sorrow made you

from the bottom of the dark, dark sea
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



Welcome to CRITICAL NETWORK [CNW]™, a network connecting all of your roleplaying needs. Treat this as a type of "television station" if you will, with roleplay listings and schedules depending on the season. Here will be listing up various roleplays either made by CRiTiCAL ERR0R or affiliates and will list whether they are active/accepting, upcoming or works in progress. Click on each banner below to see the lists.

*Note;; this is NOT a recruitment thread. This is though, a schedule of roleplays as well as a place open for discussion about roleplays being displayed. This umbrellas under various prefixes, such as Plot Analysis, Players, System, Character Sheet, Mechanics, Meta, Roleplay Theory, Character Theory, Ideas, and Advice/Help.




detailed | #dark fantasy #heaven #killers #demon hunters #victorian era | Open/Accepting


*Note: There is a lot of reading in terms of lore and need-to-knows about the world. Open answering questions about it.



The year is 552 AR (anno rerum; t. the year of revolution) it seems that sin is once again devouring the world. Centuries after the event which The Vatican so fondly call "Cleansing after the Second Coming", civilizations have sprouted and blossomed once again. The Vatican is one of the only major powers existing in the world and is truly the only one that knows the secrets behind the Umbra and their demonic counterparts. As a means to regulate and eventually stop the steady flow of demons into the human world, The Vatican has created a special division of clergy called The Dark Chapter, and just as the name alludes, specialize in the darker side of the universe--demonology, tracking, hunting, killing and purifying. The Dark Chapter's mission is to protect and eliminate the demonic threats that plague surrounding areas. But not everything is so black and white, as these and other poor individuals within the city of San Circa will come to find out. Suppose what would happen if someone found evidence that the history they had been raised on could potentially all be a lie?

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detailed | #futuristic #cyberpunk #post-apocalyptic #action #adventure #survival | currently coding



A small section of the roleplay DOMINATION-- USA has fallen and a large portion has become nothing short of a bandit's paradise. Insanity will ensue with guns, monster trucks, mecha suits, and explosive personalities. Watch out for the cult of Irkalla, be sure to compliment The Magic 8 Ball Crew's pineapple, and keep mind that it's the survival of the fittest. Good luck!

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detailed | #futuristic #cyberpunk #dark | deconstruction stage


The United States of America has fallen. Eight independent factions have come together in a pact called THE EIGHT PETAL LOTUS in order to rule over what is left of the country. When one of the faction leaders is brutally murdered, a message is sent to the rest of the leaders that the treaty that had stood for a century has finally come to an end. Now, it is a battle for resources, territory, and power. Welcome to DOMINATION.

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DETAILED - lazy but still incredibly detail oriented. Likes to make things pretty and respects others who do not wish to meet own personal standards.
CRiTiCAL ERR0R (Yuuki) is a university student majoring in Asian Studies with a concentration in China and Japan. With this, she focuses more on history, civilization, and mythos of various Asian countries. Her passion fuels her writing and it is seen by her excessive desire for detail and rounding out all concepts she works with. She rarely half-asses her projects and puts time and consideration into them in hopes that people would not only like her work but fully enjoy the experience of going through a story with her. Though at times her rules and regulations for her roleplays may be strict, she is always willing to hear someone out and is generally accepting of people and their opinions.


mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y

DETAILED - with all the flash and glam of bbcode phantasm.
mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y is a an enigma with hobbies that include demon summoning, guerilla warfare, and baking. They are interested in world building and allowing the users to manipulate it, giving users the freedom to create or destroy. Focusing on the small details and look, their thread ideas tend to be loud and proud with comedy, action, and mystery. The rules may be intimidating, but it’s to assure quality control in character creation and writing.

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If you would like to join the list of affiliates and promote your roleplay projects, I more than welcome you to apply. It is a simple process: just fill out the application below and it will be reviewed. I am looking for people that really care about their roleplays and would really like to see it go somewhere. People of any prefix, roleplaying skill and background are welcome to apply.


• Name: (username)

• Roleplays: (link and also mention if they're a Past Seasons, Current Season, or Next Season)

• Roleplay Disposition: (as a roleplay creator, how do you feel about your roleplay(s)? Do you want them short term, long lasting? What do you hope to achieve with them?)

• Why do you want to be an affiliation: (a short explanation why you want to be an affiliation)

[bg=black][sh][color=white][font=Titillium Web]AFFILIATION APPLICATION[/font][/color][/sh][/bg]

[font=Play]• Name: (username)
• Roleplays: (link and also mention if they're a Past Seasons, Current Season, or Next Season)
• Roleplay Disposition: (as a roleplay creator, how do you feel about your roleplay(s)? Do you want them short term, long lasting? What do you hope to achieve with them?)
• Why do you want to be an affiliation: (a short explanation why you want to be an affiliation)[/font]
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Woo! First question of the thread! I'd love to get discussion rolling, guys (not sure if anyone cares, but we'll try anyways). I will attempt to frequently post questions for people to discuss. Each question will then be listed in its own section on the front page and archived. I may even post up some memorable quotes from users.

