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Completed Chapter V: Out of Sight

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"As I told one of your...compatriots, I'm here to learn. I can't condone this," she waves a hand to indicate the burning houses and screaming people, "but I do want to know why you're doing it. Don't any of you have an answer that comes down to more than 'because we can'? Because that's just not going to work for me." She stands firm before the four robed people, obviously confident in herself and her companion. At the moment, her staff is held lightly in one hand, appearing more as a walking staff than a weapon. Under her own robes, however, she's tensing for the combat she knows is going to come soon, if these people can't be reasoned with (and she's afraid they won't be any more open to reason than the last one).

On another level, she wonders if these people have been infected with some kind of sickness - and if so, whether there's anything she can do to cure them. Of course, that would mean getting within touching distance, which could be a little tricky...

Dina Ailsa

Lost Child of Asgard

"Mysteriousness only causes distrust and annoyance. I might begin to think of you as a foe. In the temple too, you interrupted my attempts at contacting nature. Here I cannot get to concentrate on finding a place from which I would see better over the barricade. My friends are out there." Dina complained. Her voice was a worried one. As Ghosty drew close to her she backed away a step. His actions caused her slight discomfort. Why would he only want her to see him and why was he acting like he was trying to... woo her... drawing attention to himself and speaking the way he did. Dina contemplated his offer for a moment. Her thoughts came down to fear. She was afraid to touch him.

What did she know about this... person following her? That he liked to keep to himself, that he gave her a few tips... But other than that he was always getting in her way. Why was it again? Why did she feel glad to see him? Foolish girl. You should not trust so easily. He might have something to do with the Taint or even Ilhirel!
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Sanya Sarkov

The Seventh Sword

Sanya held his ground, not one for hiding generally at a time like that. His hand rest calmly on the hilt of his blade, though honestly he could draw anyone of them at great speed. His eyes narrow some as he tries to assess the sound and hope this isn't going to be some form of vile trap or attack. The lighter steps had him on edge of it being so simply because everything out here should be dead and shamling. This didn't come across all that much to him as such. Could they have created more intelligent undead out here?

Henvei v. R. Daltzen

Master of Cards

"Artifacts...? How intriguing. My own work does concern certain artifacts of note...but then again, what else would be so demanding as to draw us from the city?" Henvei finishes his own cup of tea with a flourish. "I chase an object of considerable value, but I had until now not known of any such mystery hiding in this area. Rest assured, I am quite firmly in passing." Henvei eyes the younger Folk, a hunting dog humoring a playful kitten. "There are no competitions this far from home! I will be eager to hear of your little adventure while I prepare to travel. Your own enthusiasm is rather infections, it seems."

Though the Hispen was young, and the Daltzen far too preoccupied for any side adventures, Henvei had a curiosity of his own, and it soon got the better of him. "Infectious enough, that I must ask...What is it that you seek? Have you found a totem of the elements? Or perhaps a shard of the old magics?"
Violet & Maggie

"If I didn't know better, that would be a welcome attitude," the woman replied with a wide smile, "I could work with that. But I do know better. You are asking for all the wrong reasons. You're not here to join His brilliant pyre. No true devotee of the fallen Maker ever would, and those untrue would never have taken that mantle."

The same man from before shook his head. "A shame, really. But Riverfront has not been found wanting of disappointments. Few were eligible."

"A great fire has burst into life, little priestess." Arianis interjected, emphasizing her words with passionate gestures. "Our great lord and savior, who has traversed the Abyss itself - Flameborn - now walks this earth among us. We are His apostles; His faithful. We gave ourselves to His great fire willingly and gladly, and ours shall be the reward when He reigns supreme over all mortals. Dunn is only the beginning... His fire will spread from this city in all directions, cleansing the world of the scourge of the false gods!"

Violet clenched the pommel of her sword, ready to draw but still for the moment. "Bastards. You're nothing more than criminals, and will be dealt with accordingly." she said, her voice heavy with suppressed rage.

Arianis throws a look of feigned pity. "Of course, not all are fit to serve the Ardent Flame; you two, for example. But at least you'll make decent fuel for the fire." Then she nods at her followers. "Show them the overwhelming power of our Lord Flameborn."

