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Fantasy City Of Evil Characters Thread



Senior Member
Please send me all submissions. Upon acceptance you can then post it here.
Skeleton for a profile:

Character Name:
Character's Race:
Place of Birth: (exterior of city, outter most part, inner part, custom location)
Political Stance: (none, neutral, For the King, For the Revolution, other)
Occupation: (if any)
Weapons: (if any)
Weapon Description: (optional)
Weapon Drawback: (circumstantial)
Powers: (if any)
Power Drawbacks: (circumstantial)
Brief/Lengthy Description of Character: (background, role in society, etc.)

(Optional for Black Knight)
Rank: (Rook, Knight, Bishop, Elite) (Pawns aren't allowed unless you can convince me otherwise)
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User: SnowStorm42
Character Name: Rebecca Devlins
Age: 24
Character's Race: Spirit Possessed Human
Place of Birth: A Mountain Village far North of Demera
Political Stance: Neutral
Occupation: Royal Guard
Weapons: Akuma

Weapon Description: Akuma is a sword that was allegedly forged in the fiery pits of a Nether Realm, or as some humans would call, Hell. The sword was supposedly crafted to be able to smite any evil that is not meant to walk the Overworld. The sword only has the ability to channel The Red Reaper's "Red Lightning" energy through it better for more controlled attacks, and it is a supposedly indestructible. It has a hidden ability that comes with a grave cost, but it's unknown what it is yet.

Powers: Red Lightning- Rebecca has the power of red lightning. This is basically amped up electricity that also produces double the heat of normal lightning. Rebeccas in her base form is capable of only producing the lightning, shooting bolts, or launching herself with it's force.
Reflexes- Due to the Red Reaper Spirit within her Rebecca is capable of heightened reflexes
Durability- Rebecca is very durable without the use of the Red Reaper Spirit. She can take heavy hits, and is very persistent. This is only amplified by the Red Reaper Spirit, and then further by her Spirit form.
Spirit Form: Rebecca's Spirit form summons upon some of her tribe's gear, but beyond that it is just an amplification via letting the Spirit take over her soul a bit more. It has a high drawback but it amplifies her durability, her reflexes, but most importantly it allows her greater control over Red Lightning, allowing for bigger attacks, smoother movement, and greater manipulation of it, such as giving it a form.

Power Drawbacks: Red Lightning in base form has few drawbacks so long as Rebecca doesn't overexert herself. The smaller the bolts, or charges, the less of a toll it has. Excessive or stronger attacks will drain her stamina though to the point she could pass out. In Spirit Form however this drawback is removed but at the cost of a greater one. While in Spirit Form she is very durable and can cause tremendous amounts of damage. There is a timer on this form though. When the limit is up, Rebecca's body takes a lot of physical damage including internal bleeding. Activating spirit form basically drains at her life force. Pushing over the time limit can incapacitate her or even kill her.

Brief/Lengthy Description of Character: Rebecca was born to a tribe called the Kumo. From birth the tribe knew she was destined for something, although it was at the cost of her mother. As she was born with a peculiar marking on her arm. As she grew up, she helped her tribe as much as she could, but also did a lot of adventuring to gain knowledge of the world. She did this by joining in on the trade caravans her tribe had formed. In her late teens Rebecca had already shown promise in terms of combat, and her "unique power" which the tribe had discovered was the possession by the Red Reaper Spirit. They decided that she was worthy of trying to wield Akuma. She succeeded with ease.

More time passed, and wars began raging through the kingdoms. Rebecca picked up mercenary work during this time in order to help her tribe make money and stay afloat. It was while away doing mercenary work that Rumors of a city of evil erupted. It was at this time that upon returning to her tribe with money she found that they had been wiped out. The only survivor was her father who told her that she didn't gain the mark of the Red Spirit by chance and that she would find answers in Demera.

At first Rebecca was lost and took up horrific mercenary jobs to cope with the anger and depression of her tribe being killed. After a while though she got over her negative emotions for the most part, and as rumors of Demera's tyranny grew, she decided to chase the answers to her father's cryptic words. Who knows what fate could arrive her at the city of evil?

Appearance: Rebecca , Rebecca Red Spirit
User: SnowStorm42
Character Name: Maxwell Amadeus
Age: Unknown
Character's Race: Synthetic Demon
Place of Birth: A strange laboratory in the East
Political Stance: Ruler of All
Occupation: King
Weapons: Occasionally a spear
Weapon Description: N/A

Powers: Regeneration: Few people have seen Maxwell get wounded but those who have claim they see his wounds regenerate themselves. The wounds were never big though so there could be some keys to take away there.
Strength- Due to being a demon made up of other demons as well as experimentation Maxwell is very physically powerful. He often goes out into public without a weapon and only a handful of guards because his bare hands are capable of powering through brick walls.
Heaven's Touch: ~unknown variable~

Power Drawbacks: Unbeknownst to the public, a large barrage of attacks can do Maxwell in, especially if he does not regenerate quick enough.

Brief/Lengthy Description of Character: Little is known about Maxwell Amadeus. What information is known has been pieced together by clues, or told from the accountants of his army, or those who claim to have known him.
Maxwell Amadeus apparently appeared in the Wastelands in the East, randomly, a whole century ago. According to census reports from fallen kingdoms as well as some of the other kingdoms, there have been reports of a Maxwell Amadeus living in the other kingdoms, or passing through. One census report reports residence in one of the Eastern Kingdoms for decades.
More reports claim that the Maxwell Amadeus within those census reports was a kind, joyful man, and at one point married in the West.

A whole century after these reports, Maxwell Amadeus seemed to appear out of thin air in the East, with an army of knights in black, and super powered colleagues. Starting with the most Eastern kingdom and then headed southwest, many of the kingdoms fell within a few months, his army growing with each conquest.

