
Hunter examined the exterior of the note before unfolding it and readin what Anna had wrote on the inside. Yet, again he exploded with a laugh. This slave was deifinantly somthing different all right. He opened the door to his room and handed her back the note, walking to the stair case and making his journey up them.


Bring me a cup of tea with four cubes of sugar.

Deliver it to my parents room where I will be waiting...

His scripture was ancient and very beautiful. He wrote as his anscestors did, even though he was rather old himself. Hunter sat in a chair near the window, able to observe the final act of his gorey show from further above as he waited for his slave to come with his tea.
Anna smiled a bit when he returned the note. Yes! It worked! She exclaimed in her head. For the first time in a while sh was truly happy, which surprised her. How could she be so childish and get so excited over somthing like this? She didn't know but she made her way into the large kitchen. She thought in her head for a second, remembering a wonderful tea recipe that had been in her family for generations. It was the most wonderful tea anyone had tasted. She slowly but surely prepared the tea, adding 4 sugar cubes and a touch of honey to top it off. She put the tea on a silver tray and made her way up the stairs into the room she had been ordered to take it to. She turned the knob and opened the door. She walked in and set the tea on the nightstand by her Master. "Your tea Master..." She said quietly, not sure I she should stay or go.
Hunter point to the seat that was across the table from him, "Sit, and enjoy the conclusion to our work..." He wanted to see how she would react to this. He had never really seen her face during a gorey festival before and wonered if she could take it for the rest of her life. He picked up the small cup and took a sip of the delicious tea. The sugar made it almost unbarably sweet, though, it is exactly how he liked most things. His eyes didnt not leave Anna's face, wanting to capture every expression she radiated.
Anna looked at the bodie hanging outside then looked back at her master. "Yes Master.." She said solemnly and then looked out the window. She cringed a bit but hen gulped down the nervousness. Her face showed how she felt inside, he fright, the nervousness... The guilt especially. She sighed and looked at the boy. Her face had sorrow in it now. It bothered her that she helped with this, but she had to deal with he fact she was a Slave, and she had to do it. As she realized it her face returned to a semi-normal state, but sadness lingered in her expression.
Natalie watched him leave, her eyes showing a little bit of nervousness. She was afraid she would get lost, since the mansion was so big.

"It's beautiful.." She murmured to herself as she admired it for a few moments. After a few minutes, she finally began exploring around the mansion. She walked up the steps, stopping at the doorway.

I suppose I can go inside.. He did say I could look around if I wanted to. She thought in her head, opening the huge doors and stepping inside. Her mouth practically dropped open, and her eyes widened. It was completely gorgeous. Every detail of it.

She walked down the long hallway in slow strides, wanting to explore every room of the mansion, but knew she probably couldn't. Maybe just one room...

She pushed open a door, finding a huge, beautiful room with a piano sitting in the corner. She walked inside, her eyes still locked on the piano. She's been playing piano since she was little.. But ever since she became a slave, she hasn't been able to.

Pulling out the small black chair, she sat on it, and rested her fingers on the keys delicately. She bit her lip, wondering if this was okay. Deciding it was, she began playing. She played very well, and the song was very beautiful. Her fingers ran along each keys as she played, making her close her eyes in relaxation.

After the song was done, she sat back in her seat and placed her hands on her lap, staring down at the keys sadly.

(She played this song:

Hunter stood up and glared down at Anna, this was really the first time he had been disappointed in her. "You do not have the heart to stomach this? It is very pathetic." He grabbed her by the color of her shirt and lifted her into the air, baring his teeth. "You are my slave now got it?! I will make you watch every single one of our victums suffer until you learn to enjoy the sight of death." His anger was shooting out from before, he had not yet cooled down and he was taking it out on his slave, who else was he gonna get his anger out on? His face was still drenched in blood while he scolded to her.
"Yes Master! I.. I apologize!" She whimpered as he picked he up. She did not mean to enrage him, and now hated herself for doing it. The girl was starting to choke as he was held in the air, unable to breath. She took a sharp intake of what air sh could get, hoping her master would put her down. (Sorry WB)
Hunter lowered her to her feet and sighed, "Whatever..." He turned away from her for a moment, staring at the now empty rope. "You will learn to love the sight of blood..." he exlaimed before whipping around and storming out of the room. He jumped off the starwell and onto the first floor. Going into the kitchen to see if he could find some meat. Opening the walk in fridge, he found the head of a pig. It was freshly slain and the blood still oozed out. He lifted the head up and jammed a hanging hook into its snout so that he could collect the blood in a vile. "Animal blood is so bitter..." he whispered to himself and waited for the large vile to fill with the cooling red liquid.
(I will reply soon, walking dead time sorry! Be on soon!)

