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Fandom Clans in The Australian Wild- Archive


Squeaking out of surprise from the tap he looked up her curiously, sure he didn't know the tom personally but he remembers hearing murmurs of how crazy the tom was. He purrs happily as his father approaches them, the tall black cat stood behind them "Its not polite to make fun of other cats." He scolded his kit sternly "Like Silverfur he is very important to his clan." Spiderlegs looked over to Silverfur with a dip of his head "I think it's time you go back to the nursery...both of you." He said to the kits.

Bandicootkit lowered his ears to the side "But, Spiderlegs...we didn't do anything. I swear to StarClan I will be good." He said his tail twitching like a worm.

Interacting with Silverfur @HoneyPhantomhive/Spiderlegs
Silverfur smiled at Spiderlegs warmly, her tail curling around the kit. "They're no bother. Really," she assured him. "They're just kits. Curious kits. It's not their fault they've never met any cats outside of the clan." She strutted over to the base of the Highrock. She turned around with her back to it and her tail held high. Her chest fur was puffed out proudly. "We could use another brave warrior to watch over the clan while the others are out," she purred, her voice laced with amusement.

Addressed: Spiderlegs @Creepypasta Hound

Mentioned: Bandicootkit @Creepypasta Hound


Mudkit wrestled playfully with Bandicootkit, laughing as his friend broke free and praised his fighting skills as a leader. Bandicootkit himself was still in character as a deputy, of course, but Mudkit held his head a little higher. He especially liked being called 'Mudstar'. "Yeah! No Dust Clan cat's gonna mess with us!" He imagined them roaming just outside of their borders - he wished he was old enough to go check it out for real. He was glad to hear that the herbs were plentiful - his sister often needed them - though he wasn't sure if Silverfur was being serious or not. His ears quirked was Silverfur mentioned him falling off of high rock. "I didn't fall!" Mudkit argued. "I pounced!"

Bandicootkit curiously asked how Silverfur liked being a medicine cat. Mudkit sat up straight and looked at Silverfur as well, wondering what her response would be. Silverfur seemed happy with her position in the clan, and gently scolded Bandicootkit for talking ill of Koalaleap. "That's cool and all," Mudkit started, a touch of sarcasm in his tone, "but I want to be a warrior!" He imitated a stalking position that he'd watched Goldenthistle teach Turtlepaw once. It wasn't perfect by any means, but to Mudstar the fearless leader, he'd turned into a silent killer. Well, he figured it wouldn't be any fun to keep targeting Bandicootkit, so his eyes drifted automatically to Silverfur's swishing tail -

Spiderlegs appeared from behind them, and Mudkit's focus was broken. He looked at the older tom with big kit eyes. He hoped he would be big and strong like Spiderlegs one day. Mudkit flattened his ears when Spiderlegs instructed them to go back to the nursery. "Awww, but we were having fun!" He grinned as Silverfur continued the charade. Mudkit strutted proudly over to her. "I'll protect the clan! I'll protect it with my life!" he insisted, imagining himself winning a battle against five strong Dust Clan cats single-pawed...

"Oh you will, will you?" Galahwing purred, having decided to come check on her kit. Minnowkit followed right next to her, shyly peering at the older cats. It was very rare to see Minnowkit away from her mother for more than a moment... conversely, it was rare to see Mudkit going anywhere willingly with Galahwing.

Even now Mudkit pouted upon seeing his mother. "Yes I will!" he insisted, frustrated. "Bandicootkit and I are gonna be the best warriors ever! And we need to train!"

Galahwing smiled at his imagination. "You'll have plenty of time for that when you're made apprentices, I promise. Come kits, I'm sure you two must be hungry. Even fierce warriors need a break for dinner!"

Mudkit perked up a bit at that. He loved food. "Well, okay..." he conceeded, realizing if he wasn't going to win the argument, he may as well eat. He and Bandicootkit would have to sneak out another day... "Bye Silverfur! Bye Spiderlegs!" He started heading back to the nursery.

Galahwing nodded at Silverfur. "Thank you for keeping an eye on them. I hope they didn't cause too much trouble." Galahwing nudged Minnowkit. "Say goodbye, Minnowkit."

"U-um..." the silver kit, so tiny compared to her brother, nervously stuttered out a reply. "Goodbye, Silverfur." Minnowkit unfortunately had seen Silverfur many times before, being born so prone to illness. She smiled meekly. "Goodbye, Spiderlegs..."

*Addressed: Bandicootkit, Spiderlegs @Creepypasta Hound Silverfur @HoneyPhantomhive
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Spiderlegs dips his head to the small silver kit "Enjoy your meal Mudkit, Minnowkit...." He motioned for Bandicootkit to follow "Parrotclaw has a meal for you too, go see her." He said to the kit who nods quickly and clumsily chased after Mudkit and Minnowkit "Wait up!" He meows. He quickly falls into place with them and he looked at the siblings "Well since we couldn't really play what if we played in the nursery? Minnowkit can join us, she could could be medicine cat." Bandicootkit said proudly. He did feel bad that she would often get sick, glancing up at the sky he wondered if StarClan just wanted to be mean because they were angry that they were dead. He thought nice cats were up there. He looked at Minnowkit and he dug his claws deep into the earth "Its not fair...." He whispers.

