a ante ac, varius semper quam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

    filler! ignore!

    filler! ignore!

    filler! ignore!

    filler! ignore!

    filler! ignore!

    ♡design by latte, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    20. toxic

  • toxic



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with dreamglow dreamglow !
    please click the below to see their design!
    edit (14.01): turns out i didn't fix shit. button placements will now properly accommodate whatever short words you stick in there!

    another private request, this time from dreamglow for a pretty, edgy dark academia-esque interest check! though i might've gotten the colours a little off and it has more sleek..? horror vibes instead. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
    who knows! you could always edit the colours yourself to suit your needs („• ֊ •„)

    this code features tabs and hidden scrolls on all tabs and all text boxes! the last tab is my favourite ngl, but i think this design as a whole is very good! \(^ヮ^)/
    you'll see the credit is a little different on this one, since dreamglow gave me a less polished design, and i made the final layout! this code could've never been done if not for dreamglow's original design, though, so all respect to her for her infinitely creative mind (*ノωノ)

    it's a special type of request, and i may accept typesl like these every once in a while ( ˙꒳˙ ) probably not often, though!

    hope you enjoy! (♡μ_μ)

    – uxie









    • main title

      you can write a subtitle here



    ♡coded by uxie, from the wonderful mind of dreamglow♡
    Last edited:
    21. panem streets

  • panem streets



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with RabbitsWarren RabbitsWarren !
    please click the below to see their design!

    the second request from rabbitswarren, this time an interest check! it's a pretty simple one, featuring hidden scrolls on every tab! click the icons at the top of each big text box to access the different tabs!!! unfortunately, having to use transform has resulted in a slightly blurry text in some areas, but that's a side-effect we'll have to live with (; ω ; )

    i've left comments on how to use the code yourself along the way, and as always, all colours and images are customisable through wonderful variables.

    hope you enjoy! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

    – uxie

    Title of RP

    Current Thread: Sign-up

    • tab one

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut venenatis mauris, vitae mollis tortor. Quisque feugiat luctus eros sed volutpat. Sed imperdiet viverra pharetra. Maecenas et quam a dui sodales fringilla. Nam id lobortis lorem. Phasellus venenatis viverra ex. Sed vitae rhoncus purus. Nullam hendrerit orci neque, ac pellentesque augue luctus at.

      Donec ultrices eget felis vitae consequat. Aliquam enim est, dignissim ut congue quis, volutpat non eros. Curabitur vitae cursus mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin fringilla massa odio, nec sodales quam dignissim vel. Nunc blandit tempus magna et convallis. Duis neque purus, rutrum a felis sit amet, bibendum malesuada neque. Cras eget augue diam. Ut elementum, erat eget tincidunt tincidunt, urna turpis semper dui, ut consectetur sem augue at libero. Integer a nibh magna. Fusce pellentesque porta efficitur. Suspendisse sodales sapien sapien, ac porttitor tellus tempor vitae. Proin nec lobortis sapien.


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut venenatis mauris, vitae mollis tortor. Quisque feugiat luctus eros sed volutpat. Sed imperdiet viverra pharetra. Maecenas et quam a dui sodales fringilla. Nam id lobortis lorem. Phasellus venenatis viverra ex. Sed vitae rhoncus purus. Nullam hendrerit orci neque, ac pellentesque augue luctus at.

      Donec ultrices eget felis vitae consequat. Aliquam enim est, dignissim ut congue quis, volutpat non eros. Curabitur vitae cursus mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin fringilla massa odio, nec sodales quam dignissim vel. Nunc blandit tempus magna et convallis. Duis neque purus, rutrum a felis sit amet, bibendum malesuada neque. Cras eget augue diam. Ut elementum, erat eget tincidunt tincidunt, urna turpis semper dui, ut consectetur sem augue at libero. Integer a nibh magna. Fusce pellentesque porta efficitur. Suspendisse sodales sapien sapien, ac porttitor tellus tempor vitae. Proin nec lobortis sapien.

    • tab one

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut venenatis mauris, vitae mollis tortor. Quisque feugiat luctus eros sed volutpat. Sed imperdiet viverra pharetra. Maecenas et quam a dui sodales fringilla. Nam id lobortis lorem. Phasellus venenatis viverra ex. Sed vitae rhoncus purus. Nullam hendrerit orci neque, ac pellentesque augue luctus at.

      Donec ultrices eget felis vitae consequat. Aliquam enim est, dignissim ut congue quis, volutpat non eros. Curabitur vitae cursus mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin fringilla massa odio, nec sodales quam dignissim vel. Nunc blandit tempus magna et convallis. Duis neque purus, rutrum a felis sit amet, bibendum malesuada neque. Cras eget augue diam. Ut elementum, erat eget tincidunt tincidunt, urna turpis semper dui, ut consectetur sem augue at libero. Integer a nibh magna. Fusce pellentesque porta efficitur. Suspendisse sodales sapien sapien, ac porttitor tellus tempor vitae. Proin nec lobortis sapien.

    ♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    22. my babies

  • my babies


    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with Urzula Urzula !
    please click the below to see their design!

    a very simple mobile-friendly ic code for all of your posting needs! the code features hidden scrolls on the details box as well as the main text, and is (─‿‿─) mobile-friendly! as always, customisation has been made easy through the use of variables, and i've also left several comments along the way to make sure all your content is in the right place

    thank you to urzula for the request!
    hope you enjoy! (´ ω `♡)

    – uxie


    mood here ! mood here!


    this is what happens when you
    type something kinda long-ish


    @ some users

    name name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean consequat a mauris in porta. Vestibulum hendrerit suscipit ornare. Etiam a tellus auctor, mattis mauris vitae, gravida nisi. Praesent lobortis fringilla risus eu viverra. Maecenas sed justo sapien. Aenean et ex eu orci vehicula ultrices in eget nibh. Phasellus quis posuere lorem. Sed iaculis vehicula orci ac efficitur. Aenean justo tellus, malesuada sagittis finibus sit amet, aliquet quis velit. Curabitur ex sem, laoreet sed imperdiet imperdiet, porttitor eget quam. Integer maximus ante vel massa interdum varius. Donec molestie dui ac iaculis maximus. Cras odio felis, fermentum eu mauris quis, interdum semper sem. Maecenas tincidunt quis augue nec semper. Nunc a enim ac elit interdum placerat id et lorem. Nunc dapibus sed nibh ac volutpat.

    Aliquam eleifend tellus eget libero rutrum sollicitudin. Phasellus condimentum quam purus, at pretium ipsum euismod ut. Nullam congue, mauris sed sagittis efficitur, enim enim fringilla dolor, nec pretium erat ipsum id tortor. Duis luctus ante mauris, quis venenatis odio scelerisque ut. Proin placerat ornare libero, vitae porttitor eros hendrerit dapibus. In ut hendrerit ex. Proin tristique, erat in pretium placerat, elit nunc volutpat massa, consequat finibus velit elit eu dui. Sed laoreet placerat nunc, a aliquam est volutpat sed.

    Suspendisse ex urna, malesuada vitae massa eu, posuere tristique neque. Cras at tristique sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc quis lacus eu ligula consectetur accumsan et nec odio. Curabitur fermentum tempus magna, quis aliquet risus. Quisque vel purus semper, pulvinar ipsum eu, laoreet augue. Sed luctus rhoncus ex, ut pretium augue.

    you can put a quote here 2 lines max

    ♡design by urzula, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    23. bloodied steel

  • bloodied steel


    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with RabbitsWarren RabbitsWarren !
    please click the below to see their design!

    i am speed... i have no concept of priorities.......
    anyways, here's another mobile-friendly ic code! rabbitswarren might just overtake anni with his requests at this point, but that's okay! regulars are good (♡μ_μ)

    this code is mobile-friendly, and features hidden scrolls and a mobile-friendly music player! just take note i had to jank it a lil bit so you'll have to click twice, but it works! yay o(>ω<)o as always, customise all colours by replacing the variables with your own hex-codes at the top of the code!

    since the requester specifically asked for small-caps, for all those who don't want that, i've left a little note at the start of the code to tell you how to get rid of it!

    hope you enjoy (´• ω •`) ♡

    – uxie

    "quote here
    three lines

    mental state
    this will expand!

    feelings here

    thoughts here

    health here

    name name


    • h

    (click play twice!)

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat, orci id ornare euismod, purus leo lobortis sapien, tincidunt aliquam velit risus vitae nulla. Proin porta ante eu nulla iaculis tempus. Ut sit amet sapien non ante pharetra congue ut vel turpis. Suspendisse fermentum metus ligula, eget tristique ligula sollicitudin sed. Duis ac malesuada dolor. Quisque eleifend nulla massa, et elementum velit elementum in. Curabitur iaculis iaculis quam, eu lacinia quam cursus et. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed sit amet sapien dolor. Etiam molestie tincidunt feugiat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent dictum mauris sit amet ornare hendrerit. Ut blandit blandit viverra. Proin nec ultricies eros. Duis facilisis fringilla leo.

    Mauris dapibus cursus nulla iaculis vehicula. Aenean id ante lacus. Vestibulum porta dignissim urna id porttitor. Proin pharetra risus massa, nec sollicitudin sem malesuada in. Phasellus nec nisl nisl. In molestie elementum nisl, vitae congue nunc cursus at. Donec mattis quam odio, eget faucibus tortor porta eget. Ut rhoncus lacus pharetra, tincidunt est in, accumsan sapien.

    ♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
    Last edited:
    24. veiled woods

  • veiled woods



    hidden scrolls

    uxie ®

    please leave a like if you use ♡
    please do not remove the credit.

    this code was made in collaboration with specters specters !
    please click the below to see their design!

    yay! another uxie prime delivery! (; ω ; )

    this is a nice little interest check code that features tabs as well as hidden scrolls on every text box! it's deceptively simple..... to make this code i actually had to layer two tabs together to make the layout work, but everything was okay in the end ( ˙▿˙ )

    just note when editing the main title, you'll need to make sure you write it on both cover pages. i've left a note in the code too in case you forget. so please do not, or one of your titles will just be "title here!"
    thank you to hekaton for submitting a request!

    hope you like (♡˙︶˙♡)

    – uxie

    • title here

    ♡design by hekaton, coded by uxie♡
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