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Realistic or Modern City of Sins

Yup. Glad this could be your first RP on the site :D

Nice posts @killerlung I really like Tenshi. He seems cray cray xD

@Greedy Accepted! Interesting character ya got. I believe our characters will be in contact very soon.
Nice! This is my first time as I said earlier, so this will also be a learning experience for me.

Also, I'm just wondering if that initial start thing with the "joining the gang and being given a bed" applies to all the characters or is that just an example? I was hoping my character could be established as I've already explained in the post.
It is just an example and applies to any character that has the possibility of joining Death Kiss. Now even if you don't I have found a way to fit every character into Shinji's plan. Since you're character is pretty much well known he can be established already.

Also, when I read your CS, I instantly got an idea.

What are the 'rules' on interacting with other characters? I mean like if my character was talking about another specifically, or expressed some sort of opinion of them, or even of a plan or some sort.

Also, I've just made my first RP post. Please tell me what you think!
I am about to read it.

Also, on the whole interacting part. Some of our characters don't know each other, for example Shinji doesn't know Kota. But Shinji knows Yeon Jae, so he could call and physically interact with her. Since your character is a major crime boss, he can think, talk or express anything he wants about the others since he has connections and what not.
@killerlung Okay, thats real cool :) Thanks for the help guys!

Also, I would like to PM about their relationship/connections but I don't have the permissions to private message yet due to that 24 hour/10 post rule.
@Jacob Berry

Tenshi's family was originally a small protection ring, but after Kota's mother's family was destroyed they expanded taking up territories and responsibilities of the age old former powerhouse. Even when the family tried to reorganize with the support of two banners they could only take a share of their old territories and enterprises back with the rest seized by the Tenshi's Satsuma family. Tenshi basically owned the docks, and the workers coalitions in construction, apart from that his forces had a much larger net on protection.

Eventually the desperate coalition family, under the banner of Kota's mother's family, the Sakai, attempted to corner the drug trade. Tenshi watched as they built quite a sizable operation, waiting for them to get large enough to warrant action, and then using his connections with the docks and shipping working coalitions he'd buy out their drugs coming into the city. Basically he forced the Sakai's business connections to work through him to get their product into Tokyo, and the Sakai feeling they were getting cut out of their own business went to war with the Satsuma. The war was going to prove costly, even with the Sakai's reduced forces, they had been importing guns along with drugs for sometime and built up quite the stockpile before Tenshi moved in to marginalize their trade routes.

The war had just started by the time Kota made his crazed move and killed off the family's head, and top brass. After that Tenshi had an easy time wrapping up and eliminating the Sakai's remaining forces, and he'd move in to take all of their drug connections. This was twice that Kota's path had crossed his own, the first being when his mother refusing to marry into another family caused the initial downfall of the age old Sakai's and the second being his killing of the Sakai's top brass. Taking it as a sign Tenshi decided to save Kota, and while things haven't been easy for the now newly prominent family, they have been lucrative.

Basically now that the foreigners have made their own moves into Tokyo, Tenshi no longer supplies the bulk of drugs into the city. He does however still run a series of docks (New docks under other families control have been built so he no longer corners the market) and workers unions, and in addition to this he has quite a large amount of real estate bought through dummy companies in the family's name. To most the Satsuma family seems less than aggressive, still clinging to old world ideals, still taking protection money from their territories, and still thinking small, but Tenshi is crafty and under the radar he is adapting to the times much better than people give him credit.

(So yeah construction, small drug stake, major secret real estate funds, and protection rackets)

(Oh and his drug stake is mostly in pilfered foreign pharmaceuticals, usually American or European prescription pills and the like. He gets them off the docks in small quantities and sells them to clinics in territories he owns.)
@Jacob Berry yeah sure, I once had an rp based on it here. It was pretty successful actually, just a b*tch and a half to manage.
I see. Just curious since a friend of mine is trying to make one. With only 4 people though. @killerlung

Interesting, this Tenshi fella. I like him. Well, I shall await the others posts and read them
I apologize the RP has hit a bit of a stop. Some people need to post or reply to posts. @Shimakage Thunder and @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t needs to make a CS if you wish to continue in this RP
I'm really sorry for the wait, yesterday I could not finish it and today I'be been frustrating over the length...but I'll post a reply today, I promise.
@Mine no worries on length, there's not really anything of substantial worth until a scene or two from now anyways. Just a bit of character development right now y'know?
Yeah. Take your time @Mine The length doesn't really matter as long as it is longer than one paragraph. I am waiting for someone to reply ;-;

@killerlung Hey, you joining the Fate/RP roleplay?
I was away for a little while, But lost almost all motivation to Roleplay at all. One of my Childhood Friends passed away this weekend, so my week just went down the toilet...

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