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Fantasy Choose Your Own Adventure

When Willow felt her friend’s hand press gently on her shoulder she stepped back, still glaring at the man through squinted eyes. Although when he turned to her making that comment, she felt her anger bubble up again. She wasnt exactly sure why she was so upset about this, but something about the bigger guy picking on someone who wasnt even from here made her very upset.

As soon as things had escalated they calmed down again, the man fleeing in terror as the boy had said something about his dad being a police officer? Willow glanced up at Zhara before sliding her gaze to Ruvo who had been watching the scene unfold. He seemed a bit bashful as he asked the boy if he was alright. Before the elf could go talk to them, Horus and one of his summons had appeared now. She gazed around as person after person began to kneel in Horus’ presence.

This seemed to annoy the prince more as he hurriedly told them to be on their way. Once everything was in order, Willow gazed as her friend made his way over to them finally.

Hey Is everything ok..?

“Well if you’re considering a real mean guy picking on this kid then no, everything is not alright,” Willow began haughtily, but immediately cooled down as she gazed around in question, “um... what news were they talking about?”

Vasarra Vasarra RatKing RatKing Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Steve Freeling Steve Freeling
The man obliged with Zhara's request by the releasing the boy, but then immediately began taking a new stance towards her and Willow. Unconcerned with the arrogant man's ability to actually do anything, she awaited his approach without any shift in her own demeanor. If he was foolish enough to make a move, she would simply subdue him; however, before the man had even finished his weightless threat, the boy was on his feet and assaulting the brute. At this point Zhara was able to clearly see the attributes of the child. Young, but oddly tall, he was merely a few inches shorter than the towering woman herself and was strangely dressed by the standards of their current geography. Then again, her attire was often odd in the eyes of natives in some of lands she had traveled to.

Zhara's nose wrinkled as the boy went on to explain his station and that of his father's. Using his father's status seemed cowardly, she herself would have never mentioned her family in a time of dispute even though they were very reputable in her homeland. She preferred caring for her matters on her own merit, but she was a prideful dragon after all, and mortals usually took more care around figures of authority than she cared to understand. At any rate, she was glad the ignorant man took flight instead of pressing onward.

Zhara acknowledged the boy, Steve he had called himself, with a short nod and nothing else. She hadn't really done anything to warrant gratitude and had decided not to introduce herself. Approaching from the side, Ruvo inquired on the boy's condition, always the considerate individual even to strangers. Then Horus made his appearance, catching the attention of all the civilians who began to kneel, attention Horus did not seem to keen on receiving. Zhara overheard one of the townsfolk comment on Horus's newfound name sake, noting he did not appear overjoyed with that either.

Willow was the first to respond to the prince's inquiry, strong in her feelings towards prejudice and bullying. A smile crept to Zhara's face, the little elf's feisty attitude was admirable, but the taunting dragon decided to respond herself, if only in attempt to get a rise out of him.
"Oh, your highness," the word dripping with sarcasm, "all is well in your prestigious kingdom." She softly chuckled.
No longer attentive to the others , Zhara tugged off her pack and settled to one knee to rummage through it. A moment later she produced a package and unwrapped it to reveal several strips of dehydrated meat, one of which she extended towards the dog, the new target of her affections. She called softly to it, encouraging it to take the treat and hoping to be able to get in some petting.
Horus wasn't really surprised by Willow's reaction to what had transpired. Really there those who lived in the kingdom of the sands that didn't like that kind of behavior either. He didn't get a good look at the man but he could only assume he must of been old enough to be around when we used to not allow outsiders of any races to come with in the borders. As for Zhara Horus had the strange feeling she was talking that way just to annoy him since that would totally out of character for her if she was serious based on what he already new about her. He was just glad she didn't keep going and distracted herself with the dog that must've belong to the boy, who now that he had a good look at was taller then some men he knew. He turned back when Willow asked about the news that all the citizens of his kingdom were all aware of.

