
Hunter mereley laughed at her shaking voice. "They are in the left corridor on the fifth floor of the castle. My kind rarley comes out in the day, we are more nocturnal beings, therefore they should be asleep. Once you kill them I want to know, and if you back out I will have to buy yet another slave. Got it?" The young Gargoyle spread his wings out and before taking to the air onctre again he gave her once last command. "Oh yes and I will be waiting at the top of my castle, bring the bodies of my parents up there when you are done. This will aslo test your strength, we Gargoyles turn to stone once dead." Hunter shot up into the air, flying to the top of the castle which looked like a rook on a chess board. There he waited for his slave to carry out his plan to royal rule.
"Yes... Master" She said, nervousness in her voice. She tossed the dagger around in her hand once or twice before sighing an walking on to the magnificent castle. She put one foot on the gleaming stairs and sighed. She didnt know if she could do it. Kill mythical beings? Two of them to be in fact! If they woke up she would be dead for sure. She sighed. If she didnt do it she would be eaten or traded again, most likely die anyway. And she was a slave, she had to at least try, die trying actually. Anna slowly but surely made it up the stairs. She turned to the left and walked down the corridor and found her master's parent's room. She took a deep breath and twisted the knob, then stepped inside. Luckily thy didnt wake. She drew closer to the bed, now standing at the edge. Her breathing was quiet but steady. "Just... Just do it..." She whispered, clutching the dagger. She looked at the two, a tear in her eye. She held the knife up and quickly stabbed it into the woman's heart, then did the following to the man. Both were dead, blood leaked on the sheets. She remembered that they would turn to stone so she put the woman over her shoulder. The woman was not too heavy, but Anna shifted under her weight. Then the man was added on. Anna fell, knees weak from the weight. She thought her back my break but she stood up. The two started turning to stone as she trudged out the door. She huffed and walked up the stairs to the roof. Anna felt as if her legs and spine would snap any minute, but she kept on until she reached the roof. She climbed up and slowly made her way to her Master. Her knees were about to fail when she dropped the stone bodies in front of him. "It... It is done Master.." She said quietly, holding in tears of pain and sorrow as she fell onto her knees.
He lifted up his arms, almost wanting to fly around the castle laughing. "This is magnificent! Those two have been holding me back for so long! You have definantly proven yourself Anna. To say the most, Im proud of you." After rewarding his slave with praise, he lifted his mother off the ground. The two were completley stone by this point and would have been nearly impossable for a human to lift. Luckily, he wasnt human at all. Carfully, he placed his mother at the edge of the castle roof, staring at her for a moment and then kicking her off, letting gravity do the rest. A evil smirk creeped onto his face as he watched his female parent fall to the ground and eventually shatter into millions of stone peices. He then did the same for his father. "Now I rule the Gargoyle residence!" He screeched to the air before twisted around to make eye contact with Anna. "And you my dear are my first hand slave. We shall spread chaos through out the Gargoyle lands. Everyone will know that I am now the King of them!"
Anna nodded at him, then watched the statues of his family fall off the castle and shatter. She sighed heavily, still on her aching, trembling knees. "Yes Master.." She replied as usual. Somthing surprised her about hat he had said. He had called his slave by name. She hasn't heard about any Master doing that, or at least that's what her mother said. Her mothers sister had escaped slavery, escaped with a large symbol branded on her arm. She remembered she was soon captured again, but didnt know the details. Them he thought about the moment. How could a boy do that to his own parents? She didn know, but it gave a small insight on what was to come for her.
He fell backwards off the castle, his wings catching him so of course he couldnt splatter like his parents. "Anna, since you have done such a good job in this task I am also rewarding you with the noble's room. You may find it on the right wing, first floor." He knew how to handle slaves, treat with with prizes after their duties and they become more loyal. Of course, fear had to be brought into the equation. Luckily, being a Gargoyle it comes naturally. Humans fear anything that posed a threat to their pathetic lives, more in the common case, they become more obediant to a mutant that craves human flesh then one that merely beats them. It is only a nutral reaction, he loved they way they feared him, it gave him his seventh deadly sin, Pride.
Anna nodded, almost smiling, but not quite. Nobles room, wow. Her Master actually rewarded slaves? Now that was amazing. She watched him fly, somthing Anna only wished she could do. She watched him, eyes sparkling in the slight sunlight. "Thank you Master... Is there.. Anything else you need me to do Sir?" She said. For some reason she was saying this Willingly, and she did not know why.
He gave yet another snicker at her response. This was the awnser he was expecting from her, all slaves where always loyal to him, not his family. "Yes, start cleaning up my new room. I dont want memories of my parents present. They will only make me ill to my stomach to see their smug faces, or have any trace of them around the room." He thought for a moment, figuring out if there was anything else he so desired. "Yes and to be honest I will only need a few slaves, so when Im done feasting hang the body outside the castle. I will leave the remains for the other my other Gargoyles." With that said he rode the wind into the castle, trying to find which victim he would punish for their existance of being human. He had found a young maid, cleaning the halls. Her hair was a beautiful violet and her eyes were clouded like smoke. It made him hungry just look at her. Memories flooded back when he bought her, she was nothing until she came here. After he rewarded her with food and shelter she was forever loyal to him. Luckily the girl had not noticed his presence and therefore it was simple for him to attack her form behind. He teeth stabbed ino her shoulder blades, the weak venom slowly pouring into her immune system. The more vemon the more she became paralyzed, the last sound that could be heard out of the castle was a shreek from the young lass as he devored her from the back, burrowing his way through her till he made a hole straight through her torso.