Some time during these conquests King Faux and Maxwell met face to face. Stories from Black Knights and Royal Guards say a great battle between the two ensued, and after many hours, King Faux finally fell, only for his head to become a decoration on Maxwell's spear for the remainder of their campaign before Demera. Although these are stories

Following this Maxwell and his Black Knights set course for Demera, for reasons only he and his Royal Guards know. Maxwell met little resistance in taking Demera as his soldiers were high in number, and he himself walked toward the Castle, killing many who stood in his path. The day of his arrival in Demera, he immediately made his way to the throne and sat on it. The following day he announced his new reign, claiming King Faux died in war, but that under Maxwell the peace would be maintained. The rest is a given. Through laws and oppression and segregation, the once peaceful Demera was made into Maxwell's plaything.

One more rumor swirling is how Maxwell is claimed to want/have a daughter although there have been no sightings of any courters, or a daughter entering/leaving the castle.

Appearance: Maxwell Amadeus
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Character Name:
Y’isvia Andr’marzes Mavxius
22 years
Character's Race:
Natural-Born Demon Spawn
Place of Birth:
Some nomadic tribe woman's tent, most likely in the East
Political Stance:
Neutral, though revolution leaning. Could take either side though.Occupation:
Rapier, dagger, pair of wands
Weapon Description:
- Silvertongue and Fang: A rapier & dagger pair. Not particularly special in appearance, but Marzes refers to them by name. Received as payment from a wealthy weapon smith for saving their child.
- Book and Wands: A spellbook and a pair of wooden wands. The spellbook has some horrible scribbles in it, and the wand is old and worn, with an equally worn holster that houses the two items. Stolen off a dead man.
Weapon Drawback:
- Book: Marzes cannot read, at least cannot read what is in the book. (But he also cannot read)
- Wands: The first of the wands seems to only be able to channel magic as a focus. The second is a limited use wand that fires rounds of magical darts, 7 uses per day, each use firing 3 darts.
- Demonic Visage: Marzes, as a demon, can change parts of their appearance for a time. This comes in various forms of his choosing: a change in eye color, a booming voice, a harmless warping of nearby flame, and the creation of a metaphysical sound (a tolling bell, a rumble of thunder, a cry of a raven, etc) are all things in the realm of magical capability. He mostly uses if for intimidation or for the dramatics.
Brief Description of Character:
Sarcastic, flirty, arrogant at times. However also sweet to children and the elderly, a lover of the fine arts and the art of mischief, and an avid hater of the rich. If they don't know you, there is a passing respecting; if they liked you, you are a trusted friend and together the pair are thick as thieves; if they hate you, watch yourself for the wrath fo the Hells is coming.

Marzes is the opposite of an open book when it comes to their past. They make sure to tell very little about their background, and anything they do reveal just creates a complex web of lies. To some he was a rotten lover, a thief, and a lout; to some he was a good samaritan, to some, a lesser king.

This is what I can tell you: Marzes was born to a nomadic clan of demon spawn somewhere in the East. For a time they lived there until some great tragedy occurred, forcing Marzes' exodus towards the West and Demera. They live on the road, as they did before, using whatever tricks they learned from years of urchin life in the slums of towns. Now they con their way around, using a mixture of false identities, rigged game sets, and forgery to earn themselves a living, with no exact purpose in life. That was until the new king took the throne and rumors of revolution spread across the kingdom...

User: frenchie.
User: Meraki
Character Name: Voile
Age: Twenty-three
Character's Race: Werewolf
Place of Birth: Forests of the East
Political Stance: Neutral
Occupation: Innkeeper and Pack Leader

Werewolf Physiology - Voile is a werewolf, a humanoid being with the ability to transform into a wolf, a transformation which is significantly influenced by the phases of the moon. Werewolves are often attributed strength, speed, reflexes, durability, stamina and senses far beyond those of wolves or men, and untransformed the same can also be said albeit in lesser amounts. Their instincts, while present in both forms, are especially strong while transformed, rendering them almost completely animalistic during this period.
Power Drawbacks:
Voile, as is with all of his kind, is vulnerable to silver. While it cannot outright kill them on its own, coming into contact with it causes them enormous amounts of pain. Any weapon made out of silver can do plenty of damage, however unlikely one is to be made considering the softness and malleability of the metal.

Brief/Lengthy Description of Character:
Cheerful, albeit a bit dense about human social standards, Voile does his best to impress others or make them happy, even at the cost of his own happiness or potentially his life. He's shown an interest in and has collected many a stories of the lives of various people, ranging from the humblest of bakers to even the most cunning of thieves that have stayed in his inn. He has a habit of saying the opposite of how he truly feels when praised or given a gift. However, despite his best efforts to hide it, his tail tends to wag energetically when happy. Though he acts tough, Voile is actually pretty sensitive and tears up very easily. His sense of direction is relatively poor, getting lost with ease and requiring the assistance of others to lead him back, though he's reluctant to admit it.

Conversations with Voile would reveal that he's a very caring and nurturing person who takes his jobs as both an innkeeper and pack leader very seriously. He's known to be silly and scatterbrained but is loved and respected by his pack because of his kind nature and open-heart. He makes sure that everyone within his establishment is comfortable and content with their service, though his methods in doing so may seem strange and unusual to anyone unfamiliar with werewolf dynamics.

