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Fantasy Coalesce RP


The OOC for this RP can be found here.

The character list for this RP can be found here.

Cape Acacia is an ancient kingdom, with one of the longest-reigning monarchs in the history of mankind. Built upon hard-working individuals, Cape Acacia has seen its fair share of ups and downs. The kingdom’s history is built on constant wars over religion and territory. Never had it seen a loss. In addition to this, the same family had been ruling since it’s creation and recognition as a global political force. While it is not the largest-sized territory on the planet, it is known for having one of the most well-disciplined and technologically advanced armed forces.

There are different types of people in all shapes and sizes living in the kingdom - a good portion of which are not even human. Politicians, merchants, escorts, attorneys, sellswords, taverns, maids, criminals of all shapes and sizes, police officers and even stay at home fathers - all existed within this span of land. The death rate is low, the money is flowing, and a recent technological boom (within the last century) extended knowledge of all ranges as far as it had ever been.

At this moment in time, Cape Acacia is at war with the Kingdom of Iberimas. One of it’s oldest enemies, these two forces have been clashing since the beginning of their existence. Originally, Cape Acacia was a part of Iberimas, until it was taken by the current running Monarch’s bloodline centuries prior to the start of the story. Due to the span of distance between each nation - but a few hundred miles overseas at most - Iberimas has never ceased in trying to reclaim its lost land after a thousand years on the losing side.  

Cape Acacia houses five areas that are known as ‘districts’. All of these districts have their own individual use. For instance…

  1. The Meishi District is meant for big business, a central hub city for money makers and people looking to spend their money.
  2. The Nozomu District belongs to those in the working class or lower; the residential housing district, responsible for a majority of the homes in the kingdom. Though there are dwellings in each district, this one houses the most families.
  3. The Quavo District is the upper-class district. People who live here are within the top five percent of wealth in the Kingdom, including the monarch himself. It is guarded around-the-clock and closed off by high gates.
  4. The Epsilon District is home to the military. This is where half of the shady shit goes on.
  5. The Kryn District is where the other half of the shady shit goes on. It’s the district no one enters; not even the Monarch himself has been seen entering. No one knows what’s inside, as it is only accessed through use of a special pipeline underground.

Amidst all the war and suffering, our story centers on a special and secretive operations group codenamed 'Coalesce' which had previously been sanctioned by the king himself. Coalesce is sent to perform the tasks that no other team is capable of successfully handling. These include a wide range of missions from espionage to guerilla warfare, and even assassinations. The group was formed in response to the King's fear of all the corruption that seemingly seeps out from any nook vying for power. Each member was hand-picked by the king to protect Cape Acacia from any threats, even homegrown ones. Rumors float through the air about the elite force of individuals - but proof isn't easy to come by when most of those who see the squad in action end up dead.

We start off this adventure with Coalesce going behind enemy lines to rescue a diplomat from captivity. Amidst the grip of a rebel group belonging to Iberimas, the members of Coalesce have no idea about the events that are about to unfold back at home.

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Hi! The RP can start when we get a maximum of 2-4 more players to start! Is there any interest at all in this?

We have 2 males so far, we'd like to balance the ratio if possible; we're open to further suggestions.

Another four people would probably be perfect.

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