The two men and one woman step forward, fists blazing with fire. Behind them, Arianis smiles devilishly. Behind her, the three houses are halfway burned down and the adjacent ones are now lit as well.


Ghosty looked hurt, but didn't voice his feelings this time. "Any interruptions on my part must have been purely coincidental. I've not hindered your progress, nor do I have any reason to." he said, maintaining a neutral tone and expression for now. "There's nothing to see; Your friends have passed on..." he let the thought hang in the air for a spell before continuing: "Around the next block of buildings. A line of houses is on fire while they converse with a group of shady characters. Does that still your wavering heart?"


Moments pass and tension builds up as the soft footsteps draw closer and closer, and then, just when their source was presumably about to step out of the fog and onto the threshold - they cease altogether. And then a figure slowly slips into sight.

Sanya finds himself face to face - albeit quite a ways apart - with a humanoid shape dressed in a long black robe, face hidden behind a raised hood. The stranger hesitates for a moment, most likely stupefied at the sight of Sanya. Might be that he did not expect to encounter anyone living in the way.


Young Ricard's face suddenly lights up. "Do I sense interest? Oh, how wonderful such a prospect seems, compared to what I would encounter some miles north! Henvei, my friend, I would gladly cut you in on this little adventure - for the treasure I chase promises reward enough for two easily, at least." Looking at the old maester he hastily adds: "Our hospitable host included, of course!"

Maester Roderick laughs heartily at that, laying down his own empty cup. "Whatever trinket you bring back will serve just fine, young master Hisper!"

Ricard Hisper looks at both of them with a secretive glance. "A place called Heartwood is what I seek, Henvei. It contains great treasure of old, my source claims, and more than a bit of it magically enhanced! I've unearthed quite a few tips about it, but merely one on its actual location." Hisper's next word is uttered with contained excitement after a moment of building suspense.


Dina Ailsa

Lost Child of Asgard

Dina observed Ghosty's expression for a long moment. She then got close to him, as close as he had been to her not that long ago. The girl extended her arm with the intention of touching Ghosty's cheek.

Ghosty makes no attempt to stop her, and the girl's hand comes to rest against his cheek normally. Whatever he may or may not be, he was definitely solid.

Meric, Valtieri, A'kal, & Battojutsu

Outside the sphere of torchlight, the darkness of the underground crypt was absolute. The group's progress was slow, but not because they encountered any real obstacles. The path was mostly linear save for a few side tunnels that were narrower and in worse shape than the main tunnel, so they kept on going straight. Also, the disturbing noise emanated from that way. Here and there they'd encounter red writings on the wall which Valtieri would briefly translate. It was mostly gibberish about the central theme of death.

Finally, the group emerges into a much larger room partially lit by wall sconces. The central path goes straight, flanked by rows and rows of stone crypts. At its end stand three figures in mundane-looking black robes with their faces hidden behind heavy hoods. The tunnel continues behind the trio, disappearing in darkness.

One of the men steps forward. "Ah, visitors! Welcome, welcome..." he greets them in a raspy voice. "You are not supposed to be here, I think, but no matter. The more the... merrier, yes? Good, good. We will find a use for you, fear not."

Meric moves forward but before the elf can speak, the two other men let out high-pitched whispers and within moments there is movement in the unlit shadows of the room. Shapes stir and when they come into the light, you can see that they are undead, partially skeletal with some rotting flesh still in place. They grasp rusty blades and wooden shields, and slowly move towards the group.

Meric and A'kal quickly take up positions in front of Valtieri. Battojutsu grips his long sword and warily watches the dark behind them. "We should not have come here like this. It's a trap for certain. We are only four."

"Stand your ground!" A'kal thunders. "These feeble undead are no match for the likes of us!"

At this the spokesman of the three necromancers lets out a hissing laugh.

Vittorio Valtieri

The Gentleman Necromancer

"Don't let the dead distract you - kill the Necromancers first." Cries Valtieri, taking scant cover behind a crypt. "They'll need time to do anything worse."