"Yes well that news," Horus replied. "It just happens that my father had been lying to me about something and come to find out I'm the heir to the throne. I just wish all the people would act normal around me since I've known most of them for a good portion of my life." Horus took a breath to calm his nerves and think about something to distract him. "Well before I showed up what were you all up to?"

TheCoRgiGaL TheCoRgiGaL Vasarra Vasarra RatKing RatKing Steve Freeling Steve Freeling
After thanking his rescuers, he found that the dragon gave nothing more than a nod. Well, that's okay. I guess she just doesn't talk very much. He was glad she'd given Stanley some food. Neither of them had eaten since before crossing the ocean. Not only that, Stanley seemed to like the attention so Steve saw no reason to object. While she seemed to have been put off by his mentioning his father to scare off his attacker, it seemed to have been overridden by being glad the guy was gone. He took a brief lull as a chance to put his socks and shoes back on, making sure to tie the laces of the latter. Just then, a young adult Tengu came to ask him if he was all right. Despite being older than Steve, he was much shorter. This didn't surprise Steve due to what he'd learned about their physiology and those he'd known back home. The Valley of the Wind was a peaceful nation where bigotry was outlawed and racists were either imprisoned or exiled; some of the worst racists even had the death penalty leveled against them when it was clear they would never change. Moreover, he was considerably taller than even the average human his own age.
"I'm okay. He wasn't able to deal nearly as much damage on me as he would have liked. Thanks for asking, though." Sure enough, despite his fair skin tone, anyone who looked at the boy could see that his neck exhibited no bruises or strangulation marks of any kind. His physical strength, which had been roundly remarked upon in the Valley, likely had a lot to do with how little he had been harmed in the attack; granted, it hadn't lasted long enough to leave any serious damage. No sooner had he answered than a rather stern-looking young man dressed in royal clothing came out and all the people began to bow down to him, which seemed to only serve to piss him off even more. Is he the king? She said he would pay for what he did when the king found out and he looks like he's ready to personally murder the bastard who attacked me.
The young man in question asked if everything was okay, to which the elf responded indignantly and the dragon responded sarcastically. As for Steve, the one the attack had been mounted on, he was feeling unusually good simply because he had been able to stop his attacker from hurting anyone else.
That was when he heard about the news. So he's the prince, not the king. Still, I was right about him being royalty and he is set to be the king. It's still three kinds of messed up that his dad would lie to him about something that important. Steve kept his thoughts in his head this time since it was possible the prince, likely Horus, judging by his age, might take it as a slight against his father, regardless of whether Steve actually intended it that way. He'd kept a straight face, the one his mother had often called his "wooden face" when speaking to his father at night about her concerns, except during the attack where it was nigh impossible. Then the prince asked what they were all up to.
"Well, sir, I'm Steve Freeling and I'm from the Valley of the Wind. I just made it here across the ocean from home a few hours ago. There's not much to be said except that a man tried to strangle me and your friends rescued me by forcing him to release me. The whole thing only lasted about thirty seconds and he left just as quickly as he appeared. He seemed pretty scared, too. I doubt he'll come back this way starting trouble."

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Vasarra Vasarra TheCoRgiGaL TheCoRgiGaL RatKing RatKing
Delighted that the dog did not shy away, Zhara continued to hand it cuts of dried meat and proceeded to give adorning pets. Hearing the distraught tone in Horus's voice, she cast him a concerning glance over her shoulder. Ever one quick to tease and taunt, Zhara actually empathized at this moment with the man she initially deemed arrogant. Although never lied to, her parents had expectations of her that she was expected to fill; however, she refused.

