• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Cities Never Sleep


jane müller

♫/boys on the radio - hole/♫




jane's house in foxglove




stella dear.szmm dear.szmm

“see. this… this is why we’re friends.” jane remarked, looking over her shoulder to flash a smile at her friend sprawled over the couch before returning attention to the mirror, “i wouldn’t mind be taken…alien world’s gotta be a little better than earth right? i mean if they have the means to get here they’ve gotta have their shit together.”

stella would be the one friend to entertain her antics in full and truthfully, jane appreciated every bit of it. maybe she wouldn’t mind living with her forever. was this what a best friend was really like? years of moving around from country to country left paltry an opportunity for developed friendships. however, these two and a half years of friendship with stell somehow made it through. it was worth acknowledging. and in their near two months of living together, it was surprisingly easy. she pondered on it, trying to contain a homely smile behind her concentration–applying the last bits of the shadows and lines to her satisfaction.

“i guess i can wear this right? this will be fine?”

jane turned around once more, her eyes scanning her friends’ outfit consisting of stell’s signature high-waisted jeans and a crop tee. she giggled, but didn’t entirely mean to. “you’re so cute.” she gushed. stell would know how she meant it. jane with her randomized choice of dress standing next to stella’s simple and purely vintage-inspired looks always made her smile. being introduced to a closet like janes was a formidable opponent of it’s own and jane always wondered if stella thought of her as crazy for some of the things she owned. she appreciated stella’s casual air to her. throwing on a pair of jeans and a tee was easy for her–comfortable, while for jane it was almost constricting. a part of her wanted to throw any and everything on her blonde friend that came to mind–which was a lot. she loved to mentally style people in her vicinity, but she knew stell would come around to it if she wanted to. the pieces would always be there anyway.

“--hoooowever…you might be.. sweaty.” she interjected, “im wearing shorts ‘coz.. i feel like there’s just gonna be so many bodies ya kno–kinda gross.. but hey were raving tonight.”

but at that moment her thoughts overtook the best of her and her eyes narrowed in on some pieces draped over the end of the couch. she grabbed them and put them up for her friend to see. “like–like–what if you wore something a lil… shorter? oh oh and these combat boots to tie it together?? KILLER!!!”--her rambling and enthusiasm rather front and center, trying not to be too overbearing but clearly failing.


“cute right? i mean.. its up to youuUuu..” she ended in sing-song tone, tossing the skirt at her friend then spinning around to lace up her boots. just maybeee… maybe she’d like it. secretly jane hoped she would. it was hard to convince stella of how pretty she was--how jane saw her. it felt like talking to a brick wall in the most endearing of ways. jane would never stop trying to show her affection anyhow.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


  • Cave-Rave



    These days, knowing more makes you more miserable.


9 minutes ago

nine lives

MOOD: Happy, excited


LOCATION: Jolexei apartment


Josephine tamarapasek tamarapasek

Alexei Milyukov
Chin up and we'll drown a little slower
Alexei could feel Josephine's eyes on him, though he hadn't heard her make a sound. Nor was he picking up the obvious yet, that something was clearly amiss. Glancing away from the screen to meet her gaze, he tightened his loose grip on her. Pretending to merely cuddle her closer, until he suddenly unleashed a playful attack of kisses on her face. "Mmm, yummy," He teased, nuzzling and nipping at her smooth neck with a series of gentle nibbles until she finally giggled, which was his aim.

"Ready? We have to learn this whole dance number. Tonight," Alexei joked, throwing a nod at the screen as the couple turned their attention back to Dirty Dancing. Taking a moment to readjust the throw blanket Josephine was snuggled up in, to make sure her bare legs and feet were still cacooned in warmth. Since he'd gotten involved with Jo, life was now full of cute dates, morning trysts in the shower, cozy movie nights--Alexei certainly wasn't complaining. Her presence was intoxicating to him; every good feeling amplified by a million whenever he was with her. She made him ridiculously happy. On nights like these, it felt like he was full of Christmas lights, his heart encased in the warmest, most peaceful glow. Yeah, you could say Alexei was falling hard for Josephine Kingston.

"Babe?" The timid squeak of Josephine's voice brought his gaze back to her crystal blue depths, so soft it was nearly drowned out by the tv sounds of Mickey & Sylvia crooning over the best way to call your loverboy, and what to do if he still doesn't answer. "Hmm?" Alexei watched her with an adoring smile, awaiting more, but she seemed to hesitate on answering. Not that it was unusual for them to abandon their attention on a movie halfway through to fool around instead, although Josephine usually wasn't so shy about letting him know.

"I simply say babyyy.." Alexei filled the quiet by singing along as Baby crawled across the floor onscreen and lip-synced the song seductively to an eager Johnny. "My sweet baaabyyyyy, you're..the..." his singing trailed off, unable to resist slowly falling forward, as if his lips were magnetically drawn to hers. As he kissed her deeply, an amorous sigh escaped his throat like a soft growl; an involuntary purr he himself was oblivious to, but a reliable cue nonetheless to signal how much he desired her. The young man shifted position to subtly climb on top of her, already slipping a hand under her t-shirt to let his fingertips wander over her velvety soft skin. Though he quickly stopped to check in once he realized Jo had ceased kissing back, and instead spoke up once again. "Babe?"

"What's wrong?" He asked gently, poking his lower lip out to mimic her pensive pout and nuzzling his nose against hers. To his dismay, Jo's only response was to crawl out from under him, completely disentangling herself from his arms to perch on the other end of the sofa. Alexei had to stop himself from immediately pulling her back, woefully resigned to letting her have the space she clearly needed. "What's the matter?" He repeated in a more panicked tone, voice raised a couple octaves to a distraught croak. By the way Jo stammered, unable to get her words out, it was obvious something was very wrong.

Alexei barely heard what came next, too busy bracing himself for the inevitable breakup speech. Maybe she'd had a change of heart and decided they were moving too fast. He'd only professed his love after dating a mere handful of weeks. And Josephine was so young with endless other possibilities in her life besides getting tied down so seriously with a man she'd only known a month. It made sense. So when she finally blurted it out, it took the mystified fellow some time to comprehend what she was actually saying.

"You're... pregnant??" Alexei sat up, eyeing his partner incredulously. Hugging her knees, the brunette only nodded, though he already knew it was true by the way she avoided his gaze. "Princess, you're--I can't--what--" Now it was his turn to stammer, and quickly gave up on trying to string together a coherent sentence. Ienstead going the nonverbal route by pulling Jo into his lap to wrap his arms around her in the most loving embrace, chuckling as he sprinkled her face with kisses.

Alexei knew this was the time be a grown-up and fully consider the weight of this news and how it'd affect their lives in momumental ways, not to mention a whole other person who didn't even exist yet. But he couldn't force himself to feel anything besides elation. Sure, Alexei tended to look at most things through the bright, sunny lens of optimism, but fatherhood was always something he knew he'd strive for someday. He never really went around telling anyone, but it was a seed that was planted since childhood, wondering if he could be a better dad than his own was to him and his brothers. When Katinka was born, he loved doting on his little niece, really only solidifying the notion that a child of his own was something he really wanted. And the thought of raising a family with Josephine, the woman that had him so hopelessly enamored? He couldn't think of a better scenario.

"We're gonna have a..." He trailed off, lovingly rubbing her belly to get his point across, as if a baby between them was too precious a notion to actually speak aloud yet. "I mean...is that what you want?" Alexei asked, brow furrowed in thought once he stopped to reckon with the glaring reality of her circumstances; pregnant in an extremely new relationship with a man who wasn't being completely honest about who he was--all at the tender age of 18, and what a significant life decision for someone so young to grapple with.
code by valen t.

joshua jones

  • .

Oh. Relationships.