Hunter became full with the maids meat, he stood from his feeding spot. Blood was scattered throughout the walls and all over the floor. Hunter's mouth was painted with the beautiful crimson color, as well as his teeth. He left the carcass for Anna, making his way to his room to try and rest. He was exhasted, the day was bad enough, but after eating his body started to shut down. He crawled into his bed, slowly drifting off into a sleep nightmare.
Anna looked at him, then the ground. "Yes Master." She murmured. Anna slowly made her way back into the castle. The first thing she did was go into the room she was ordered to clean... The room the parents had dies in. She sighed and looked at all the memories in the room. Photos of them and their son, wedding pictures, it made her want to cry. She knew she would never have a future like that, never find love, neve have a family. She rubbed her eyes and walked to the wall. She took down every picture, every belonging they owned an disposed of them. Next she took the blood stained sheets and took them to the wash room she had discovered earlier. Hen they had finished cleaning she brought them back to the fith floor and neatly made the bed. She scrubbed blood of the furniture and headboard. After dusting and putting the finishing touches on the large room she sighed.

The next thing Anna did was clean up the corpse. As she walked down the staircase she saw what her Master had left over. She covered her mouth as a gasp escaped her vocal cords. "Wha... How.." She whispered under her breath. She blinked a few times, making sure it was reality, but it was. She first for a bucket and began cleaning the blood that stained the walls. It took her an hour to get it all out. She turned and looked at the body, a tear running down her cheek. She picked up the body, blood all over her hands. She carried it outside and hung it on the castle, just as her master had ordered. She then went back to her spot in the meadow in front of the house. "This.. This is my life now." She sighed looking down at her crimson hands. She laid her head in the grass, beautiful hair sprawled everywhere. Within minutes he was resting her eyes, nervously awaiting her maters next command.
Alyx hissed slightly when her sensitive ears

head the terrified shriek. She would have

put them to sleep before feasting. None the

less, Alyx set out in the direction she heard

it, she was determined to find the source.

