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Realistic or Modern Celebrity Darling

Allison smirked, as she looked at Dakota, "I forget you don't know this world." she sighed, "Well, everyone knows Caleb and I are together, we went on a trip engaged, so with him back with a new girlfriend and me single again. That will just get you and him the worse publicity. We have to ease it in. So, as far as anyone is concerned, Caleb and I are still planning on getting married."
Dakota's heart sank a little. "Oh...yeah o guess that makes sense." She says. She sighed, she wished this wasn't so complicated, but she felt that for Caleb it was worth it.
Allison smirked, "Don't worry, we have a plan and everything will work out. Soon you two will be able to tell the world you are together."
Dakota bit her lip. "I am not so sure I am ready for that either. But I guess if he and I were to be hiding it anyway, then this won't be any different. I mean I have to trust you two know what you're doing." She says with a faint smile. A brief fear flashed through her mind, what if Caleb and Allison were still together and she was just some side girl? She quickly pushed the thought away, the situation didn't seem like that at all and so far Caleb hadn't seemed like that type of person. True he was an actor but he also seemed completely genuine about everything.
Allison smirked, "Good. You should, we will make sure everything goes for the best." she stated as she nodded, "Oh, that reminds me, you are staying here, aren't you?"
Allison smirked, "I was thinking of using one of his rooms, hoping you wouldn't mind me hanging around a few hours until Caleb gets back?"
Dakota quickly shook her head. "Not at all. You probably have more say in who can be here and who can't than I would." She says with a grin.
Allison smirked, shaking her head, "Nope. Caleb already told me when he told me you were here. You are his girl after all."
Dakota giggled a little. She liked the sound of that, of being Caleb's girl. She sighed and shook her head some. "Well I don't mind it. I mean I don't have much to do while I am here anyway."
Allison smirked, "Thanks, I don't know what it is, but this place has always been really peaceful for me and helps me a lot."
Allison smiled, "I like you more and more Dakota. You have no idea how bad girls in your position can get. I like how cool you are." she chuckled.
Allison smirked, "I do too. A cool girlfriend is perfect for Caleb, since he is always a cool guy." she chuckled, but it was true.
Dakota giggled. "Well then I'll have to make sure I don't change too much then." She says. She just hoped that'd work for Caleb
Allison smirked, "I don't think you will." she sighed before getting to her feet, "I should get settled, I have a few things I need to get done tonight."
Allison nodded, "Sure." she said as she started to go around to find a place to settle into.
Dakota smiled a litlte and then got back to finishing cleanign up. She sighed and then moved to go back to the living room. Caleb's house was impressive, but lonely without him here with her.
Caleb sighed when he was done and texted Dakota, 'I think I should be on my way back soon. How are things?'
Dakota looked to her phone and smiled happily. 'Good. It's lonely without you, though I had some nice girl time with Allison.' she texted back.
Caleb chuckled, 'So she got there? She wanted to get some work done, did she ask you about it?"
'With some yes. Though I don't think I am much help with that kind of thing.' She texted back, smiling to herself.

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