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Completed Chapter V: Out of Sight

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Dina Ailsa

Lost Child of Asgard

As Dina watched the girls go she realized that it was easier to forget how little she could do herself when surrounded by a strong group of fighters. Now left alone she felt very vulnerable. There was this new power, very potent one. Dina's mind relived the event from yesterday. The explosion of energy. Monsters and soldiers scattered on the ground.

Yes, if she could unlock this potential herself maybe she would not have to see her loved ones face danger without her. Dina was very afraid that she will lose Violet and very ashamed to stay behind. But it was a right thing to do, right? Was it arrogant of her to think it was alright to have people treat her different now that she knew her roots? If she was not the last of royal blood would she have gone? Who knows...

Right now she planned on staying here and waiting just like she said she would. But with this free time on her hands she could look into all her questions about the Taint... No, that would be selfish. What if something happens to Violet and Maggie and she is not here... Dina would never be able to forget that she was not here for them.

The girl closed her eyes. She decided to try to contact the Spectral Council even though the fog might get in the way. She wanted to know what was happening elsewhere and if they knew some answers. Dina reached with her mind and hoped for the best.
"The water comes from the river, naturally." says Violet in reply to Maggie. "But that can't be it. The same water supply is used by the rest of the town as well, and the incident seems isolated to the district. Perhaps..."

The elf doesn't get to finish. They were just passing by what looked like some kind of congregation - the one they'd seen earlier from the gates. A robed man was standing on a makeshift stage made up of various wooden objects, giving some kind of speech. His robes had a clumsily painted burning orb of fire on the chest; it was clearly hand made and not part of the original clothing. There were at least a dozen people bowed down as if in deep prayer.

"...and He will rise like a majestic phoenix! Glorious in His might, standing ready to assert His dominance over this paltry plane of existence! Rule of the Flameborn! Of the Flaming Vengeance that will devour all who dare stand in His path!" The wannabe priest raved heartily, deeply devoted to his philosophy.

The people were chanting something beyond understanding, hands going up and then down again. Then the man noticed Violet, or more accurately he noticed Maggie. Immediately and violently he pointed a finger directly at her, as if accusing a criminal.

"There! A servant of the old god, come to our midst!" Heads turned at Maggie as if on command. The townsfolk stared at her with dead eyes and bland expressions. "Have you come to repent, priestess? Do you revoke the fallen Maker and accept the Flameborn as your sole and rightful sovereign?"

*** *** ***

Meanwhile, completely unaware of the world around her, the girl Dina attempts to contact the Spectral Council. Unfortunately all she gets are unreadable thoughts and a slight headache. It must be the fog.

Maggie starts to shake her head, mouth already open to deny a change of heart, but paused. This could be a way to find out what was going on - or what the robed man thought was going on, at least. "Why, I have come to learn, friend. What can you tell me of recent events here?" Mentally, she crossed her fingers and hoped that there would be something in the raving she was about to receive that would help her and Violet find some answers.
Maggie's smart approach causes the preacher to flinch and fix her with a cautious eye.

"Oh, have you? Have you indeed...?"
he replies, and from the way he stretched out the words and left them hanging it is clear that he hadn't prepared for this scenario.

Violet stands still and stoic, deciding to see where the priestess' approach leads them.

"Then rejoice! for there is much to learn. For the hour of His ascension approaches... Behold!"
he suddenly exclaims, and the congregation of men and women instantly falls down to the ground. "A great storm of fire and blood! Ask not what has happened, for the past will be undone! By the mercy of the great fire shall our sins be erased, and all our trespasses forgiven, if only we give ourselves to the flame!" Averting his gaze from the sky, he peers at Maggie again. "It is what comes that you should be concerning yourself with, oh ye of misplaced devotion. A great and ardent rebirth of our Lord and redeemer into this world has already taken place. He walks among us!!" The man practically screamed now, his voice ever changing to fill in the drama. "He who has traversed the Abyss now treads upon the earth of our world!!"

The rant would possibly extend further if Violet didn't suddenly spring to life. "Enough!" she shouted, moving to stand between Maggie and the preacher. "What madness is this, blasphemer?!"

The man instantly calmed down and sneered at the two women. Meanwhile, every member of the congregation had their sights affixed at Violet.

But the shadow elf had not the patience. Before Maggie could say anything, she drew her sword and threatened the preacher. "Speak! Before I cut you down!"