He begins searching through his pouch for the right glyphs and looks around for likely bodies to command - he tries to gauge the power of these hostile undead, the better to deal with them. Either I can raise some bodies to hold these back while the others get to work, or perhaps some were raised by the apprentices - easier to subvert than destroy.
"Valtieri's right." Meric says, preparing to attack the first of the oncoming dead. "A'kal, help me carve a path to the necromancers! Battojutsu, stay with him!"

Valtieri cannot help noticing that the crypt behind which he took cover is open, and that there is a body inside in final stages of decomposition. The crypt next to it is partially open and could thus also be useful if occupied. A tomb beneath a town of this size would have no shortage of bodies, but the same cannot be said for available specters.

Vittorio Valtieri

The Gentleman Necromancer

Looking around to make sure he won't be attacked, Valtieri selects the correct glyph and mutters under his breath as he applies them to the body.

"Es Iks, it only needs to last long enough..." Pressing the glyphs to the body in a flash of shadow essence, Valtieri wills the body to rise and serve him.

And so it does, hauling itself stiffly from the slab in a cloud of dust and crawling insects. He directs it to attack the closest enemy undead, and creeps towards the next open sarcophagus.
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Valtieri's freshly created undead obediently comes up on Meric's left and attacks the closest enemy undead as instructed. Fortunately it came equipped with a bastard sword that it was buried with in its deathly grip. It is probably even more fortunate that the elf happened to be looking at Valtieri at the moment of the raising, so he knew the approaching body to be an ally, instead of foe. Together they stand against the encroaching enemy undead.

Meanwhile, A'kal goes right and vaults over two lines of crypts, having deducted that in this particular case the fastest way between two places was not a straight line. As he comes closer, however, he encounters enemies that he would have to cut through.

These two developments are enough to scare the three necromancers and they no longer seem as confident and witty as they previously were. Their leader curses: "By the Sixth! Deal with them! They must not thwart our plans." And then he turns to vanish into the shadows of the hallway behind. The remaining two necromancers are doing nothing, for the moment.

Upon brief inspection, Valtieri discovers that inside the second sarcophagus there are skeletal remains preserved well enough to be of potential use. This deceased was also buried with a bastard sword, now rusted.

Dina Ailsa

Lost Child of Asgard

"Well... You are solid." Dina stood surprised. She half expected Ghosty to be...well...ghastly. She thought she would not be able to touch him. Dina did not know how to proceed or what to do with this new information.
Ghosty gave Dina a half-curious look, not commenting her discovery. Instead he said: "You are worried for your friends, no doubt. No need. Help is on the way."

After several moments that were long enough to leave Dina wondering, the sound of heavy feet came from the direction of the town. A long column of orderly but hurried soldiers was marching this way - towards the Rivefront Gate where one of the guardsmen holding the barricade was waving at them.

It was the City Watch reinforcements that were sent for when all this began.

Vittorio Valtieri

The Gentleman Necromancer

Valtieri is not proud, but he is, at least, satisfied as his own undead creaks and shambles into the fight, sword upraised with a strength the wielder might have barely known in life. The attack is halfway between method and frenzy; a series of desperate, flailing cuts delivered with a ponderous force.

Good enough, for now. Perhaps Valtieri can edge around these saracophagi and pelt those zealots with his bone fragments. But we must be wary - no doubt they have a beacon, which means there must be great undead here somewhere, and the spirits to ride them.

Brandishing his staff, Valtieri reaches out with his powers to find a suitable specter that might be forced into the nearby corpse.

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Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

Dina watched the reinforcements for a moment."You might be right." Dina said. She felt more at ease now. Ghosty had her full attention for a time. "Say, what do you know about Taint? You were near its sorce of power in the temple for some time." Dina asked him sounding like someone making small talk more than anything else. She was also thinking about wheter or not she should stay here now that she knew her friends were no longer alone. Surely, Ghosty would follow her wherever she went. Dina decided to try to get something out of him and then try to find some information on the matter somewhere else.


Valtieri could feel the vibrations in his staff moments before the spirit appeared, the soundless humming signaling the crossing of the thin barrier between reality and the Shadow Realm. Sure enough, a specter comes forth in the air above and in front of the necromancer, still engulfed in the blue flames of the other world. Valtieri can sense aggression, hostility, desire to kill - good qualities for the task at hand, and fortunately so since he did not bother reaching for a specific type of ghost. Could have just as easily been a chef.