So without further ado, let's kick it off with the


You can pick a genre, or a kind of idea. It could even be what kind of character that might fit into some kind of world. Do you want a dark fantasy? Are you craving a roleplay that accepts transforming magical girls? Maybe a slice of life? Or something a little more thrown into
OUTER SPACE! Feel free to leave a few words or more. Up to you!
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I want to see a Firefly setting role play. Where folks are struggling against the Aligned planets. The defiant few, struggling to make their way in the Verse!

Yes. Yes, this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "This Land.". -Wash

Unseelie/Seelie court role-play. Bring on the dark verses the even darker! Fae on Fae, dark magic verses black magic.

“Unseelie dreams make unseelie fae.”

Luna Lindsey, Emerald City Dreamer
Oh man, I haven't heard about Unseelie and Seelie in a looong time. I'd love to see that incorporated in a fantasy roleplay sometime soon.
That is what surprises me. I mean we have ShadowHunters and Lost Girl out. You think at the very least there would be a Fandom spin off. I mean the lore is already right there on the Lost Girl side at least.
Oh god.

What a hard-to-answer question!

Well, I do not really know...

But I guess what I am craving the most is a light and free roleplay. And by that I do not mean like Simple, but I mean a roleplay where stereotypes are all the hype, but is still detailed enough. Again, I do not mean those easy minded roleplays where everyone falls in love with each other after just meeting either. Lighthearted and realistic would be the best way to explain it, with a focus on character building too. Something with realism but still having a nice and bright outlook.
@Lilah Tunth, I think I know what you mean. On another site we would kind of umbrella a genre and call it Harvest Moon rps. They were town rps where it was more focused on characters interactions and we're more lighthearted than other kinds of rps.

@Manic Muse, right? Though, I've never seen either of those. I feel like I need to... Dx
Shadow Hunters does not fit my tastes but does have good points to build an RP off of. I find it too outlandish and to the liking of the new "Teen Wolf" or "Twilight".

Lost Girl really ties into the lore base I can relate to. If anything I think if someone were to write an RP that had a good plot and came to a middle ground between Grimm and Lost Girl lore, we could have a real winner on our hands. A modern day set Seelie vs Unseelie war. Oh, the fun that could be had.
A Gundam (in iteration where it's Earth VS. Space) or a Sword Art Online style Hosted Project, both built on a system of simple dice. It'd be an RPG where accomplishments lead to "leveling up" and getting more points to put into different stats. The class system, specializations, and customization of character found in RPGs, are cool. Imagine that experience in an easy-to-get role-play? Throw in some competition with a leader-board, win/loss standings, rankings, team challenges, and you have the pieces for an amazing RP. It's the kind of role-play I would love above all else.
In b4 question change.

Hmm...I'm craving something dark and Lovecraftian, with Old Gods and maybe some sort of Mi-go like creatures roaming around. Or maybe a fanatical cult. And it's the 1920s.

Maybe there's an infection in the air or water that people think is poisoning their mind, but their minds are actually being opened to the fourth dimension. They become aware of a world outside their own, and they are utterly destroyed by the revelation that they don't truly exist except in someone else's mind. The implication slowly drives them mad. D :
Oh man, I've been craving something in a 1920s fusion setting. Or something Victorian London fusion setting.

But something Lovecraftian would be awesome.
First week of discussion is up. I'm actually glad I got some responses! But let's up the ante, shall we? Don't be shy to reply to people and actually chatter with them about their ideas too. Connect a little~

Right, so let's set right to


I know this question has had several threads before, but why not throw our ideas in here as well? What kind of characters do you find you are particularly good at playing? Why do you like playing them? What influenced you to play certain kinds of characters (or
who influenced you?)? Is there a kind of character that you've been wanting to play but haven't gotten a chance to do so? Feel free to link up your character threads and discuss! Also, don't be shy. Bring a friend to join in the discussion. You might find some interesting character ideas!

Straight up, I mostly play older men in terms of characters. I do branch out and play different types, but I can’t help but fall back into my niche. The blame for this is being disappointed with the lack of “experience” and “silver foxes” a few years back and decided “why the hell not? let’s do this” deal. My biggest source of inspiration comes from music. It used to take finding a character image and rolling with it, but there’s something about music that adds the depth and nuances that a picture lacks (for me). Music comes first long before the face or a name of a character. As of now, I’m already thinking of a new character because of this song:



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