The preacher did speak, but to Maggie. "Oh, it is a great day for learning, fallen priestess! Today, you shall learn the first of many lessons that speak of His power." His gaze was as unnerving as it was piercing; the stare of a madman.

Maggie stood unmoving (and to all appearances unmoved emotionally as well) as the speaker preached himself into a fury - and back down again at Violet's interruption. Deep within, she reached for that peaceful calm every proper holy person was given (or taught) for times like these. Centering herself in her faith, she smiled gently at the madman and his followers. It wasn't the sort of smile one usually gives blasphemers or crazy people. Rather, Maggie's smile reached to all she looked at, letting them know that here was someone who truly cared about their fate, and wanted only to know the best way to help before she went into action. Quietly, but in a tone of voice that reached everyone in the crowd, she replied, "Please, go on."
Two things happened in close succession. First, Violet turned to Maggie with a look of disbelief. Second, the bursting sound of fire emanated from behind. The preacher's fists were on fire, and he held them up in the air with an evil grin.

"By fire be purged!" the preacher exclaims, then launches one of the two fireballs straight at Violet and Maggie who have but a second to react.

Out of stillness, motion. Out of calm, action. "Had to give them a chance," Maggie said as she swiftly stepped up to lay a hand on Violet's shoulder. Her staff fell forgotten to the ground as her other hand gripped her sun-shaped holy symbol, hard enough she'd likely have dents in her skin when she let go later. "Maker shield us," she breathed, willing into existence a protective bubble around the two of them to block the fireballs and trusting Violet to handle the counterattack that seems called for.

Henvei v. R. Daltzen

Master of Cards

Time marches on, and the scholar says little, content to stare instead into his tea. But soon the silence oozing through the room bothered him, and he lifted his face from the cup. "Enough about me. I have not heard of what developments bring your own esteemed self to this place. Hispen, as I recall, are not predisposed to travel."
"Not at all. My family's nothing but a bunch of burrowers, all of them. Born in tears, die in tears, as we say!" Ricard Hisper exclaims in between sips of his tea. "But not me. Believe it or not, I am out here on a quest for adventure!"

A shocking thought for one Folk to do, so perhaps a fabrication? Yet why not choose a more viable lie, then? Or perhaps this eccentricity could be attributed to Ricard's young age? It is obvious at first glance that he is significantly younger than Henvei.

*** *** ***​

As the flames recede, both Violet and Maggie are unscathed - thanks entirely to the priestess. She can see it in the elf's eyes as their gazes meet; a mixture of surprise and gratitude.

Meanwhile, the mad preacher rages. "Foolish priestess! Your tricks will not avail you!"

Violet quickly rushes past the gathered townsfolk, sword in hand, provoking the man to miss with his second prepared fireball. Before he is able to conjure up a new one, the elven commander is already upon him. Her blade goes through his torso, effectively causing him to collapse.

"F-f-f-fools...!" he says, gurgling blood. "You cannot s-s-stop the... aaaaargh!" His final thoughts are lost in a shriek of pain as Violet suddenly pulls out her sword. The man's body is still before long at her feet. For several long moments there is great anticipation as to how the makeshift congregation will react, and then finally they resume wailing and bowing down to nothing in particular, speaking nonsense.

"Thank you." says Violet as she approaches Maggie. "That was close. Damn, what in hell is going on here?"

Maggie sighs as the mad preacher falls to the ground. "Poor man." She watches the crowd warily until they go back to harmless wailing, then turns her attention to Violet with a nod. "I don't know, but I think we'd better find out. Anything here seem out of place to you? Aside from them of course... If not, perhaps we ought to continue to that shop and see if anyone there has noticed anything. We're close enough maybe someone will, do you think?"
"I suppose..." replied Violet, unsure. "I'm afraid the negotiations might be out of the picture if the situation is as bad as it seems. And it could even be worse. I mean, look around you, Maggie." The elf waves around with her free hand. "Do you see a single sane person here except the two of us? Something is terribly wrong here."

A valid point, since a quick inspection would yield only madmen or apparent madmen; amid the running around and shouting it was hard to say who was crazy and who was just running from the crazies. There must have been a hundred people in the street, and few of them were being still. Most formed a wall banging at the City Watch soldiers that kept the chaos from pouring into the inner city.

Luckily, for the time being, the two women were once again ignored by everyone.

