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Fantasy (CLOSED!!) ᴍᴀʀᴋ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴀɴᴄᴛᴜᴍ - ᴀ ʜɪɢʜ ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀꜱʏ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ! {ADV/LIT}

There you go! I'm not really sure if ward magic works that way, so let me know if I need to change it ya.
K wow she looks amaaaaazing! dawwwwww Tragic girlie! I like how you did the backstory like a chaptered story! Niceeeee

K so like just a thing about Warding magic. That works by my eyes but just note that she has low mana stores so like when she casts just consider that too k? but like is see youre a fantastic writer so no worries there lol

The only thing i see on the sheet missing is maybe like add in the lore about her stronger 5 senses and her detection abilities. Other than that i like her! Just need NamelessTrax NamelessTrax to sign off on her and we gold!


k soooooo like looks like we have our amaaaazing roster and are getting ready to launch IC'ly soooooon! So we will soon be ditching the public OoC and moving to a private one. For whatever reason notifs dont always show for the public threads but I allllllllways get notifs in the Private Msg so thinkin its a better format. Sooooo expect an invite sooooon!!

I just wanna thank everyone for joining up and staying engaged and creative! Like its sooooo nice to see that Rpers that invest their tiem and energy into making charries actually bring their A game when droping off apps! Amaaaazing and again we are kinda still working things out in this whole running a RP thing so like tysm for your patience and input! And thanks to Nameless and Dark for stickin to their guns and keeping this RP alive!! Hell yeah. Let's GOOOOOO!

Right so like cant wait to get this allllll launched IC'ly!!
k cool cools. cuz yeah the only place in the Lore we have anything regarding bestowing powers is just the Elder types in the Calling tab. The only other thing bestowing powers is like from Spirit and Summoning cuz you have to like bargain and appease otherworldly beings which i dont think qualifies as gods cuz its not like a big boss level super ultra nigh unstoppable being but more like... relations with ghosts and wheelin and dealin with old or demonic spirits. i mean you can beat up a spirit but you cant beat a god lol

Just an idea if you don't mind, I'm just assuming that these Elders/Spirits/Demons have some sort of following or religion even if people know about their existence. Or would it be possible for deities to not have any sort of connection with Magic, and it's just a thing that people acknowledge. I hope I'm making sense lol.
K wow she looks amaaaaazing! dawwwwww Tragic girlie! I like how you did the backstory like a chaptered story! Niceeeee

K so like just a thing about Warding magic. That works by my eyes but just note that she has low mana stores so like when she casts just consider that too k? but like is see youre a fantastic writer so no worries there lol

The only thing i see on the sheet missing is maybe like add in the lore about her stronger 5 senses and her detection abilities. Other than that i like her! Just need NamelessTrax NamelessTrax to sign off on her and we gold!


k soooooo like looks like we have our amaaaazing roster and are getting ready to launch IC'ly soooooon! So we will soon be ditching the public OoC and moving to a private one. For whatever reason notifs dont always show for the public threads but I allllllllways get notifs in the Private Msg so thinkin its a better format. Sooooo expect an invite sooooon!!

I just wanna thank everyone for joining up and staying engaged and creative! Like its sooooo nice to see that Rpers that invest their tiem and energy into making charries actually bring their A game when droping off apps! Amaaaazing and again we are kinda still working things out in this whole running a RP thing so like tysm for your patience and input! And thanks to Nameless and Dark for stickin to their guns and keeping this RP alive!! Hell yeah. Let's GOOOOOO!

Right so like cant wait to get this allllll launched IC'ly!!
Yeay thank you! I will wait for NamelessTrax NamelessTrax for final approval. Noted also for adding the lore, I thought it was default so didn't add it there lol, will do it maybe on weekend.

I can't wait for the RP as well! Wooo~
Just an idea if you don't mind, I'm just assuming that these Elders/Spirits/Demons have some sort of following or religion even if people know about their existence. Or would it be possible for deities to not have any sort of connection with Magic, and it's just a thing that people acknowledge. I hope I'm making sense lol.
Yeah soooo like the ol' RP gave off this more Eastern vibe soooo like it felt more like the belief of like fusion of like Paganism, Shinto and Buddism mixed in with Lord of the Rings. So I added in the Leylines and a heavy focus on like Kami and animism as is reflected in the actual earthy 'natures' of some of the peoples: Bestials from Totem animals, Elves turn into trees, Dwarves have precious metals in their hair, Hengi is literally from Hengeyokai,etc.

