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Realistic or Modern Celebrity Darling

Dakota giggled quietly to herself. 'That's good at least. She needs better inspiration than a fashion senseless people like us.' She teased.
Caleb smirked, before looking up, he sighed as he got to the car and got in, but he was happy to be getting back and closer to going home. He texted her a few minutes later, 'That is true. It is wasn't for my mother, I am pretty sure the paparazzi would have something to say about my taste in fashion.'
Dakota laughed to herself as she read the text upon hearing her phone buzz. 'Well then its good you have your mother and Allison.' She says. She hesitated then a moment before texting her next thought. 'She told me about your plan by the way, that she'd have to pretend to be with you still in public.' She says.
Caleb frowned and sighed, catching his mother's attention as he texted, 'Yeah, I was going to talk to you about it after I got back. It's just so you don't catch any heat.'
Dakota bit her lip. 'I know.' She responded simply. She didn't like it, but she also understood and she didn't want him to feel bad.
Caleb's phone was taken from him by his mother demanding to know what he was texting and with who. He started from the beginning and by the time their were near her home he had explained it all.
Dakota sighed when he didn't text back and went back to reading the medical journal she had looked up on her phone. It had been out of boredom at first, but had actually turned out to be interesting as she read.
Caleb sighed when he realized his mother had taken his phone with her when he walked her to her door and went back to the car. He couldn't ask for it back, now, so he would just have to wait until he got home.
'When will you be home? Do you want me to make you dinner?' She texted Caleb after a while. She was missing him even more and anticipating his return even more than she had been.
Allison smiled as she came out of the room, "Hey, just about done, do you want to see what I came up with?" she asked excited to show someone.
Dakota glanced to her phone once more, obviously not realizing Caleb didn't have his phone and then got up and nodded with a smile. "Yeah, of course I do." She says with a grin.
Allison smirked as she reached back to the room and then came back with her notepad, "So, these are all pretty basic, but I plan to change them up, not sure how yet, but it's a start." she stated as she showed Dakota. She looked at her and frowned, "Is something wrong?"
Dakota looked to her and smiled. "It's nothing, I'm sorry. I'm just...I'm ready for Caleb to be back." She says. She looked to the notepad. "These are incredible. I can't wait to see them as finished products." She says.
Allison smiled at her, "Thanks, they need some work, but that' since of you to say." she nodded, "he probably will be back soon."
allison smiled, "Why don't we watch a movie while you wait? I'm not much for too much, but a movie would help the time pass by quickly."
She smiled and nodded. "Alright, if you are sure and willing to sit with me, do you have a movie you want?" She asks.
Allison shrugged, Any you want, I know there is a library around here that have a few movies, including Caleb's, but also movies from costars he worked with."
Allison shrugged, "He is a gifted actor, I don't think I would have a problem with that at all."
Dakota grinned and went to find the movies. When she did she looked through the titles to see which sounded the most interesting. They all did. She settled for an amusing picture on the dvd case and brought it back to watch with Allison.
Allison smirked as she watched her come back, already set up to start watching and n the couch, "Oh, that is a good one."
Dakota giggled. "I hpe so, it looks and sounds interesting. To be fair they all sounded and looked good." She giggled. "Do you like popcorn?"
Allison smirked, "Love it, but Caleb doesn't really have any. Born health nut." she chuckled, "Popcorn is always buttered."
Dakota giggled. "That's right. Well then we'll have a healthy snack, but I enjoy snacking while we watch." She giggled.

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