Unlike most of the coppers of her region and her particular bloodline, Zhara chose a path of freedom, free of dogma and essentially any responsibility. Peering up at the boy from her crouch, she listened as he recalled the encounter to Horus. She gave the dog one last ruffle of the ears before standing and dusting off her trousers.
"Prior to that minor disturbance, Ruvo, Willow and myself were taking in some of your culture." She sauntered over to demi-god and propped up against him, placing her arm on his shoulder and leaning casually. "Perhaps, you can show us some more of the interesting features? Or are you ready to ditch this luxurious litter box?" The over zealous woman assumed maybe Horus was ready to get away.

She glanced over at her companions, Ruvo and Willow, awaiting a suggestion or protest, then turned her attention to the boy introduced as Steve. Leaning off the muscled prop, Zhara placed her hands on her hips, one talon like nail tapping against the royal sigil secured at the right side. Curious as to what the boy intended, but also she was growing impatient with mundane flow of things.
Willow thought for a moment. There was so much going on! Finally Zhara suggested that they leave. Although Willow would’ve liked to stay for the shopping, she wouldnt object to leaving either as the intense heat was getting to her. L.C. was probably very hungry too...

“I think we should get something to drink,” Willow said, “and also I wanna go explore somewhere. Also I would like to shop and get something to eat.” The elf continued, listing things off of her fingers.

Suddenly she turned to the wind boy. “Hey you should come with us! We have lots of people traveling with us, they’re all really nice. Plus you could teach me about that wind place that you come from, and what all you do there. Maybe we could take a trip there!”

Vasarra Vasarra Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Quinlan63 Quinlan63 RatKing RatKing
Ruvo wasn't sure of what to make of the apparent news that Horus had learned that he would be the heir to the throne of the kingdom of the sands. To be honest he had just assumed that this was the case ever since he learned Horus was a prince and never quite considering the possibility that he may have older siblings. With that revelation out of the way, the boy who introduced himself as Steve Freeling assured the avian bard that he wasn't injured from the scuffle which he was glad to hear.

Finally,the suggestion of leaving the Kingdom of the Sands was made by Zhara who had looked toward Willow and him for their opinions. "I don't know about leaving just yet. After all we haven't even been here for a day and I'm there has got to be other stuff to see before we depart somewhere else" he said after Willow had expressed a similar feeling of still wanting to do stuff within the kingdom.
An uncharacteristic smile etched its way onto Steve's face at the elf girl's offer; this was the first time anyone outside of his family had ever included him in anything.
"Deal. I always wanted to visit some of the other countries and see what they were like. And I can tell you all about the Valley. I've lived there my whole life. This is the first time I've ever been anywhere else."

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Vasarra Vasarra TheCoRgiGaL TheCoRgiGaL RatKing RatKing
Horus had been both surprised and grateful for how Zhara suggested that they could just leave. Yeah he wanted to go right that moment but everyone else wanted to look around more and enjoy themselves. And with him still needing time before he could teleport them somewhere that didn't have a desert for miles he didn't have anymore options. He could suck it up for them especially since the least he could do was show them around before they found something to do.

"Well, I guess since you all seem to want to stick around I know of a good place to get something nice and cold to drink in the shopping district."

"Mila come over her please," he said to his summon. Taking her hand he focused to send out a mental message to the others that they could find them and the Oasis bar. It was a great place to get a cold drink since the owner learned years ago that by using ice magic you could keep anything cold for as long as possible.

"Just follow me and in no time you will be having the best drinks this side of of the scorching Deserts."