However, despite his sweet personality, Voile has a shockingly cruel side to himself. A long time ago, when he and his tribe had still lived amongst the wildlife, he admitted to having eaten other races that have tried to harm his pack. He admitted that he liked killing people, and loved seeing blood flow from their dying bodies. Despite this, he is friendly towards other species as a whole, especially after he and his pack had migrated to Demera, and with the creation of their inn, nearly all traces of his cruelty had vanished. It wasn't until the new king's reign of terror that his bloodlust reared up once more, just itching to tear into the enemy, but for the sake of protecting his pack, maintains a fragile sort of neutrality.
User: Shaded
Character Name: Sylvester Brandt
Age: 27
Character's Race: Human/ Nymph Half Breed

Place of Birth: Inner Walls of Demera
Political Stance: For The King; however speaking of Sylvester it has a slim chance of always staying the same. He sways to whoever brings more profit to his business, there always has to be a reason or some kind of indulgent to attract his loyalty.
Occupation: Merchant

Weapons: Sword named Kragar, One half of a family dagger set (3/5).
Weapon Description:
• Kragar is a claymore blade, the sword itself is long and has seen many fights despite being made in a time of peace. Kragar has an obsidian toned blade, but with age it has dulled in the dark luster. There are engravings in the blade that wrap around the blade itself until stopping at the hilt. The symbols were in an old dialect and circulated within the time of the first king of Demera. The engravings are colored gold, flecks of bronze and other metals flaking up towards the hilt—the hilt itself is that of a snake head—the body coiled around the hilt making it appear more for show then practice which is disproved with the history of the blade.
•Three identical daggers apart of a set of five are in his grasp, each blade matches with the other. The blades are long and curved slightly towards the tip, it has exaggerated curves and edges along each blade that have the slender and narrow point that is accustomed to the usual blade type. The hilt is long and intricate, there is a leather encasing the hilt to go along with the snake like theme the Brandt name carried, the leather was placed in a scale like pattern. There is a golden themed edge at the very end of the hilt, the family crest the size of a thumb was placed onto the side of the gold cap.
•Water Control - Extremely minor case, his control of water stems from his heritage with his mother who was a water nymph, simply put a Nereid. He wasn’t born attached to any particular water space like his mother had been which limits his control and ability over the element. With the lack of control of the element there are only small things he can do, he can’t control large bodies of water, he seems to only be able to do party tricks with his ability.
•Quick Reflexes - This is not tied to his heritage, this was an ability he managed to obtain throughout his years of travel and selling his merchandise before settling down as the head of caravans, or he just developed this on his own. His reaction time can be considered daunting and fairly unmatchable to the common drunks and brutes. Dodging comes as easy as thinking does, like a sixth sense. Once he has his sights set on a target throwing a punch has to turn complex since he has a knack for slipping out of obvious attempts.
Power Drawbacks:
•Water Control - He may not have full control and even if he can make small amounts move, get him worked up and blow a fuse then he could have an accident occur with the water. His ability is limited with control but an outburst takes a serious toll, with each strained movement his ability builds up until he has an out burst. This can also be harmful for himself, his nymph half of him is practically in rejection to the human side of him. If he were to loose it he could make the nearby water heat up or crash and thrash like it might in a wave.

Brief/Lengthy Description of Character: Sylvester is the eldest son of five children to the Brandt family, it was a shock when he was brought to the Brandt home, his father bringing a baby home to a wife that didn’t birth him. Though not her child, his father’s wife raised Sylvester like he was her’s, not even questioning the child’s mother. She was unable to conceive, a witch having foretold her about the inability to have her own children. Even though it stung the woman to have known her husband could have been unfaithful she would not treat the child as anything but her own. Sylvester was raised right in the mind of a political stance, however the inability to have a child was no longer the case for Lady Brandt as she had two sons, she managed to keep Sylvester as her own nevertheless. Then, after having three boys, his father returned from another bout of travels with a young girl—his sister.

Sylvester was protective of his family, his little sister more than anyone. He felt wronged by his father, dragging them away from their real mother into Demera. He also felt that Lady Brandt was wronged, and grew to have a heavy distaste for his father. That’s why it was surprising when he took his father’s place as the head of the Brandt name. With the rising of King Maxwell and rebellions, Sylvester took control by unknown means at a young age. Many described him as cunning, two faced. He was only in it for money, the moment he took the lime light he no longer was generous but was a sly fox. Sylvester backs everyone and thing, well if it has a profitable future then he will. He took over his father’s finance and business. His take over was shrouded with mystery, the sons of the family seemingly vanished so no one could challenge Sylvester as he was born out of wedlock, without a heir he took over the merchant business.

It was startling how cold and chilling he was, sentiments gone but just a mask and facade of what people want to see and hear remained. He could market and haggle, talk his way through things with a silver tongue. He is a people’s person, adept socially. However those few people who catch onto his trails will notice he isn’t as honest as he seems to be. He’s a snake, just like the family crest. His motto is blood is thicker than water, and it seems so since he hardly has any knowledge of his water nymph side, he resides with people in which he has endless experiences with. Everything he does has a purpose, always read between the lines with him—he gives a child an apple, ask why that child? He sees everything as profitable with a nudge, a businessman at heart. So, he caters to both, as a merchant he is valued with his reach in money and supplies, for now he resides along the current king’s reign, after all he does bring in some coin. It wouldn’t be uncommon for him to slip a few shipments to a rebellion though should it interest him enough.
User: Shaded
Character Name: Silvia Brandt
Age: 22
Character’s Race: Human Nymph Half Breed

Place of Birth: East of Demera, a small grotto in which a village as small as can be resided outside of the Demera grasps.
Political Stance: For the Revolution
Occupation: Freelance Herbalist