If only it was that easy. The life of a Jehovah's Witness wasn’t all glamour, I suppose. The yearning to be accepted and loved by another was just as hard thanks to all of their rules. As much as Joshua wanted to tell the older woman that she could love whomever she wanted, regardless of their race, gender, religion, height, hair colour - anything - it wasn’t so. In the word of Jehovah, only man and woman should lie together and be of the same faith. Which, once again, was just one of the many things that had always bothered Joshua. So much restraint on who they were allowed to be. You’d think that Jehovah had made everyone so different to create a vibrant, engaging world. If we were all the same, then wouldn’t life be boring? Like it takes a many hands to make light work, would it not take many personalities and individuals to make a perfect world?

So, with relationships, you are completely free to date someone of the opposite gender from outside the faith.” Mary began to explain. Joshua’s ears picked up, eager to hear what his sister had to say in the manner. “However, if you are in a relationship and live together, Jehovah states to marry as it’s not right for man and woman to live together without the bond of marriage. And then if you’re married, and your husband isn’t a part of the faith, but you are, then… It’s a bit tricky. Because if you want to be baptised and fully emersed and introduced to the Kingdom Hall and faith, then your partner must be a Witness also. If he decides that he doesn’t want to join, and you still want to join, then the only option would be separation

The way Mary spoke so clearly and precise it was almost like she had reviewed it in her sleep. Joshua often wondered how his siblings had seen the world of dating. Had Mary spent many nights lying in bed repeating the scriptures and information in hopes of finding some sort of loophole, and being able to confess her strong feelings to the boys she adored? Or did Martha spend her Sundays looking around for suitable grooms within the Kingdom Hall? Had his brothers been raised with a mentality of keeping the family line and faith going, hence why they married women from within their faith? Or had they been so repressed of any relationship or sexual education like Joshua?

The Jones family were not allowed to be taught sexual education within the schooling system, so whenever it was on during classes, they were pulled out to do study hall instead. Even now, at the age of eighteen, any mention of penises or vaginas, the teacher of the class would have to excuse Joshua from class to continue on with their lesson. Not only was it damaging to his education, his understanding of safe sex and what was going on with his body, but also it was embarrassing as hell. Everyone just eyeballing him as he’s being asked to grab his items to proceed onto study hall while the class continues talking about any minor sexual construct or anatomy. All because his parents had filed multiple reports against the school, claiming that they had been trying to force their children into sexual education. Five teachers almost got fired from it. Now it was just easier to send the Jones children on their way and never fear the wrath of Mr and Mrs Jones ever again.

Mary began to rummage through her messenger bag, which was still strapped to her, hoping to pick out the appropriate flyer. “Here we go” she said with a triumphant grin on her face as she pulled out a flyer entitled The Watchtower: Jehovah and Dating. She outstretched her arm, extending the flyer to Eileen. “This will have further information. If you need any more flyers, this whole bag is full of them

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.
Praying to God that someday you'll be mine

Leah's gaze scoured the cave, only half nodding and offering grunts of answers to whatever Jenny said. Ordinarily Leah would've been eagerly egging her bestie on to have her first joint, but tonight was different.

Tonight, Deej had taken it upon himself to get butt wasted before the pre-game, and had begun coming onto her. Leah, being Leah had eagerly accepted his advances, and was now frantically searching for him as best she could, without making the complete dick move of leaving Jen to fend for herself at her first rave. She tried to steady her heart, reminding herself that a wasted hookup didn't mean DJ was going to commit to her. The fact that she still might get hurt by this pissed her off. She needed to keep her "cool girl" energy, and admitting that she wanted so much more from DJ and it hurt that she wasn't getting it? It went way beyond the lighthearted requests to date or marry she'd made before.

If she admitted just how badly she wanted to make things serious, and made a serious confession with no bs, it meant admitting that her pursuit before was not working out. It freaked her out truthfully, the idea that she'd wasted a decade on somebody who'd never ever want her the way she wanted him. Even more so, the fact that if she ever told him how she really felt, he might not even care, and she wouldn't be able to blame him because he'd told her as much. She'd lost the right to cry and demand more at this point, only resigned to repeatedly stating her intentions in the form of a joke.

So she limited her grievances to little bitches about how DJ was so stupid to not admit he likes her back. Leah had never ever been the type of girl to spiral or whine whenever something shitty happened to her. Why would she do that, when she could just pretend her shit didn't exist? It was like completely skipping the five stages of grief and fasttracking to the fun part of acceptance. There was no need to mourn DJ not loving her, if she just didn't think about it all that much and continued on her merry way.

If she were any other normal person who let shame determine how they act, she doubted she could've looked DJ in the eye at this point. But shame was quite frankly shitty to bear, and she enjoyed how impossible it was to grieve and feel pain in any way shape or form if she carried on with blithe confidence, as if nothing had ever gone wrong in her life.

And the best way to not feel stings of her past with DJ or angst about their relationship, was to focus on the now, and find him later for fun sexytimes. The now being Jen awkwardly trying to get Molly from a dealer, and instead being given weed. "It's not my first time, do I still get a discount?" She questioned, fishing money out of a drawstring bag, both for her and an extra ten dollars to cover her bestie's high.

"Jen, I'm paying." She insisted, before the redhead even had a chance to protest. She handed over the money to Teo, who passed both girls a joint. She grinned wickedly, glancing over at the dealer with a smirk. "Well? You promised a lesson right?". The blonde had gotten high before, yes but she was still somewhat amused that instead of being taught by a friend or something, Jen's innocence had convinced the dealer to not only not sell her molly, and give a discount on weed, but to alson take time out of his busy day hustling teens for cash and give a personal lesson. She honestly couldn't have been prouder of Jenelle.

code by valen t.








  • home (filler tab)



"I see."
Eileen paused to finish the last of her tea, setting the empty cup down on the old faded tablecloth. She appeared to be deep in thought, examining the chips in her new nail polish in silence. She always kept her nails meticulously painted and manicured; it made it far easier to conceal the dry blood that often collected under them. Despite the constraints that poverty and single motherhood placed on her, everything about her appearance was painstakingly deliberate. She considered it a virtue to take the time to make herself presentable to the public. That way, if unwanted attention was ever drawn onto her family, she would be assumed to be trustworthy.

This Jehovah's Witness deal, though... there were many things to consider. She certainly wasn't going to put all her eggs in one basket, so to speak, or make any promises about devoting her life to this faith. But as long as she could keep them convinced that she was just one epiphany away from being converted, they'd do anything she wanted, right? They'd keep sweetening the bargain, trying to secure her as a faithful parishioner, and she was happy to string them along as long as they were willing to do that.

There was no way she'd be giving up her long-running affair with John Park for this, though. In fact, she could already see ways to manipulate this to bring them even closer, then they'd quietly make their exits before the Witnesses could step in to break up their paramour. Who knew it was so easy to get a church to do her bidding? This plan was absolutely foolproof

"Well, I'd love to come with my family one day to see what it's all about. Perhaps this is just what we all need." She said finally, smiling warmly at Mary. The smile faded a bit by the time she turned to Josh, but she affectionately patted the boy's shoulder. Again, a calculated move. "Well, I'm sure you two have other doors to knock on, yes? I apologize if I've kept you too long. But, if you could just do one small favor for me before you leave this building..." She reached backwards to the nearby countertop, grabbed a small notepad, and scribbled down an apartment number in red pen. "Say hello to the Parks for me. I'm sure that my good neighbor John would love to learn more about your church as well."

♡coded by uxie♡

Therefore I Am

Billie Eilish

Matteo Wright

  • .

A list of contradictions: Matt was persuasive at speaking, good at getting people to do what he wanted. He had a magnetism, a draw, the shadowy English professor that smoked constantly and had a wry sarcastic wit. It drew people in, and then Matt played with them till they broke.