*** *** ***

Meanwhile Meric, A'kal, Valtieri and Battojutsu proceed through the lower levels of the crypt - walking in that particular order. Each of them was carrying a lit torch. Since they descended, they encountered no opposition, though unnerving sounds emanating from deeper into the crypt never stopped. A muffled shriek now and then, scratching, cutting... Meric bravely led the way but even he paused now and then in anticipation of a possible attack that never came, or just to exchange a cautious glance with the rest of the party.

After rows and rows of stone coffins and death-featuring carvings, they come across a second serving of presumably blood-written letters on the wall. Everyone automatically turns towards the necromancer with question marks for eyes.


"Good point." Maggie followed Violet's gaze around them. "Still, there must be something we can do. Perhaps all the sane ones are hiding inside? I wouldn't blame them for it. Or we might find some clue to what caused this. It looks like the crazed ones are trying to get into the city, so that must mean if there's a single cause, it's away from the city." She looks forward, away from the gate. "Shall we take a look and see what we can find?"
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"That's what we're supposed to do, but..." Violet stood hesitant for a moment. Not a common sight. "I feel... uneasy. Things got a hell of a lot more dangerous suddenly. We're not talking about just rabid peasants here. That man," she says, pointing at the corpse of the would-be preacher "Was a capable fire mage; at least Apprentice level, if not higher. I fear there could even be a cult involved, though why it has suddenly surfaced is beyond me. But I'd take that explanation over people just going mad overnight. And you risk much just by being with me."

The shadow elf stares at Maggie with her white eyes. "Conditions have changed since you decided to accompany me. If you wish to return behind the walls, go. If you're intent on staying, then... We shall snoop around a bit together. Carefully."

*** *** ***

Dina has no idea what's going on in the Riverfront aside from what she can see at the barricade, but she notices that none of the soldiers or anyone else for that matter seem to be paying her any heed. Not even the man tasked to safeguard her. Reinforcements had still not arrived, and the Watch had their hands full deflecting the tide of people desperately trying to get into the city.

Maggie returned Violet's gaze - not fearlessly, but with resolution. "I think you may be right. But if it is a cult, all the more reason why I should stay." She looked at the people around them, then reached down to pick up her staff. "I have my calling, my duty. That much hasn't changed - and will never change. Let's find what's going on, together, and put an end to it."

Henvei v. R. Daltzen

Master of Cards

"Adventure? What a curious rational. More so for Hispen! Surely you must jest, my friend. A trip on behalf of your college, perhaps, or a summons from our dear Maester here, has left you wanting for the confusion and turmoil of home! I certainly understand your anguish, for the idle mind will with turn to adventure with little else to please it! There is no need to fear disappointing me, for I too labor under a yoke of normality. Do tell me of your real purpose here, and I will save the judgement for the councils in Tears!"

The word 'Adventure' was quite the stuff of gossip in the wastes of home. It most regularly went hand-in-hand with a mad Folk, or at least, one very near to madness. Henvei suspected that this young Hispen had not yet reached the age of madness; otherwise, he was rather skilled at concealing it. Either way, a careful verbal prodding would not hurt.
Ricard lays down his cup, empty. "Fine bloodleaf, I must say. Many thanks, Henvei." He completes the courtesy with a slight bow of his head, then peers straight into the other Folk's eyes and starts talking. "Take me for a fool if you like, but the only reason I speak this plain is because we're two Folk in the middle of nowhere - pardon, Maester, for a Folk any place that is not home is nowhere," he apologizes and hesitates a moment to determine if it was taken the wrong way, then continues speaking to Henvei.

"And... Perhaps it will calm you to hear that this journey was not self-initiated. In fact, I came across papers in the library, oh of the forgotten kind - that spoke to me of treasure. That makes more sense, yes? Oh, no ordinary treasure, no. What I speak of are artifacts imbued with magic." The glint in the young Folk's eyes confirmed that he believed what he was saying, though Henvei knew no scholar worth his salt in the City of Tears would depart home to chase legends of treasure that may or may not be even real. Ricard seemed quite excited about it, as if he just found out this morning. "Such a promise I could hardly ignore, yes. I followed the tracks here, came to our honorable host for help... And then my objective became hard to see, harder yet to reach! You know of what I speak? Surely... But wait. How is it that you are here?" Ricard's eyes light up with something else then, something greatly resembling curiosity.

