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Fantasy CLOSED

Kumiko played the piano relatively well, and the music room happended to be next to the cafeteria. "This... Is loud..." She said to herself.
"Sorry about the mix up." Clarice grumbled and shook her head. She did feel embarrassed but she kept it off her face. Glancing around, she didn't say another word and let out a small sigh.
"...It's fine and to correct you I'm a teachers assistant not a teacher...I don't have all the things I need to become a Teacher yet..." She tells her her eyes turning to a grayish color

No matter how flat you make a pancake it's still got two sides
"A teacher's assistant?" Clarice asked curiously and looked towards her quietly. "Out of all things, a teacher's assistant? I'd go insane with trying to control these kids." She rolled her eyes and let out a small sigh. "They're all nuts."

( xD My dad was nagging me to do my homework, because I didn't do it yesterday... yet my teachers didn't care! Lol)
(I did math...It was only one problem we didn't finish in class, because we reviewed a test I had yesterday. It was to find out what to do next. I was bored. )

(Gotta take a shower, be back in a bit)
(I still have P.E homework to do -.-')

(BUUUUT, I'll do that later.)
( xD Football homework=The end of good grades in P.E

If anyone wants to know what I'm doing when I step out of the school door, I'm gonna tell you now: Freezing to death)
(Uhh, well, we'll save that for later.)

As Kumiko let her hands play the keys on the piano, she saw a big crowd was forming at the cafeteria. 'I guess they heard about the fighting club too, huh?' She thought, slightly getting annoyed at the fact that there was TOO MANY students signing up. "Keep it down." She said, with no emotion, sending shivers down the students spine as they had no idea where she was. Kumiko stood up, and walked back to her dorm as it was Saturday.

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