But he wasn’t a person that particularly enjoyed the presence of others, much less excitable children who were here to steal his food and his company and then leave.

That is to say, he was pointedly ignoring the ramblings of Oliver as he continued to grade papers – though, it did come to a relief that the little creature had finished banging his head against the wall. It was just a little bit of a nuisance, the noise and all that when he was trying to focus.

So he wasn’t really paying attention to where Oliver was going, just knowing that he was starting to putter about like a mouse skittering around for food. Not that he was going to find much, Matt had a habit of not keeping much in the fridge besides beer and coffee and cheese.

That was, until he noticed that the skittery little spawn had edged into his pantry. Perhaps the echo of an alarm rang in his head as he finally looked up from his work to watch as Oliver found a box of old passports, fake identities.

Listen. It wasn’t illegal, but Oliver finding and looking at them was illegal.

This was what you called a “national security breach” after all. There was a deep sigh from the long-suffering teacher as he stood, letting his footsteps be heard as he came closer to Oliver. Trying to give Oliver enough time to pretend like maybe he wasn’t looking at something that would most definitely get him into trouble.

Well, either way, this was going to be a big fucking hassle as he mustered the energy to find the glaring stare of a teacher having caught his student cheating.

“... Hello there.” A simple statement, though greetings from the ever melancholic Matteo were a certain rarity. Danger. “... What do you have there?”

A horrible smile spread across his face as he stopped slouching to loom over the student. “Getting into things, cucciolo?”

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood petrified

location Matt's place

outfit probably overheating

fun fact Only 1 out of every 1,000 sea turtles survives to adulthood.

tag qunqun qunqun

Oliver Dreyfuss

/* ------ right side ------ */

Within minutes, Oliver had a carefully arranged setup of the false passports, classifying them and lining them up to puzzle out which one was the real one. Had Mr. Wright even been to any of these countries, he wondered, or were these entirely forged? Why? Oliver had heard of some kids around his age having fake state IDs and driver’s licenses made to buy alcohol with, but why would someone need a box full of passports? The only explanation that came to mind was that he had to be on the run from multiple governments. Maybe he was an assassin, or a spy, or the civilian disguise of some wanted war criminal…

It had dawned on him that he was likely the only person in the world, other than Matteo Wright himself, who knew about the existence of these.

This couldn’t be all there was. Maybe there were dozens of boxes like this. The mystery hadn’t even begun to unfold, the high of having such a groundbreaking discovery in front of him was utterly intoxicating, and everything else in the world disappeared–
Until a shadow loomed over him.

“... Hello there.”

Oliver reacted as though he’d been hit with several hundred volts of electricity. He dropped everything in his hands and jumped back, nearly hitting the wall. The passports now lay scattered on the ground between the two of them.

In a blink of an eye, Oliver’s hand dove into his pocket.
There was a click. A flash of steel.

The idea that this feeble, shivering, undersized teenager was going to stab his English teacher to death in the man’s own apartment was absurd enough as it was. If he’d really meant to do it, he would’ve struck out before giving Matteo the chance to see what it was he had in his hand. Instead he seemed to be hoping that the threat would be enough and he wouldn’t have to escalate.

He stayed frozen, switchblade gripped tightly in his whitening fist, standing up on his toes in a naive attempt to make himself look taller; much like how a small snake flattens its scales or a frill-necked lizard flexes its collar. He had no protective shell, no venomous bite, and playing dead wouldn't help him here. He would've rather been any other creature at this moment than what he was. Humans had truly pathetic defense capabilities.

“I didn't see anything.” There was no air behind his words, and they seemed to get lost halfway up his throat and never fully emerge. His lungs felt punctured. Oliver was used to feeling threatened and endangered, used to pain and physical outbursts from others in his life, but never before had he been as scared as he was right now. This was the kind of thing that was only supposed to happen in fiction.

No amount of extra credit English work was going to undo whatever was about to happen now.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


The Rebel



Who am I?


Fucked if I know


With Alex


Kenzie was completely oblivious to the fact that Alex thought she had stolen his teeth, her minds, ears, eyes and very entity miles away on a completely different system, it was suddenly like everything made sense but also nothing made sense at the same time. She was enlightened and so greatly confused all at once and she genuinely felt like the mind blown emoji in this moment. Her head was well and truly blown. It was only now that she kinda of admitted to herself that maybe she had done too many, although maybe she hadn't done enough. If she had done more would she be able to see the matrix? with eyes squinted Kenzie looked around the clearing, trying to find the code that created the world, an invisible barrier, what if this wasn't actually real.

As she scanned the clearing Kenzie's eyes caught a bird in the tree, a blackbird looking down at her and for a split second she believed it was something else, a camera, her mind now indulging references to a movie she had watched earlier that week with her siblings, the Truman show, was she in the Truman Show, was she Truman in this regard? The Kenzie show did have ...... "Ohh butterfly" Kenzie's thoughts of cameras and secret shows vanished almost as quick as they had appeared as a butterfly flew into her vision, it was almost like it was in slow-motion, her eyes taking in the blurring oranges and browns of its wings as they fluttered by, nature surely was beautiful.

Hearing her name snapped Kenzie harshly back to reality and she turned to see Alex struggling to get out of the hole. How long had she been standing there? She moved forward to help him but before she could reach him, Alex had already pulled himself out. He grabbed her hand and the pair began to break into a run with giggles erupting from them both as they ran could probably be heard loudly around the clearing. "TO THE ALIENS!!!!!!!" Kenzie practically screamed raising her free hand into the air as though she was leading them into battle. The movement of raising her arm correlating with the motion of running led to a slight shift in her balance as she stumbled and almost fell but managed to catch herself before it was too late. She laughed as she steadied herself, the same innocent look still playing on her features mixing with the joy she was currently feeling.

Kenzie turned to Alex as she took in their surroundings. She didn't believe they were running for very long but the lack of clear vision she was currently experiencing was beginning to throw her off "Where are we?" she asked Alex her tone was still light and cheerful but the undertone of confusion was beginning to come through. Maybe they should have organised a trip sitter.

♡coded by uxie♡

Therefore I Am

Billie Eilish

Matteo Wright

  • .

The flash of silver brought energy back into the permanently lethargic Matt. A kind of wildness that blew away the dark circles under his eyes and the heavy fog that surrounded his everyday surroundings as his focus suddenly went to his entire surroundings. The exits. The attacker.

The attacker was speaking, but in a fluid movement, Matt was upon him, twisting his arm and bringing him down to the ground. A wrestler, a grappler. Not necessarily actually good at defending himself but against a small child? Easy.

A knee against the small of the boy’s back, his arm twisted into a lock as he pried the switchblade from Oliver’s hand.

“Okay. This was fun for while it lasted. But now you’ve gone and fucked it all up. So what you’re going to do is you’re going to walk out that door. You’re going to go home. You went for a long walk. Come up with something believable. Get creative. What you’re not going to do is say you found fake passports in my apartment. Or even came to my apartment. Do you understand?”

A pause. “Of course you do.”

No courtesy on whether or not Oliver had actually agreed to the thinly veiled threat that Matt had administered. Because if Oliver didn’t agree that would most likely mean jail for Matt and Oliver… Though for Oliver it’d probably be juvie. Would Oliver go to jail as well? He wasn’t certain, he didn’t want to find out.

He hauled Oliver up by the collar. “Out. And if I hear anything about this from anyone…”

Matt let the threat hang in the air. He wasn’t actually going to do anything. Probably get thrown in prison alongside Oliver. But still, it was probably better for Oliver to think that he could actually do anything. It would probably be a better motivator.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood panicked

location Matt's place

outfit probably overheating

fun fact Switchblades and other spring-activated knives are illegal in Washington state.

tag qunqun qunqun

Oliver Dreyfuss

/* ------ right side ------ */

"I didn't see anything--!" Oliver's words were cut short. He had no time to cry out before the oxygen was knocked out of him. Matteo caught Oliver’s arm and twisted him into a tight hold, wrestling the young teen face-down onto the ground, his ribcage pressing painfully against the hardwood floor while he thrashed back and forth, unsuccessfully trying to twist himself onto his back so he could try to break free.