TheCoRgiGaL TheCoRgiGaL Vasarra Vasarra RatKing RatKing Steve Freeling Steve Freeling scorpiodragon scorpiodragon SilverSentinal SilverSentinal Computing Magus Computing Magus Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow JayBird JayBird
Last edited:
Kaudri Rahanyon-20 Yrs-Elf/Fairy Hybrid/Mazzush Bohogl-80 Yrs-Half Orc
Unaware of what was happening on the coast, both Kaudri and Mazzush continued what they were doing within the Kingdom of Sands near the palace. Mazzush continued reading her book while Kaudri finished buying supplies and managed to trade a few homemade pieces of jewelry and ice sculptors he had made and created that would never melt with his magic. People in a desert naturally didn't need furs and so he had to wait until he came to a hopefully cold area that would appreciate the furs of the animals he had hunted. When both got mental messages from Horus, both resisted the intrusion, Mazzush more than Kaudri but it was no threat and merely an issue of coming somewhere cool for a drink. Kaudri would head back to Horus's room to make sure he had left nothing behind and then head towards the Oasis Bar with Mazzush doing the same, the elf fairy dismissing the sand wolf that faded back into sand at no longer being required and the pair made their way to the bar together upon finding each other.
Veya followed the road out of the city , walking at a reasonable pace so that the werewolf could catch up. "Mistress , do you really think it's wise to do what you are planing " one of them asked before the other chipped in "i know it is important for you to get there fast and you don't want to wait ....but your plan could cause problems mistress " . She held her hand up as she walked to silence them " I am going to tell you what i always tell you when you question my ideas , if you don't like it turn into bees and buzz off otherwise , shut up and focus " she said as the two of them nodded and looked to see if their new assassin is still following which he was. When they got beyond the gate and walked a few miles she stopped. The three of them turned to the werewolf and as smoke engulfed the 3 , the smoke rose higher and higher before green , piercing eyes could be seen through the smoke . When it cleared , the skurgion were gone and dragons took their place , 2 dark gray ones and a pitch black one that spoke to him when it laid down in front of him " Up " Veya said as she waited
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Ruby had landed on the roof of a building , unaware of the trouble happening . She was soaking up rays like no ones business To think that a princess would do such things , what a way to represent your kingdom . Luckily no one could see her , not that she would mind , she would invite those that see her to join her in the sunbathing . After a long few hours of it , she got a telepathic voice in her head. She stood up and stretched before flying off to where the Oasis bar was . Once she made it , landing with a bit of a thud near the bar , finding the half orc and half elf already there " hey guys.....are the others here yet " she said as she heard the others on the inside. She followed the other two in as they got to the rest " hello everyone ....i trust you all have been enjoying the city as much as me " she said with a smile as she looked at the new face of the group , this was a strange new figure to her.....we not the person but what he was wearing " hello young man , you don't seem to be from here " she said as she fully turned to him " may i ask your name " she asked in a friendly voice.
Quinlan63 Quinlan63 scorpiodragon scorpiodragon TheCoRgiGaL TheCoRgiGaL Steve Freeling Steve Freeling RatKing RatKing Vasarra Vasarra
Azrael Shuyin Cross-30.5-Werewolf
Azrael followed along behind the three creatures, tucking the pouch within his clothes as he listened to the Skurgion sprawl to each other. The assassin said nothing as he tread through the streets towards the gate until they stopped and the creatures vanished in smoke, a pair of green eyes staring at him out of the darkness and earning a snarl. When the smoke cleared there were three dragons, two being gray and one being black which lay down in front of him, speaking mentally again. Sniffing the air, he detected the creatures’ scent on the dragos and stepped forward, scrambling nimbly up the gigantic beast and thinking the creature would make quite a meal...and was bigger than the dragon shifters of Dacorna, they only being the sizes of housecats.

Interaction: SilverSentinal SilverSentinal
With Horus leading the way to the 'best place for drinks this side of the desert’ the group were able to easily work their way through the busy streets and eventually arrive in front of the Oasis Bar. Well hopefully no big monsters attack the city he thought to himself jokingly while thinking back to how the last time he was in a bar a Behemoth had attacked.