So in the lotr movies there is little attention connecting magic casting abilities to the divine so is that like what you mean?

Maybe the actual canon is diff lore but thats how i learned to model a high fantasy epic. Gods were there but they held no sway. There were no followers of the Shining Order of Lady Honaleah, Goddess of Light or whoever the equivalent goddess zealots would be marching their armies out there against Sauron.

Soooooo like transpose that army into this world. Even if there was an army that believed in some Goddess of Light, they would not get their divine powers from her. It would be from their facet in the Elemental Sphere, Light. Their magic would give off shining white lights, sparks even if that is how they manifest it. Their chants may even be of traditions hailing the goddess and thanking her for this power. But like in my head, she only exists in the faith of the believers, and 'blesses' them when they fall to her edicts and rituals.

Like not saying there aren't devout followers of Patron spirits out there oh but maaaaaaybe that's what Elder Spirits are?

Oh but yeah and in my head, demons are just evil, corrupted spirits that have festered over a looooooooong time and always got their way. People just literally manifest them and reflect the monsters that they are with the dark secret spaces hidden in their minds and it reflects with what they come up with. Its why there is such a focus on emotions regarding our Marks.

But thats just my take. Darkbloom Darkbloom is LOOOOOOOOOREMASTER!! so ultimately the decision goes to them. But did i get it right? Did you mean gods here are modelled like the lotr movie ones?
Yeay thank you! I will wait for NamelessTrax NamelessTrax for final approval. Noted also for adding the lore, I thought it was default so didn't add it there lol, will do it maybe on weekend.

I can't wait for the RP as well! Wooo~
yeah like that should be a given but like its more for like anyone else checking out your wolfie they prolly not read up on Bestial peoples that and why not flex her natural abilities lol.
Elder God: Aethros, the Celestial Weaver

In the ancient annals of the enchanted realm, Aethros is revered as the Elder God of Creation and Destiny, known as the Celestial Weaver. It is said that from the threads of cosmic energy, Aethros wove the fabric of the universe, shaping the very essence of reality with divine skill and precision. His celestial loom, said to span the expanse of the heavens, is a testament to his mastery over the forces of creation.

Aethros is depicted as a towering figure draped in robes of shimmering starlight, his hands deftly manipulating the strands of fate that dance upon his loom. With eyes that gleam with the light of a thousand stars, he gazes upon the tapestry of existence with a wisdom that transcends mortal comprehension.

As the Celestial Weaver, Aethros is believed to hold sway over the destinies of all beings, guiding them along the intricate paths of fate with a gentle yet unyielding hand. It is said that those who seek his favor may beseech him for guidance in times of need, and that those who earn his ire may find themselves ensnared in the tangled webs of their own making.

Minor Gods:

1. Lysara, the Guardian of the Wilds:
Lysara is revered as the guardian deity of the untamed wilderness, presiding over the forests, rivers, and mountains with a fierce yet nurturing spirit. She is often depicted as a luminous figure cloaked in verdant foliage, her presence imbuing the natural world with vitality and vigor. Those who revere Lysara seek her blessing for bountiful harvests, protection from natural disasters, and guidance in living in harmony with the land.

2. Thalos, the Forge-Master:
Thalos is hailed as the god of craftsmanship and industry, revered by artisans, blacksmiths, and engineers alike. With his mighty hammer in hand, Thalos is said to forge the very foundations of civilization, shaping metals, stone, and innovation with unparalleled skill. His followers offer prayers for inspiration in their craft, strength in their labors, and blessings upon their creations.

3. Selene, the Mistress of Dreams: Selene is whispered of as the enigmatic goddess of dreams and illusions, weaving her ethereal tapestries in the realm of slumber. She is depicted as a figure cloaked in shadows, her visage veiled in mystery. Followers of Selene seek her guidance in matters of prophecy, divination, and the exploration of the subconscious mind, believing that through dreams, one may glimpse the secrets of the universe.
k cool cools. nvrmnd there are gods afterall lol.