Luna fell to her knees, covering her leg with

blood. She whimpered and caught the attention

of a nearby bidder. Struggling desperately to

stand up, the bidder clutched her arm, staring

at the blood. Luna bit her lip and tried to tug

away, but the man, apparently a vampire, held

her strong. Luna was going to die...
Hunter dreamed of pain and suffering, though not of himself. Others were suffering, other mythical beings. This was a very good dream to him, more then a nightmare. He wanted to see the others bow before in in their time of torture, though of course this was simply a dream and nothing more. Hunter may be a Prideful brat, but he was not stupid. Going after the whole mythical race would be almost impossable with so many out there. Humans were good enough, to have them beg for their lives and cry at the sight of their own dying. It was pathetic, yet enjoyable to encounter. In the young Gargoyles veiw anyways.
Anna awoke in the soft patch of green grass she had apparently fallen asleep in. She combed through her hair with her fingers, looking over her shoulder to make sure her master was not in sight. She was glad he had not waken her, because then she would have most likely been punished. She yawned and recalled the dream she had just had. She had dreamt of her mother and father, happy together. They were all living a wonderful home together. Anna was a small child in the dream, for some odd reason. It was a very happy dream, until they all climbed into one large bed, saying their prayers and about to nod off to sleep. That was when her older self, what she was now, came in and stabbed them with a stone dagger. The dream had shaken her, but she managed to get the thought out of her head. She sighed and pulled her knees to her chest as the wind blew her chestnut hair.

[MENTION=3576]Broken Blacklist[/MENTION]
Hunter finally awoke from his beautiful, gore filled dream land. He looked outside his window and saw Anna perched upon the meadow where he found her to murder his parents. He stared at her a little moment, wondering what he could make her to do next to push her limits. This girl was very loyal to him, and since she was his top slave, he didnt not have any thoughts of eating her. His elf like ears flickered at the sound of flesh tearing, "Oh so they have accepted my gift I see...I should bring in the pets." Hunter jumped out his bedroom window, gliding to Anna. He didnt even greet her before picking her up into his arms and jetting back into the castle through his parents window. "You should be more careful when Gargoyles are about. If they get to you before I do there is no helping your soul." He set her down and examined the room. "Very good, I am pleased with your work. Now you should stay inside while my brothers and sisters feast. I did just get you and the fun has yet to begun, there is so much more killing in store for you, my dear."
Anna sighed and looked at her feet. She was about to get up when she was picked up of the ground. "WHA--- " she cut herself off, realizing it was her master and gave a sigh of relief. She watched as the other gargoyles feasted on the corpse. Her hair blew while in air but then Settled again when she was put down. She was in the room she had recently cleaned standing near her young master. Anna nodded. He was right, she should be more careful around this castle. "Thank you, Master.." She said quietly in reply to his compliment. She again looked into his eyes, as to ask if anything else could be done. Anna was slightly hungry, thinking about eating and such, but she knew she wouldn't get much so she kept looking into his cold stone eyes.
Hunter looked back at her and gave a evil smile "You knwo I hate when my slaves dont tell me what they want. By the glimmer in your eye I can tell you are in need of somthing. I shall reward you somthing small for cleaning up my mess." He always treated his top slaves better then all the rest, it was just nature to him to do so. This girl may have been new to his little team of minons but she defintly had that spark none of them did. "Oh yes, and starting tommorrow I want you to bring a human from town in, and by town I mean the one that is located a few miles away to the west. It is full of slaves that work for my neighbor. You may either kidnap one or persuade them to come with you, I dont care just dont get caught. Once you have them here inject them with this" he handed her a syringe that was full of paralyzing gargoyle venom. "This is keep them alive but barley, hang them up by their hands infront of the castle like you did the corpse tonight. I need to keep feedin my kind to gain their trust. Once all fat from their meals I can then earn their loyalty. They will become my wandering slaves..." He realized he was blurting out his whole plan to Anna, but he didnt care very much. Hunter knew that if she tried anything he would just torture her, and who would want to be tourtured?
"Yes Master." She said, a slight smile on her face. The only reason she was smiling was because she would be rewarded. The thing about her Master was he was.. Sort of nice.. To some extent. He gave her rewards after working and, that seemed alright to her. She sighed as her expression became normal again. The normal, sad, sorrowful expression she usually wore.