Upon entering the bar the most noticeable thing aside from the fact that the place seemed relatively popular was that it was pleasantly cool within the establishment which Ruvo figured was simply due to him now being in the shade after being in the sun for a good while. Though now that he thought about it a bit more it was admittedly cooler here than when they were in Horus's room. Maybe there was some kind of magic at play making it cooler? Irregardless of what exactly the cause was Ruvo was just happy to be out of the heat for a while. Ordering something to drink Ruvo then sat down at one of the tables alongside his traveling companions. "Is there anything anyone of you would like to hear?" he asked with his instrument in hand before Ruby, Mazzush, and Kaudri and entered the bar. Deciding to hold off any performance until introductions could be made Ruvo drank his beverage which was surprisingly chilled and awaited any potential requests.

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 scorpiodragon scorpiodragon TheCoRgiGaL TheCoRgiGaL Vasarra Vasarra Steve Freeling Steve Freeling
Steve walked with the others to a bar. Am I even old enough to be in here? Before long, a young adult chrysmorph joined them and asked his name while surmising that he wasn't from here. Since her tone was friendly and he'd been told all of those who would be traveling with them were "really nice," Steve saw no reason not to answer, offering an amicable smile of his own. Everyone's going to find out, anyway.
"Well, I guess you're right considering I just got here a few hours ago. I'm Steve."
SilverSentinal SilverSentinal Quinlan63 Quinlan63 TheCoRgiGaL TheCoRgiGaL RatKing RatKing Vasarra Vasarra
Kaudri Rahanyon-20 Yrs-Elf/Fairy Hybrid/Mazzush Bohogl-80 Yrs-Half Orc
The pair of travelers would soon meet up with the bug outside the bar in question that they had been directed towards, both shaking their heads as they were asked if the others were here yet. They walked in together and the bug headed over to the others sitting at a table, apparently they had gotten there before them. Kaudri sat at a table nearby while Mazzush went to the bar and took a seat, Kaudri keeping a hand on Coral.
Willow’s eyes brightened as Steve accepted her offer to travel with them. She couldnt wait to learn about where he came from. Finally Horus made the best decision of going somwhere to get a nice cold drink, and Willow realized she wouldve given anything in that moment to be there now. The only drink she had had was that morning when Zhara had given her some water to help her feel better.

Finally she followed the others. When they arrived the elf realized a quick change in temperature, although she was pretty sure any drop in temperature wouldve been noticed. She took a seat next to Ruvo, who pulled out his intrument and asked for a request, but was interrupted when more of their friends who had stayed behind came in. She smiled warmly at them before turning back to Ruvo.

“What do you know?” She asked, wondering naively if he could play any song in the world.

RatKing RatKing
“I know a good amount of the songs from the country side and a handful of the popular ones from Urdem Viventium” he said proudly. Though he didn’t know tons of songs he could proudly say the ones he did know he could play quite proficiently. “Is there something in particular you have in mind?” he asked curious if Willow would ask to hear something he has memorized.

TheCoRgiGaL TheCoRgiGaL
“Hmm..” Willow thought for a moment, resting her slender fingers against her chin. To be fair, she didnt know a lot of songs. She knew a few from back home, but she highly doubted Ruvo would know them as well, so she just shrugged.

“Maybe you could show me your favorite one!” She wanted to know more about what the bard was into. She heard that someone could learn a lot about another by their music taste.

RatKing RatKing
"My favorite one?" he asked himself as he thought for a moment both to figure out what his absolute favorite may be and so any remaining introductions could continue unimpeded for a few moments longer. "Well I'm not quite should which one may be my definite favorite, but here is one I am fond of" he said before strumming the strings of his instrument and then playing a slow but cheerful melody that filled the air for a few minutes. Anyone watching the avian bard’s himself as he performed would see that Ruvo seemed quite content as he played. Once the performance was completed he set his instrument down on the table only then realizing the attention he had gathered from the other patrons of the bar. “I hope you all enjoyed that little melody” he said happily.

Not nesscessary to watch but you can if you do wish

TheCoRgiGaL TheCoRgiGaL
Willow listened with undivided attention, her wide gaze watching Ruvo’s movements and facial expressions. He seemed so happy playing his intrument. Willow wondered if there were something like this in the world that could bring her so much content and happiness.