Clownery Clownery just disregard my madwoman ranting about spirits and gods not existing lol. My bad. K but sooooo like does that help then with the whole gods thing? But dont ask me how gods will bestow powers and gifts and all that, i'm just in it for the LeyLines and the spirits. That's alllllll above my pay grade now lol. You now have to deal with Darkbloom Darkbloom LOOOOORE MASTER!!

And like when its all hashed out I'll just add a new tab the deities lore page k?

Oh and all feedback and more suggestions from everyone are always welcome!!
k cools imma post the lore tmrw then. if you wanna add like anything to the order and their faith lmk and i can enter it too k?
Decided to make a write-up, but here's an idea. Feel free to adjust if you feel inclined.

The Order of the Silver Crusade stands as a bastion of righteousness and virtue, its members dedicated to upholding the ideals of justice and defending the innocent. Central to the order's beliefs is their reverence for Aethros, the Celestial Weaver, whom they regard as the divine patron of their cause.

In the hallowed halls of their sanctuaries, adorned with symbols of silver and celestial motifs, members of the order gather to pay homage to Aethros through rituals and ceremonies. These ceremonies often involve the recitation of prayers and hymns praising the Celestial Weaver's wisdom and guidance, as well as the offering of silver tokens as symbols of devotion.

Customs and traditions within the order are deeply rooted in their faith in Aethros and his role as the master of fate. Knights of the order are taught to trust in the Celestial Weaver's plan for all things, believing that every event, whether triumph or adversity, is woven into the tapestry of destiny by Aethros himself. This belief instills in them a sense of purpose and resilience, empowering them to face any challenge with unwavering resolve.

Furthermore, the order places great importance on the concept of divine providence, viewing every victory and setback as a manifestation of Aethros' will. Knights are encouraged to seek guidance from the Celestial Weaver in times of need, trusting in his wisdom to illuminate the path forward.

Overall, the Order of the Silver Crusade's devotion to Aethros shapes every aspect of their lives, guiding their actions and inspiring them to strive for excellence in the pursuit of justice and righteousness.
Decided to make a write-up, but here's an idea. Feel free to adjust if you feel inclined.

The Order of the Silver Crusade stands as a bastion of righteousness and virtue, its members dedicated to upholding the ideals of justice and defending the innocent. Central to the order's beliefs is their reverence for Aethros, the Celestial Weaver, whom they regard as the divine patron of their cause.

In the hallowed halls of their sanctuaries, adorned with symbols of silver and celestial motifs, members of the order gather to pay homage to Aethros through rituals and ceremonies. These ceremonies often involve the recitation of prayers and hymns praising the Celestial Weaver's wisdom and guidance, as well as the offering of silver tokens as symbols of devotion.

Customs and traditions within the order are deeply rooted in their faith in Aethros and his role as the master of fate. Knights of the order are taught to trust in the Celestial Weaver's plan for all things, believing that every event, whether triumph or adversity, is woven into the tapestry of destiny by Aethros himself. This belief instills in them a sense of purpose and resilience, empowering them to face any challenge with unwavering resolve.

Furthermore, the order places great importance on the concept of divine providence, viewing every victory and setback as a manifestation of Aethros' will. Knights are encouraged to seek guidance from the Celestial Weaver in times of need, trusting in his wisdom to illuminate the path forward.

Overall, the Order of the Silver Crusade's devotion to Aethros shapes every aspect of their lives, guiding their actions and inspiring them to strive for excellence in the pursuit of justice and righteousness.
wow loves this! you all goods if i add this into the Faction tab in the lore under the Silver Order. Shiny knights!!

oh! and for Rune which hand is the mark on?
k sooooo like while we wait imma put some dots on the map then.

Thinkin The BIG CITY Aetheria is gunna go like in the middle to the north of the verdantwoods?

I'mma put a dot for my girlie and guy's peoples too. they going like southernmost verdantwoods to the east and touching the plains.

if you want just let me know where you'd like me to place a dot for your charries hometown k? thinkin i might do up a blurb for the Goblins and Henji in the factions tab re: Sunstrider tribes too.
Noir will put dots all over the verdantwood because she literally living in the whole forest 😆

Btw Noir hasn't formally accepted yet by the Nameless. Let me know if anything needs to be adjusted ya.

Also have fun!

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