"I'm Sorry!!" She called down to him, her eyes filled with tears. She didnt want to disappoint him in any way, and she hated that she did. She sat on the bed, sadness in her heart, awaiting for another chance to prove hersel to her Master.

(Sorry it's sooo short!!!)
((Alright, I hope these are alright introductions for them...))

Guinevere was with her parents in a cart, their own slaves whipping the horses for them as the stallions trotted along against the ground, small thumps were made against the soil as they were traveling through a forest. The girl wore a cloak and looked to the floor, kicking back and fourth her tiny feet while humming 'twinkle twinkle'. Then she looked up, the small blonde looked at the older two inside the carriage with her. Which were pretty much her parents, Mathilda and Alphonse. She smiled to the two happily. Before looking down again. The path was slightly bumpy through the short cut to the slave market as they feared they missed out on all the good ones. They wanted someone to look after and serve their little girl since they would be busy working and she wouldn't have to be alone. They felt bad about it but still. Their own slaves she didn't really like either so they were oddly enough letting her pick. Which she was excited about, in her eyes... she saw it as just making a new friend. And there they were. Her parents got out and her father carried her onto his shoulders. Causing her to grin as she looked around. "New fwiends! New fwiends!" She called out happily like a five year old as both parents walked to look at the left over slaves. Hoping there was one that suited her needs.

Samuel was just sitting there. Looking about as he was with the remaining unsold human slaves. Somewhat bored out of his wit he decides to squirm about a bit. Just fidgeting to occupy his body so it didn't go in any way numb. Then he sighed. This obviously wasn't going to work so why try it?! He asked himself and looked around. It was cold. Was anybody willing to take him? He hoped so because he was tired of being here with nothing to do. And with that he hung his head low, looking to his shoes in a bemused, adjacent manner and tiled his head to the side inquisitively. Somewhat pouting at the idea that he was still here. Then he sighed ad shook his head before fidgeting about again, just looking about for someone he would've liked as a master, if he had a chance to chose but he didn't, so he was mentally master choosing. Then pouted. This wasn't fair in his opinion. He wanted to go home and be with everyone else again. When things in his eyes were right.
Hunter closed the beautiful bottle and walked out of the fride, slamming the door behind him. He spread his wings far out and in almost a blink of the eye he was at the door way of his new quaters. He tossed Anna the vile containing the red liquid and smirked as he normally did at her. "I would like you to drink it." He wanted to make her suffer for what she had said, for what she had thought. No slave of his was going to have a weak stomach, he would make sure of that.