When her friend finished the song, he seemed not to have realized that he had drawn a crowd. In fact, the elf herself had barely been aware. When he finished, Willow clapped her hands delightedly, causing L.C. to squeak in protest at the movement.

“Sorry L.C. Ruvo that was so good! That song reminds me of you. Because happiness reminds me of kindness, and you’re very kind. Maybe youll be able to learn more songs on our journey?”

RatKing RatKing
Hearing the applause Ruvo couldn't help but smile or at least smile as much as a being with a beak could smile. This was his first musical performance he had done since he began traveling with the group and he didn't want to disappoint them, though if Willow's and the assorted bar patrons applause were anything to go off of it seemed like he had done well. "Thank you for the compliment Willow, and yes I do hope I can learn more in our travels. In fact I was actually hoping to see what I could learn here from the Kingdom of the Sands before we leave" he said turning his attention to Horus. "Do you have any recommendations of popular songs in your kingdom Horus? Maybe some place that sells sheet music if there is not enough time?" he asked curiously.

TheCoRgiGaL TheCoRgiGaL Quinlan63 Quinlan63
My goodness child what am I going to do with you? , Was her grandmother’s written response. They had spent the last hour or so going over the events that had taken place and it only seemed to disturb her more and more.

Forgive and love me with all your heart…

Quiet you…This won’t be easy explaining to your parents. It was difficult enough getting their approval for you to work in the shop.

And again I’m terribly sorry. It felt like the millionth time she had said that.

I’m not the one you should be apologizing to. Save that for your parents. You’ll need it. Especially if you think they’ll let you go outside alone after this.

Elise was silent. Her grandmother was right. Despite her parents being extremely supportive they could be equally just as over bearing at times. She’d have an escort at her side till her 18th birthday. As Elise was ridding herself of the inevitable outcome a mental image of a bar flashed across her mind and was gone just as quickly as it had appeared.

Child…Are you there?

Yes I’m here. I was caught off guard for a moment. The leader of our group just sent a mental message letting me know where to meet up with everyone.

Ohohoho telepathy…the more I hear the more I want to have a chat with this individual…that aside go and rendezvous with your group. It’s bad enough you’re in another kingdom, last thing I need is you being lost or worse.

Okay, I’ll be in touch.

Uh huh, like you have much of a choice.

Shaking her head in disbelief, Elise closed her journal and muttered an incantation, effectively sealing its magic and placed it in her bag before getting up from the table and leaving the library. After having spent some time wandering through the halls she eventually stumbled upon the main entrance and began to venture out in town. It was startling how different this kingdom was compared to Urdem Viventium. Everything from the sand, the people and its culture and the level of heat that made sure to make its presence known was a lot to take in.

After much sight-seeing she eventually made it to the bar where she could make out the faint sounds of a song. As Elise walked in the place exploded in an uproar of applause. Following everyone’s gaze she soon saw that it was directed at Ruvo. Soon the applause died down and the patrons of the bar had returned to their own conversations and merry drinking. By then Elise had made her way over to the rest of the group who all seemed to have made themselves quite comfortable. There was even a new face amongst them.