The position alone seemed to trigger something in him. A pinpoint tunnel vision had set in such that despite the futility of fighting back, he was quickly expending all of his energy fighting a losing battle of trying to get away.
This was the second time today he’d been restrained like this. The fifth time this week. But it was the first time in his whole life that anyone other than his own mother had ever tackled him to the ground. And if the boy’s mother could so easily overpower him and pin him down, Matteo Wright could do so effortlessly.

Matt’s arm locked around Oliver’s elbow and forced the boy to release his grip on the blade handle, wrenching the knife out of his stiff fingers. He couldn’t look up to see where it went after that, whether Matt had pocketed it or tossed it to the side away from them, but he was disarmed.
Time seemed to crash to a halt as soon as he felt empty air pass over his palm. It was gone.

“Okay. This was fun for while it lasted.” Matteo’s words seemed to fade in and out of focus, muffled by the ringing in Oliver’s ears. “But now you’ve gone and fucked it all up. So what you’re going to do is you’re going to walk out that door. You’re going to go home. You went for a long walk. Come up with something believable. Get creative. What you’re not going to do is say you found fake passports in my apartment. Or even came to my apartment. Do you understand?”

Oliver didn’t respond. He was coughing, choking on shallow ragged gasps of air, still trying to get out of the restraint. This non-answer didn’t faze his English teacher.
“Of course you do.”

The young teen felt a hand tighten around the back of his neck that pulled him to his feet, leaving him to stagger trying find his balance again.
“Out. And if I hear anything about this from anyone…”

Matt never finished the end of that sentence, leaving Oliver unsure of what was meant to follow. His mind wasn’t able to fill in the blanks of the implied threat, but he knew enough to know that it wasn't something to tempt fate about.

He looked as though he were about to faint: chalk-white under his purplish bruises, clutching at his collarbone, wheezing. Matt hadn’t hurt him at all, but the bruises he’d brought with him from before made it appear as though he’d just now been battered . “Give it back.” He choked, hoarse and almost inaudibly quiet, but he sounded flatly serious. “Give me my knife back. I… I won’t leave u-until you…”

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.
Last edited:








  • home (filler tab)

Maximo Park

Apply Some Pressure

The street smelled like cigarettes and exhaust fumes. The low bass of music from the clubs and bars lining the sidewalk was palpable as the two of them left the tavern, starting the short walk through downtown to Reuben’s apartment.

Jodie quickly shrugged off her button-down, revealing, to Reuben’s quiet delight, her pale, slight shoulders and bare midriff. He smirked to himself. He knew what her game was – she could try being as subtle as she wanted, but he believed that sometimes he knew her better than she knew herself.

She tried to play it off casually. “Fuck, it’s still hot as balls out here. Global warming is a bitch.”

“Yeah,” Reuben laughed breathily, “Damn those greenhouse gases…”

He didn’t think it was that hot. Not that he minded her showing off a bit of skin. His eyes ran over the length of her body, from her dark head of hair, over the rise and fall of her chest as she took each step, to the white sneakers on her feet. Always the oh-so-casual Jodie.

They stood on the front step of his apartment building, Jodie chuckling as Reuben scrabbled in his pockets for the keys.

“You gonna do the honors? Or am I gonna have to kick this thing open?”

“You can try if you’d like, sweetheart,” he said, motioning to the heavy wooden door in front of them, “It would only be embarrassing for you, though.”

They took the elevator up to the seventh floor, finally arriving at his place. It was pretty understated from the outside; just a plain white door with the number 72 etched into a glossy plaque on the wall next to it, a simple brown matt at the foot of the door.

“Listen,” he said softly, leaning towards the door. From behind it, you could hear the quiet pat-pat-pat of Frankie running to the door, followed by a brief silence and a snff snff snff snrrrrrfggh as she stuck her snout to the half-inch gap between the floor and the bottom of the door.

Reuben smiled as he placed the keys in the lock. “She doesn’t do that for me. She must know you’re here.”

He pushed the door open and was immediately surpassed by Francesca bounding over to Jodie.

“Frankie! Frankie! Oh no – ‘m sorry,” he stuttered, hauling the dog off of Jodie. Francesca seemed to realise who Reuben was again, and excitedly span in circles at his feet.

“Yes – hello, hello – yes, hi, sweetheart – I’m home – yes, I’m home, calm down -” he coo’d sweetly between strokes and pats. It was true – he gave Francesca his dog more tenderness than almost any human.

When Frankie was finally settled and sat in her bed, Reuben began pulling his over-shirt off.

So,” he started, clapping his hands together, “what d’you wanna eat?”

He slid behind Jodie into the small kitchen, placing a light hand on the small of her back as he brushed passed her. It was subtle and gentle, not wanting Jodie to feel uncomfortable or insecure in his domain. He was giving her a gentle nudge back into the realm of physical touch. He hoped that wasn’t out of the question for the evening. He felt a certain vulnerability when he was with someone in his home; his space, his area. When you were a cop, you developed a thick, impenetrable layer that just sort of... kept others out. This, right now, was not keeping others out.

“Come look,” he said, prying open the fridge, the blue hue of the interior light reflecting off his face. “Could do carbonara, or tagliatelle and meatballs… we don’t have to have pasta, we could have bruschetta…”

Reuben tapped his fingers lightly as Jodie peered into the fridge, her hips bumping his as she stood in front, her back to his arm. How easily he could spin her round and pull her into him right there. But no – what if that wasn’t why she was here, this time? What if he had got ahead of himself, got it wrong? Rejection certainly wasn’t an adequate way to find out. He’d offered food, so she expected food. And so he would stand there, mind flicking between thoughts, resisting the temptation to reach out a hand, touch her bare arm, caress her skin – just waiting for an answer.

♡coded by uxie♡

abigail hargreaves

  • .

"I’ll be sure to ask you to leave a review of your time with me.” The man joked with Abigail, she laughed once more, if she could, then she genuinely would leave a review for him. Maybe that would be a good business idea, taking people to star gaze, showing them things that they may not have seen before.

"I would definitely leave you five stars, I can't lie." She gives him a joking wink as she stares at the sky again.

That was when he pointed out another constellation, patiently, Abby waited to hear what this one was, but the only information Graham had given her was that it looked like a dick. She rolled her eyes with a smile on her face, it really did look like one, there was no denying that.

Once more, Graham spoke up, wondering how many constellations the Greeks may have tried to find that looked the same as the one they were currently viewing. "I'm sure they looked for them constantly, weren't they obsessed with things like that?" Abigail began to inquire about his question about the Greeks.

She continued to look around at all the other constellations that were visible in the sky. There wasn't much light pollution where they were, thankfully, so you could see how many stars were actually in the sky. Her mind began to trail off to how many of these stars were probably dead, but she quickly adjusted her train of thought.

"There's another one right over there." Her hand reaches up towards the sky as she points out another cluster of stars in the same formation. There had to be at least a dozen in the sky that the two could see, but more interesting things were beginning to appear.

A star shoots across the sky, it disappeared almost as fast as it showed up, but Abigail was quick to spot it. "Make a wish!" She had gasped out to Graham, not wanting him to miss out on the opportunity to feel like a kid again. She closed her eyes tight and began to mentally wish that she could see her child once more.

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© weldherwings.

