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Kharmin said:
Ah, coffee... one of those "addictions" I, gratefully, never managed to acquire.
Single-malt scotch though? Well, that's a completely different story.
ooooooh, now we are really talking. :3 sneak a little bit 'o that into the coffee and you got a real nice treat to wake you up ^^.
zCrookedz said:
While I will not say that Starbucks coffee is not good, it's just too flashy. I mean I can't even say coffee with cream and sugar at the starbucks here without the person asking me if I want something stupid in it. No....no I do not want whip cream or some shot of something in my coffee. 3 ingredient 1.coffeee. 2. Cream 3. Sugar. That is all. DD doesn't even ask me how much, they just KNOW exactly how much each cup should have and they just do it. Not to mention how much cheaper it is.
Oh, well, I hate the taste of coffee and Starbucks does a great job of drowning it in awesome vanilla flavor and whipped cream. xD I remember trying a coffee on a cruise ship before and drowning it in both sugar and creamer, but it always tasted like awful flavored water to me. >.<
Just.... no. I would not ruin a quality single-malt by pouring it into coffee or anything else for that matter. That's what cheap-shelf whiskey is for!
In other news, I'm stuck here at Discount Tire for about half an hour to 45 minutes while they fix up my new tires for me. My back ones were dying and my front ones were close enough that I took advantage of a $60 off deal while here. :3 Still expensive, though. T.T
Kharmin said:
Just.... no. I would not ruin a quality single-malt by pouring it into coffee or anything else for that matter. That's what cheap-shelf whiskey is for!
Fair point. Desk whiskey, or bottom shelf.....well anything....would be a much cheaper alternative to a single malt. Personally, I much prefer a Jack and Coke, or anything with coconut rum in it. Rum is good ^^

Deals are amazing! I had to get my car's oil changed early this week and I was able to get a greater deal since the guy there was a sucker for a "pretty face". Plus, I probably looked lost since it was my first time going. The guy was old enough to be my dad -.-but hey, it was $50 (with the deal) and it went to $30 (when he felt like being nice plus a free car wash) :D
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@zCrookedz speakkng of cream and sugar in coffee, I wasn't used to hot coffee but my professor was kind enough to bring French Roast coffee to our exams since our final was hella early . Anyways, I used half and half plus Splenda and I was literally bouncing up the walls from two large cups of coffee :D BUT IT WAS SOOO GOOOOOD!