"Master, may I ask you somthing? Why would you reward a slave... Someone inferior like me? Most master do not care about their slaves, just keep them alive for as long as possible.... And... Why did you pick me?" She asked. Her eyes suddenly got wide as she realized she just questioned her master! What kind of slave did that? She turned her head. "Forgive me Master" she apologized, hoping she wouldn't be beaten to badly.
Alyx knocked on the big dorrs of to which she heard the scream earlier, she stood impatiantly, then knocked again, louder this time, cursing under her bbearth, she hef her katana and licked her lips "Hellooo?"
Hunter couldnt help snicker at almost everything she said. "I picked you simply because you where the best from the others. As for rewards, that is my little secret." He flicked her forehead softly and walked out of the room, "Feel free to help yourself to anything in the house. Its mine now so I dont care what you do. Though my room rule still applies." He approached the from door to the catle and opened it, looking up at the carcass that was currently being devoured. Some of the blood fell on his face like face, staining his pale skin. "Ah, I can tell you are enjoying yourselves, please do feast on her. She was but a soul wanting to be free from her tomb." He was speaking to his subject which were not listening over the sound of crunching bones. So in a way, Hunter was just talking to himself. But then he noticed the young girl outside his mansion, "Yes and what brings you here to my humble house? I am Hunter, king of all Gargoyles." Blood still fell upon his face as he talked to his visitor.
Alyx smirked "Cut the cheese" she spat, pushing past him, "mm... this way, i think"

she mumbled to herself, sniffig the air slightly, she walked confidently down a

corridoor, shoes echoing on the stone
(So sorry lost! I totally 4 got!)

Vincent only smiled at her question as he led her toward his cart and put her inside. "Vincent! You can call me whatever you like though!" He said with a smirk as he smacked the horses forward. After a very, very long ride he came upon his beautiful mansion, crafted out of beautiful stone. He sighed and parked his buggy and the horses returned to the pasture. "Ah, home!" He said sighing. He turned to the girl. "You my dear may explore to your hearts desire until I am in need of your services! I will go over rules and what not later." He said. He smiled at the girl but then disappeared within the shadows if the castle.

Anna nodded. "I apologize master." She said solemnly. As her master went to the door she sighed. He did say she was free to anywhere but his room... Her curiosity was getting to her but she ignored it, now focused on food. She went down the staircase and entered the kitchen. It was a wonderful space, enormous in size. After a bit of exploring she had crafted herself a small sandwich with some sort of meat that resembled roast beef. She sat at a large table and ate silently while looking out the window. A woman was outside.. Wait, the woman that was going to buy her before? She looked until she recognize her, and now had some fear. She liked her master, not only was he kind, but her age, and handsome too. She smiled a bit but then returned to serious. Why was she here?
"Hey!" He growled and took to the sky, landing right infront of the intruder. He grabbed her arm with one hand and showed off his fangs. "You idiotic little girl, I will devour you in one easy gulp got that?!" This of course was him being irritated. "What the hell do you want in my dwellings anyways?!" He was half tempted to eat her right then and there, or to let the other gargoyles tear into her. He wasnt sure if this girl's blood was worht bein on his tounge.
Anna gulped down the last bit of her sandwich. She was now satisfied and did not need anything else at the moment. She heard some commotion int he corridor so she poked her head out of the doorway. "M-Master?" She said quietly, watching him lash out at the woman. Why was she here anyways? Did she want to take Anna? She wasn't completely sure, but she was afraid. Afraid for her sake and he woman's.
Hunter growled and held his grip on the girls arm, forcfully pulling her back to him and picking her up. He then carried the girl to the front door, dropping her out in the blood that showered her form the above carcass. "Stay away..." He slamed the door on her face and quickly locked it. "Ill kill her next time!" He yelled at the door before stomping down the hallway, going nowhere in particular. He completley forgot that Anna had called for him, though he was very angry at this point and it wouldn't have been a good time to disturb him anyways.
Anna watched her master shut the girl out. She sighed with relief, happy the woman was gone. As he stormed into his room she sighed again. Blood and flesh could be seen dripping from the window. Anna shuddered. After about 30 minutes of thinking she had an idea that would hopefully please her master. She found a paper and pen and wrote a note.


I understand you are angry and would not like to be disturbed.

The woman that came in was a woman wanting to buy me before you, but tht is beside the point.

I wanted to ask you if you would like me to make you a meal, or tea even.

Please do not be angered, but if you are I will accept punishment without reveling against it.

Please reply if you would like anything


She signed the note without reading over it. She slowly made her way down the hall and found his door. She knocked and slid the note under, ten waited outside the door.

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