Weapons: A single dagger she named Frazier, it is from a set (1/5).
Weapons Description:
•The blade is long and curved slightly towards the tip, it has exaggerated curves and edges along each it has the slender and narrow point that is accustomed to the usual blade type. The hilt is long and intricate, there is a leather encasing the hilt to go along with the snake like theme the Brandt name carried, the leather was placed in a scale like pattern. There is a golden themed edge at the very end of the hilt, the family crest the size of a thumb was placed onto the side of the gold cap. There is a cloth tied at the hilt, it’s a grey cloth piece stained brownish red near the end.
•Water Control - Unlike her elder sibling, Silvia has complete control over this ability to the point when she uses it she has perfected the elegance behind it. The larger the amount of water the more her body has to move in order to control its movements. The ability stems from having a more in tune connection to the nymph side of her heritage. She can’t summon water but only help the movement of already existing water.
•Minor Healing - Learning from a witch, Silvia is able to heal wounds that can not be fixed by herbs. This form of white magic is not able to heal fatal wounds, that is something akin to a miracle. She can heal deep cuts or relieve pain from wounds for a period of time. For this to work she has to use and put her own energy into the wound, the best way for her to do so is to have water and back pack off of that ability to heal.
•Increase of Potency - Another trick, she is able to increase the potency of plants and herbs she uses for poultices or remedies. That is the main use she has, but for a more aggressive note she can also raise the potency of not only herbs but poisons made of plant based origins. She refuses to do that though, so remedies are all she uses.
Power Drawbacks:
•Water Control - If she were to try and control huge amounts of water at once it could turn dangerous. She does not loose control but rather if she tried to control too much it could wound her internally because of her human side not being able to handle such a feat.
•Minor Healing - It is only deemed minor healing because if she were to heal a fatal wound, she could end up dying herself. To heal a wound she must transfer enough energy to make up for that wound. If she were to try and use this ability on a fatal wound she would be sacrifice transferring that wound to herself inward. The wound would not just appear on her, but instead her body would recoil and live through the pain the person would have felt as well as her body taking on the risk of dying instead of the one she healed.

Brief/Lengthy Description of Character: Born in a hidden grotto away from man, Silvia was raised by a female nymph. The first few years were different from her brother, she lived with their mother. This seemed to be the difference between her and Sylvester, Silvia happened to be raised in full acceptance of her nymph heritage with little regard of her human one. Then a man showed up, long brown hair and blue eyes, he arrived and visited often after that. He announced himself as her father, and her mother was obviously smitten with the man. Time passed, and a little brother was born, Reed, the small baby was young and easily excitable. The man came for his visits again, and when she finally called him father, he asked how she would feel coming to see her older brothers. She didn’t have much choice, while on a walk with him there was a group of men that happened to say they supported a man named Maxwell—that killed her nymph mother. Her baby brother was lost.

Silvia was then on raised by her father and a woman named Lady Brandt. She was welcomed and taught the ways of the lady, something she didn’t like. Silvia prided herself as being hands on and learning, she was encouraged by the family. Silvia grew especially close with Sylvester and Constantine, both being something considered her brothers no matter what, Alistar wasn’t so accepting. She was accepted but her second eldest brother was not so appreciative of her getting attention from Lady Brandt. In the end, the time for Sylvester to rise to power of the merchant business would occur soon. A family feud would ensue and Silvia happened to know both sides of it. Sylvester and Alistar was at each others throat for a long time over their father’s replacement. One thing lead to another, in the end Sylvester was the last living son in Demera of the Brandt lineage. It was covered up, what had happened. A family vow was made between the three—Sylvester, Constantine, and Silvia. They wouldn’t say a word of what happened, but Silvia couldn’t stand to be in the same house that Alistar once occupied. She ran. Constantine had left to pursue a career in another kingdom, and she ran from Sylvester.

Time away from the richer half of her life, she noticed the poor treatment and cruel happenings to the people. She grew to despise the current king, though through her ignorance she never heard his name until she left her family. The name of the man whose supporters killed an innocent nymph and babe in a grotto. She wanted to believe he wasn’t behind it, but she couldn’t accept that the cruel things that went on in the city was something he was oblivious to. She is naive, believing there is good in everyone, but she isn’t foolish enough to just accept the wrong doings. She learned from a witch how to heal with herbs and magic, refusing to let her efforts be wasted her primary goal was to help where she could. The revolution against the king would be something she wanted to help with. She’d heal the enemies of the king, so that he could suffer justice.

User: Freshet
Character Name: Karl Von Hahnenhorn
Age: 36
Character's Race: Human
Place of Birth: Northern (to Demera) Mountain Pastural Lands of the Von Hahnenhorn Family
Political Stance: For the Revolution - This "so-called King" has royally screwed with the normal flow of trade and must be destroyed to secure the profit margins.
Occupation: Bandit Warlord (though he refers to it as a Free-Company), Ex-Noble Yeoman

Brigand/Barbarian Forces - (Known as either the Iron Spine Company or Von Hahenhorn's Raiders [depending on who you ask])
The Barb of Siedhulth the Insatiable (or as Karl calls it) "Good Pointy"
Three Axes consisting of a Felling Axe, a Hatchet and a Battle Axe

Weapon Description:
Brigand/Barbarian Forces - His barbarians and brigands (enough to maintain the rule of a mountain range passage, the pastures above and the valleys below to secure safe passage for merchants) are not skilled individually, but with enough numbers do fine in combat - though Karl typically uses them for keeping safe passage through his territory, collecting protection money, scouting and raiding to spread a message and damage when necessary. Though there are times when they are needed for the conquest.

Good Pointy - Some recount the legends that this weapon was forged from a long deceased beast, the creature known as Siedhulth, which roamed the lost vaults hidden far under the depths of the mountains. Others simply contend it is a simply well forged spear. But for what everyone knows it is a long-spear, eight feet long, with an iron spike with a dark wood base with a rather glossy and well maintained finish. This spear illuminates, when it is shaken, with a bright white light and will absorb all magical spell-casting within the vicinity and dissipates it harmlessly. And if thrown the spear will naturally return to Karl.

Axes - They are normal axes with a metal blade designed for their purposes of chopping thinner wood, for cutting trees and for battle.