In the nursery Parrotclaw was laying on her side, head towards the entrance as she watched the small group of cats return "Oh StarClan have you kits gotten big." She said rolling over only to be pounced on by the dusty blonde kit "Parrotclaw! I defeated you!" He booms excitedly. The gray she-cat let's out dramatic yowl of defeat as she wraps her paws around Bandicootkit and gave his face a quick cleaning "You must be hungry."she said to him.

Interacting with Mudkit and Minnowkit @Cloudburst

Back with Silverfur, Spiderlegs stood there silently in an almost creepy fashion before speaking "I'm going to go hunt, is there any herbs you would like for me to check on, see if they are growing or ready to be picked?" He asked. It was a honest sincere question but he just had a odd way of saying it that came across impatient. He was also planning on meeting with Witheredsmoke he hadn't seen the elder today and wondered if he was up for some company.

Mentioned: Witheredsmoke @ShadedRose

Interacting with Silverfur @HoneyPhantomhive
Owleye rolled her eye at Cedarspark. Giving one last wistful glance towards Pigeonfoot, she shook her head firmly and let out a resolute humph. "I'll catch so much prey you two won't be able to get any yourself." She challenged the two other cats, a determined spark in her eyes. She wouldn't let anything get her down. Not her sister, not being a bit on the heavy side. This was her last hunt. "After all, I need to provide for the clan before I spend moons in that nursery." Owleye flicked her tail, ready to head out.

Addressed: @DemonKitten (Cedarspark) @ShadedRose (Reedpuddle)
Koalaleap having calmed down somewhat, thought it best to get out. Mostly because he wanted to see if there were signs he missed from StarClan that lingered or went unnoticed. He dashed to the leaders den and poked his head inside "Dapplestar!" He calls stressing the 'a' in Dapple "Please be in here...oh...no..." the paranoid tom pulls from the opening of the den and looked around, clearly not nothing the Leader who is walking pass him.

Mentioned Dapplestar
Turtlepaw was in a light but peaceful sleep as the cats started waking up, her tail curled around herself and over her nose as she snored softly. The sound of her mentor startled her awake, large gold eyes snapping open with a startled gasp as Turtlepaw tried to process what was going on. That was one thing she both prided herself on and hated. She could snap awake at the call of her name, but it always made her heart skip a beat. Shaking her head, she let out a wide yawn and stretched her back before calling out an answering mew, "I'm up. What will we be doing today?" Turtlepaw trotted out, excited to start the day.

Addressed: @ShadedRose (Goldenthistle)


Wolfsong nodded to her leader as she took note of the confused medicine cat. Why did we get the medicine cat that can't even notice a fly on his nose? her eyes narrowed, but she purred in a kind humor sort of laughter disguising the disgust she actually felt. "Oh, Koalaleap. Dapplestar is over here," the she-cat kindly pointed out for the tom as she kept her bitter thoughts to herself. Turning back to Dapplestar, Wolfsong decided to quickly get out her plans for the day before Koalaleap mentioned what ever things he had thought up.

"Before I go, I sent out a hunting patrol with Owleye, Cedarspark, and Reedpuddle. Pigeonfoot is training Nimplepaw and I figured I would join them to do a patrol later. You are set for a patrol later in the day with Reedpuddle and Pigeonfoot," After naming off everything, the she-cat ducked her head. "If you have any changes you would like me to make I will more than happily accommodate," Wolfsong meowed at her leader.

Addressed: Dapplestar @Jinx Koalaleap @Creepypasta Hound


Cedarspark accepted the she-cats words as he headed to the entrance of the camp in order to get this hunting session over. As he left the camp, he could all but feel the warmth of the sun on his fur as imagined lying on a nice spot of grass. "What I would give if food just ran to my paws," he said out loud as he zoned out slightly. He came to a halt a litle ways out of camp in order to allow the other two to catch up. He figured Owleye would want to lead.

Addressed:Owleye @Nudge Reedpuddle @ShadedRose

Koalaleap slows his roll and twists around spotting their leader, if he was sane he would've felt foolish for missing the tom but be lacked the common sense. Thanking Wolfsong he picked up his usual running about the clan like a cat with its head cut off. It's a surprise he never plowed down anyone in the process "Dapplestar!" He meows "It's about StarClan!" He cries out.

Mentioned Dapplestar
@Jinx Wolfsong @DemonKitten


Foxstorm was sort of zoned out as he watched a rabbit dart across the fields. He removed a pebble from his pad as his ear twitched back to notice that Blazerunner, Snakestripe and the two apprentices were leaving. "Way to give notice," he meowed to himself since the others were two far away. He rushed off towards the group as he came to be the back of the others. Foxstorm normally stayed up front or to the sides, but decided to stay back this time since everyone seemed a little bit to frazzled for his liking.