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood distraught over capri-suns

location waterfront - some busy intersection

outfit low budget party fit

fun fact Psilocin increases activity in the visual cortex, while decreasing the part of the brain responsible for your ego, or individual sense of self.

tag neverbackdown neverbackdown

Alex Cappelletti

/* ------ right side ------ */

"Where are we?" Kenzie still sounded like her cheery self, asking innocently where they had ended up in their alien-seeking adventure. In truth, they had only wandered a few yards away from the beach, not too far from the sea cave where they’d started their little trip. “Oh! We’re right next to the, uh…” Alex started confident and ended dumbstruck and disoriented, glancing around the landscape for something familiar. The trees seemed to bend and waver towards him, as if questioning why the two of them had wandered into their eldritch realm. “We’re the… trees. C’mon, this way.”

He hummed a nonsensical little tune to himself as he led Kenzie enthusiastically onward, both of them feeling that bewildering mix of wonder and unease settle over them. They staggered and wobbled their way through the tall grass and sandy soil until they found where the greenery met the road. “Hold my hand,” Alex instructed, as if talking to a small child. The lights from the passing cars formed blinding streaks of flashing neon color, and his one coherent thought was that it would be very easy for the two of them to be accidentally hit by a car if they separated.

Traffic made Alex nervous even when he wasn’t out of his mind on shrooms.
For good reason, too…

Halfway across the street, the rushing sound of passing vehicles started to sound like garbled human speech, then screaming, sirens, then his own voice… then it just sounded like cars again.
Nothing. Nothing to worry about. Just the mushrooms talking again. Kenzie didn't need to know that he was sweating.

He was pretty sure they’d made it across the street. Kenzie’s hand was still firmly gripped in his, the two of them dizzily swaying back and forth on the opposite sidewalk. “We’re almost to the… the fuckin, uh… do you wanna get some snacks at the gas station? I only brought…. SHIT!!!” A bombshell of a realization detonated over Alexander Cappelletti. He crumpled onto the sidewalk, hands raking through his honey-brown hair as he cried out in anguish. “I LEFT THE CAPRI-SUNS AT THE BEACH, AND– and like… my whole backpack, dude…”

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© weldherwings.
Last edited:

Let's Fall in Love


Graham Byrne

  • .

To be completely honest, Graham had been sweating a little bit. He’d realized that his stupid mouth had accidentally revealed what was bothering him so much, and he’d made about three different jokes in a hasty attempt to cover it all up

Consider Abigail deceived, what a win!

That is to say, the 25 year old managed to successfully fool an 18 year old and manipulate a conversation to steer her away from something that made him incredibly uncomfortable…


And then Abigail found a shooting star and told him to make a wish.

So he did.

He wished that Aoife somehow miraculously survived that cold winter week out in the wilderness and decided to live with some bears like the wild woman she was and then she would find her way back to civilization and call him and he could buy her a plane ticket to America and the twins would be reunited and everything would be okay again.

But some things were just never meant to be, no matter how many stars he wished on. And some dreams just wouldn’t come true. Perhaps something that he could’ve wished for instead was the mentality to just… stop hurting so much over it all.

But wouldn’t that be a bummer for this conversation?

“I wish that Nancy would peg me next time I go to her place.” Graham said. It was a lot easier to vocalize embarrassing little sex escapades than to admit what his real wishes were. “She’s one of the single moms that books me to garden for her and then afterwards she complains about the soccer moms that she is feuding with while we-”

Cut off as he saw another shooting star. “Oh, that one’s for you. What do you wish for?”

A grin. Nothing wrong here. No deep existential angst at the idea of death to be found.

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© weldherwings.



Auguste Cortes

  • .

Auguste stared at Ren as he tittered about, the shitty excuse of an act at being able to emulate human emotions accepted as flattery, the mild insult quickly brushed off with an incredible showing of ego. Truly the best at distracting the rather flighty Ren.

And then he was challenged to an arm wrestling match.

See, here’s the thing. He used to be rather scrawny and thin when you looked at him. He was all muscle, but that was the thing: he was all muscle. He wasn’t eating enough to support fat growth - or muscle growth for that matter. So as a result, it hadn’t started appearing on his body until he got out of the shitty environment that he grew up in.

That is to say, one of the scams he used to run back when he was in the gang involved him challenging people to arm wrestles, them accepting, and him fully taking all of their money.

Funnily enough, that stopped working once he grew into his muscle.

Until Ren foolishly decided to challenge him to a match. A glowy bangle against what sounded like everything he owned. Yeah, he spoke con artist, and mumbly nonsense. In fact, that’s what Auguste specialized in, thank you.

No, this was going to end badly. And perhaps a bit of a raising of the stakes was just what Ren needed to back the fuck off.

“That doesn’t sound like very much fun, no?” Auguste asked, tilting his head. “You would get no rush from these stakes, not very good. How about… If I win… I get…” And then he looked at Ren’s person. Found it. “I get your rings on your right hand. And if you win… you get everything I own, no?”

A pause. But then again, this was content. And Auguste wanted to know if the pickpocket would actually give up his things for a stupid bet. Ren was awfully hard to get to part with any of his belongings that he most likely stole. So maybe a bit of needling was needed to give the kleptomaniac a little push towards bad decisions.

“Unless you are… scared of the higher stakes, no? Surely someone that could handle the… fighting of the cannibals could handle a little bet.” A bit of flattery, a bit of backhanded compliments. The con artist lying wrapping back around him as easy as anything as he threw back more alcohol.

Ren was a thief. Ren should know the language of someone trying to manipulate him into a sweet deal.

Surely, Ren wouldn’t be stupid enough to take a guy on that easily could throw him, though. Right?

... right?

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© weldherwings.

Therefore I Am

Billie Eilish

Matteo Wright

  • .

Matt stared at Oliver, his apathy finally breaking with the endorphins of wrestling someone to the ground and having a knife pulled on him and the training and the gunshots and the fear and the staleness in his mouth and he could smell blood somewhere that wasn’t good and-

He raised both of his eyebrows in a showing of incredulity. A silent “are you fucking kidding me.”

“So. You stalked me. You showed up to my apartment unannounced. You started shuffling through my stuff, probably in an attempt to steal things – yes I know what you were doing I’m not fucking stupid. You then pulled a knife on me. And now you want me to give you that knife back. And you’re refusing to leave my property until you get the knife that you pulled on me back.” Matt said, the calm dead tone probably more terrifying than ever. “Is this description of what’s happening accurate?”

Matt would never wish his childhood on anyone – it was probably amazing to children, to travel, to be what was essentially an international spy. To learn languages and travel the world and watch the good guys bust the bad guys.

But reality wasn’t like that. In reality, it was constant moving, constant new identities and memorizing and no one to talk to about the issues that he was having. Constant fear. Constant anxiety. Which uncle or aunt would be next to get shot and killed in duty? They weren’t on any books, they wouldn’t get a big funeral and medals heaped onto them.

Hell, he barely talked to his parents, they were little more than travel companions on planes that would be gone for weeks at a time. A constant revolving door of “aunts” and “uncles” that taught him the new language and the new identity and whatever local foods that they brought home and the skills he’d need just in case your Uncle Jim fucked up and you got kidnapped by whatever drug cartel they’d gotten neck deep in this time around.

Locked up in safehouse after safehouse, watching bloody messes be dragged in. Some of the people stationed there tried to shield the horrors of active shootings from the boy’s eyes. Some didn’t.

After a time, it all started fading into background fuzz. He got used to it after a while, as most people have to. His brain eventually gave up paranoia, gave up fear at being discovered, gave up caring about his parents and his uncles and his aunts that were constantly in danger and were barely there for him anyways, gave up the gnawing pit in his stomach that came every time he was left all by himself for a couple of days and the little voice in his head that asked him what if they’re all dead.

It was easier, that way, to not care. To just live in a void of static and fuzz where nothing mattered. Nothing truly mattered. Nobody was going to stick around long enough. All that mattered was whatever problem was ahead of him. And then the next problem. And then the next.

