
Zane .::.

His father looked at him, with his eyebrows crossed. "I was just wondering if you were done with the wood so we could make a fire... we have food for you" He paused. "I can bring it for you if you'd like..." He said looking his son in the eyes.

"Sure Dad, and I'm almost done." He said ending with a whack at the tree. He flipped his hair out of his eyes and looked forward, to see a girl with her father, glacing over at him. (Guinevere) He looked at her, with a hint of confussion in his eyes. Then, he quickly looked back at his father. "You can go bring it now." He said, shooing his father away so he could be along again. Zane, of course, wasn't the greastest person to be a fatherly son. He sighed as his father nodded and walked away. Zane took another whack at the tree.


He placed himself in the tree, dangling his foot from the tree. He was the calm type. He closed his eyes, trying to relax. His foot slowly started to stop moving. He placed his hands on his chest. He sighed and fell asleep. Hopefully no one would bother him.


Her stomache grumbled as she held his doll. Slowly, she got up, shaking, she looked around, trying to find some food or ask someone for food. She togged on a man's shirt hoping he would give her food. The man turned around and looked down at her. It was Zane's father.


What is happening in this RP? Sorry, I feel to lazy to read everyones post... :P
Hey guys, my family is getting a labtop in a month so i won't have internet be able to go on the internet 'till then because we won't have internet... so i brb in a month! :)

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