Mentioned: Blazerunner @ShadedRose Snakestripe @Sagitarius

The elder had been quietly watching the kits play but from within the elder's den, of course. His sight had been seeming to bother him more than before but he only assumed it was from his eyes never being able to heal back to normal. He wished to go back and change his fate but knew it to be far too impossible to even think of. Sometimes he did find himself thinking back to the old days of when he and Cougarstar and even Spiderlegs were all young warriors prepared to take on the world without a second thought. Now, the older cat just watched what his clanmates were up to and randomly left camp to wander. As he continued thinking of all this, his stories emerged. Stories in which he would need to tell the kits and apprentices later on. That was one of his most enjoyable moments of the day; telling the kitties tales from his apprenticeship and from being a warrior. Most of the time he just re-told any of the previous stories and legends that they wanted to hear again.

Glancing about the camp before deciding to leave the den, he could see Spiderlegs just before he'd disappeared into Silverfur's den and wondered what he would be doing today. They often went hunting on occasion and simply relaxed with one another as company. The grey tom stretched carefully and peered about the camp seeing Goldenthistle calling into the apprentice's den and the kits following Galahwing back to the nursery. He hoped to see them out and about later.

Mentioned : Cougarstar (@DemonKitten) Spiderlegs (@Creepypasta Hound) Galahwing


The blue-grey she-cat could hear her apprentice moving about and waited patiently. She already had today's training figured out and was prepared to get it started. Though first they would be going on patrol with Rippleshine to check on the borders. A bit of hunting practice wouldn't hurt either, she decided with a flick of her ear. Glancing around, she headed for the entrance ready to leave as soon as Turtlepaw left the den.

Mentioned : Turtlepaw (@Nudge)

Blazerunner's temper had slowly died down but the ashes still remained. His first action was to leave the rest and head off to find Ashpelt. His eyes were a bit clouded from putting thought into what he would do in order to correct his niece's behavior. Shadepaw was going to get what she deserved, he knew that due to Snakestripe's thoughtful stare the whole way back to camp. He felt guilty for Foxstorm being left out though but at least it wasn't the tom who was getting in so much trouble at this very moment.

Padding to the warrior's den his head poked in through the gap and he called for Ashpelt. He had no idea where the tom was but he was going to find him.

Mentioned : Ashpelt (@HoneyPhantomhive) Snakestripe (@Sagitarius) Foxstorm (@DemonKitten)

Addressed : Ashpelt (


Glancing at the medicine cat as he passed, he could sense he was uneasy and flicked his ears in announce as he really didn't notice that he was standing not even a few fox lengths away. He looked to Wolfsong a small look a gratitude lay in his eyes as she took care of telling Koalaleap that he was here. He moved his paws slowly and turned him self on heavy feet. "Very we'll Wolfsong, the patrols sound fine. Thank you, I will let you know if I have anything else to add on that fact." He said, and flicked his tail to dismiss her as he looked to medicine cat. "Calm down Koalaleap, lets take this somewhere more private... Shall we?" He said looking around the camp at the others. 'Mouse brain' he thought as he walked pasted the un easy med cat and back to his den. His paws seemed to drag in the dirt as she went, his eyes fixated on the ground as his tail flicked back and forth.

Addressed: Koalaleap and Wolfsong

@DemonKitten @Creepypasta Hound

((I'm really sorry, stills little frazzled from what happened in my family....))


Rippleshine twitched his ears slightly at the playing kits. It seemed like a fairly pleasant day even with the low waters and less muddy field. Spiderlegs suggested leaving so Rippleshine nodded and started walking towards the entrance. "Where did you want to hunt?" He asked. The dual toned cat had no problems hunting where ever though he preferred the water. He knew with the recent crocodile proximity becoming smaller that most were weary to bother with it until another rainfall came. Starclan, I hope it rains soon, the tom thought as he looked up at the sky.

Addressed: Spiderfang @ShadedRose Spiderlegs @Creepypasta Hound



Frostwhisper gazed out at the camp as she waited for Goldenthistle to gather Turtlepaw for the patrol. The she-cat was pleased that hunting had been removed from her task for the day. When ever she hunted with Rippleshine, he always made them go hunt in the water and Frostwhisper already hated the water when it was safer and now it was shallow. A Mossclan cat that hates water, she mocked herself as she knew how stupid her dislike was and slight fear. If only I wouldn't of got caught on the weeds, she sighed as she watched her optimistic brother leave.

Mentioned: Goldenthistle @ShadedRose Turtlepaw @Nudge

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Koalaleap calmed down as followed his leader into the Leader den. He looked to Dapplestar a cat crazy as Koalaleap could tell something was bothering the leader. Stepping forward he looked at Dapplestar "Are you okay?" He asked curiously. Oh no...what if this is a test? A test sent down from StarClan, is it possible they made him sick?

Interacting with Dapplestar

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