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Fandom Chaos Ensues

(nitro doesn't know that. I would have Blitzwing tell him he’s one in a million, then the crazy side says, so am I!)
"No demonstration needed, I believe you." He said. Nitro was talking to a very cruel bot, he can torture someone for hours on end and not get bored. He can kill many bots on the battlefield and always need another frame to shoot. But he didn't sound like it when he was calm. "I have no real explanation for why you are a triple-changer, just as nobody has an explanation for why a bot in a one-percenter besides the spark was just made that way. It seems you are one in a million." He says, twitching and he started a laughing fit. "And so am I! Ahahahaha!"
(Doesn’t it seem like something Blitzwing would say?)

“I guess so,” Nitro said.
His question was answered even if it wasn’t scientifically proven.
“Thank you for your service,” Nitro thanks.
He slowly begins to walk away from the deranged bot. Racer couldn’t have gone far. Even if she had, he could find her in one cycle.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Blitzwing was momentarily stuck on his crazy side. He reached out to grab Nitro by the shoulder, his grip crushing. "I wasn't done playing yet!" He growled, lifting Nitro up off the ground.
“Oh scrap,” Nitro says.
He was panicking. This larger and stronger bot must have wanted something from him, something important. He hoped and prayed a transformer would come along and save him.
Most bots looked on, Blitzwing was known for his random violence. Everyone figured that the small green bot got too close and now he was going to pay for it. "Lights out! Hahaha!!" Blitzwing reeled back a fist and hit Nitro in the faceplate, letting him go on impact so he was thrown quite a ways. "Just a little something to remember me by!" The large mech laughed. He moved forward and jumped to squash the small bot. Suddenly, a bot about the same size of the Decepticon stepped out on front of Nitro and a large shield blocked Blitzwing from landing on either of them. "Pick on someone yer own size, Con." The bot snarled.
Nitro lay motionless. Green energon leaked from his wounds. He looked up to his rescuer. He was glad a bot had come to his aid. If he hadn’t, Nitro may have been scrap. Nitro lay down now, uncaring that he was being watched by a crowd.
(I don't feel like typing up the fight scene so I will just pick up where he chases Blitzwing away)

Recon panted heavily, Blitzwing was always super unpredictable with his fighting style so he couldn't pinpoint what would come next. But he had survived and chased the Con away, his shield disappearing. He turned toward Nitro, "Scrap." He muttered, seeing the damage Blitzwing inflicted. He carefully picked up the smaller bot, trying to think of a medic in Kaon.
“Who.... who are you?” Nitro asks weekly.
He faints shortly after saying this. He was incredibly week. He couldn’t do anything.

(What does Recon look like?)

Recon didn't answer since Nitro had passed out. He headed to the one place he knew where he could be fixed up. He hurriedly walked through the streets of Kaon to find the bot. When he got there, the bot looked up. "Set him on the table, I will be back shortly." Rexxus said, Recon nodding and doing as he was told. "He ran into Blitzwing." He told the smaller bot who nodded. "Not very unusual to hear." He admitted.
(Thank you, sorry for short paragraphs, it’s the holidays and all)

Nitro lay on the table. He dreamt of being home on velocitron driving fast races. He thought of his friend Racer and his need to find her. Nitro slowly came to after this realization. He began to slowly sit up.
“I need to find her....,” Nitro mumbles.
(Yeah I get it)

"You are going nowhere in that condition." Rexxus said, coming back in with the equipment needed to repair what wounds Nitro received. "Who do ya need to find?" Recon asked. "I think that is not important now, what is important is keeping his energon inside of his frame." Rexxus examined the wound Blitzwing made. "That mech hits hard." Recon grumbled, exercising his shoulder.
“I need to find Racer. She’s a velocitronian just like me. We Camaron her etigether forghr first time. She doesn’t know anyone......” Nitro trails off.
He lays back down to rest a bit more. The doctor was definitely right; it would be a while before he would be out and about.
"I could go lookin' for 'er. What she look like besides Velocitronian?" Recon asked. Or better yet, Intel could find her as easily as he had found Blitzwing. Recon found it odd though, what were these two Velocitronians doing here in Kaon? This place was a lot more dangerous than any other city on Cybertron. Rexxus begun repairs on Nitro, working not as fast as a professional but he was just as efficient.
“Thank you for repairing me. I don’t think I ever got your name,” Nitro inquires.
He looks around the room. It had multiple scratches and dents. It must have been heavily damaged often.

(I’m thinking of adding a character. Should I add Nosecone, My OC Razorstorm, or Overlord and his components transform into Giga and Mega?)

“Nitro,” He answers.
He felt proud saying this. He never had to tell anyone his name, everyone on velocitron knew him.
"Nice to meet you, Nitro." Rexxus said. "The repairs won't taking long, but your frame will need time to get used to the new metal and such."
“What will happen?” Nitro inquires.
He was a little scared as to what was happening. This bot surely looked prepared for most repairs.

A strong bot walks into the door. He seemed very interested as to what was going on.
“Make sure you do it just right,” Nosecone infroms.
"What will happen if you move to early? Well the wiring and circuits could be loose as they would still be melding with the new metal. And then you'd be back to square one if all of it comes undone." He says. He looked up as Nosecone walked it. "I do not need to be told how to do medical procedures or reminded to 'do them just right' thank you." Rexxus wasn't actually irritated, he just figured he'd make it clear he didn't need someone else reminding him to do it right.
“Okay,” Nitro says.
He hoped he would still look like himself after his repairs. If not, he was going to have a hard time.

Nosecone looks at Rexxus and sighs. He was being stubborn as always. Nosecone would accompany Nitro just Incase he needed a little muscle.
(Let's go on a chase, shall we?)

Rexxus turned back to his equipment table, aiming to grab a pretty vital part of the procedure, when something he didn't expect happened. His little place was pretty open, anyone can just walk in. Well this little creature jumped onto the table, scattering equipment everywhere, and grabbed something in its jaws. "What the?" Rexxus aimed to grab it but it jumped away from him and jumped off the table and made for the alleyway. "Scrap, that was the only part I had for this." Rexxus growled.

“I’ll get him,” Nosecone says.
He chases after him. He wasn’t as fast as a Velocitronian or Racer, but he could get places quickly. He looks around for the little beast who stole the equipment.
The little beastie seemed to be waiting for him in the alleyway, and when it saw Nosecone appear, it turned an excited circle before skittering around a corner. Unfortunately there was a dead end. This wasn't where it was supposed to go. It turned, awaiting the larger bot.

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