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Fantasy Clera: A Nation of Cruelty - CS



(My preferred Format, if you already have one you like, just run it by and make sure it has the same criteria or I'm fine with it. I'm pretty flexible.)

"Quote From Character"
Basic Information-

Personality: (Whatever you know, I get figuring that out in an RP as you go)

Appearance: (Height, skin tone, wing color(if applicable), hair color, ect.)

Relations: (Family, partners, allegiances, enemies- This section can be updated, by the user depending on whom they befriend)

Backstory: (Doesn't have to be excessively long, but it can be as long as you'd like)

Theme song:
Extra: (Anything I didn't mention that you want to add)

Arria of the Terrere Clan of Cato
"Why must we hold onto our hate?"​
Basic Information-

Gender: Female
Species: Wingless
Age: 22
Allegiance/Clan: Clera, and Cato
Personality: She is rather naive, at least to the average individual it seems so. She is the only one in her family that does not believe in the current system, thinking that to hold onto this need for revenge is destroying what made them Cato's in the first place.

Appearance: 5'9, olive tone skin, and has tattoos on her arms and ones the are hidden over her torso that denote her of Royal birth.

Family- Father: King Medeas, Mother: Queen Illidais, Brother: Prince Xavier
Partner- Affair: Nathan, one of the Bird Men

Backstory: She has grown up in the Palace all of her life, due to her gender in the predominantly male hierarchy in the Palace she was given less respect than her brother or even their cousins when they visited. She fought for the respect she now has, expanding her knowledge on as many subjects as possible in her efforts to do that. She now knows more languages than her peers, and verses her self in the politics of the other nations beyond Clera, of which brought her to the conclusion that Clera isn't being run properly.
She hopes to eventually inherit the throne and make change herself, but it seems unlikely via the peaceful route she's keen on.

Theme song:

Extra: I can't draw hands
Nasara Raviv , sworn to the Clan of Cato
"It's difficult to seek justice in a prejudiced world. However, it's a belief I am willing to stand for."​

Basic information-

Gender: Female
Species: Wingless
Age: 32
Clan/ Affiliation: Clera

Personality: Nasara is known to be laid back and charismatic appearance wise. However, she will quickly become strong willed and persistent when faced with a challenge. She also suffers frequently from bouts of depression that hide just beneath her daily facade until the moments where she is alone, in which she sinks deep into a world of isolation.
At the end of the day, there are two things she will remain unmoved for: Justice, and the safety of her young son.

Appearance: Her height is 5'7 and she weighs 230lbs. Despite being stocky, her weight is mostly made up of muscle. As for specific details, refer to the photo below:

Son: Elijah Raviv (10)
Mother and Father: N/A
Husband: Everett Raviv [Deceased]

Nasara is a political activist at heart, but is trapped in the less than glorious life of an enforcer. Nonetheless, she does what she can to provide a comfortable and healthy life for her boy, which can be stressful at times. More often than not, she's still mourning the loss of her husband that occurred 9 years ago, and carries an intense bitterness towards the person responsible for his murder.
As for her life prior to her marriage, all she can remember is that she used to be a singer and nothing else. She's never reconnected with her parents, and had suffered an injury at 18 that caused her to forget her life prior to showbusiness and meeting her husband. However, she chooses to focus on the future instead of the past.
Though, the past may have other plans for the young mother..

Theme Song: None
Quirks: Loves to sing and play guitar, but only in private. Also enjoys a good party!
Extra: A LOT of typing.
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Zaqiel, an Avian Servant
"Just a day..One day of freedom.."​

Basic Information-

Gender: Male
Species: Avian
Age: 27
Clan/Affiliation: Clera (Servant/Involuntary)

Zaqiel may look intimidating to some, but he is extraordinarily soft-spoken and submissive. He avoids conflict at all costs, and does what he's told without question. However, he has an artistic side and wishes for the opportunity to be free of his societal shackles. He tends to daydream in his spare time, and hope for the day where the abuse and oppression will one day end.

Appearance: Zaqiel is fairly tall, being 6'3 and weighing 210 lbs. He is broad, and menacing when needed.

Distant Sisters: Tamiel (40) , Penemue (23), Aramaros (18), Israfel (24), Leliel (19) , Raziel (3)
Distant Brothers: Rahab (27), Phanuel (23), Keter (17), Asbeel (20), Eistibus (25)
Parents: [Deceased]

Backstory: Born to a large family, Zaqiel's memories mostly consist of captivity and the fact that the outside world was always just out of reach. He had spent most of his childhood by his oldest sister along side his other eleven siblings.
However, it was not to be, and he was torn away from them when he reached his teenage years. Zaqiel lost contact with them, and has been working to be part of the guard for hope of a slightly better lifestyle than his isolated days serving those who look down on him.
After all, what else is there for an avian like him?

Theme song: N/A

Quirks: Enjoys art and music, and loves to create wonderful drawings that he hides in a secret compartment in his hovel.
Artemis Kinsley
156092644991678563 (2).jpg

"Are we the only ones who have demons feasting upon our souls?"