@Lioness075 if you're willing to try something new which I'm sure Cookie may frown upon, there's a drink I've been drinking for a week during finals! It's a Triple Iced Expressi with 4-6 Pumps of white mocha. It helps keep me awake and it's a tad bitter and not sweet. You can ask for it and the price for it is the same if you get a tall, grande, or venti. It's $2.75 I believe or $3.75 (:
crucialstar said:
Deals are amazing! I had to get my car's oil changed early this week and I was able to get a greater deal since the guy there was a sucker for a "pretty face". Plus, I probably looked lost since it was my first time going. The guy was old enough to be my dad -.-but hey, it was $50 (with the deal) and it went to $30 (when he felt like being nice plus a free car wash) :D
Haha, good thing I fluffed up my short hair a bit extra today and showed up with a good attitude. He even took off the waste disposal price for all 4 of my tires. Then he got called a rookie for giving awesome deals. xD
Lioness075 said:
Haha, good thing I fluffed up my short hair a bit extra today and showed up with a good attitude. He even took off the waste disposal price for all 4 of my tires. Then he got called a rookie for giving awesome deals. xD
/highfives. YASSSSSS
crucialstar said:
@Lioness075 if you're willing to try something new which I'm sure Cookie may frown upon, there's a drink I've been drinking for a week during finals! It's a Triple Iced Expressi with 4-6 Pumps of white mocha. It helps keep me awake and it's a tad bitter and not sweet. You can ask for it and the price for it is the same if you get a tall, grande, or venti. It's $2.75 I believe or $3.75 (:
I appreciate the suggestion, but I don't like bitter drinks so I probably wouldn't like that one. Hence why I drown my vanilla lattes with extra vanilla syrup and then top them with whipped cream. :3
So, I just walked into the mall outlet nearby to get lunch at their food court. Much to my surprise, a song from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron was playing. :o I love that movie and still own the DVD! :D
Kharmin said:
@Lioness075 The feminist movement applauds your success
/sarcasm ;)
Wait, wait, I want to understand the joke. I missed something here, though. T.T Jokes oftentimes have a way of going over my head like this. It's not the first time since I've been in this group. >.<
Lioness075 said:
So, I just walked into the mall outlet nearby to get lunch at their food court. Much to my surprise, a song from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron was playing. :o I love that movie and still own the DVD! :D
crucialstar said:
@zCrookedz speakkng of cream and sugar in coffee, I wasn't used to hot coffee but my professor was kind enough to bring French Roast coffee to our exams since our final was hella early . Anyways, I used half and half plus Splenda and I was literally bouncing up the walls from two large cups of coffee :D BUT IT WAS SOOO GOOOOOD!
lol My god, I bet the professor was regretting giving you coffee by the end of it. xD . I quit putting Sweeteners in my coffee a while back. Idk which ones are good for you, and which ones are basically plastic. But it's not really worth it to me in the long run. Now it's just whatever unsweetened flavored creamer is available and I am on my way :P .
crucialstar said:
I HAVE THE SOUNDTRACK ON MY PHONE. I was jamming to it earlier when I was stuck behind traffic on the highway. xD
zCrookedz said:
lol My god, I bet the professor was regretting giving you coffee by the end of it. xD . I quit putting Sweeteners in my coffee a while back. Idk which ones are good for you, and which ones are basically plastic. But it's not really worth it to me in the long run. Now it's just whatever unsweetened flavored creamer is available and I am on my way :P .
My friends were cracking up laughing at me though, omg. I swear I was so hyped up I had tears in my eyes. Hahah, but my change will probably taste later too, to something unsweetened as well. Oh! Do you like tea?

Lioness075 said:
I HAVE THE SOUNDTRACK ON MY PHONE. I was jamming to it earlier when I was stuck behind traffic on the highway. xD
you, are my spirit animal, sometimes. I swear. YAS.
Lioness075 said:
Wait, wait, I want to understand the joke. I missed something here, though. T.T Jokes oftentimes have a way of going over my head like this. It's not the first time since I've been in this group. >.<
I was being sarcastic. Using your good looks to get better deals is anathema to feminists. I personally don't subscribe to their mantra. Perhaps it was a barb in bad taste and if so, please accept my apologies.
Kharmin said:
I was being sarcastic. Using your good looks to get better deals is anathema to feminists. I personally don't subscribe to their mantra. Perhaps it was a barb in bad taste and if so, please accept my apologies.
Wha-no, you're fine, really. The joke just went over my head and I wanted to understand it. :S I get what you mean now. ^^; And I guess both crucial and I did that hehe.
crucialstar said:
My friends were cracking up laughing at me though, omg. I swear I was so hyped up I had tears in my eyes. Hahah, but my change will probably taste later too, to something unsweetened as well. Oh! Do you like tea?
you, are my spirit animal, sometimes. I swear. YAS.
I do actually. I keep a small stash of different flavored teas in my desk at work. :) about the one thing I will add a small amount of sweetner to, and when I do its pure honey. ^^ Those are for after coffee when I need something sweet and warm.
I'm debating to see the Jungle Book or not.

Tea is so good cold when I need something refreshing! But I love hot tea as well. Then again, I'm craving Bubble Tea

I'm just gonna leave this here, while I go and have a panic attack in the corner. o-0

PLEASE tell me others are excited about this!!!
crucialstar said:
I'm debating to see the Jungle Book or not.
Tea is so good cold when I need something refreshing! But I love hot tea as well. Then again, I'm craving Bubble Tea
Yes.....that is all. Jungle book was awesome.

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