His Uncle Greg and his Aunt Jolene had cared for each other. And then they’d died together. For each other. It would’ve been romantic, if they weren’t supposed to have been his guardians for his 9th birthday. So instead of cake and people singing, he was sat in a dark room with no windows, slowly starving, and wondering where the fuck everyone was.

That was the life of an international spy. And he’d grown sick of it, though perhaps he could’ve gotten a high position in the government as a translator. But his therapist or whatever had recommended normalcy to him. That was, once his parents had finally seen him for who he was, they’d immediately sent him to therapy. And what the therapist had recommended?

Send the kid to college and let him have a normal life. But what use was that when his parents weren’t supposed to have any contact with the outside world?

So. Here he was. Five to six years later. He hadn’t heard from any of his aunts or his uncles or his parents in years. And funnily enough, he found that most days he couldn’t even muster up the energy to feel worried about them.

Another sudden movement as he grabbed Oliver by the collar and began dragging him towards the door. He was never the strongest of individuals, preferring his books and his readings over any kind of physical altercation. It wasn’t really his thing. Never was. He’d always been better at shooting things or running away than he was actually fighting. But this boy was 15. And scrawny at that.

He threw the kid out of the front door with some difficulty. “Don’t come back.”

And he slammed the door in Oliver’s face.

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© weldherwings.
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jagged little pill

(TW: casual suicidal ideation because pete is a sad lame bitch)

Cooper was really breaking his balls in the employee group chat.

All he'd said was that he needed someone to pick up his shift.

He wasn't even the best bartender at Peaches. He wasn't the third best. He was probably the worst. If someone did his job for him, it'd be a blessing. But no. Someone had to be fucking mad about it. It almost made him turn down Syd's proposition altogether just so he could go to work, just to apologize. But he was trying to be less of a pushover. His momma had been begging him to grow a spine since he was a kid.

He splashed water in his face from the faucet. A scintilla of rust fell into the drain.

Look at you. You sorry son of a bitch. Missus Berkowitz is probably gonna fire you after this.

Whatever. Joplin had plenty of bars he could work at, if they needed a mediocre bartender. He'd already called in absent, so showing up now would only mean he'd have a pink slip in his hand faster. He quickly reached under his sink for a bottle of top-shelf tequila he'd gotten as a birthday present from a coworker last year. He'd been taking tiny, dainty sips from it to make sure it wouldn't go to waste. Once more. A tiny, dainty sip.

Next time, he should ask for drambuie.

My favorite.

He was roused from his hideous thoughts by a knock on the door. He quickly staggered over, tugging his shirt on over his head as he did. It was far too big, hung off his body like a blanket. Before he could even say hello, Syd gave their pitch.

The meteor.

He tried not to tell them that he'd damn near prayed it'd land on the Chalamet. Sorry to all his neighbors, but it'd be a blessing for him, at least.

Syd. How the hell had they even become friends? Every time they met up, Pete felt like he had to be too fucking depressing to hang around, and yet... and yet. He was at least glad to have someone around that was happy to be alive. Maybe it'd rub off on him sometime. The inimitable joie de vivre that Syd possessed couldn't be denied, and it was admirable if nothing else. He answered their proposal with a nervous smile.

"Sure, we- we can get a drink. Just, uh, not at my workplace. Not that you'd- I mean, it's a strip club so that'd be dumb, to go there just for a drink. So I probably, um, don't even... need to worry." He scratched the back of his neck, aforementioned smile immediately dissipating because good God man you sound like a fucking moron. "I like- I mean. It's. God dammit. I haven't done a social in awhile. Been on a social. Social outing." Normally, good social skills were mandatory for a bartender, but somehow people didn't mind Pete's demeanor in the workplace. Some men even told him he was cute, which made the back of his neck itchy and his ears warm and his throat tight.

"Also, hi." He paused. "If we're going to the beach, I-I don't gotta take my shirt off or nothing, do I? Is it crowded? I hope none of my coworkers are there." Pause, again. "Do I need to bring anything?" Finally, a rational thought escaped his mouth. Good fucking job, idiot.

Despite being a solid five inches taller than Syd, he looked kind of small. Maybe it was just their personality that took up so much room.

♡coded by uxie♡

teo choi

  • .

Oh, we were doing introductions?

The corners of his lips turned upwards, hearing their names for the first time; Jenny and Leah. Oh, yeah. They seemed like sweet, innocent girls. And that was it. They were girls. Probably still in high school, no doubt. He almost felt like he had a sense of duty of care to ensure they didn’t choke up and die on something that he had supplied to them. Well, if they didn’t know his name, there was no way for them to pin point their deaths now, could they? Teo’s mind swung back and forth with momentum, from being in a place of wanting to care and nurture for the sweet beings, to wanting to ensure his little nasty grippers left no finger prints on the illegal substance that could bring them to their final moments on this Earth.

Luckily, his name continued to be a mystery as the other girl spoke up, questioning if she got a discount. Releasing a scoffed chuckle, he flashed a toothful grin, his smiling eye wrinkles forming in delight. “You know what,” his velvet voice melodically filled the space between the two parties as he took hold of the money that was being handed over to him “Just this one time. But don’t let my boss find out. He’ll absolutely murder me if he found out I was giving out discounts to high school kids.” In exchange, as the transaction took place, Teo slipped the joint back towards the blonde haired girl.

His brows rose with curiosity as the promised lesson was brought up. “I thought you said it wasn’t your first time? Or was that a lie, Leah?” he responded, smirking at the younger girl “If that is even your real name?” Jokes aside, he flashed the girls a brazen Chesire grin before gazing around them. There didn’t seem to be any authoritive figures about, thankfully. It was going to make things a hell of a lot easier. “Come on then,” he said, nodding towards the direction of a cluster of rocks and boulders. “Let’s at least make a throne for ourselves while we take some hits

Leading them over to their ‘thrones’, Teo sat upon a boulder, tucking his legs underneath each other, crossing them over like a primary school child about to start his first day of kindergarten. Reaching into his pocket, he took out a lighter and a small bag of joints that he had been given strict instructions to sell off for the night. Don’t get high on the supply. Don’t get high on the supply his internal monologue continued to nag like an crackling carousel speaker playing the same ongoing looped song for the last forty six years. But… one couldn’t hurt, right?

Capturing the joint between his lips, he brought up the lighter and ignited the end. A slow inhale left him satisfied enjoy to pull the joint away and a content grin spread across his complexion. He outstretched his arm to pass the lighter towards Jenny. After all, she was going to need the most guidance, right? “So, put the joint in your mouth and light it up. When you’ve done that, just like… lightly suck on it like your drinking through a straw and it should catch.” he instructed her gently, fiddling with the joint in his own hands. “And like, this isn’t like smoking a cigarette. You gotta like… inhale the smoke and wait. Pace yourself. Let it like… hit you, you know?

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood panicked

location The Playpen

outfit probably overheating

fun fact Supposedly there are a lot of zoning restrictions regarding where adult-entertainment establishments can be located in a Washington state city, but Joplin surely doesn't give a damn about enforcing those.

tag qunqun qunqun tamarapasek tamarapasek

Oliver Dreyfuss

/* ------ right side ------ */

Ignoring Oliver’s pleas to be reunited with his switchblade, Matteo Wright roughly collared the offending teen and ejected him from the apartment. Suddenly able to take no for an answer, the pale boy took off and vanished around the corner of the block.

The earth-shattering revelation that his 10th grade English teacher was probably a world-class assassin was completely eclipsed by the loss of Oliver’s most prized possession.

It felt as though he was missing a part of his body. Every step felt wrong, every shift of his now-empty pocket was nauseating enough that he kept stopping along his way, convinced he was going to pass out.
It felt wrong.