House servant/ secretly an informant for the Egretta clan

"Are we the only ones who have demons feasting on our souls? Inside every world there is another world trying to get out, and that is something our tormentors would like to discount. The stars could rise in darkness over heartbreaking coasts, and they would not know if they were ruining your life or easing our wounds. We, the enslaved people, only feel a phantom skip of the heart, absorbed so in the absence of colors. Is this the great world that we were taught in fairy tales?"

Ever since she was five she's known the harsh reality of her species. It would never stop because their captors would never hear them. She desperately wants to believe that things will get better but she's given up thought of escaping or even thinking that life will change.

height: 5'4"
wings are essentially tawny with a blue coloration (based on the american kestral)

Brother -
in the royal guard. He's about 25 years old.
Mother - deceased
Father - Died after trying to escape
When she was younger she remembers life with her Father and Mother and older brother Evan. They were from avian nobility (close to the Harpeian family) however when the change in power happened the ruling family - the Catos took their lands and made them slaves. Her whole family was split up and she and her brother, Evan, were chosen to work in the palace. She eventually heard news in her 16th summer that her father had been killed after being tortured for hours due to him trying to escape. She also found out from rumors that her mother had died.
She knows a bit about herbs from what her mother taught her and collects various seeds from flowers and plants in to grow on her windowsill.

+ She often hums when she's trying to go to a happy place inside her mind. If she can't hum she rocks back and forth.
+ She loves bird watching and hates seeing the creatures in cages. Generally she hates seeing anything in captivity considering her status

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"Quote From Character"
Basic Information-

Personality: (Whatever you know, I get figuring that out in an RP as you go)

Appearance: (Height, skin tone, wing color(if applicable), hair color, ect.)

Relations: (Family, partners, allegiances, enemies- This section can be updated, by the user depending on whom they befriend)

Backstory: (Doesn't have to be excessively long, but it can be as long as you'd like)

Theme song:
Extra: (Anything I didn't mention that you want to add)
Calixto Romulus Acerodon


"Inside me lies smoke, sadness and a little bit of madness. May the gods help you withstand my wrath. "
Thielor/Brutalis Clan
"I’m burning as I’m freezing. Drowning as I’m being baptized. You tried to make me holy but sin dances in my veins"
Brash, Protective and yet secretly sensitive to criticism. He blames himself for his brother's death. He is very volatile and is renown among the smaller nations for his brutality (although Cal was fed false information)

Appearance: (Height, skin tone, wing color(if applicable), hair color, ect.)
height: 5'10
hair color: brunette
skin tone: tan
wing color: black

Father - One father who expects excellence from him. Wants him to negotiate with the Clera to turn trade in Chiropterans favor.
Mother - his mother died when he way young due to sickness brought in from the harvest that year
Step mother - Generally unloving and hostility from her end. She tends to try her best to send him away to leave the throne of succession to the her younger son (although she managed to make the king choose her young son instead of Calixto.)
Older brother (Cyrus) - Deceased. He died after going mad and committing suicide.
Calixto was born the second son of his father. His brother Cyrus was the eldest and loved by all. It was expected Cyrus would ascend the throne. After the death of their mother by age 6, Cyrus (who had always been a sensitive soul) started to descend into madness. His father blamed Calixto continuously rash behavior. Calixto was always starting brawls in bars, and more often than not causing irritation if not skirmishes with the neighboring kingdoms. The king (with the queen's suggestion - who wanted Cal out of the way) sent Calixto off to battle so he wouldn't intefere with court. He committed violence on behalf of his country to other nations and is highly wanted among the small neighboring countries for torturing innocent citizens (he was told via orders from his king that they were spies). Since it was mostly smaller countries and squashing uprisings most people from Clera don't know about his past. When Cyrus was found dead on the ground in front of the highest tower, Calixto was called back and then sent to be an envoy to Clera. His stepmother also told his father that Calixto's generally rash attitude was also susceptible to madness and to place her own child in front of him for the throne.
None yet

He tends to touch the pendant his brother gave him before passing when he's feeling insecure.

+ one nose ring piercing
2 ear piercings on each ear. One on the tragus and one where the ear meets the head.
Several tattoos cover his body.​
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If you have a quote in mind and it just happens to be longer than a one-liner, I care more that it shows something about the character than it's length.
Desmond Moredwin
"He's made of stardust and galaxies but even the brightest of stars die in a flash of light."

Desmond doesn't usually partake in politics and is known for his gentleness and quiet demeanor. He hasn't spoken much to anyone since he moved to the castle a week ago. He's one of the cousins in the royal Cato family. Nobody has seen much of him besides seeing him in the gardens occasionally (which was far more often than they had even heard his name over the years)

Appearance: (Height, skin tone, wing color(if applicable), hair color, ect.)
Height: 6'0"

Father - He's started to lose his memory. He wants the family to gain power before he falls too far into sickness.
Mother - She supports the monarch's goal of making their family's either the most powerful or one of the most powerful. She's trying to make sure her son Desmond is well so they have a secured heir to the clan.