"Finally!" the specter wails with a voice that is twisted but still unmistakeably male. "Is it my turn yet? Necromancer! Sate my blood thirst! I serve you willingly."

The spirit is one of a warrior, and quite powerful at that. Level 3, without doubt. The strongest that Valtieri's current staff is able to summon. That could imply some things, but for now, the necromancer had better act fast; for common spirits cannot linger unbound in this plane.

Please roll 3d100 to break the spirit's bond with the Shadow Realm, thus allowing it to occupy the body. With your staff's Binding score which is maxed, you have 90% chance of success. That means at least one of your scores needs to be in the 1-90 range (which will most likely happen

:P ). This will also reduce your staff's Durability by another 3 points (since it's a lvl 3 spirit)
After that you need to use two runes for the Obedience and Duration slots. You could omit the Obedience if you trust the specter to serve you of its own free will, but be warned that there is no way to install this guarantee later - if things go awry you will need to either destroy it physically or banish it with an O glyph (which you do not have). The only applicable Obedience glyph you have is Je, and for Duration you can only choose Ze (making it last for an hour).

In this particular case your only Obedience-grade glyph is actually the weakest method of control, making the specter serve you in all ways except those that its nature strongly disagrees with - which is incidentally what it would most likely do on its own anyway. Some necromancers would give it free will since it's meant for one hour, but under these circumstances I'm not sure if you can risk it at all. Having the thing turn on you in a battle where the odds are already against you would be really inconvenient.


"Yes, I was, wasn't I..." Ghosty remarks absently. "A long time. I saw Raziel's temple in its glory days, you know? While there were still Varden running around. The Taint was the cause of the temple's downfall." he said, observing Dina for a reaction. "You saw the challenge chamber. What was left of it. That fact alone should serve as warning enough to steer clear of the thing. Oh, but I forget. You can't, can you?"

Dina could trace his stare down to her right, tainted hand.

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

Dina raised her hand and observed it for a long moment. "It does seem like it is here to stay... But why did you? Why did you stay at the temple for so long?" She questioned him further. "Did you learn anything interesting about the Taint while you were there? Something I could use?"
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"I know what's happening to you. The corruption coursing through your veins will spread, regardless of your actions." Ghosty divulges. "Attempting to utilize the power, though tempting, will accelerate the process. Finally, when the Taint reaches your heart, it will blacken, and you will forever lose who you were, who you are, and who you might have been. There will only be Dina the Dark Songstress, loyal servant of the Taint that empowers her."

Vittorio Valtieri

The Gentleman Necromancer

Valtieri applies Je and Ze to the corpse as the breaking and binding take hold in a cold exhalation of otherworldly power, giving the specter a vessel in the form of this corpse. Valtieri points at those Necromancers who oppose them.

"Go then, specter, and spill their blood - they will prove more satisfying than the other undead."
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With an arcane crack, the spirit is bound to the prepared body which is immediately animated. Gripping his rusty sword, the spirit says: "To cut down your own kin, eh? As you wish. It makes no difference to me, for as long as there is something to kill." And he is already on his way, moving faster than the enemy, primitive undead. Just like commanded, he walks past Meric and the other friendly undead who are fighting side by side (albeit with the elf maintaining distance from both), and goes straight for the enemy necromancers.

For the time being both the spirit and A'kal have been slowed down by lesser foes on their way to the true threat, but it is obvious beyond doubt that the party now has the upper hand and will clear the room in a couple minutes, at most.

Unless something changes, that is. For now the two remaining necromancers exchange glances that are too far away to be made out. They're not running away, though.

Vittorio Valtieri

The Gentleman Necromancer

Valtieri's eyes narrow. Necromancers are, by nature, arrogant, and this lot were zealous too. Could they be bound in worship to some frightful spectre like the one which lead him into the Temple? This smells entirely too much like a trap, and Valitieri wishes he hadn't neglected his fencing lessons as a boy not for the first time. Nor the last, as this goes on. At least Battojutsu is guarding my flank.

He reaches out with his arcane senses, searching for some clue, some unusual concentration of power.
Ghosty takes a long, contemplative pause before he answers the girl's question.