Weapon Drawback: (circumstantial)
Brigand/Barbarian Forces - These men, and some women, are what you would expect from brigands and barbarians in that they are naturally unpleasant and rowdy individuals. They are not particularly skilled individually and Karl is fairly emotionally attached to his men so harming them will drive him into a rage where he will be focused on saving his men and absolutely punishing those who endangered them. It is also generally hard to mobilize large amounts of bandits and barbarian away from their main encampment due to the resource train and high visibility of such an action.

Good Pointy - Karl says the spear talks to him about killing the interlopers whenever it hasn't caused a target to die recently. Beyond that the effects of shaking his spear also dissipates magical boons which could've been intended for him.

Warlord of the Mountains - While it is not a power in the sense of magic as many tend to view it, Karl has the Von Hahnenhorn name and legacy as well as his legacy as the Warlord of Bandits. Those who are familiar with him tend to treat him with the appropriate fear and respect and are willing to help him in any way they can. He has the resources to pay, feed and arm his men and a small bit of disposable income as a discretionary fund that is not associated with the business.

Power Drawbacks:
Warlord of the Mountains - Conversely this also means he has his fair share of enemies who will treat him with the appropriate hate and disrespect and are willing to harm him in any way they can.

Brief/Lengthy Description of Character:
To understand Karl Von Hahnenhorn one must understand what he had come from. The Von Hahnenhorns were a noble family which ruled over fertile lands to the north of Demera and had many yeomen to collect the bounty and the Von Hahnenhorns took great care to protect those who served underneath as was the noble’s responsibility. Karl was only tangently related to the line ancestral line of succession, as he was a cousin to the proper heir, and did not rule in the mainlands but rather the valleys closer to the mountains. As such he was taught the ways of the wilderness, agriculture and governance by his father and other family members.

Of course Demera, and the lands around it, was treacherous place and the rise of a new king marching into Demera and conquering many villages caused havoc and destroyed much of the ancestral holdings of the Von Hahnenhorns. Fortunately, at least in comparison to the main branch of the family, due to Karl being at the edges of his family's homeland he did not suffer as much but witnessed the majority of his family, land, crops and cattle get destroyed. Though he managed to keep a good sum of money from his family's coffers, some heirlooms of the family, and a selection of retained servants.

Karl decided to march further into the mountains boardering the valley his family once ruled in order to find a safe haven to live. Of course individuals already lived in these mountains. Sure they were barbarians but they weren't too keen on this nobleman laying claim to lands they held. As such they were at an impasse and Karl fought the barbarian tribe, alongside his servants, and defeated them with a spectacular surrender as the shaman of the tribe was rendered helpless against Karl. Karl, now lacking servants, gave the barbarians a choice - serve or die. The barbarians chose to serve and this began to formation of Karl as a Warlord.

As an individual who cared of the importance of society and governance, as well as wishing to restore honor to his family, began to teach the barbarians the way of more organized crime and led them on many raids against ranchers and farmers to brutalize their lands if they did not pay for protection. He also made sure that no merchants and travelers would be harmed passing through their mountain ridge pass as long as they paid. Money was coming in at a rather large pace as Karl continued his business practices and obtaining more loyalty from other barbarians. With enough money in the coffers he began to hire out brigands to help bolster his forces, and now fully christened his men as the Iron Spine Company, both to pay homage to his spear and to the many natural spiky ridges of the mountains.

Things were looking good until merchants and travelers were not appearing as frequently. The ones who did come through were lacking goods and were often beaten. Karl, legitimately concerned for the individuals as well as his profit margins, inquired how this happened to them as he knows it was not done by them. They explained about the Mad King of Demera and the lawlessness that reigned in his wake.

This was essentially a declaration of war; Karl's livelihood was being impacted. He could not restore the Von Hahnenhorn name and keep his profits as high as he liked if this individual continued to reign. So Karl Von Hahnenhorn has set out to the City of Demera in order to dethrone this Mad King in order to return the world back to a lawfulness which benefits an organized crime.

User: EkoEkoAzarak
Character Name: Yeniceri, The Black Rose
Age: Unknown
Character's Race: Revenant (Human)
Place of Birth: Unknown
Political Stance: Loyalist
Occupation: Black Knight
Rank: Knight

Weapons: Unnamed Zweihander
Weapon Description: This intricately designed sword radiates a faint magical energy, hinting at the enchantment of durability placed on it.
Weapon Drawback: The size of the sword limits her options when fighting in small, enclosed spaces.

Gift of Unlife: Yeniceri has been gifted with an unnatural strength beyond what her frame would suggest, a limitless reserve of stamina, and immunity to diseases.

Power Drawbacks:
Curse of Unlife: Possibly as a side effect of that process that turned her, or just the death that preceded it, the memories of her life have been lost and even recent memories can fade in and out of her mind.

While she typically avoids the needless cruelty other Black Knights are eager to employ, she is still to be feared. She prefers to deal with dissidents swiftly and move on to show that they aren't worth a second thought. Despite this calm and collected image, she struggles with her memory problems as she sometimes even forgets the name she uses for herself. One thing that remains consistent however, is her fondness for children.

The tale of Yeniceri started when an unfortunate grave robber discovered a forgotten tomb hidden in the mountains that sit along the borders of Demera. Hoping to find ancient treasures, the intruder opened the sarcophagus in which Yeniceri was laid to rest and sealed his fate. Yeniceri awoken in a fugue, but orders from a forgotten master remained in her head. The would-be grave robber was swiftly taken care of and then the next order resurfaced in her clouded mind. She retrieved her sword from her sarcophagus and wandered out into the night.

