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Fandom {CLOSED} Camp Half-Blood: The Titan's Son {OOC Chat}

After reading through the in character I am definitely joining. Mara's not missing this. Editing her personality and backstory and all because she was a little edgy last time.
xenforo_design xenforo_design SirDerpingtonIV SirDerpingtonIV

It will, in fact, take place over several years and a series of quests much like the book. This is why the GM has requested player's Demi-God characters be introduced around the ages of 13 or 14 to allow wiggle room for growth.
Didn't put one. I can't come up with photos for characters ever. I just cannot. And I hope they'll be friends, Mara doesn't have any.
Well they might have a rocky start since Jin is quite elitist and judgemental but I hope they become buddies. The two could make quite a pair
She's not mean, she's just...

snobby and judgmental and easily irritable and elitist.

LOL. but hopefully she'll grow out of her annoying "rich girl" persona.

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