In the years since his father left and he was forced to abruptly move across the country to Joplin, he’d become attached to the knife as a sense of security. He had almost instantly been overwhelmed by a sense of needing to protect himself, spurred on by the neglect and abuse from his family that convinced him that there was no one in the world who could be trusted to keep him safe.

Whether or not he actually needed to be armed at all times was… debatable, at best. It wasn’t like Oliver was constantly being mugged and attacked on the streets– any thief worth their salt could tell he was a poor mark, and not many people hated him enough to be out for his blood. He’d never actually had to stab anyone before.
In theory, he should be fine going a couple of days without a knife on hand, but instead he was acting like an addict who’d just had their crack snatched out of their hands.

A normal kid probably would’ve been more preoccupied by learning about their teacher’s secret life of espionage, but Oliver needed a new knife and he needed one now.

Before he was even more than a few blocks away from Mr. Wright’s place, he was feverishly texting back and forth with his closest friends to see if any of them knew where he could get his hands on a new blade.
Shockingly it was Dustin, who was usually the most level-headed of Oliver’s friends, who answered the call:

"I heard they sell guns at the sex shop
Like not off the shelf with the dildos and shit, but like covertly
Maybe you can get a knife."

How did Dustin even know that? Had he done this before? These were questions that Oliver didn’t even think to ask himself. It didn’t seem odd at all to him that Dustin would know about the hidden black markets of Joplin.

It was worth noting that switchblades, like the one he used to carry before Mr. Wright confiscated it just now, were illegal in the state of Washington. No one was just going to sell him one outright, but Oliver hadn’t thought that far ahead yet. Thanks, Dustin.

The store Dustin recommended, The Playpen, wasn’t far from where Oliver and Dustin lived. It sat nearby the decrepit Chalamet building, its flickering neon blue signs immediately making Oliver clench his teeth and shut his eyes. This wasn’t going to be easy, but he was going to be brave about it because it was worth it. He didn’t know where else to turn, so it couldn’t be avoided.

Any other store of this type would’ve kicked him out before he had both feet through the door. It was glaringly obvious that he was way too young to be in an adult-oriented establishment, but this was Joplin. Almost everyone who lived in this city was so used to troubling unchildlike behavior from children that they just let it happen when they saw it. Why bother making a fuss about it? It was just going to happen again 10 minutes later. If the people of Joplin tried to do the right thing and intervene with every kid in obvious crisis, the city’s population would be cut in half by sundown. Dysfunctional teens were the future inheritors of Joplin.

So, by the mercy of the city's long standing culture of negligence, nobody said anything to the pale boy covered in bruises and cuts who marched right up to the checkout counter of an adult toy store.

“I need a knife.” He demanded of the cashier, his quiet stammering voice somehow carrying with it all the blunt-force impact of a cement truck hitting a brick wall.
This interaction was way above anyone’s pay grade.

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© weldherwings.
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joshua jones

  • .

A wide grin spread across Mary’s face, reaching ear to ear, as she heard Eileen’s comment on loving to come to the Kingdom Hall in the future with her family. She could feel her heart burst with so much joy, both relieved that they had helped another lost poor soul, and thankful that they could return to the Hall actually announce it to the others. Especially to their father. Joshua, on the other hand, felt nothing but dread in the pits of his guts. It just felt wrong. He couldn’t quite pinpoint it or put a finger on it, but Eileen’s words were heavy on his conscious. He felt like he was being dragged down into the depths of the sea with each positive comment that was being thrown out there about being a Witness. Like escape was becoming less and less of a reality, regardless if he actually had the courage to go ahead and take it.

Eileen’s gaze towards Joshua and the affectionate pat had almost caught him off guard. Mary had been standing there with a toothful, radiant smile on her face. All the while, Joshua was managing to muster up a smile of his own; closed lips pressed together and slightly turned corners. But then again, had there really been a moment in time where he knew how to smile any other way? He had grown up with braces, and the other children in school (who had already thought he was weird because of his family’s faith) had always made mention of his weird smile; Heart-shaped lips that once displayed toothly, gum filled grins, covered by the mechanics of a perfect dental procedure. Like the many factors of their faith, the concept of his weird smile was drilled into his very core belief system.

It’s okay,” Mary assured Eileen “You haven’t kept us for long at all! Most people don’t even bother opening the door for us. In fact, when some do, they just slam it right into our faces anyways!

A small favour?

Both Mary and Joshua’s brows perked up, gazing at the older woman with curiosity. From the raise of the brow, it was quite obvious to a complete stranger that these two were siblings as they mirrored one another unintentionally. Eileen grabbed a small notepad and began to scribble down an apartment number. Say hello to the Parks for me she had requested. As she held out the paper to be taken, Joshua had initially gone to take hold of it. However, Mary’s hands were far quicker, seething with agility and passion. “Of course!” She exclaimed, a bounce in her voice along with her step as she began to move around the room. Mary stood beside Joshua, placing her hand on her brother’s shoulder “Thank you so much for letting us into your home, by the way. The place is absolutely wonderful. And we really hope that we will see you at the Kingdom Hall in the future

Mary’s hand gave a small squeeze into her brother’s shoulder, her fingernails digging in just ever so deeply. Deep enough to drag him back to reality in case his mind had been wandering elsewhere. The damn boy always seemed to be off in his own place in his head. “Oh,” Joshua stammered, rising from his seat to stand beside Mary. He turned to Eileen and extended his hand in hopes to shake her hand goodbye “Yes, thank you for having us. If you… Uh… Need anything…? Feel free to give us a call at the Kingdom Hall

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© weldherwings.

abigail hargreaves

  • .

The two sat there for a moment after Abigail had announced to Graham about making a wish on the shooting star she had just spotted, he broke the silence by letting the girl know what his wish was.

“I wish that Nancy would peg me next time I go to her place.”

This answer resulted in a chuckle from Abby, there was no way she could keep a straight face after such an absurd wish. "Good luck with that one, my friend." She says in between giggles, eventually, she catches her breath in time to hear Graham mention a second star to wish on.

"That one is for you."

Silence washed over the girl once more, no more smiles. Would she be truthful to him about what she really wanted? Or would she just come up with something just as silly as his? After a few seconds, Abigail speaks up once more, "I wish to... She hesitated, then continues, one day hug a penguin."

The wish wasn't as absurd as his, but most definitely wasn't even remotely close to what her true wish was. There was no way that she would be revealing such a secret to someone so soon. He would understand, she was sure of it, there was no way that he didn't have a few secrets of his own, but it would take time before the two could open up about them.

Maybe one day their true wishes would come true, but that could be another wish for a third star that would pass by. Her eyes continue to watch the sky, hoping for another, but alas, those were the only ones that would appear for them. She quietly sighs, disappointed in the lack of wishes, but she wasn't planning on putting a damper on their night.

"What do you say after this we go grab a bite to eat?" Abigail gently suggests, trying to divert the conversation to something else she could focus on.

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© weldherwings.
MOOD: Terrified

OUTFIT: just imagine it alexei-sized

LOCATION: Apartment


Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
TL;DR Sed fermentum tortor nulla, vel sodales nibh bibendum eu. Maecenas a lacus a libero blandit commodo. In lobortis aliquam urna, id tempor ex semper at
josephine kingston
The past is the past, today is today

Jo hugged her legs closer to her chest as Alexei frantically questioned what ws wrong with her. She wanted to hold him, look him in the eye and reassure him he wasn't the problem. That she wasn't mad, and that he didn't need to worry. But she couldn't muster up the courage to do that. She just wanted to disappear into the couch, and avoid this terrible conversation. How could he make her feel as if he was at her mercy when it was really the other way around?