Days passed before she finally came across a small village being raided by outside forces. Without a thought, she charged the raiders and slaughtered them to the last man as they tried to rally themselves and fight back. Some of the villagers, eager to greet their savior, approached the woman and were cut down as she resumed the killing. A few lucky villagers managed to escape and soon after the first tale of The Black Rose was spoken. Eventually her mind returned to her as she stood vigil over the dead village, although memories that most would consider important were still missing. After the initial shock of what she did, she quickly accepted it and set out on the road once more.

During her travels she heard tales of the new king and his order of Black Knights and a thought came to her mind. She must have been one of his knights before she lost her memory, after all she was clad in black armor and people feared her. With a new goal, she made way to the city of Demera hoping to return to her order of fellow knights. Surprisingly, she was accepted with little issue due to her apparent loyalty and strength.

User: DrBones
Character Name: Grimmis Blackfinger
Age: 27
Character's Race: Human
Place of Birth: Inner City
Political Stance: Loyal to the King
Occupation: Alchemist

Weapons: Kizmus's Royal Potion Rig
Weapon Description: A complicated set of straps, holsters, pouches and mechanisms designed by Yorick Kizmus, one of King Amadeus's chief Royal Alchemists. In the rig is everything a member of the Royal Alchemist Corps could need to support their fellow Black Knights. Magical acids, truth serums, explosives, healing lotions, flash powder, poisons of all types, and more can be brewed up and stuffed into various containers, from sturdy glass vials to thin pouches designed to burst on impact.
Weapon Drawback: The Potion Rig only works as fast as its user. Under serious pressure, Grimmis isn't able to commit to the delicate and volatile process of brewing potions; without an oppportunity to make some breathing room or potions already brewed up beforehand, Grimmis is effectively unarmed.

Powers: Philosopher's Stone
Power Description: The process needed to create the Philosopher's Stone, a powerful artifact needed to conduct 'perfect' alchemy, had been discovered ages ago. However, actually creating it is nearly impossible for an Alchemist to manage. Through the use of horrible, dark magics, Grimmis has managed to create a flawed replica of a Philosopher's Stone. The Stone grants Grimmis near-perfect recollection of alchemical formulas and a healing factor. With time, he can recover from severe burns, broken bones, and even mangled limbs.
Power Drawbacks: To create his Stone, Grimmis had to remove and replace his heart with it. The outstanding magical output of the Stone has ruined Grimmis's body and mind, leaving him anemic, asthmatic, and neurotic. Grimmis has to rely on regularly consuming powerful alchemic amphetamines and healing potions to even keep up with the regular Black Knights training regimen, and rapidly tires out in a straight fight.

Brief/Lengthy Description of Character: Born in an unglamorous home in the inner quarter of the city, Grimmis Blacktooth was a child plagued by poor health. As King Maxwell's coup ran ragged through the city streets and a new order was established, Grimmis was among many enterprising youngsters to try and join with the Black Knights. Due to his poor endurance but quick mind, Grimmis was inducted into the knights' Alchemist Korps, where he was given a thorough education in the semi-magical art of brewing potions, poisons, and other substances. In a desperate bit to make up for his own weakness, Grimmis devoted his own heart as a blood sacrifice to create his own Philosopher's Stone. The attempt succeeded horribly well, leaving him maimed but one of the most effective Alchemists of his generation. Since then, Grimmis has been surging through the ranks on a wave of both genuine accomplishment and cynical back-stabbing.


Rank: Knight
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User: Freshet
Character Name: 'Houndmaster' Tarzu
Age: 29
Character's Race: Halfling
Place of Birth: Exterior of City
Political Stance: Loyalist
Occupation: Black Knight, MASTER OF THE HOUNDS
Tarzu's Dogs

Weapon Description:
Tarzu's Dogs - Tarzu is a most dangerous, perhaps even unhinged, and brilliant breeder of dogs. Tarzu breeds many manner of canine for various purposes; ranging from large hellhounds, to bring down dissidents with their strength, herding dogs to concentrate prisoners and others into place, scent-hounds to track others to the farthest reaches, and so forth. Tarzu will always be with at least three dogs at a time.

Crossbow - It is a standard issue Crossbow, nothing more nothing less. But it does help in crippling runners for when his beasts are a bit tired and don't want to chase too far.

Weapon Drawback:
Tarzu's Dogs - While Tarzu is too prideful to admit any of his dogs have failings, his dogs are bred for particular purposes and are not of much use in circumstances that they were not bred for, such as a scent-hound not being able to fight well. Many of his creatures are unable to breed without assistance and require artificial means to produce more litters. Tarzu's beasts are slavishly loyal to Tarzu and only Tarzu and will not accept commands from other handlers, as well as violently hating other dogs that are not his, thus requiring Tarzu to be contacted if his beasts roam wildly without orders.

Halflings - The Halfling is a rather dexterous and agile creature which has better hearing and seeing at night.

Power Drawbacks:
Halfling - Halflings are not physically powerful, nor do they have much stamina.

Brief/Lengthy Description of Character: Back in the unenlightened reign of King Faux, society was fairly benevolent, inspirational and so on. However they denied the true genius of a particular diabolical Halfling. The research into truly despicable and evil creatures was not tolerated, for sound reasons, as it was viewed as a threat to the peace and sanctity of the land. Ergo, Tarzu was denied the chance to apply for grants despite his genius when it came to handling the beast that is the dog and was absolutely forbidden to research into the most destructive breeds of hellhound.

Wringing his hands and continuing his research in secrecy, Tarzu plotted on how he would show those in charge. Oh, how he would show them all. That thought regularly played in his head as he continued to breed superior and deadlier monstrosities that would obey him, and him alone, and bring havoc on those who opposed his research. Fortunately a new king came into power, a king who was far more accepting and even appreciative of unleashing h. Tarzu had purpose and quickly joined the organization of the Black Knights which he regularly used his routes and tasks to test his monsters.