"Yes." he says at length. "There are several possible remedies for your... condition. You were tainted by a powerful force, and it will take an equally great power to expunge the corruption. You could talk to the wizards here in Dunn - the city is home to a local branch of the Mages Guild. If you don't trust them, or if they are unable to help, you could journey south following the river to where it spills into Lake Sharn. In the center of the lake lies a small patch of ground called Maker's Isle - known also as Maker's Eye. Great miracles have been recorded there, perhaps great enough to counter the Taint. Just ask a priest here about it."

"Alternatively..." he continues, "Well, there might be another way as well. I'll look into it for you, alright?" He gives her a reassuring smile. "Right now. Among other things I have on my plate. Until next time, girl."

And just like that, the mysterious Ghosty is gone. But at least Dina learned something from him.
"If I didn't know better, that would be a welcome attitude," the woman replied with a wide smile, "I could work with that. But I do know better. You are asking for all the wrong reasons. You're not here to join His brilliant pyre. No true devotee of the fallen Maker ever would, and those untrue would never have taken that mantle."

The same man from before shook his head. "A shame, really. But Riverfront has not been found wanting of disappointments. Few were eligible."

"A great fire has burst into life, little priestess." Arianis interjected, emphasizing her words with passionate gestures. "Our great lord and savior, who has traversed the Abyss itself - Flameborn - now walks this earth among us. We are His apostles; His faithful. We gave ourselves to His great fire willingly and gladly, and ours shall be the reward when He reigns supreme over all mortals. Dunn is only the beginning... His fire will spread from this city in all directions, cleansing the world of the scourge of the false gods!"

Violet clenched the pommel of her sword, ready to draw but still for the moment. "Bastards. You're nothing more than criminals, and will be dealt with accordingly." she said, her voice heavy with suppressed rage.

Arianis throws a look of feigned pity. "Of course, not all are fit to serve the Ardent Flame; you two, for example. But at least you'll make decent fuel for the fire." Then she nods at her followers. "Show them the overwhelming power of our Lord Flameborn."

The two men and one woman step forward, fists blazing with fire. Behind them, Arianis smiles devilishly. Behind her, the three houses are halfway burned down and the adjacent ones are now lit as well.

Maggie shakes her head. Obviously these folk were too deluded to be reasoned with. It was a shame, but not something she was unprepared for, given the reaction of the first "preacher" to her and Violet. "Overwhelming? Oh, I think not. Violet, let's show these people the error of their ways. But first to adjust the odds..." She tucks her staff under her arm and grasps her holy symbol. Her other hand comes up to lay a finger across her lips; then she opens that hand at one of the approaching men. It almost looks like she's blowing a kiss - but Violet is close enough to hear her whisper, "Silence."
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Meric, Valtieri, A'kal, Battojutsu

Eventually most of the enemy undead are cleaned up. The two remaining ones fight it out versus Valtieri's creations, and A'kal who finally has a clear path to the enemy necromancers presses the advantage without hesitation. The necromancers throw a charged bone fragment his way each, without success - and as last resort they turn around and run for the exit.

But A'kal sprints, tapping into his chronomancy talents to increase his speed drastically. This results in the slower of the two necromancers being impaled on his large angelic blade. He goes down with a surprised scream but the other one disappears in the darkness of the tunnel beyond without so much as a backwards glance.

Valtieri's reaching out nets him only what he could have guessed - that the source of whatever is going on here, as powerful as it is, lies deeper within the crypt. But not far.

Violet, Maggie

The man targeted by Maggie's Miracle suddenly develops quite a baffled expression as his readied flames are overcome by divine might, snuffed like candlesticks in the wind. He makes a gesture as if to reignite them, but after nothing happens he looks helplessly back at Arianis - who is no longer smiling.

The other man and woman are still magical and dangerous, though. This time Violet drops her sword and draws her bow with the speed only an elf with long years' worth of experience could match - and manages to loose an arrow at the woman before she can fire off a spell. The arrow hits her in the face, a brutal scene that is ended quickly with her falling down to the ground in one swift motion.

The men stare at her body for a second - Arianis herself included - but then the fired up mage recollects himself and quickly launches a fireball towards Maggie, screaming savagely: "Die, heathens!"
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