He's been sickly his from the time he was a boy (around 10 years old). Although his family the Gecynde support the Cato's reign and help eliminate opposers to the Cato's rule they secretly are trying to get themselves to rise to power among the wingless. They sent the Catos their first born sickly son, Desmond, to try to heal him as the Cato family owes them because they funded the Cato's building projects. He was put in the castle to be with the healers a short time ago and was rarely seen (he was seen even less in his own country). It seems now he's coming out more in the public eye (although most people know nothing about him as he's shut in most of the day) and his views on political matters are largely unknown.



* Xavier *
He owns a pet quilldog named Xavier or "Xavi". Xavi has been Desmond's childhood pet ever since he got sick and his constant companion. The quills serve an added purpose of medicinal properties of numbing the pain through injections.
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Aeryn, Prince Artys of the Terrere Clan of Cato
"What else is there to say at this point?"




Clera, Terrere Clan of Cato


Height - 5'8"
Hair Color - Dirty Blond
Eye Color - Hazel
Skin - White
Regularly wears light fabrics of dyed purple or pure white
Tattoos cover arms and torso indicating his royal lineage, although her prefers to cover them up

Father - Magnus, Prince Artys
Mother - Alys Drace
Uncle - King Medeas
Cousin - Princess Arria
Cousin - Prince Xavier

Aeryn is the son of Magnus of the Terrere Clan of Cato, firstborn son of the former monarch and elder brother of King Medeas. The affair between Magnus' mother, a woman of minor nobility, and father occurred before his fathers ascension to the throne of Clera. Their romance was short and intense, eloping before a minor priest and without royal approval. Magnus' mother died in childbirth and upon his fathers ascension to the throne of Clera, he married a woman more politically expedient in a grand ceremony. After his half brothers and sisters were born, the question of succession came to a head as the legitimacy of the King's first marriage and thus the legitimacy of Magnus came into question. The King would bow to the pressure of his wife and her families allies in naming his second son, Medeas, Crown Prince. Magnus revived the title of Prince Artys, allowing him to bear the name of the founder of the royal line of the Terrere Clan of Cato. Magnus and Medeas maintained cordial if not friendly relations throughout their childhood and adult lives, despite the issue of succession, and Magnus occupied various powerful positions at court and in the provinces. Aeryn was born soon after the marriage of Magnus and Alys Drace, and he took after his mother much more than his olive-skinned father in terms of appearance. He was raised periodically at estates in the provinces and the royal court as his father moved from one office the the next. Well educated in the arts of statecraft and intrigue, he was groomed for power. Two years ago, however, his father was struck by a sudden illness while serving at the royal court and he was dead within a fortnight. Aeryn immediately assumed the title of Prince Artys and is formally referred as such, his personal name only being used when among close family and friends. He has mostly remained at court ever since, recently returning in the last week after visiting his mother at one of his provincial estates. Prince Artys has become well known for his conservative if not reactionary political views, becoming the poster child of the Old Guard and entrenched aristocracy, gaining their support in contrast to his more liberally minded cousins. He may share the name and ambition of the revolutionary founder of the royal family, but he most definitely doesn't share his ideals.

Theme Song

(or alternatively)
Malachi von Veckenschtein
"Intelligence rules the world."

Gender: Male
Species: Chiropteran
Age: 26
Allegiance/Clan: Iascara // Rousettus

"Intelligence is the best weapon in the world, allowing you to live with an advantage over everyone else."
Malachi has a very contradicting personality. While he is thoroughly logical and calm, he is at the same time emotional and impulsive, and even a little childish to the point where it's hard to tell what he's really thinking. He means well and is capable of being nice, but often ends up being sarcastic, especially with advice.

Malachi is a rather androgynous young man with a height of about five feet and six inches and a lithe, yet slender build, whose visage gives off the impression of an eccentric scholar. He has amber eyes, a spattering of freckles on lightly tanned skin and short, unruly black hair, which he at a point insists "does not look like a bird's nest." His wings are large, nearly as big as himself when they're stretched out, and are a rich ebony color.

Zacharias von Veckenschtein - Father // Alive
Leonore von Veckenschtein - Mother // Alive
Heinrich von Veckenschtein - Brother // Alive
Nasara Raviv - Friend // Alive

Malachi was born as the eldest son of the Veckenschtein family, all of whom have been renowned for producing scholars of the highest order. Malachi, in particular, was a very bright child, even at a young age, though his eccentric tendencies offset anyone who met him. He was wild and difficult to handle, and didn't care much for anything, but it was when his younger brother was born—a sickly little thing—that he felt that he had a responsibility he had to fulfill. He dove into his studies with a fervor none has seen in him before, and now as an adult, he's become of the leading researchers in the country and has contributed much to its medicinal progress.

Theme Song:
(I'll think about this a bit longerrr)
Whenever Malachi gets startled, his wings would flare out to its full wingspan, as if to scare off an invisible threat.
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