Rank: Knight
User: Yeeters08
Character Name: Scarlett Delta , Red

Age: 21
Character's Race: Demon
Place of Birth: Mid-City
Political Stance: Publicly for Maxwell , secretly for Resistance
Occupation: Mercenary , Market Seller

Weapons: None
Weapon Description: None
Weapon Drawback: None

Powers: Void tentacles
She has tentacles that grow out of her back , similar to Slender Man’s arms. The tentacles are rather thick , and can turn into Spears and hands. She can also use those as a shield, or for defense

Power Drawbacks:
The more tentacles she uses , the weaker each tentacle gets. Putting all the energy into one tentacle could make it invincible.
The more tentacles she uses , the more draining it is for her.

Brief/Lengthy Description Character:
Scarlett was born in the midst of the city. Surrounded by the law , you would think she’d be intelligent, wise , and obedient, and she was. That was until the teenager age. As a teenager , she felt like the rules suppressed her , not letting her do the things she wanted, but she knew if she acted out , she would die. Scarlett started out as a thief, disguising herself at night. She didn’t cause too much trouble, she only did the small tasks. As she grew , her tasks did too , eventually becoming a young mercenary despite of her place. When she was ready , she eventually bought her own place , at the outer mid city parts. Her father didn’t allow her to go too far. Nevertheless her work is very secretive, only going on missions not that often to not cause any suspicion. She also has to visit her father to cover up anything. She will put her family/cover up before her work.

Although she might seem intimidating , born in mid city , she isn’t that serious about everything . She is really a bubbly person , but when it comes to work , she knows what she’s doing.

Appearance: D8C492E7-CEE4-4257-8837-E59B98756085.jpeg

Character Name:


Character's Race:

Place of Birth:
Saevel, a small village on the outskirts of Noorsgard where a group of people called “blood breeds” once lived.

Political Stance:
Dislikes the king and his laws, however is willing to work for him if it can help him complete his goal.


Silvyr has the power of a blood breed, which is a clan of elves that has the power to manipulate their blood. He normally uses this power to make weapons out of his blood such as knives and swords, and he picks locks with it very often, but he can use it for many other things as well.

Power Drawbacks:
Silvyr can only use his powers for a certain amount of time. If his blood is out of his body for too long, it begins to melt into regular blood which cannot return to his body. Also, if he uses too much blood to make something (even if it hasn’t been that much time), he will begin to feel lightheaded and pass out, or even die because of lack of blood. Finally, his blood has to be connected to his body somehow, even if from a miniature string of blood, so he usually has to use physical combat to fight. This is a problem because while Silvyr is very fast and pretty strong, he is not very durable, and can get taken out very easily.

Silvyr was born to two loving parents in Saevel, a peaceful and small village that resided just outside of Noorsgard. He had an identical twin brother named Coppyr who was very different to him. While Silvyr was loud, mischievous, and fearless, Coppyr was more quiet, passive, and was scared of many things. Even with these differences, they were the best of friends, and did everything with each other. Their childhood was a very happy one: Coppyr would stop Silvyr from doing anything brash, while Silvyr would protect Coppyr from any harm, and that made their dynamic with each other perfect. Life was great.

However, that changed when a large group of incredibly powerful bandits heard about the special blood that the clan had. It was rumored that if a clan member died, their blood could be harvested and many tools could be made out of it, which were said to be indestructible and powerful. The blood breeds were very closed off from the rest of the world, so nobody had been able to confirm this. The bandits believed it, though. And so, they struck in the night, setting fire to the ruler of the village’s house as a sign of war. The blood breeds were a very peaceful clan. They didn’t teach fighting because they didn’t have any within the clan. So when skilled bandits with many powers and weapons appeared, nobody stood a chance, and because they didn’t belong to any kingdom, there was no large government to avenge them. It was a massacre. Silvyr’s parents didn’t even get the chance to run before they were crushed by a man with superstrength who threw a huge boulder at them. Silvyr and Coppyr were almost able to get away together. They sprinted as fast as they could together, Silvyr supporting Coppyr as much as possible. But, when they had almost escaped the terror, a mysterious man in a cloak appeared, and didn’t hesitate to murder Coppyr by chopping him right in half. For some strange reason, he disappeared straight after that, leaving Silvyr alive and wallowing in sorrow for his dead brother.

After hiding out with Coppyr’s body in a cave for a while, Silvyr realized that the sounds of fighting had stopped (He couldn’t hear anything over his own crying for a very long time.) Slowly, with the two halves of his brother on his back, he limped back to his former village. There were no survivors but him.

Following the deaths of everyone he knew, Silvyr spent many weeks mourning, barely eating enough to get him through the night. But, soon his sadness turned into determination. There was no way Coppyr’s life could end here. So, Silvyr promised himself that somehow, someway, he would find a way to revive Coppyr, even if he had to trade his life.

And so, Silvyr resolved himself to train his strength so that he would be able to one day face the bandits that sent his life spiraling downward so quickly. His plan was to trek through the large area between Demetra and his village which was filled with feral beasts and monsters as a way to make himself stronger, rather than taking refuge in Noorsgard. He also decided that he would close off his heart to everyone, making sure that he didn’t get too close to anyone until Coppyr was revived, so if he lost them like he did Coppyr and his family, he wouldn’t have to suffer.

Silvyr spent three years migrating through the forest (ages 12 - 15). He let his hatred and willpower fuel him, he taught himself how to make weapons and strategically use the blood power he was blessed with. During this time, Silvyr refused to mature, remaining with the personality of a 12 year old rather than beginning to grow up, thinking that if he changed it would be too much for Coppyr when he was revived. Silvyr didn’t allow himself to think of the idea that Coppyr might not be able to even be revived in the first place.

