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Fantasy Cledonia OOC

hiii guys

i really really hate to say this but i think i have to drop out. i've been having a lot of mental health issues of late and it's been really difficult for me to keep up with replies for everything i'm in, along with other things. this rp was really fun to be in though and i'm glad i got to be a part of it for a little while. this is such a great concept and i hope you guys have a total blast <3 feel free to do whatever with thistle (i knowww students were disappearing or something?), or just you can pretend she never existed.

thanks for having me, i'm really really sorry
Im sorry to hear that, your welcome back anytime if you wish.

I'm going to get on lilys account soon to post with Kenso. littleberry littleberry your Snow right? Your showing off your ability next.
Okey dokey, sorry I have been gone this week. I had to finish up getting my house ready and paperwork in my free time around work for my new rescue kitten that I am going to be adopting ^.^
Wow it;s been a while.

Hey guys I just got out of physical therapy. So I know it's been so long and we lost a member of the team, but I need to know if everyone is still in this or left due to my inactivity (and I'm truly sorry.) I wanted to post yesterday but I had just got home from the hospital and was exhuasted. Then today I had Therapy at 5 in the morning. Its been pretty busy cause of my health.

So if your still in this please tell me! I don't want to post and everyone be dead. littleberry littleberry u k i y o u k i y o StarryKnights StarryKnights Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse peachpuff peachpuff
Wow it;s been a while.

Hey guys I just got out of physical therapy. So I know it's been so long and we lost a member of the team, but I need to know if everyone is still in this or left due to my inactivity (and I'm truly sorry.) I wanted to post yesterday but I had just got home from the hospital and was exhuasted. Then today I had Therapy at 5 in the morning. Its been pretty busy cause of my health.

So if your still in this please tell me! I don't want to post and everyone be dead. littleberry littleberry u k i y o u k i y o StarryKnights StarryKnights Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse peachpuff peachpuff
I'm still here. But more importantly, are you doing a little better at least? Due to what you've said it seems some rather rough stuff came your way.
I'm alive, does that suffice?
Im not in pain anymore and not in a hospital room, so im doing better.
I don't recommend puking blood at 3am. It aint fun and it makes you so physically week its not a walk in the park, more like trying to walk across glass shards with broken bones.

But then again, this ain't the first time.
I'm alive, does that suffice?
Im not in pain anymore and not in a hospital room, so im doing better.
I don't recommend puking blood at 3am. It aint fun and it makes you so physically week its not a walk in the park, more like trying to walk across glass shards with broken bones.

But then again, this ain't the first time.
I've heard what happen from your sister. Im glad its better than what you been feeling.

Im still here though!.
Wow it;s been a while.

Hey guys I just got out of physical therapy. So I know it's been so long and we lost a member of the team, but I need to know if everyone is still in this or left due to my inactivity (and I'm truly sorry.) I wanted to post yesterday but I had just got home from the hospital and was exhuasted. Then today I had Therapy at 5 in the morning. Its been pretty busy cause of my health.

So if your still in this please tell me! I don't want to post and everyone be dead. littleberry littleberry u k i y o u k i y o StarryKnights StarryKnights Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse peachpuff peachpuff
I'm glad to hear your doing better!
And sorry for the delayed reply, I never seem to get notifications for this thread for some reason.
I'm still here though, and willing to keep going if the others are. :)
I'm not sure , there only 6 characters now, two mine, two blythe, you, and entity. I'm not sure we will be able to progress or not
Same, i dont mind running more than one. We could pick up some of the staff too.
Same, i dont mind running more than one. We could pick up some of the staff too.
I could easily make another character if you wish.
and peachpuff peachpuff
Hey guys so I will be sadly ending this roleplay. This is due to the fact so many people left and how long it took to just get half way through a day of the school. The only way I can see continuing it would be to restart, because of plot issues. However if your okay with reboot and if you want use the same cjaraxters thats fine.

If not this will be the end of the rp for now. (Encase of reboot perhaps later on ), however I am making a new rp if this one ends. Not sure which one il chose, but I will make a new plot if this one ends
and peachpuff peachpuff
Hey guys so I will be sadly ending this roleplay. This is due to the fact so many people left and how long it took to just get half way through a day of the school. The only way I can see continuing it would be to restart, because of plot issues. However if your okay with reboot and if you want use the same cjaraxters thats fine.

If not this will be the end of the rp for now. (Encase of reboot perhaps later on ), however I am making a new rp if this one ends. Not sure which one il chose, but I will make a new plot if this one ends
Awww, well I'm sad to see it end, but I understand.
if you do decide to do a reboot let me know, I love Tempest and would be happy to bring her back.
Oh goodness I'm really sorry for not responding. I'm sad to see this rp end, but I'll definitely be there if you reboot this rp and for any other rp you create lmao

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