Marla couldnt help but over hear the young child enterning the slave market. She looked almost frightened, children?! She hated children! They are the spawn of everything evil to her. She franically looked around and noticed another slave, a young male. A grin made its way from ear to ear on her, she could really only hope they didnt pick her and picked him instead. Her bright orange eyes tried not to looka t the family, not making eye contact is one way to try and avoid something.
Anna looked at him and then nodded. "Yes Mastet." She replied, taking the bottle. She sighed and examined it closely. Not human blood, not dark enough. She opened the vile, a putrid smell filling her nose. She knew this was her chance to prove herself. She poured the bottle into her mouth and swallowed al the blood. At first she thought she would throw up, but that didn't lat long. She swallowed the rest of the blood along with some spit to get the horrid taste away. She stomached it, thankfully, and she actually had a normal expression. She handed the vile back to her Master and nodded.
He took the bottle and threw it behind him, hearin to crash on the first floor. "Thats a good girl." He rubbed the top of her head and entered the room, sitting back down on his chair. "It was only pigs blood, which is not much of a test to me. You next task will be to drink your own kinds blood. Like a vampire more or less. Though that will not be for some time now. Just know that you are my slave now, you need to get use to seeing such horrid sights because...after all" he looked at her with almost a child level innocent smile on his face "I really do hate you humans."
Anna nodded at him, feeling good that he was pleased now. "Yes Master..." She said, repeating her usual routine sentence. Anna watched as the smile crept onto his face. Why did he hate their kind? Probably for the same reason most creatures did. They were inferior. Or maybe it was the fact that Mythicals only thought that humans hated them. They didn't, at least not all of them. The government just... Anna didn't know exactly, but she had nothing against them before all of this. The smile bothered her, it really did. She wasn't sure why, but it did.
Hunter stood up and walked to his slave, putting one of his fingers under her chin to lift up her head. "I wonder what I should make you do now..." He grew bored and wanted to torture his new slave for just a little while longer. He suddenly got a brilliant idea. Hunter bit down on his own arm, drawing his own blood. His blood on the other hand was special to that of his parents, it was a sparkiling aqua color other then the deep crimson. He then held his Anna's chin and pressed his lips against her, forcing her to swollow his blood. He wanted her to think of this moment everytime that she thought of blood, it was physilogical idea he had planted which he hoped would work. This was more of a feild test then a evil plot to put his slave through suffering.
Anna watched him draw his blood. It was... To some extent, beautiful. She watched him draw closer to her she was somewhat afraid, but stayed still other than her shaky legs. As he pressed against her her eyes widened as she was force to swallow the blood. It had on odd sweet taste to it, but not something Anna enjoyed at all. She gulped it down and looked t her Master, eyes back to Normal but still surprised in the inside.
(I'll post, sorry Lost!!)

Vincent sighed and got up from his bedroom. While walking down the stairs he heard a beautiful piano song. "Natalie?" He called, following the sound to the room she was in. "What a wonderful song! I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I need somthing from you. I will start of simple for your first week or so... Please go to the 3rd floor and go down the left corridor to the largest she of doors. Inside is my bedroom. Clean it if you would darling, blood stains an dirt everywhere, what a mess! He said with a smirk. "Go on now girl!" He smiled and shooed her out of the room.
( Im just making up stuff as I go along! Woot!)

Hunter smirked and whipped the remaining blood from the corner of his mouth off. "Now that wasnt to bad was it?" His arm was around her waist and he waited for her to respond till he drew back. His arm was still dripping the blue blood, making a small puddle on the beautiful ivory flooring. Though, he didnt seem to care if he was bleeding or not. Hunter was enjoying the hint of surprised expression given off by Anna from what he had just done.
( lol it's okay.)

Natalie looked up quickly when Vincent came in, and she immediately stood up out of her seat. She listened to his directions, nodding slowly.

"Oh.. No need to start out simple. I usually get things done pretty quickly." She explained, beginning to walk out of the room slowly. She glanced behind her before he shooed her out of the room completely.

"I'll get it done right away, master.." She murmured softly, than walked down the halls until she was on the 3rd floor. She went down the left corridor like he had said, and walked into the room with the largest doors.

She stepped inside, and her eyes widened a little bit. Vincent had told her the truth, it was really messy.

Sighing softly, she got to work, and cleaned the entire room perfectly in about an hour. She huffed out in exhaustion, than wiped her forehead.

She walked out of his room, finding Vincent in a short amount of time.