Finally, after Silvyr reached Demera, he made a life for himself in the poor villages, using his now impressive sneaking and hiding skills to steal food and water, along with information about ways he may be able to revive Coppyr.

Silvyr can come off in two ways: A funny little dude, or a complete brat. Some people find Silvyr to be endearing. He always has a smile on his face, and seems to be able to find a witty reply to just about anything. He dishes out insults while looking perfectly innocent. Just being around him can motivate people to stop being so unhappy and start having a little fun. He knows exactly how to distract people from their problems, even if it’s a bit forcefully, and even if he says something that would sound awfully negative in a regular tone, he always manages to make a sad statement sound lighthearted. At least, that’s what he looks like to some people.

To others, he is annoying. He can smile and make jokes at times when it’s completely inappropriate to be doing that, and he is honestly a very rude and insensitive person. He might as well not know what personal space is because even when someone wants to be alone he won’t leave. He disturbs people by talking too much, and never takes anything seriously. A lot of people find him sadistic, seeing as he takes a lot of pleasure in fighting, and always seems to find a way to spark up an argument.

Many of these traits sprouted up from him being unable to leave his past self behind, and instead becoming even more of a little shit than he was as a child. Silvyr will do anything for the ones he loves, which is why he has become so afraid of loving people, and instead unconsciously makes himself extra annoying so that people won’t even attempt to become close to him. The boy is very kindhearted under this demeanor, but it takes a long time to get to that part of him.



User: Freshet
Character Name: Brydi aka Birdy
Age: 11
Character's Race: High Elf
Place of Birth: Inside Demera City (As far as she knows)
Political Stance: None – Do you seriously, in your heart of hearts, for a little kid to have an substantial view of politics?
Occupation: Oddjobs - Shoe-shining, sweeping, handing out fliers amongst other child labor
Weapons: Who in their right mind would give a young child a weapon?
Weapon Description: n/a
Weapon Drawback: n/a

High Elf Child - The High Elf is a species of Elf which are resistant towards spells and possess quick reflexes and a natural inclination towards gracefulness...
Encouragement - By provenance it appears that when Brydi touches an individual and speaks to them she can slightly boost morale and increase their capacity to do a single task.

Power Drawbacks:
High Elf Child - ... However Brydi is a child and hasn’t fully grown into a more proper Elfy Elf.
Encouragement - Besides requiring touch and incantation it needs the individual to believe in their heart of hearts this can work.

Brief/Lengthy Description of Character: Left, wrapped in satin in a wicker basket, on a doorstep inside the city of Demera was a baby elf girl. Fortunately she was left on the door step of a kindly, but a tad old, toy-maker who took in the child. Naming her Brydi this adoptive father instilled her with the virtue of hard work, honesty and kindness while treating her to as many resources as he could. Here was a home that fostered creativity, ingenuity and general decency. However her caretaker is on in years and has begun to succumb to the frailty of age. Using the lessons her adoptive father has taught her, she is working to collect money to take care of her father alongside hopefully inspiring this mean kingdom to not be as mean.

User: tiffasaurus
Character Name: Margot Hoffnel
Age: 24
Character's Race: Nymph
Place of Birth: Exterior of the city
Political Stance: For the revolution
Occupation: Farmer and medic

Weapons: Iron dagger
Weapon Description: Margot's dagger is nothing to marvel at for it is a tiny, straight to the point, thing she keeps strapped to her upper right arm for easy access in case she needs a quick get away from a scary situation.
Weapon Drawback: Due to the dagger's age it is rusted in spots and has to be sharpened practically after every use.

Powers: Plant Control - When Margot was young her family noticed that fruits and vegetables grown in their garden were ready to be harvested practically weeks sooner than other's. After some pondering over what might be the cause of this her parents encouraged her to explore her abilities. After months of trying to grow things of her own will, the young nymph successfully raised a single daisy from seed to full bloom within five minutes at the age of eight years old, and ever since then she has practiced with this gift more and more. Margot is still fairly youthful which means her power isn't at its full potential yet, but she can manipulate plants to do what she pleases fairly easily.
Power Drawbacks: Although the effort has become lessened over time, controlling plants is still mentally and physically taxing. Therefore she can only control very large plants or groups of plants for a brief amount of time, she cannot use her powers if very undernourished, severely dehydrated, or wounded (I.E. stabbed). Not only that, but she cannot simply will a plant into existence.

Brief/Lengthy Description of Character: Margot's family tree is full of nymphs that lived in poverty because, despite their abilities, they refused to use their powers for self advancement. They always said it's better to live a modest life than to show off for a living. With exceptionally loving parents, a good community, and enough of the essentials to get by, Margot lived in her own little paradise. The young nymph was constantly looking to explore and strengthen her powers as well as gain knowledge about the world around her. Because of this her father began teaching her in the ways of healing the sick and wounded. None of the immediate family had healing powers, but they did know how to stitch wounds, make a concoction that would aid someone in getting over a cold, and more. Unfortunately, the gal's slice of heaven didn't last forever. Just months after Margot turned 15 the King's guards evicted her father on suspicion of using powers outside the home. He was executed the next day and this was where her hate for their ruler began. Her grief stricken mother tried to explain why the laws are in place and justify them, but a rage built up in the pit of Margot's stomach. What was the point in living if you could get killed just for breathing wrong? Ever since then she's practically prayed for a tyrant to come along and overthrow their unfair king. To this day Margot has never acted out nor said a thing, but, if the opportunity arose, she would join any rebellion.

Appearance: Very short and dainty with wavy brown hair that falls to her knees when it's not tied up in a bun. Her soft green eyes are accentuated by her skin that always appears to be white no matter how many hours she spends in the sun. Her outfit of choice is a simple tan dress that hangs off the shoulders and has large sleeves.

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