*** *** ***

No sooner than Violet managed a nod at Maggie, there was an explosion sound coming from the next street, behind the block. The duo quickly takes off to get a look at things that were quickly spiraling out of control.

Smoke and the smell of burning greets them as they come round the corner to witness two houses alight, and two more catching fire (one on each side, on the same side of the street). Through the crowd of people running around in panic, Maggie can see several figures standing out with their calm, stoic pose. Their garb is similar in appearance to the preacher that Violet took down, though it's hard to tell. The men do not notice the arrivals, but as the crowd is dispersing it is only a matter of time before they do. For now they seem to be watching the buildings burn.

Skies overhead are grey and all covered in clouds. Not a hint of sunlight to be seen, and a storm seems to be coming from the Southwest. The wind picks up, doing no one any good except the flames.

Vittorio Valtieri

The Gentleman Necromancer

Valtieri's brows knit as he stares at the words, then he sighs like a frustrated teacher.

"A zealot. How marvelous. Brace yourselves, fellows - this is going to get much harder before it's over."

Eyes unfocusing, he looks in the direction of the shrieks and cries, then shake his head.

"We should hurry. Something terrible is being realized."

He waits for one of the fighters to take the lead.
Meanwhile, on the inner side of the Riverfront gates, Dina hears a familiar voice accompanied by a familiar figure. A young man, tall and well built, with short black hair and green eyes, clad in dark robes. He had the same inviting smile and friendly look.

It was Ghosty.

"Ah, there you are!" he says, seemingly very glad. "Wasn't entirely sure where you'd gone, so I ended up having to check a few spots... Here wasn't high on my list." He chuckled.

Maggie frowns as she pushes her way "upstream" through the crowds toward the burning buildings. "We need to make sure everyone got out safely! I don't suppose you have any elemental magic that could put those out? Or at least keep the rest of the town from burning? These people are too panicked to form a bucket brigade, even if we're close enough to the river for it." She warily eyes the few calm people. "Plan on them being an obstruction too, I'd guess." If anyone looks like they're running from the burning buildings in particular, Maggie will grab them and ask about other occupants. Otherwise, her plan is to run up and shout, and see if anyone's leaning out upper-story windows.

Dina Ailsa

Lost Child of Asgard

With nothing to do and with her head still hurting from her attempted contact with the Spectrals Dina was just about to try to find a lookout spot which would help her see beyond the barricade. Suddenly Ghosty stole her attention.

"How is it that you are here? I thought you were tied to the temple somehow. Am I still the only one that can see you?..." Dina barraged him with questions but stopped abruptly. She felt glad to see him. He had helped her before, maybe he will again. What made Dina give Ghosty a break was this vague pillar of smoke coming from the Riverside. She went back to trying to find a lookout spot now. "My friends are on the other side. Can you see anything?" Dina filled Ghosty in. Hope they are safe...
Maggie ended up halting three people, albeit briefly, amid the intensifying chaos:

The first was a woman, middle-aged with long dark hair and a lower class dress torn at her side. She couldn't divulge much from her. The woman was simply too panicked for comprehensible speech.

The second was an older man, looking every bit as rugged as the clothing on him. Might have been a fisherman. His face lit up at the sight of Maggie, even though he would have rushed right past her without noticing had she not grabbed him. He called upon the Maker and began begging for help and blessings, but was able to point the finger at the group of men standing by the fires and accuse them of the mischief. He called them "Hell's prophets" and then ran off to safety.

The third person was again a woman, much younger, seemingly barely out of her teens. She was crying a river but other than that seemed more or less collected. She threw a look at the group of people by the fire as well, indicting them, and then turned a hopelessly sad face to Maggie and asked her a question: "Why does He not avail us, Sister?"

*** *** ***

Ghosty raised a brow at Dina's questions. "Tied to the temple...? Of course not. God, wouldn't that be a sad existence? I'd have probably offed myself centuries before you came along..." he said, elegantly bowing his head and continuing: "And in doing so missed the privilege of meeting one as utterly wonderful as you. And yes - you are still very much the only one that can see me. I wouldn't have it any other way, you see. None save you are worthy of feasting their eyes upon me. Quite a feast, by the way, wouldn't you say?"

He seemed too into it to regard her other concern.