"I cleaned your entire room, master." She said, doing a small bow, and than looking up to him.
(Sorry i didn't post sooner.... School and errands ALLL day.. ugh [MENTION=3576]Broken Blacklist[/MENTION])

Anna felt a shiver go down her spin as her master wrapped an arm around her waist. Why would he do that? What did he mean? She couldn't quite figure it out, her being only a teenager after all. She sighed frustratedly and turned to her master. "No, It was not That bad..." She said quietly. She looked at the blood dripping from his arm. "Your blood... It's.. Beautiful" She said, turning her face back up to meet his eyes. She watched the liquid pool to the floor, half amazed at its color and shine, half so confused it was hard to grasp reality.
Hunter let her go and licked the remaining blood off his arm. "Thats what Ive been told." He smirked at his slave, hoping that it would work. Of course he would ahve to wait a while and show her blood again in a few days time to see her reaction then. "Now if you could, please do bring me a person from the village. Oh and please do keep him or her alive. I do want our guest to see her tomb after all, what kind of host would I be if I didnt grant them that?" His tail flickered back in forth when he chuckled at his own statement. "yes and make sure the blood is ripe. I dont want a hold hag okay? Younglings are fine, bring them to me before the sun sets. Which gives you plenty of time, seeing how it has just risen..." He pointed outside to the sun and yawned. "I will be awaiting your return here, bring them up here so that I dont have to make my journey all the way downstairs."

He walked along the broken sidewalk, stepping on all the ant hills. Plants grew from the cracks and curved up the fences. "Connected.." He thought as he starred at it. He pulled out his small notebook from his pocket that he always carried around and took a pencil out from his shirt pocket and began to draw a heart with vines and leaves curling around it. He smiled slightly as his hair wrapped around his head and in his eyes. There was a "akward" tree by him, that had grown wrong so its roots sticked way up from the ground, and the trunk went down and in a loop. Leland looked up and quickly turn the page in the notebook and drew the tree franitcally.


Sweat dripped down from his forehead as he lifted the ax again, to chop down a tree. He was shirtless and had jeans on. He had a tatoo on his back and on his arm, both the same symbols. They were a symbol for a gang he used to be in. Zane had a headband, a red one, around his head, covering is forehead. He heard something, and quickly turned his head, lifting his ax. "Dad?" He said lowering his ax. "Holy crap, you scared me!" He yelled at his Dad. "I could have chopped on your head, say something next time.!" He said calming himself. "Sorry Dad..." He said looking at the ground.


She was secretly scared of everything now.... she tries to be brave and show everyone she can work. She was now in a corner with her doll. It was tattered and old but, it was still good.She smiled, but at the same time she was crying. She burried herself in her leggs, holding her doll closely. She was all alone, no parents, no siblings. Just her and her doll to live in this horrible world were she worked to live. She also had no food, which made it much worse. She hadn't aten in 2 days and her stomache acked. But, of course, no one would give up their food, because no one had enough. Or at least she thought that...
"Now now Gwen, there are a few here so take a look around and tell me which one you want alright?"

Alphonse asked her, her mother Mathilda went into a shop nearby for something. Guinevere nodded and looked about hand in hand with her dear daddy after he walked with her on his shoulders to the actual market. Then her eyes caught onto a female slave, who wasn't looking near to them and it seemed... as if the slave tried her best to not look at them. Causing her to frown. "Daddy... Daddy!" She called out, tugging her fathers trench coat and pointed to the girl. "Why does she not look this way, is she sad?" She then asked and he shrugged. "I don't know Gwen." He mumbled a little and observed them, one by one. Each boy and girl, wondering if there was one that could keep his little girl happy and entertained. Then the girl turned. Guinevere saw another male, who looked like a slave to her chopping down trees, innocent trees. "So?" Her dad then asked and she jumped slightly. "Right, uhh..." She looked at them all, worried a little before turning again to look at him(Zane) With his dad like she was with hers. But was bemused by the tree chopping, what did the tree's do to him?

Samuel was doing whatever out of boredom. Looking at the girl with a blank and dull expression. He couldn't even help it. Though he was really lazy to look after a child. If that was what the father wanted of one of them to do. Well... he couldn't and definitely wouldn't do it. His hands were now in his pockets as he looked around himself, noticing the little ones attention to the tree cutting slave. And sighed. To him it just showed she was easily distracted. Why not take the girl beside him? She looked terrified and seeing them pick her would put a smirk on his face out of entertainment. He couldn't help it. Had he ever seemed so cruel before?

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