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Fantasy Cledonia OOC


q r o w

Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
OOC for Cledonia Academy

Rules: don't be rude to others
Tell me if your leaving/aren't able to post in the rp
All rpn rules apply
Deadline this Thursday- Friday. Classes will be up soon. I will tag everyone in this thread eventually...
Svisttt Svisttt hello, just read over your CS and realized you said she was 1'3. I'm assuming height by this, and from what I under stand that means she is always that height? I'm not sure how I feel about that, I understand since she's a fairy and is suppose to be small. However is it possible to have a ability or perk that allows her to take a more average height? You don't have to , and this will not affect your acceptance. It is merely a suggestion!
Svisttt Svisttt hello, just read over your CS and realized you said she was 1'3. I'm assuming height by this, and from what I under stand that means she is always that height? I'm not sure how I feel about that, I understand since she's a fairy and is suppose to be small. However is it possible to have a ability or perk that allows her to take a more average height? You don't have to , and this will not affect your acceptance. It is merely a suggestion!

I was definitely thinking about doing something like that hahh, thank you for reminding me! <3 (sort of forgot about it, when I was writing up the sheet it was like... wayy early in the morning and I hadn't gotten any sleep lmao)
Oh yay! I just didn't know if we needed to let you know.
I won't start accepting anyone till maybe tomorrow, but unless I've ignore your post for a day or so, you don't need to remind me.
I won't start accepting anyone till maybe tomorrow, but unless I've ignore your post for a day or so, you don't need to remind me.
I promise to refrain haha. This is a really cool idea. I haven't rped in a while (school and everything) and I guess I just get so excited over jumping into it all again.
Hello, Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse I was working on schedules and two of the classes conflict. Magic Sparring and Spells/Runes are classes that happen at the same time. Unless you want me to still keep them the same and give you runes / spells as a class your character will be alone in, I suggest changing one of the two. Your other chosen course is fine
Magic Sparring and spells are the only ones I have that over lap as of right now. You are the only one with summoning so you should be fine with any thing you chose. Just pitch a class and I'll tell you for sure.

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