As she spit out the news, her eyes snapped shut. Alexei didn't say anything, probably trying to register the news. She didn't blame him. It was one thing to have a happy cutesy relationship with picnics and movie nights, it was another for the girlfriend he'd only had for a month to come to him with this news. Hell, she wouldn't be the same girl he'd decided to pursue. How could she be cutesy and adorable when a baby was ripping and tearing out of he? None of this was what he'd signed up for.

"Yeah..." Jo mumbled, nodding and avoiding his gaze. She decided that she had to say something, had to assure him somehow. "I'm so sorry I know that-" She was promptly interrupted by Alexei pulling her into his lap and kissing her all over. Her eyes widened. A smile began to spread, as she squealed with laughter, completely unprepared for such a positive reaction.

He was happy! A weight felt lifted off of Jo's chest, as she pulled Alexei closer to cuddle him. She could raise the baby like her gut instinct was telling her to, Alexei would be on board, and everything would work out. Logically, she knew it wasn't quite as simple as that, and she definitely wasn't supposed to be having a baby this young. However what good had supposed to done for Jo? She was supposed to stay with her family and attend some local college, wasn't she? But if she'd gone that route, instead of the absurdly impractical fleeing to pursue a career as a waitress, then she wouldn't have made her first real friends at the diner. She wouldn't have ever felt what it was liked to be chosen and loved, the way she did with Alexei. So was it so crazy that another seemlingly unconventional and irresponsible choice might lead to something new and exciting?

"It's a lot, I know." She repeated, wanting to get her knowledge that this was a big responsibility out of the way before she got too excited. "There's so much to plan, but I really do wanna keep it." Jo affirmed, a gentle smile on her face as she nuzzled into Alexei's neck. They could handle this. Both parties were comitted, so what was the worst that could happen?

"Can we handle the adult stuff some other time?" Jo requested, gently scratching her boyfriend's neck. "We should definitely hadle that but, I just want a nice movie night and maybe talking about fun baby stuff." She began to play with his hair. "Like........do you have any name ideas? I'm completely blanking, but if we come up with it quickly, maybe we can get cute personalized baby stuff for it? You honestly wouldn't believe how much cute baby stuff there is once you start looking for it, it's insane." Her voice started speeding up, and the excitement was evident. All the desire, anticipation, and ideas she'd been holding in could finally burst free now that she knew she had a willing audience.
code by valen t.


The Rebel



Oooooh pretty car lights


Fucked if I know


With Alex


Alex started so confident that Kenzie almost believed he knew where they were, that was until his voice faltered and he mentioned something about them being trees, confirming that he was just as lost as her and just as high. She couldn't help the giggle that escaped as they continued to walk, she had no idea why she was giggly, she was just happy and euphoric and .... another butterfly flew past and Kenzie's eyes darted after it but once it was out of her line of sight it was once again out of her mind. She was like a goldfish her brain just going around in circles, moving onto each new things that passed for only a couple of seconds before the line on thought was once again forgotten and replaced with something new. Where were they even trying to get to? were they going to meet someone? Kenzie felt like they had left their safe little hole for a reason but she had no idea why right now. She felt like they were going to look for someone or something? what had they just said .., ohhh Aliens, wait that couldn't be right.

The sound of traffic jumped Kenzie back into reality as she realised they had somehow reached the road. Kenzie heard Alex instruct her to hold his hand and normally instructions would not be listened to, normally she would raise her eyebrow, smirk and make some off hand topic but that was not the case. She took his hand almost like a child, her eyes trained on the road in front of her, to be honest the thought of traffic right now was making her uneasy, not that would let this on but the blurring colours of passing cars, the sound of tires on the road, followed by the gust of wind hitting them with each passing car was a sensory overload at the moment and holding Alex's hand seemed to give her some sort of comfort.

Kenzie realised in that moment that although she was the experienced one in this kind of activity and she was the one who was meant to be looking Alex, it was more the case that Alex was minding her, taking charge of the situation. To be honest she wasn't use to being looked after, she was normally the one looking after people or she went of one her own, this was entirely new territory and it was so alien to her but also nice. It was this thought that got her across the road undistracted by the lights and noise.

"Well we did it" she said cheerily with a smile on her face, her hand still firmly holding onto his. When he mentioned the gas station Kenzie turned to look behind them still bewildered as to how they even got here in the first place. On the beach she felt like they were completely isolated and now, well now they were very much in the public society and she wasnt sure she liked this very much.

Kenzie turned in time to watch Alex crumble onto the sidewalk and her eyes widened in shock and horror. Was he hurt? Was he loosing his mind? did she do something? Her thought began to spin frantically out of control as she watched her friend, almost too scared to move until he finally spoke. The relief that hit her was glorious, realising that he had not been hurt was a weight of her shoulders and she couldn't help the smirk that played on her lips. She didn't know in that moment if she wanted to cry or laugh but she decided to suck it up and do neither in that moment. Kenzie knelt down in front of Alex and placed her hands on his shoulders "Hey hey its ok ... we can go back and get them, its alright" She assured him with a soft and gentle yet almost stern voice "Or we can text someone there to grab them and mind it till we get back? maybe bring it here to us?" Kenzie added in the second part as she looked back towards the way they came, getting across that road once was a miracle and she didn't know if she wanted to try and tempt death again but if they must she would.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

father john misty

the night josh tillman came to our apt.

Stella caught the skirt as it flew across the room towards her. Alright, shorts. Practical, cool. Good idea.

She stripped off her jeans, throwing them back onto the same pile of clothes draped over the end of the couch that Jane had sourced the khaki shorts from. She turned in the mirror, hands pressed flat against her sides, then in either front pocket, pursing her lips as she made her final judgement.

Not her usual style, by any stretch of the imagination. Shorts were certainly not part of her wardrobe… when she had a wardrobe, mind you. She squatted to the ground, pulling each black boot on contemptuously, lacing them up with an aggressive and impatient vigour. Just fucking get on with it, she repeated to herself in silence. No one cares. No one is looking at you. Your outfit, for Christ’s sake, is the least of anyone’s concerns.

She could blame a myriad of things for the sudden and inconceivable panic and self-doubt. It was a feeling mostly unknown to Stella, but as of late, it felt like there was a constant, invisible hand gripping her throat, narrowing her breathing and forcing her to swallow hard against it. Then, there was another intangible hand plunging into her gut, wrapping her insides around it. She felt all tugged and squeezed and interfered with, thoroughly throwing her off. It was an uneasy, nauseas feeling that also pissed her the fuck off. Why was this happening? Was she losing herself? Jesus, things weren’t that bad.

For a moment, Cooper came to mind. In all honesty, his antics made her dizzy. She wanted to like him, maybe even wanted to be more than friends or just a mess around, but he was so fucking insistent on their casual booty-callesque relationship, why would she even be half interested in any more from him? Was she? It was confusing; she had no idea what she was feeling. And that only added to the upset.

Stella rose to her feet, looking one final time in the long mirror leaning precariously against Jane’s wall. Alright, you big fucking baby. You look fine.

“Right,” she exclaimed, spinning back round to her friend. “Enough of this. Let’s fucking go. Give me that bag of pills. Fuck it, bring the green too,” she said, motioning to Jane’s tin of bud on the table. She barked orders in a militarised fashion, not meaning to be demanding or rude, but to ensure all went according to plan. This plan consisted of her being three lifetimes deep in a wash of substances. She was looking a four-day comedown in the eye, red flag waving, ready to take the bull by the horns.

"Jane," she spoke, approaching her friend as she gathered the pills and weed as asked, "thank you, and I love you, and if at any moment you see me and think I look sober-"

She paused, taking Jane's hand sincerely in her own.

"I want you to give me two pills and light me a spliff. Got it? I do not want to have one single thought this evening, capisce?"

Jane confimed, and Stella placed a light, jovial kiss on her forehead. Good friends always listen.

♡coded by uxie♡

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