Waving to the familiar faces an introducing herself to the new one, Elise found a seat and placed an order for her drink as she waited for Horus to answer Ruvo’s question.
Veya stood up again once the werewolf was secure on her neck and holding onto the horns and with one flap from her wings , they were off into the air . The journey was admittedly shorter because of the speed a dragon could fly at and with the height they were flying at , the Isle of Mystery was already in view . After an hour of flight they came close to the island and it looked far bigger then the map would describe . The notable thing of the Island being the forest right in the middle . It appears to be the natural landmark of this island .She landed at the port town and let the werewolf off before she and the others turned back . The other 2 went their way and Veya showed the werewolf to stay put as she walked over to what appears to be a young skurgion girl holding a clipboard. "Afternoon , tell me , did we get any .....special prisoners in that are still alive and that aren't currently being tested on " she asked the child " Yes mistress , a boat did arrive from Dacorna , rebels sent over their prisoners , 3 Legionnaires , the rebels are starting to take the fallen legion members prisoners for questioning , those that refuse are sent to us " she said as the prisoners moved past the port gates , escorted by Skurgions old , adult teen and child . It seems to be true what they say about Skurgion , even the children are already that grown up that they work . Behind the other prisoners , a separate group of three were following . Veya stopped them and looked them over "Legion robes huh " she said before smile slowly crept onto her face as she looked at the werewolf over her shoulder then back at them " let them go , i have a challenge for them . The one that finds the artifact in the Dark Forest and bring it back here will be forgiven for their crimes " he said as the guards hesitantly released them and they dashed into the forest each of them giving the werewolf a long look before shaking their heads and continuing . it was almost as if their recognized him " She strode over to their new assassin as she stopped in front of him " well , there are 3 legionnaires in the forest , im sure you can't wait to rip them to shreds " she said with a smile as she extended a hand to the forest " Welcome to your hunting ground , notify me when they are dead and more prisoners will be sent over " she said with a smile .
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Ruby smiled at the boy when he gave his name " a pleasure to meet you steve , Princess Ruby Tesarr of the Chrysmorph Kingdom " she said giving him a slight bow before turning to Horus " This truly is a great city , the heat and sun does wonders for the skin , i almost wished that i could move here but i unfortunately have duties once my parents step down . If that wasn't the case i would currently be looking for a vacant home here " she said before giving a smile and looking at the bartender " water would be fine " she said as her wings twitched . The cool air in the place didn't really give her a satisfying feeling but she won't die from it , if this place was as cold as the arctic areas of the world , she would most likely be a dead from it upon entering the establishment . After getting her drink she turned back to Steve " so Steve where are you from exactly and if i may once again ask , what is the name of your dog " she said as she looked at the dog next to him .

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Steve Freeling Steve Freeling
Azrael Shuyin Cross-30.5 Yrs-Werewolf
Azrael clung to the dragon's back by its horn as they headed away from the human city, soon wide oceans beneath them or so he sensed by the smell of salt wafting up from them. The assassin was silent, gripping tightly with his knees the dragon's back as it flew through the air...the werewolf wouldn't be able to survive a fall from that height, not even his partner could despite being a werepanther. A snarl escaped him as his partner's face flashed in front of him and he could have sworn he heard the feline's laughter around him. The assassin's ears twitched and laid flat against his head as he shifted them and an hour later they were at an island, passing over a forest and landing near the ocean. The wolf wrinkled his nose at the scent of the sea and got off, grabbing his bag from the dragon's horn and shaking himself out like a wet dog. For some odd reason, master had imbued traits of his experiments into them. The alpha shook his head and made his way after the dragon as it turned into its regular form along with the other two and he looked around him. He saw people of all ages, all the same race here, and the female Skurgion went towards a younger girl looking one before speaking about special prisoners, immediately attracting his attention.

These special prisoners turned out to be three shifters of their own, dressed in legion robes and the wolf snarled angrily as he saw them. They too seemed to recognize him in some way. The wolf hung back, watching them before they ran into the forest and Azrael turned his attention to the Skurgion princess as she spoke that he could hunt them down and that once his prey died to let her know and more would be released for him. The werewolf grinned, sadistic intentions written all over his face before he disappeared into the forest after them.
"I'm from the Valley of the Wind. His name is Stanley." Then a girl around his own age introduced herself to him as Elise. His cheeks flushed red. Whoa, she's cute... He chose not to voice this thought.
"Nice to meet you, Elise. I'm Steve." He replied with a friendly smile. Wouldn't want her to think I'm weird, after all. We just met.
SilverSentinal SilverSentinal JayBird JayBird

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