"But that is why I am here, child!" Though not much older than the girl she's talking to (if at all), Maggie pats her shoulder reassuringly while offering a sad but comforting smile. "Would that I had gotten here earlier, but I shall do what I can now. Is there anyone in danger from the flames, do you know?" She gestures towards the burning buildings. Regardless of the answer, she intends to direct the girl to the Maker's temple in the city while she and Violet continue onward - towards the buildings if someone is in need of rescue; towards the fire-setters if not. She looks at Violet and speaks softly to her, "I'm sure those men won't like us helping out. Be ready in case they react the same as the last one."

Sanya Sarkov

The Seventh Sword

Sanya stood guard at the moment, looking around cautiously now and not caring for the implications of what was going on below. The words read aloud reminded him of some of the worst necromancers he'd been forced to put down. The obsessives that would go to the most horrific lengths to test and push their art to the limits. He felt and resisted the urge to descend to deliver justice at the moment, trusting those who had gone. He had said he would hold the rear for them and by the honor of the Kossar, he would. His left hand rest contemplatively on his sword hilt, ready to draw it in an instant that it was needed.

This is such madness, the usurper has sent sick minds to harm us so very clearly. Her crimes only continue to grow as her reign goes on. I will deliver justice to her and her followers for this...

Dina Ailsa

Lost Child of Asgard

"I probably asked you this before but.. What are you and why is it only I can see you?" Dina asked after wondering if centuries ago was only a figure of speech or if he was indeed much older than he looked. She was still trying to find a good lookout spot. With Ghosty distracting her, maybe she overlooked one already? What is I try to grow a tree to rise me over the barricade? That would give me a nice view... Dina decided she would try to do just that. After Ghosty answers her. Though, she doubted it would make much difference. He would just appear right beside her, right?
The girl was too frightened to be of any further use so sending her away - though not warranting her safety beyond the next corner - was probably the best option. With the street largely cleared out and no more people emerging from the houses that were now beyond help, Violet and Maggie approach the mysterious figures lingering by the fire. Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, they notice them coming and can be considered ready for mostly anything that the duo might come up with.

There are four of them; all wearing the same black garb with an unartistically painted orb of fire on the chest, their hoods raised to somewhat conceal their faces. On closer inspection two of them seemed to be male and the other two female - all human. It is one of the women that breaks the silence.

"Well, what do we have here? Don't you two look lost." she says to them in a haughty voice, then observes her friends. "Don't they look lost?"

One of the men nods. "A priestess and a... mercenary, perhaps? They most certainly do, Arianis."

Violet looked clearly upset. She was distressed before, but by now it was obvious that the situation was very much getting to her. Her patience was likely about to run out. "Oh, we're definitely not lost." she replies, not yet reaching for her weapon but looking every bit tense enough to do so on a moment's notice.

"Whatever. In a moment you'll wish you were, elf." the woman called Arianis dismissed her and gave Maggie a good look over. "The priestess is a different story. It might be amusing to hear what she has to say."

All eyes fall on Maggie.

*** *** ***​

"What am I? What? Ouch. I have feelings, you know." Dina's Ghosty said, making a hurtful face. "I like to think of myself as a person, but as to my identity... I'm not telling. Alot more interesting this way, I think. But the reason only you can see me should be apparent." He grinned, moving closer to Dina until he was right next to her; their bodies almost touching. "Because I want it that way." His green eyes peered right into hers, for a second rooting her in place. His expression was more than pleasant. He smiled at her. It was the most confident smile Dina had ever seen. It even topped Meric's. "If you don't believe I'm real, feel free to check. Convince yourself. Figments of imagination shouldn't offer much in the way of resistance."

*** *** ***​

The ground level of the crypt was cold and quiet, save from the wind that started howling outside. Sanya Sarkov was alone with the creepy shadows cast by the torchlight. It had been at least ten minutes since the rest of the party descended into the dark beyond the spiraling staircase. The thoughts in his head were likely just as dark; his mind playing tricks on him in conjunction with the eerie environment.

First he thought he heard something coming from below. Several times, but he couldn't be sure. Long moments passed in anticipation of an emerging monster that slaughtered his friends and was now coming for him. The monster never came, though, but Sanya was prepared every second of the way. But just as he was starting to relax, standing in the middle of the round room next to the stairs, another noise came and this time it was from the outside. Soft footsteps along the paved path of the cemetery, close and drawing closer.

Whatever it was, two things were certain so far. It couldn't have been big, and it would see Sanya at the same time he would see it.
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